Linked Fates

By Redyrode

7.5K 215 61

Y/N is a young girl who, after saving enough money, finally took the leap to move to Japan. Unfortunately, in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

493 14 5
By Redyrode

Notes :

- "Talk" // *Think*

As a reminder : when it's Hao's POV, his thoughts are in *think* and the thoughts he hears are in *think*


In the woods


I'm sitting on the ground, my back on the tree and my hand on my chest, trying to stop the blood which can't stop flowing. My breath is difficult and my eyes start to close.

- "If you fall asleep, you will probably never wake up"

I open my eyes and see a girl about my age, crouching in front of me. She has black hair and brown eyes "That's not good at all" she says looking closer at my chest.

- "Who are you?" I say low

- "You can call me Ankou ! Nice to meet you ! You're the girl who doesn't see ghosts but had visions when you entered the Patch Village ?!" she says smiling with enthusiasm

- "H-how do you know that?" I say feeling dizzy

- "From a friend of mine !" she says without losing her smile "I need to go but don't worry. I hear someone arriving"

Ankou's leaving as I hear footsteps from behind me.

- "So, it's here the girls left you"

I look up and see Hao.

Hao's POV

- "The girls did get you this time. You're really in a bad shape" I say as I bend down to be at her level.

- "Y-yeah" Y/N says looking at me in the eyes before I hear a forced laugh "These bitches will pay me. I swear I'm gonna haunt them."

- "Ah ah not very smart, there are shamans after all" I say letting out a sincere laugh

- "Don't worry, I will find a way to piss them off" she sighs "Why are you here ?"

- "That's a good question. I don't even know myself" I say honestly

- "I - I don't want to die.." She looks at me with helpless eyes, then looks at the sky.

- "Hang on" I say as I pass one of my arms behind her back and the other under her legs. I stand up with Y/N in my arms, looking at me curiously "What are you doing ? Need my body for a sacrifice?"

- "AH AH where did you get this idea ?" I say laughing "Isn't there a doctor in Yoh's team? I'm taking you there. Well, if you're still alive"

She looks at me with thankful eyes then with embarrassed "T-thank you. And I don't know.. Is that true that you lived 1.000 years ago?"

*So, Anna told her before she told Yoh...*

- "Yeah"

- "How was it ?"

- "What ?"

- "Living 1.000 years ago... What was it like?"

- "Mmm, it's different. The world has really changed but not the humans" I look at her and see her head resting on my chest, her eyes closed and her breathing is slow. I raise my head and continue walking.

In the diner room

3rd's POV

Yoh, Anna, Manta, Ryu, Faust and Tamao drank to celebrate the victory of the Funbari Onsen team.

- "Anna, did you see Y/N ?" Manta asks curiously

- "She said she had something to do"

- "But it's getting late... Do you think we should-"

Manta stops his sentence at the sound of the door opening. They all look at the person who entered and they see Hao, his cloak full of red and carrying Y/N unconscious. They all look at them shocked

- "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER ?!" Tokageroh says angrily

- "So small, You should take care of her, she has already lost consciousness for a while" Hao said as he put her down carefully before leaving the room.

Faust rushes to Y/N to see what she has. Ryu gets up in a rage "We can't let him go like that!"

- "Of course not ! Let's go Ryu!" Tokageroh responds

- "Calm down both of you ! We don't have time for this ! Carry her to my room, I have to operate her !" Faust says


Next morning


I wake up with a pain in my chest. I turn my head to see Anna, who is sitting on my bed.

- "How do you feel ?"

- "My chest hurts a little but it's ok.. Anna, what happened?"

- "Faust saved you... after Hao brought you to him. Don't you remember anything?"

- "I remember these 3 bitches killed me after that, my memories are a little fuzzy"

- "Okay. Get dressed and come to breakfast." Anna said as she walked to the door "I'm glad you're alive" then closed the door behind her.

I get up slowly and get dressed. I go to the dinning room for breakfast and see Faust. I go next to him and hug him.

- "Faust ! Anna said you saved me ! Thank you ! I don't know how to thank you !" I say smiling

- "Don't worry I'm glad I could help" He says as he gave me back my hug

- "Ahah no! I am indebted to you. If you need anything, don't hesitate"

- "To be honest, I'm not the one who saved you"

- "What ?"

