A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki...

By nxjwaazmxn

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"Lia, I have always given you what you wanted. This is the first time I want something from you. Can't you ju... More

Chapter 1 : I am a Stark anyway
Chapter 2 : Loki broke my windshield
Chapter 3 : Keep on dreaming, Loki
Chapter 4 : It's literally the same, Lia
Chapter 5 : Toodles
Chapter 6 : Tony, I'm not ready to have a child
Chapter 7 : Whoosh
Chapter 8 : Trickster and Joker
Chapter 9 : Don't bullshit me
Chapter 10 : It's called food.
Chapter 11 : Shopping with Loki
Chapter 12 : If you hadn't, I would've died
Chapter 13 : New Phone, Who this?
Chapter 14 : Ice cream
Chapter 15 : New friend
Chapter 16 : Hurt
Chapter 17 : Hospital
Chapter 18 : Discharged
Chapter 19 : What A Night
Chapter 20 - Look Closer, You'll Know Better
Chapter 21 - The Truth (1/3)
Chapter 21 - The Truth (2/3)
Chapter 21 - The Truth (3/3)
Chapter 22 - There will be no other guy
Chapter 23 - With Pleasure
Chapter 24 - What's the Plan?
Chapter 25 - I'm sure
Chapter 26 - Better Than Ever
Chapter 27 - Surprise!
Epilogue: Part 2
Author's Note

Chapter 28 - Euphoria

145 5 3
By nxjwaazmxn


  First dance. Women in masks came out. Heck, everyone were in masks. I could barely make out anyone. Although I sat with the Avengers, a couple of times I had mistaken another woman for Natasha. Another man for Clint. I was the only one who wasn't wearing a mask which made me nervous. It was my birthday party. It's obvious that I'd get all the attention. People walked past and wished me a happy birthday. All I could do was to return a smile and thank them for the great wishes. I didn't know anyone or it was more like, I couldn't recognise anyone.

  Anyway, the group of women began dancing oh so elegantly before another set of men came in. They pushed to let me have the first dance but I wasn't ready. I've only arrived and had to dance? I would but I wasn't prepared. They respected my wishes and allowed me to watch. I had some desserts and I swear on my life, Tony has the best contacts for amazing desserts. I wasn't able to stop devouring their apple crumble pie. Sometimes I just wish I could have my own personal chef.

  Tony wouldn't mind stop me from getting one. Heck, he would hire one for me, especially ever since the New York incident but the only obstruction was myself.

  I slowed down on the desserts as I cheered for the dancers. I sipped on the sweet cocktail that was made especially for me. Finally, Tony stepped in front of me and asked my hand for the first dance. I smiled and took his hand. We strolled in with posture, to the middle of the room. Another set of music began playing and we gently swayed to the tune. We moved side to side. I took his hand with the other on his shoulder.

"Are you sure you know how to do this, Tony?"

He gasped, lightly offended by my words, "I didn't organise this party just so I could look stupid."

I laughed as he spun me around. The spotlight on the both of us. We danced in the same spot for a while before he spun me to another person. Smelling the masculine cologne on his body and Navy blue tailcoat blazer outlining his thick arms. I looked into his blue eyes and smiled.

  "Hey there, captain."

  "Hey birthday girl," he greeted as he flashed his multi-million dollar smile. "How's your day been?"

  "Not that bad. I had steak for lunch and now, I'm dancing in the middle of the ballroom, organised by my uncle for my birthday."

  "And you're giving this rating a 'not that bad'."

  "I'll give more since I'm dancing with THE Captain America."

  He rolled his eyes and shook his head. He couldn't hide the concern in his eyes. Neither any one of them could. I mean Steve always had the look of concern on his face, as well as Tony , so it was sometimes a normal thing but most of the time, I could tell the differences. Learning psychology has its disadvantages. I didn't want to see that concern. I didn't want to feel the pity they had for me.

"How's your leg?"

"As if that's the first time you ask me but I'll answer it anyway. It's better than ever. I mean you've seen the training and us running. It hasn't caused any problems and it's amazing. It's hard to believe sometimes and at times, I would kick my leg on the wall just to see if I could feel any pain."

He furrowed his brows when realisation hit. "So that's why there's so many bruises on your leg."

"Hasn't there always been bruises?" I questioned, pretending to not understand what he meant while he spun me around.

"You're terrible, Lia."

I giggled and nodded my head. I looked to my right and I instantly recognised my two best friends who were in masks. I gasped and immediately looked at Steve. He nodded his head but I smiled and shake it off. I wasn't going to do him dirty and run off to my friends. I'm dancing with Captain America. The Steven Grant Rogers who was born in Brooklyn. We danced a little while longer before he turn to lead me to them. We squealed and engulfed each other in a hug, as if we didn't just saw each other during lunch.

"You're beautiful! Oh, look at how godly that dress is! The way it hugs your curves! Baby, you look amazing!" I squealed, looking at Jean as she turned to pose.

