Love Beyond Time | Jikook Sto...

By idlesunflower

12.1K 667 73

in which Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook's children accidentally travel to the past, and are forced to play the... More

・゚✧ prologue
chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
epilogue ✧・゚

chapter 2

570 32 4
By idlesunflower

Jihyung gasped, "What on earth- this cannot be happening, this is way before our time! That thing was a time machine?"

Jina squinted her eyes shut and then said, "You mean to tell me we just traveled back in time? That's impossible, Jih, you know that!"

"There's no other explanation Jina, why would Dad look so much younger otherwise?"

"We're 20 years in the past Jihyung- that's what you're saying?" Jina said skeptically, although her mind was wrapping itself around that possibility by the second.

"Yes." Jihyung muttered, looking completely flabbergasted.

"Okay, Jina, no need to freak out, you're okay." Jina tried to convince herself, slowly starting to panic, "All we have to do is wait for Namjoon Uncle to get here. If anyone invented a time traveling machine, it's him. He gets here tomorrow, and then we can get home. No biggie."

"Jina, I know you're scared-"

"I'm not scared, dipshit. I'm trying to get us home, and out of the freaking past."

"Okay, no need to snap my head off, first of all. Secondly, we may have another problem. Have you ever seen that movie, Back To The Future?"

"Of course I have, I'm not-" Jina said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah- well, if Dad's here, that means our other Dad is also here. And, if we mess up, we could change the future. And then- we might not exist at all." Jihyung interrupted, grimacing.

"Great. Another problem for us to deal with. Plus, this is literally a crime/war-fighting compound, full to the brink with spies and shit. Do you think any of them will find it suspicious that we just appeared out of nowhere and aren't properly trained at all?" Jina rambled, flopping onto the bed and covering her face with her hands.

"One, we're pretty well trained, Jina, both our Dads have taught us pretty much everything we need for a full-fledged war. Secondly, we'll talk to Namjoon Uncle tomorrow, maybe provide him with some information and then he'll believe who we are. Then we can go home. We'll be alright sis." He patted her head and then took off his hoodie, throwing it on the second bed. "Get some sleep, we'll worry about it in the morning."

Setting an alarm on his phone for 7 in the morning, Jihyung threw a blanket on his sister and then grabbed one for himself from the closet next to him. He spotted some Bulletproof uniforms next to him and smiled, observing how much they had changed in the future. He switched off the light and then got into the bed, sighing against the pillow. Although he had tried to seem calm in front of Jina, he was totally freaking out. The minimum age for an agent was 18, and although he could pass for it- being 17, Jina was only 15, and he worried about being caught early on in the day, before even getting to meet Namjoon. Trying to clear his mind, Jihyung shook his head and relaxed into the soft mattress, closing his already heavy eyes.


Jina woke up alone in the room to the alarm, spotting a note on her bedside, along with a uniform. The note was from Jihyung and read,

"Couldn't sleep much, so I'm going to the gym. Wear this to fit in. -J"

She chewed on her bottom lip, understanding her brother's distress. She knew he was just worried as she was, even if he didn't show it. She had a quick shower and then made the quick walk to the gym, spotting Jihyung soaked in sweat as he punched a sandbag mercilessly. Approaching him silently, she said,


Jihyung spun on his heels and then relaxed when he saw it was her. "Yeah- thanks."

"You alright?" Jina said, sitting down on a bench next to him.

"You know I'm not." Jihyung chuckled. "But, Namjoon Uncle is back today, so we need to make it through the day without any slip ups."

"Hey, we both know I'm great at lying. You're the one who may let something slip." Jina said, recounting their encounter with their Dad the night before, and how hesitant Jihyung had been to say something.

"I have no idea how you're better at lying than me, I'm the one who usually needs something to make up excuses for." Jihyung smiled at Jina disbelievingly.

"Yeah, well, Dad may fall for my lies, but Appa never does." Jina said, nervously, "Let's pray he doesn't interrogate us."

"Appa's a spy, Jina, and we have to be careful, okay?" Jihyung noticed Jina getting distracted, so he grabbed her hand, "Alright, training time."

"Fine...what do you want me to do?" Jina said, groaning and getting up from her spot.

"Practice that move Appa was teaching you, the spin kick." Jihyung said, grinning.

"Yeah- that one's actually fun!" Jina smiled, preparing to stretch as she watched her brother return to hitting the punching bag. After warming up, she began her usual routine, starting off with basic kicks and strikes and then merging into harder forms of martial arts. Just as she had done a few of the spin kicks she was supposed to be practicing, the door opened with a click, surprising both the siblings.

"Woah- who are you guys?" A man said, raising his eyebrows. The siblings recognized the man, who was accompanied by a few other people, all of whom were familiar to them. The man was their Taehyung Uncle, who was accompanied by their Dad, and their Hoseok, Yoongi, Chan and Hyunjin Uncles.