- "Yeah. There was a bullet inside your chest that did not come out. I took the bullet out and I sewed you up and bandaged you but it's Hao who kept you between live and death with his furyoko"

- "Really ?" I says surprised

- "Yeah. You should have already been dead when you arrived.."

- "I don't understand, I thought he was a bad person. Why did he help me ?"

- "I don't know, you are not the only one who is surprised"

- "Ah ah no matter, I'm not going to complain about it"

- "Y/N, the others are already in the stadium for the next game. Do you want to go together?"

- "Sure!" I say with a smile.

After eating, we get up and leave. After a few minutes of walking, we arrive at the stadium. Faust goes next to Yoh and I go next to Anna and Tamao.

- "Hello girls ! " I say smiling

- "Hi -hi Y/N ! Are you feeling better?"

- "Yes! Thank you !" I answer Tamao by looking closer

- "So? Who is fighting today?" I say, looking forward to the game

- "The first match was Hana-Gumi vs T-Production, it was very fast. Now, it's the turn of Hoshi-Gumi vs X-III" Anna says seriously

I look away from Anna to the arena. To see the 2 teams getting ready for battle.

- "..... I'm sure everyone in this stadium is familiar with both teams ! There will be no one who doesn't know Team Hoshi-Gumi's leader, Hao, at least. Their opponents, X-III, are members of the X-Laws, an organization whose sole purpose is, believe it or not, to defeat Hao ! -"

I look at Hao's team, to see the little girl and the tall guy leaving the arena

- "Team Hana-Gumi just wrapped their match up in no time at all. I've decided to fight by myself in order to entertain the crowd more. It's still not enough, though. You might as well come at me with all your friends now. And of course, that includes the weird girl too."

- "No way ! Even bigger fighting words ! He just called Iron Maiden Jeanne a 'weird girl', I mean, it's true, though"

*Seriously ? Is he going to do a one vs 3?*

3rd's POV

Right after the presenter's top, the 3 members of X-laws summoned their spirit. Without wasting a second, Hao invokes his spirit and attacks the girl's spirit and kills her.

Neither of the 2 members reacted, they just continued to think about how to fight him. Manta who wants to stop the fight but Yoh stops him.

- "Our comrades' noble deaths were not in vain ! They allowed me to solve the mystery of your intermediary !"

- "So Venstar, was it ? What do you plan on doing with the knowledge that air is my intermediary ? Fire needs oxygen to burn. As such, it's hard to imagine a better intermediary for my over soul, Spirit of fire. What's the matter ? If you're going to do something, you'd better hurry, before you die."

- "Silence, fiend." Venstar says while taking out a grenade and pulls the pin "You've made a grave error, Hao. With the oxygen you use all gone, there will be nothing left to protect you! This will mark a great step forward for us!"

The grenade explodes in a huge explosion, the smoke covering the whole arena. After a few minutes that seemed like an eternity, the smoke dissipated to let Hao appear on the arena with a blue spirit this time

- "X-III, your actions seemed nothing more than foolish to me, but you were ready to lay down your lives, and I recognize the tremendous willpower of your souls. I could never let such excellent souls go to waste. You're eating well today. Go ahead, Spirit of fire" On his words, his mind swallowed the 3 souls of the X-III

- "Y/N"

- "Mmm?" I look at Anna

- "We will begin your training at the end of the day." Anna says then looks at Yoh "For now, the guys need to know the truth"



I walk alone in the village because the guys need to talk. I walk through the Patch stores and restaurants looking at the people around me.

My glance stops on a customer of the restaurant, long brown hair and white cape who is eating with a little girl *Hao ! I still have to thank him for saving my life*

Hao's POV

- "Opacho, can you pass me the soy sauce?"

- "Here !" she says happily

- "Mmm. Excuse-me ?"

Opacho and I look up to see who is bothering us during our meal.

- "Y/N, I see you are still alive."

- "Yeah, thanks to you. I would have died without you. I wanted to thank you for saving my life. So if there's anything I can do for you, don't hesitate" she says smiling

*I am surprised that she came to thank me*

- "I don't need anything" I say as I eat sushi.

- "I know ! Let me pay for your meal"

- "Really ?! Lord Hao, does this mean I can have more sushi?!" I look at Opacho who has stars in her eyes.

- "Of course! Anything you want." Y/N says smiling, before I can't answer

- "Y/N is too nice !!" Opacho says happily as she gets up and goes to the waiter with the menu, leaving me alone with Y/N. I see her looking seriously, "Why did you save me ?"

