Friendship into Relationship

By allovetovictory

39.6K 1.7K 259

"I know every part of you, but never have I seen this part." "I want you, why can't you want me too?" Taehy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Side Story: Chapter 1
Side Story: Chapter 2
Side Story: Chapter 3
Side Story: Chapter 4
Side Story: Chapter 5
Side Story: Chapter 6
Side Story: Chapter 7
Side Story: Chapter 8
Side Story: Chapter 9
Side Story: Chapter 10
Side Story: Chapter 11
Ideas Needed
The Wait Is Finally Over

Chapter 19

1.1K 54 10
By allovetovictory

(Continuing from chapter 18)

Taehyung ran out the restaurant and ran to where he
hoped to see Jimin and he thanked the angels above when he seen Jimin still walking to his vehicle. He ran towards the boy, panting and speeding to Jimin.

"Jimin!" He hugged the shorter from behind, scaring him with a yelp slipping easily out. Jimin's heart raced, not only because he was scared but also because Taehyung.

"Get off of me." He ordered, he wanted to be cautious but he was really happy. Taehyung let go and stood there with his eyes glued down to his shoes, Jimin scoffed and started to walk again hearing steps behind him.

"Let's talk." Taehyung said once they came to a familiar vehicle. That's when Jimin got upset, "so, now you want to talk? After a month and weeks you want to talk? Don't make me laugh, Taehyung." He snapped and opened his door and slammed the door in front of him.

He rubbed his temples with watery eyes, he wanted to be comforted. Then, his defenses were brought back up when he heard his opposite side door open and a body being placed in his passenger seat.

"Get the hell out, I'm tried." He mumbled and kept his eyes forward, but his eyes wondered when he heard a belt clicking itself and seen a boxy smile from the boy. "Let's go, baby, I'm tried too." Jimin narrowed his eyebrows, why so sudden? He literally hit on his girlfriend moments ago, why wasn't he mad?

"Get out, what part don't you understand?" Taehyung shrugged and smiled, "none. Please, explain each and every part so Taehyungie can understand." He wiggled in his seat, cutely to make Jimin fluster in his mind. The urge to just ruin it all for the boy was so tempting, but his feelings were all over the place to understand what was happening.

"We kissed, you left me the next day without anything and then you got together with Sana. Our friendship got rocky after that, please, can you leave now?" Throughout his words, Jimin was caught slurring and sudden stops because his throat would become dry.

Taehyung calmed down and listened to his weak voice, trying to stay composed but there was no point in trying because tears were already falling down on his rosy cheeks.

He couldn't help but make a confused look when Jimin worded his sentences, "baby, I left because I thought you regretted our kisses. When we returned to your house that night, I wanted more kisses but you kept denying me and I thought you were upset." Jimin gasped softly then he shook his head, he surprised Taehyung when he giggled softly.

It was finally getting cleared up.

"I was really tired. Trust me, if I wasn't, we would have been all over each other that night." He stated while he stared at nothing, smiling softly at that sweet night they shared together. Taehyung wiped his own tears, he sniffled softly and nodded.

"I got with Sana because I couldn't bare to be alone. I thought since you were rejecting me, our friendship would start to crumble, so I decided to try and forget about it and get with her. I thought you would get the concept too, but I think we were both creating lies that made us want to turn on each other." He explained the next part. Jimin hummed softly, ending the tears and clearing his throat.

Taehyung did the same and looked out the window, afraid to look at Jimin again. "I hated being without you. That week you announced your relationship, I cried every moment of my days. It ruined me, Taehyung." Jimin grunted, containing his low cries that wanted to come out to explain his feelings.

Taehyung's heart shattered, patching itself up then repeating it's breaking. He was now on fully crying, tears flowing and snot running down his nose, trying to make it unnoticed by Jimin. "Say something." Jimin whispered after no words from the taller. He felt quite upset that Taehyung wasn't facing him at all, what was out the window that was so interesting?