"Oh- hey guys!" Jungkook waved at them, and the men turned to look at Jungkook curiously. "I met them yesterday, they're new recruits, Jina and Jihyung."

"Already on a first-name basis, huh, Jeon-shi?" Hyunjin grinned, cocking his head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your last names-" Jungkook said sheepishly.

Jina figured a last name was pretty easy to make up, so she stayed silent, gesturing for Jihyung to say something. "Uh- J-Jeong? Yeah, Jeong." Jina mentally slapped her forehead, he couldn't think of something far from their actual ones?

"And you, Jina?" Chan said kindly, looking at her curiously.

"Oh- um, we have the same last name, we're siblings."

"Great, easier to remember." Taehyung jokes, causing Jungkook to snort.

"I see the resemblance now, actually." Jungkook smiled, looking between them. "Anyway- you guys are here early, glad to see you excited to train. We have a few more agents coming in, so keep going individually till then. We'll make introductions later."

The gym became busier as a few more people entered, although the sibling noticed their other father was not present, something that surprised them both. Jungkook clapped his hands together and silenced the room immediately, gesturing them to come to the center of the area. "Alright, thanks for coming on your off day, but you've had plenty of days since your last mission, so I'm assuming you're all in top form?" Jungkook received nods, and so continued, "This is not a formal training session, since it was not mandated, but we're going to practice hand to hand combat today, alright?"

"Ah- yes, let's go!" Taehyung smiled excitedly, shaking one of his legs excitedly.

"Hey- let the newbies introduce themselves first." Yoongi called out, causing Jungkook to snap his fingers in realization and point to the siblings.

"Right- guys, off you go."

"Um- hello, I am Jeong Jina." Jina said, and then nudged Jihyung who said,

"I'm her brother, Jeong Jihyung. We look forward to working with you." The rest of the agents and trainees introduced themselves as well, although the siblings were already familiar with quite a few of them.

"Cool- Jihyung, you want to go first?" Jungkook pointed to the sparring ring and tilted his head.

"Sure." Jihyung smiled, looking back at Jina, who sent him a warning glance. She knew her brother would be fine, but he was quite powerful for his age thanks to their Dad's training, and he could possibly injure someone when he tried. He gave her a small nod and winked, entering the ring. "Who am I up against?"

'I'll go." Jihyung turned to see Choi Yeonjun, entering the arena.

"Don't worry, I go easy on newbies." Yeonjun smirked, laughing teasingly.

"Hm, I think I'll be fine." Jihyung retorted, chuckling and receiving cheers from the rest of the group, including Jungkook, who raised his eyebrows amusedly.

Jihyung raised his fists in front of his face in a fighting stance, and Jungkook blew on his whistle, starting the fight. Yeonjun struck first immediately, aiming for Jihyung's cheek. Jihyung dodged the punches, even landing one square on Yeonjun's chest. Yeonjun approached with more speed, raising his leg to perform what would have been a spectacular kick if Jihyung hadn't dodged the strike. When Yeonjun finally landed a kick on Jihyung's shoulder, Jihyung instinctively spun on his heel, kicking Yeonjun into the corner of the ring with triple the power.

"Oh shit-" Jungkook laughed, blowing on the whistle and ending the match. "That one goes to Jihyung, good job." Jihyung beamed at his father's praise, helping Yeonjun up, who grudgingly accepted his hand. The morning was full of action, matches growing heated and some ending within seconds. Finally, Jay entered the ring, looking around confidently for a challenger.

"Who am I fighting boss?" Jay asked Jungkook, who surveyed the room for someone who had not fought yet. Spotting Jina, he grinned.

"Alright Jina, let's see some skills." She looked nervous, and Jungkook smiled softly, clasping her shoulder and saying lowly,

"Jay's all talk, don't worry. It's your first day, so no pressure at all, okay?"

Her father's touch brought a smile to her features, warmth filling her stomach and the familiar smile he gave her. She entered the ring and offered an awkward smile to him.

"Have you ever boxed before?" Jay asked, smirking.

"I have, yes." Jina said, clearing her throat at the uncomfortable smalltalk.

"Who taught you, not some kids at camp right?"

"No, my dad taught me."

"Oh- I," Jay started before Jungkook blew his whistle and rolled his eyes.

The entire group seemed to be interested in the match-up and Jina could feel herself getting nervous at Jay's intimidating presence. She looked at Jihyung for reassurance and then quickly turned her head, quick enough to catch the fist aimed at her face. She twisted her body to lock his neck between her legs and spun forward, pinning him down to the ground with a satisfied grin. Jay grunted as the group erupted into cheers, Jungkook looking particularly impressed.

"Nice one, sis." Jihyung smiled, giving her a high-five as she exited the ring.


slightly longer chapter haha :) THE SIBLINGS ARE BADASS WE LOVE TO SEE IT <3 sorry it ended kinda abruptly but i was in a bit of a rush lol.  

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