- "So your apology was wrong. Would you rather I let you die?"

- "Don't get me wrong. I'm really grateful that you saved me but... after seeing the game... it's... how can I put this... um... not l-"

- "Look what I got ! " Opacho said happily as she returned with a full tray of sushi "Are you eating with us ?!" she says looking at Y/N

- "Hum I - I'm not sure if -" Y/N said, looking hesitantly at me and then at Opacho.

- "Since you are here and you offer us the meal, join us" I say, inviting her to sit down

- "Are you su-"

- "Yeah ! Y/N celebrates with us !" Opacho says happily

- "S-Sure ! What are you celebrating ?" Y/N says as she is sitting

- "Lord Hao's victory"

*OMG how could I forget when we just came from the game?! I look stupid* I smile hearing Y/N's thoughts

- "Ah - Ah yes, of course! I mean, shouldn't there be three of you? Since it's a team of 3?" Y/N says hesitantly and embarrassedly.

- "Luchist couldn't come but well corrected yourself" I say

- "Ahah, thank you. I'm going to order, I'll be back" Y/N said as she gets up and goes to the counter and returns a few minutes later.

Opacho looks at her dish with appetite "It smells really good! What did you take?"

- "It's a bowl of rice and meat with honey garlic sauce, it's really sweet ! Do you want to try ?"

- "Really ?!"

- "Here" Y/N says as she stuck her spoon into her bowl to get some of the rice and meat. Then she points her spoon at Opacho who opens her mouth wide

- "IT'S DELICIOUS! LORD HAO YOU SHOULD TRY IT" Opacho says with enthusiasm

- "Ah ah don't worry Opacho, I'm go-"

- "Are you sure ? It doesn't bother me, it's the least I can do for you. Here" Y/N holds her spoon out to me with one hand to let me taste it and places her other hand under the spoon to prevent it from falling on the table

- "Fine, if you insist" I say grabbing her wrist to direct the spoon to my mouth "you're right. It's tasty" I say, smiling and releasing her wrist looking into her eyes "aren't you embarrassed?"

- "Hum ? About what ?"

I remain silent while she looks around. Everyone in the restaurant is looking at us, whispering slowly. She leans towards me and whispers "Is it because I fed you ?". I nod.

*Seriously? Japanese people are really shy...*

- "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." Y/N says

- "It takes more than that to make me uncomfortable" I say smiling *and if I am to be honest, I don't mind getting fed* I think smiling to myself as I take a piece of sushi

- "So? What do you plan to do next?" Y/N says smiling

- "Lord Hao promised that we would go to the clothing store" Opacho says happily with a big smile then turns to me "Lord Hao, can Y/N come with us?!"

- "I don't mind, but I'm not the one you should ask. So Y/N do you want to come with us ?" I look at Y/N who looks pensive

- "Humm I haven't been able to go to the stores yet so yes, why not"

- "Opacho happy! Can we go now?!" Opacho says overexcited

- "If you have finished eating, of course" I say smiling at her

- "Fine, I'll pay. Wait for me" Y/N says as she gets up and goes to the counter.

I get up with Opacho and we head to the entrance where we wait for Y/N who joins us a few seconds later.

Opacho starts to move forward with an energetic step while singing, leaving me in the back with Y/N. We walk in silence for a few minutes

- "This little girl is really energetic. She looks very nice.." Y/N says while trying to make conversation

- "Yeah, Opacho has a really kind heart" I say smiling

*Arg, I don't know what I can say to him. It's embarrassing*

- "Sooo she is really happy to go shopping"

- "It's probably because it doesn't happen often"

- ".."

- ".."

- "What kind of spirit do you have ?"

- "Spirit fire"

- "Oh! So you use fire during a fight ?"

- "As the name suggests, yes."

- "..."

*Seriously?! this guy makes no effort to make conversation..* I can tell she is annoyed when reading her thoughts. A few moments later, I feel her gaze on me *It's weird. I can see in his eyes that he has a lot of affection for Opacho. Is this really the same guy who just killed three people in cold blood during the game?*

I sigh *This girl is annoying. She really has a lot of thought* I turn my head to look into her eyes to see that she has a blank look, lost in her thoughts and say "if you have something to say, say it"

- "Hum.. nothing.. it's just.. You look very maternal to her... and it's a bit the opposite of the man we saw during the match " she says with a nervous smile.