"Right? I mean look at the birthday girl! You're a princess, Lia. Princess Aurelia. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Of course," I said while I playfully stroked my hair. "But I have to be humble today. I'm a humble princess."

"Yep. Just pretend that I'm not here."

We turn to Sulky Raiden who had his arms crossed. His eyes focused on the people dancing, clearly not wanting to make eye-contact with us. We laughed as he continued his act.

"Raiden, you're not getting any desserts here if you're gonna keep sulking," I threatened. He still ignored. I sighed and leaned into his ear. "You better stop or I'll tell Jean that you took the last piece of chocolate éclairs in both your fridge."

He tensed up and immediately turn to me. He suddenly greeted loudly and hugged me tight. "I sometimes wonder why do I trust you with my life."

"Because no one out there, except for me, have fought two drunk men for you." I said in giggles.

He nodded, knowing I was right. I mean, if someone beat up two men, who are larger than their size, just for you, you would've trusted them. At the same time, I make crazy choices that leads me to jumping out of moving cars. Escaping the Most Wanted Criminal in all of the states just because I thought I could change him which I hope I did. Also, standing on the edge of the rooftop which caused me to get kidnapped by a giant blue creature. Amazing. It wasn't my choice to get kidnapped. At the same time, if I wasn't abducted, my pathetic now strong leg wouldn't have miraculously recovered. Bless the creature who has my play pretend ex-boyfriend's name.

The two of them dragged me out to dance again, spinning me around. At one point, they let me go and I stood aside, watching the two of them dance. It was romantic and beautiful. I could tell they genuinely loved each other. The way they looked into each other's eyes while talking and swaying to the music. The way Raiden's eyes sparkle whenever Jean spoke. I know deep down inside, Raiden was still in denial that Jean shared the same feelings as he does but we all know, Raiden loves Jean more than anything in the world.

I was proud of them both. To have come so far from meeting as freshmen till we're in our mid twenties. I salute Raiden's patience. He waited for the girl for many years without her knowledge and a year without my knowledge. I was dumb. I understand. I was busy trying not to get killed and recovering from trauma. Fun.

I fiddled with my fingers while I watched the two of them. I was starting to get anxious and I could feel my social battery slowly dying. I let out a heavy and shaky breath when a couple of people wished me a happy birthday. I smiled and thanked them. Some even waved at me while they moved around the ball room. Tony was dancing with Pepper. Bruce was dancing with Natasha. Steve and Clint were seated, talking amongst other S.H.I.E.L.D colleagues I assume. It was hard to recognise when I'm standing at a distance.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see a hand right before me. I looked up to the man and for a split second, his eyes brought my heart to a stop. It brought a sense of familiarity but I couldn't catch it. I took his hand without a word and he smiled. My heart thumped in my ears as the feeling grew stronger. His touch so gentle yet so cold.

I knew this man but who is he?

He lead me to the middle of the ballroom where people began making space. I glanced from his short bronze hair, down to his forest green velvet tailcoat and gold buttons as its masterpiece. His black pants aligned with his black boots, not missing out the gold trims. Our outfits matched and the coincidence scared me.

He turned around to face me as a familiar song began playing. It was the song that I've always practiced if I were to ever dance. I walked closer to the mysterious man and met his eyes. He snaked his hand to my waist, making me gasp lightly at his touch. We swayed to the beginning tunes. My large gown swept the glossy vinyls as we moved in a circle. My eyes never left his, only for a split second when he guided my body to turn. Our wrists touched and moved like the waves of the ocean, getting stronger by the second. His fingers snaked down to my forearm as we spun once again. I twirled away from the man and breathed in his cologne as I moved towards him again.

I felt connected to the man. We had chemistry. I just couldn't understand why. The way he touched me doesn't feel foreign. I didn't feel that tension which raised my curiosity further since it was our first dance together. As much as my mind were distracted, my heart enjoyed it way more than I had expected. The anxiety I felt earlier disappeared as soon as we began dancing. My social battery recharged itself without the need to rest. It felt as if there were only the two of us in this room, alone. My lips peaked a smile as we danced around the room.

He lift me off the ground and the crowd awed at our movements. I let out an enjoyable laugh as I floated in the air with his hands holding on to me. I was always skeptical of people lifting me up but I felt safe in his hands. My feet gently touched the ground with our faces an inch apart from touching. The closer I was to the man, the more I felt. As if everything had slowed down, his green eyes flashed memories of the person I had fallen in love with.

I gasped as our dance slowly came closer to the end. He kissed the back of my hand with his eyes not leaving mine, I noticed how it had turned glossy. My heart began pacing as tears welled in my eyes. My hands reluctantly touched his cheek as I lightly shook my head. Our dance came to an end and the audience clapped. He leaned against my touch and I knew I was right. I retract my hand and cupped my mouth in disbelief. His hand slowly reached for his mask and stripped it off.