"I thought about you every second of the day. All 86,400 seconds-" Taehyung stopped when he heard Jimin's faint laughter, without thinking, Taehyung turned and laughed too but changed back to his sad face when he seen Jimin's face flatten.

"Why are you crying?" Jimin reached out and Taehyung leaned in meeting each other in the middle for Jimin to gently wipe his wet check and while he did so, he admired his beauty the loves looking at up close. He let a smile loose on his face, fondly looking with nothing but genuine in his eyes.

Jimin finished off and moved back to his spot, still did Taehyung's eyes set on his image. "Still staring?" He snickered softly and wiped his own eyes, Taehyung hummed and looked off then back to Jimin. "My eyes like pretty things." He explained with a slight grin, Jimin rolled his eyes. "Serious time. I want to continue." Jimin told and immediately Taehyung nodded and switched to his more profound expression.

Jimin cleared his throat and continued, "Jungkook and I got close, but we're just friends. And gosh, I hated the times where you made surprise appearances in my room. Eating and seeing you weren't the best mix, but now I'm eating well though, did you see?" He wanted to be praised. He smiled ready to be poured with confirmations, but he was greeted with open arms, he didn't expect at all.

"I'm so proud. Honestly, doing so well. Must have been hard all alone, but look at you all big and tough now." Taehyung gushed. He took his time to wrap his arms around Jimin's neck and felt arms on his own body.

"It was so hard, tae. I hated it, all of it. The chewing, the swallowing and even the food being placed in my mouth was so disgusting." Jimin cried onto his chest, he felt his heart release a new feeling. It felt good to get it off his chest to share it with a person he trusted, the releasing made him want to curl up and be happy with himself, and maybe Taehyung too.

"Let's to home." Jimin whispered softly making Taehyung retreat after humming and wiping his tears away from his eyes and face.

Jimin got himself focused and started the drive to his home, "mom and dad are going to be so happy you're back." Jimin chuckled as they stepped out the car and walked to the front door, "play it safe." He strictly told before opening the door and being greeted by his father, "Taehyung!" His parents decided to not question his sudden appearance and let greet him like they usually do.

Jimin stood back while he watched his parents happily talk to the boy who reflected their energy. "Taehyung and I leave be going to bed early, we ate already." Jimin explained and once the conversation was over, the two boys went upstairs to Jimin's bedroom.

Taehyung sighed content, he was finally back, Jimin walked to his closet and searched for clothing. "Me too." He hummed and search for Taehyung's clothing. Once they were changed they scrambled in bed, separated, "well, weren't we going to cuddle?" Jimin softly asked. He shyly glancing over and it appeared Taehyung was just blushing with shiny eyes.

"I'm coming, baby." He whispered and snaked himself onto Jimin's embrace. The two sighed together, their hearts were finally at ease. Their eyes closed syncretic, Taehyung snuggled closer to his nape and Jimin encouraged him with hands holding him.

"We're not done discussing, Taehyung." Taehyung snapped his head up, he was alarmed by how low Jimin's voice could go. Almost like he was still angered by him, he whimpered softly with a nod.

He was insecure because what if Jimin was going back to his cold aura, like he was all this time, he couldn't bare it. "I'm here, aren't I? We're just going to talk, okay?" Jimin soothe his unease feelings with back rubs and having a sigh of relief from Taehyung made him know it worked.

"Do you like kissing Sana? Holding her and even being with her?" Jimin's jealousy showed. Taehyung smiled softly and nuzzled closer to him, "no one is better than you." He easily told. Jimin's emotions eased down, he felt his cheek tint in pink while he felt Taehyung's hands leading him up to his scalp.

Jimin chuckled softly and started to comb his hair, "but did you like it?" Taehyung shrugged softly. "I loved her, but my heart belongs to you, baby." He tilted his head up and fluttered his eyelashes with the slightest smile taking over, he watched Jimin look away seeming like he was trying to progress his words and this situation.

He went down and laid back, scared if Jimin would be upset or not. "Did you guys broke up?" Taehyung hummed and nodded his head, snaking his hand under Jimin's shirt to palm his stomach, rubbing the skin slowly.