I look her in the eyes, stunned before bursting into laughter "HAHAHA Seriously?" I regain my composure and say "I never thought you would say what you really think" I look away and stare ahead

*What was that? This guy is freaking me out* I'm still smiling as I hear her thoughts

- "Look look at Y/N! It's that store!" Opacho says as she comes up to Y/N and grabs her hand and pulls her into the store without even looking at me.

I enter the store to see the girls lounging in the aisles. My gaze falls on the person at the counter. I wave to him as he approaches me with a smile "Lord Hao ! I am surprised to see you here. Need new clothes ?"

- "Hi Nichrom. Not really. What about you? What are you doing here?"

- "It's my turn to run the store. If you don't need clothes, may I ask why you are here ?"

- "I am here because I promised Opacho to come." I say, looking at Opacho and Y/N laughing and looking at the clothes

- "And who's the girl with her?" says Nichrom, following my gaze "Is this the girl Sylva talked about?" he says, muttering the last part with a thoughtful look

- "What do you mean by that?" I say, looking at him seriously

- "Ha ha nothing serious. Sylva said that a girl who could not see spirits had a vision when she entered the village"

- "Really? That's unusual" I look at Y/N "Sylva said what vision she had?"

- "Humm, I'm sorry. I don't remember"

- "Lord Hao! Do you find it pretty?" Opacho says as she approached me and Nichrom with a small brown dress inspired by the dresses of Indian tribes in her hands

- "Sure" I say with a smile as Y/N arrives behind Opacho

- "It is Y/N who found it"

Nichrom lowers himself to Opacho's level. "It seems that Y/N has good taste" He then gets up to talk to Y/N "Hi ! I'm Nichrom, one of the patches that organize the Shaman Fight... and also for today, the one who manages the store" he says with a smile, holding out his hand to Y/N.

- "Hi, nice to meet you ! I'm Y/N. And I understand better the compliment on my tastes. You are not a salesman for nothing Haha" she says with a smile, shaking his hand.

Nichrom grips Y/N's hand tighter and pulls her towards him to whisper "I had no ulterior motive but if you insist on seeing my selling skills"

Y/N looks at him with incomprehension. He moves away from Y/N and turns towards Opacho with a big smile "You know what Opacho? I'm pretty sure I've seen the same dress but in an adult version. What do you think? Wouldn't it be so cool if you and Y/N wore the same dress?!"

- "Oh really ?! It would be so cool ! What do you think?" She says with a bright smile as she looks at Y/N as Nichrom looks at her with a smirk

*This son of a b***** I can't help but laugh at Y/N's thoughts. Hearing me, Y/N turns to me and glares at me "W-wait. What do you think about Hao wearing the same outfit as you? Since you are in the same team? Wouldn't that be great?!"

I look at her and raise an eyebrow at the nerve she has to come up with the idea, before I can answer, Nichrom says "I don't have this model for men. Don't you want to wear the same dress as Opacho?"

I see Y/N looking in the direction of Opacho who has tears in her eyes and she says "Ah ah of course I would love to wear it !" Opacho wipes her tears and now shows a big smile

- "Good ! I'll go get it. Opacho, you can already go to the cabin to try it if you want" says Nichrom as he leaves to get a dress for Y/N. At the same time, Opacho leaves me alone with Y/N to try on her dress.

- "Can't wait to try on the dress?" I say with a smirk

- "I don't really like your friend" she says rolling her eyes "let's join Opacho in the cabin, see how the dress fits"

- "He is not my friend" I say following her

We arrive at the cabin and see Opacho coming out with her new dress "Lord Hao ! Y/N ! What do you think ?"

- "It's really cute! It looks good on you!" Y/N says with a smile while I nod in agreement

- "Y/N ! Look what I found" We all turn around to see Nichrom arriving with a big smile and the same dress as Opacho but in an adult version and puts the dress in the fitting room

- "Opacho can't wait to see !"

- "Yeah yeah" Y/N says as she enters the cabin and closes the curtain

Nichrom's POV

I go to Hao to whisper to him without Opacho hearing "This is the moment I prefer in my job" I see Hao raise an eyebrow, wondering what I am talking about.