Tears escaped my eyes as I stood in my position frozen. He held my hand as he too broke down into tears.

"I'm sorry, Aurelia," he pleaded in whispers.

"Please tell me that you're real. Please tell me that you're not just a hallucination or-or an illusion," I begged.

He nodded his head and looked into my eyes, "It's me, love. I'm here."

I pulled him into hug with arms wrapped around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist, tightening his grip as if he was afraid that I'd disappear. He hid his face in the crook of my neck and I could feel his tears soaking on my skin. The audience awed and cheered for us. We could care less about the room being filled with S.H.I.E.L.D agents because we wouldn't know when would be the next time we'd see each other again.

We pulled away and my hands cupped his cheeks. His eyes were bloodshot red with eye bags right underneath. I wiped away his tears as he did mine. I crashed my lips on his with hesitation because I still couldn't believe if the man who stood before me was the man I wished was here. The moment they touched, I knew that this was definitely him. His grip on my waist tightened as we reignited what ended so soon.

Our foreheads touched while we reminisced the memories from past time. His hand lift my chin up as I continued to cry. I couldn't believe that he was standing before my eyes. I missed him so much. Too much. I loved the man and I've never felt so loved by this well known stranger who I crashed with my car. He wiped away my tears and comforted me by wrapping his arms around my body. My selfish thoughts were pulled away by my rational ones when I realised something.

"How are you here? I mean why are you here?"

He glanced to his left and I saw the rest of the team looking at us with Thor by their side. Jean and Raiden too were present. Jean had tears in her eyes with her head leaning against her boyfriend's chest. My eyes landed on Tony who had a smile of his face, even though I know he have been crying.

I lifted the gown by a bit with Loki holding on to me, guiding me to Tony. I engulfed him in a hug and broke down once again in his arms.

"Aurelia, stop crying. You're gonna make me cry," he whined with a cracked voice.

"I hate you and love you so much, Tony," I whimpered.

"I love you more, Aurelia." He pulled away and held me by my shoulders. "You deserve to be happy and I took that away from you. The moment I took that away, that was the day that I lost you. I can't bare to see you like that." He wiped the tears from my cheeks. "Once again, I'm glad your make up is waterproof."

  "You're so dramatic, Tony," I commented.

  "I'm the dramatic one? You're the one crying!"

  "You are too!"

  We bantered and the group groaned. We laughed and I moved to hug Thor. He had his long hair tied up neatly in a very astonishing suit. He whispered a thank you and so did I.

  "You're very handsome today, Thor," I complimented.

  "Can't miss my favourite mortal's birthday. Also, your boyfriend was very anxious on his way here. I promise you, he wanted to cry so many times, knowing that he was going to meet you and was afraid you'd reject him."

  I laughed and slapped his arm playfully. A hand took mine and I was pulled away. I crashed into the person's chest who happen to be the man I've yearned to meet. He dragged me to the centre of the ballroom, along with the rest of the team who found their own partners to dance with. I stared into his eyes with my arms around his neck. His hands on my waist as we moved slowly to the music.  My fingers fiddled with his short hair and smiled.

  "I guess my wish came true," I said. He looked at me with a questioning look, not understanding what I meant. "I wished for your return on my birthday and it came true."

  "I'm honoured to have made your wish come true," he smiled. "How have you been?"

  "I've been doing good, Loki. My leg works fine now, I think you know that," I chuckled.

  The look on his face fell as I noticed a rush of guilt swarm his eyes. He looked away and sighed.

  "I'm sorry I left, my love. I had to attend to some issu—"

  I cupped his cheek and shook my head, "It doesn't matter, Loki. What matters is, you're here now but will you be leaving me in 24 hours time?"

  He placed his hands against mine and looked up at me, "I will never leave you. You're mine to keep because you're the cause of my euphoria."

  Our lips connected, moved in sync like they were made for each other. My eyes shut itself as my heart melted with his touch. We smiled in the kiss.

  Could I have asked for anything more? No. He was here. Right in front of my eyes. Touching my lips with his hands resting against my body, pulling me closer. There was nothing else I could have wanted. My family was here. I'm having a ballroom dance party, dedicated for me. I know that luxury doesn't being happiness, but this man does.

  If I had to get kidnapped and be at the brink of my death just so I could see him, I'd do it all over again.

  Loki was the cruel, evil man who brought disaster to New York. The man who never knew how to say nice words and only loved the idea of being aggressive. Believe it or not, that was the same man that I fell in love with.

  The Earth's Villain from another world fell in love with a mere mortal who he never knew would make him come back to Earth to see her again. The lonely, crazy girl fell in love with a man who was seen evil to the eyes of her family. It sounded like a typical love story with a messed up plot but I'd go through it all over because if there's one thing I know, this man was the one who caught my eyes since the beginning of his arrival in New York City. But everyone would say I was crazy if I had told them, wouldn't they?

  Well, fate brought him back to Earth and told me that nothing was impossible and I proved them right.

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