Number 8 (Umbrella Academy Se...

By multi_story_fandoms

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Number 8 also known as Phoebe was kept as a secret weapon by the commission until she was partnered up with s... More

chapter 1: This better work.
Chapter 2: Sparrows vs Umbrellas
Chapter 3: concern.
Chapter 4: Deal
Chapter 5: what are you?
Chapter 6: Worse than we thought.
Chapter 7: Memories.
chapter 8: She tried.
Chapter 9: Threatened
chapter 10: Raven
chapter 11: Long story
Chapter 12: The meaning behind the number
chapter 14: reveal
not a chapter just a massive thank you.
Chapter 15: 'Disowned'
Chapter 16: Falling for you
Chapter 17: Problem remains
Chapter 18: Big ball of Black holes
Chapter 19: Dont become a Villian, Viktor
Chapter 20: Immortality
Chapter 21: What are we?
Chapter 23: Kugelblitz last victim
chapter 22: Wedding at the end of the world
Chapter 24: The Guardians
Chapter 25: The button
Chapter 26: New Life

chapter 13: Deal

190 14 0
By multi_story_fandoms

With the Sparrow Acadmey

Ben didn't back down, despite the new information from Phoebe.
"Go on, you clearly had some ideas of how you were gonna get me to spill the Umbrellas secrets if I failed to do so willingly. Tell me them, and I'll tell you why they wouldn't work." Phoebe said, her expression daring him to do so. Ben took a step backwards and Phoebe sat back down, giving Sloane a small reassuring smile.
"Starvation." Ben said crossing his arms.
"Ben!" Sloane shouted, disapprovingly.
"In the time you have to get the info, it wouldn't be very effective. Plus I've been starved all my life in some way or another so I'm used to it."
"What about violence?" Ben asked but Phoebe could tell her point had already been made.
"Mentally and physically abused all my life too. Pretty much has little effect on me."

At Hotel Oblivion
"Wait, I was suppose to meet Marcus again earlier so he could give me the briefcase but he never showed up." Viktor said.
"Woah, you met up with Marcus?" Diego asked almost yelling.
"Yeah me and Phoebe met up with him after the fight." Viktor answered.
"So that's how Phoebe spoke to Ben." Diego said, feeling some what smart.
"Do none of you heartless assholes care about our mothers deaths?! That's the real problem. We need to find who killed them!" Whined Klaus, bringing the attention back to himself.
"Its obviously dad. He hated us in Texas and knew where we were gonna be born. Go ask him about it." Diego said not putting up with Klaus.

Klaus left.
"If the rest of his family even own half a brain they'll had the briefcase over and then we can go home." Allison said, grabbing a drink from the bar.
"Marcus said he didn't want to fight and that he would hand over the briefcase." Viktor added.
"Nah, the dudes playing you but we can use that against him." Diego said loudly.
"Diego no. You can go out looking for Phoebe or bonding with you son. Me and Viktor will go meet up with the Sparrows first thing tomorrow." Allison said, ending the conversation.

At the Sparrow Acadmey

Sloane ushered Ben out her room and away so she could talk to Phoebe in private.
"Has he gone?" Sloane asked, glancing at the door.
"Yeah, hes gone." Phoebe replied, trying to stay strong.
"Please tell me what you told Ben was a lie?" Sloane asked, her voice full of hopefulness.
"Nope. Every last word was true." Phoebe replied with sadness in her eyes. Sloane pulled Phoebe into a hug and they stayed like that for several minutes.
"You said at this place, you 'worked'. What did you mean by that?" Sloane asked after they broke apart.
"I was used. They hired me then forced me to spy on possible employees. Bit like how Bens treating me in a way." Phoebe told her.
"Look I am so sorry for how my family is treating you. I'll try get some of them to treat you better." Sloane promised but Phoebe shook her head.
"Don't bother, most of them are incapable of change. I won't tell them about you little thing with Luther though." Phoebe said with a smile before reluctantly headed for the room next door. As she looked at the landing, she caught eye contact with Ben. This time neither of them looked away.

"Feel free to lock the door after me, you heartless basted." Phoebe said, her voice ice cold. Ben rolled his eyes as her and stopped when he saw Sloane leant against her doorway.
"You even think about locking her in and I swear to god Ben, it'll be the last thing you ever do." Sloane said trying to threaten Ben.
"You don't scare me Number 5." He sneered walking over to the door. "You might have fallen for her lies but I still don't trust her." He finished off, pulling the latch across.
"You didn't tell me you wanted her because of her power." Sloane said accusingly.
"There wasn't any need to tell you." Ben replied walking to his room.
"You know, I think there's more to why you took her." Sloane said, trying to dig for some deeper info.
"She was useful, that's all Number 5."
"Why can't you use my name Ben!?" She practically spat his name but he didn't answer.
"How long are you going to keep her here?!" Sloane asked shouting a little but got no reply as Ben slammed his door shut.

The next morning

Ben and Fei walked outside to the courtyard where Viktor and Allison were waiting. Fei had a couple of Ravens by her side, one which was Phoebe. She listened in as Viktor explained some big, bad people eating problem. It took Phoebe a moment to realise what this was but as soon as she remembered, she left the Sparrows and headed to the hotel where after a quick change of clothes, she found Diego.

"Phoebe! Where the hell have you been?" He asked.
"Somewhere. Where's Five?" She asked not wanting to waste more time.
"Dealing with something called a Kugelblitz caused by a grandfather paradox that we caused by being here." Diego said not looking up from the bombs he was making.
"Oh, okay." Phoebe replied not hiding how upset she felt. She shifted back to a raven and flew back to the Sparrow acadmey just in time to witness Ben making a deal to deliver the briefcase at 4pm.

"Where the hell did you go!?" Ben asked once Allison and Viktor had left. Phoebe just looked at Ben until he left her go shift back. 10 minutes later Phoebe found Ben on the roof alone.
"I had something to see to but it just proved my point. Also they don't have Marcus, they believe what ever the people eating problem is, ate him." She told him.
"What do you mean Proved you point?" He asked.
"They don't need me anymore." Phoebe replied bluntly.

Chapter 13 is done.

So Phoebe is convinced the umbrellas don't need her anymore?

Sorry of this chapter makes no sense, the next ones should help everything make sense again

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