"I think she known this whole time because she just told me to run after you. She said we would talk soon, but she wanted me to go with you before you left." He explained immediately earning himself a slap on the back, "give me your phone, we're calling her right now and apologizing." Taehyung was pushed away from his comfort so he pouted and reached for his phone. He dialed Sana's number and handed it to Jimin who was freaking out.

"Sana, I'm so sorry. I never meant to be the cause, and dinner was so stupid of me." Jimin began and hitched when he heard faint cries from the other side. He waited for response, "it's okay. Taehyung likes you and you like him, I was the one who was wrecking the whole thing." Jimin frown at her voice.

He growled lowly at the boy who just sat there watching in confusion making Taehyung lower his gaze down. Jimin apologized once more before hanging the phone, he tossed the phone and rubbed his temples.

"I want to be alone." Jimin said as he walked away to the bathroom. He locked the door and went to his reflection, eyeing his puffy eyes, the messy hair that was once fixed. He sighed heavily and started to splash water onto his face as he felt his heart ache with new emotions.

Confusion was the main emotion he felt.

What will happen now?

Does Taehyung really like him?

What about Sana?

How will Jungkook react to the news?

Many more questions kept organizing as he thought more and more about, overthinking all the different things that could happen, the good and bad.

He dried his face, taking breathers before opening the door hoping Taehyung was gone but he was just laying comfortably on his bed. "Let me be alone with you." Taehyung whispered softly, already snatching Jimin away from his bad thoughts.

He wobbled back to the bed and went to the opposite side of the bed, laying the opposite side of Taehyung. "I want my space, please." Jimin pushed Taehyung's embracement away. Taehyung cleared his throat and laid back in his spot. He silently began to shed tears, sniffling silently so Jimin wouldn't notice, and breathing faintly.

"You shouldn't be crying." Jimin mumbled, in a sassy and judgmental tone that alarmed Taehyung. "And why shouldn't I?" He said defensive. He wiped his last tears and sat up, crossing his arms with a droopy frown as he watched Jimin lay unbothered.

"You only want me when it's convenient for you." Taehyung raised an eyebrow, "baby, I wanted you all the time." Jimin scoffed softly and turned to face the sitting boy. It pained him to see Taehyung was crying again, but his emotions got the best of him.

"Then, you should have wanted me that morning after the state fair. You should have wanted me when you decided to be with Sana. You could have wanted me, but it obvious your actions don't match up to your statements. Now, please get out of my room."

Jimin pushed him until he was off the bed. Taehyung watched Jimin immediately cover himself in the sheet and start to silently sob.

He didn't leave, no he was too close with being with Jimin. He couldn't just pass up on this opportunity, so deciding that he sat on the edge of the bed and whispered the following:

"I want you, why can't you want me too?"

Jimin stopped his cries and peeked a look, "I do. My mind is still wrapping itself up in this." Taehyung looked up and smiled, he wiped his tears and crawled into the sheets and without warning he pulled Jimin closer to him.

"No, Taehyung. Please, leave and let me be. I want to be alone, seriously." Jimin nuzzled away, he was defensive of himself.

Taehyung's heart stopped. There was no heart beat for a second, he felt his whole body weaken in place.

The protective expression Jimin wore and his remarks made sure he knew Jimin was not at all joking. He nodded, standing up, wobbling to get his stuff together.

Once he was ready, he looked over to Jimin who was blankly staring off, he sniffled and nodded as he opened the very slowly hoping Jimin would change his mind, but nothing. 

He closed the door behind him and sneaked out so Jimin's parents wouldn't get worried.

He stomped and kicked every rock he came across wishing this strong desire of crying would dive down, but looking back at everything, he also need time to himself.

Author's note
Did you guys hear MORE by jhope? great song.
I honestly just want to upload everyday, how does that sound?
I literally hate when I try and write the first chapter of a new story. Like how do I start? What do I inform the reader about? I have a somewhat good story, but I need help writing the first chapter.

Have a good day or night!


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