- "Sooo Y/N, how is the dress ??" I say, simpering

Y/N only passes her head out of the booth, hiding her body with the curtain "Are you kidding me? Where did you find such a dress?!" I see in her eyes that she is losing her patience.

- "What, is there a problem with the dress ? This dress is directly inspired by the dresses that the women of our tribe wear." I say pretending not to understand what she was saying.

- "Opacho wants to see Y/N in that dress !"

Y/N looks at Opacho and then sighs before dropping the curtain and leaving the booth. We can see Y/N, wearing a brown dress, with a plunging neckline and a bare back. The dress stops at the middle of the thigh, leaving her bare legs visible.

Without wasting a second, Opacho rushes to Y/N "Y/N ! You're so pretty!"

*children are really innocent* I think when I see Opacho admiring Y/N in her costume. I turn to Hao to tell him but he looks intensely at Y/N. His gaze goes from her shoulders to her chest, then down to her hips to linger on her butt and legs.

*It seems that even the future king of the shamans remains only a man* I smile to myself

- "Look Lord Hao ! Opacho and Y/N are wearing the same dress" Hao comes back to reality and nods silently with a smile.


I turn to Nichrom "Are you really going to make me believe that the women in your tribe for such a short dress?"

- "Of course. It suits you" he says smiling looking at my breast

- "Nichrom, my eyes are higher" I say, rolling my eyes, crossing my arms

- "Lord Hao ! You should also try a garment !"

I turn around to see Opacho making big eyes at Hao for him to try on a garment

- "No, I'm fine"

I get closer to Hao and say "Opacho is right ! There is no reason why we should be the only ones trying on clothes."

- "I say no" Hao says serious

- "You've never shopped with women, don't you? To put it simply, you don't really have a word to say. You just do what you're told and carry bags."

I grab his forearm and force him to follow me into the aisles. I glance over my shoulder to see Hao silent but still following me.

- "Sooo there is anything you want to try ?!"

- "So small. Didn't you say that 'I don't really have a word to say and carry bags' ?"

- "Oh, please. Don't take it that way"

I start looking around to see what he might try. After a few seconds, I look at Hao who has his eyes fixed on the clothes behind me. I turn around and see several kimonos.

- "Do you want to try on kimonos?" I say, looking at it curiously

- "Not really" he says slowly, looking away.

*Ohh he is shy. So cute* I smile to myself and look at him and see a slight pink color appear on his cheeks *Hoo is he blushi-"

- "Alright. Let's take a look at the kimono" he says without even looking at me and goes to the kimono. I follow him

- "Soo is there any color you like ?"

- "Humm I would say this one" Hao says, looking at the dark red kimono. I look at him, raising an eyebrow, surprised by his choice. "What ?"

- "Nothing. It's just that, when I look at you, I feel like the light color would suit you." I look at the various kimonos "Hmm, like this one ! I'm sure it will fit you !" I show him a light kimono with blue reflections "What do you think ?!"

Hao looks at me silently..

- "Stop thinking. Let's try both!" I say as I push him toward the booth

- " *sigh* I guess I won't hear the end of it if I don't try them?"

- "See ! You start to get used to shopping with girls !" I say smiling as he enters in the booth

Nichrom's POV

I am putting away clothes when Y/N comes to see me. "Have you seen Opacho? I don't see her anywhere"

- "Yes ! She goes out to see the girls" I say, looking at the window

- "Which girls ?" Y/N says following my gaze. We see Opacho talking to Kanna, Marion and Mathilda. "Oh god.."

I look at Y/N who doesn't seem happy to see them "What? Do you know them?"

- "Yeah and it's better if they don't see me..." she says with a sigh

I look out the window again, to see Opacho pointing her finger at us and the girls following it. I turn to Y/N to see her reaction but she is not there. I look back at the girls who are entering the store with angry faces walking towards me.

- "Where is she ?!"

- "Hi. Nice to see you too, Kanna. I'm good, thanks for asking"

- "Cut the crap. I'm asking you a question. Answer it !"


- "And I'm supposed to know who you're talking about?" I hear Nichrom says

*Why do I always have to meet them?! Think Y/N! *

I look around for a place to hide when my eyes land on the cabin. I hear their footsteps coming closer, so without thinking, I quickly enter the cabin, close the curtain and turn around. In front of me, Hao, trying on the blue kimono. The jacket of the kimono is open, letting see his bare chest and he looks at me with a glance of incomprehension.

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