
By xo_angels

266K 4.6K 1.8K

I don't remember what I wrote so... one day a man met a woman and they did stuff and stuff... Fuck it I can't... More

1st Day
She's a Virgin???
I'm blocked?
Losing it.
I'm coming home.
Meeting new people?
Waiting for her.
Back to the living.
Helping Children
No it's not okay
Family ties.
Yellow Ledbetter
Dangerous Liaisons.
The Call.
The Trade
Bring her Home.
Welcome to my home
All settled in.
Lei รจ con il bambino
The Ball
Two Steps at a Time
Emmett and Amara
Night Changes
Night Changes II
Old friends & Back to Work
Bad Energy Rising
I came back with hell
Reigning Pain
We All Become Killers Sometimes
I Understand This Time
Un Altro Bambino in Arrivo
New Orleans
Peace Reigns in New Orleans
This Time It Will Be Me
This Time It Will Be Me II
This Time It Will Be Me III
It Is Done, No More.
Fidanzamento Tanto Atteso
This Is Our Happily Ever After
Last Note

Unfolding Truths

2.6K 74 41
By xo_angels

Valicity's POV

10 am

2 weeks later. Here, I am in my room wondering if I saw the father of my babies or was it just an illusion.

I took my phone up and found a picture of Ezio.

I stared at the picture and searched the back of my mind trying to remember if this was the man I saw or not.

" Knock Knock " Someone said and i looked up. I looked at the woman standing in front me and my brows furrowed.

" Don't act like you don't know me " she said then proceeded to walk into my room closing the door.

I placed my arms around my stomach.

" Valicity it's Nahdia " she said and my eyes widen in surprise.

" Nahdia? " I said then stood up.

" Yes Nahdia. How have you been? " she asked while engulfing me into a hug.

Nahdia is my cousin. I haven't seen her since I moved to Italy.

" I'm doing well. I'm 8 months 2 weeks " I said while holding tummy with a smile.

" May I? " she asked and I nod.

I watched as Nahdia placed her hand on my tummy and I felt a kick right where her hand was.

" Baby boy likes me " she said while looking up at me.

" He does " I siad and we both laughed.

" How long are you in town for? " I asked.

" I live in Cali. I just haven't had the time to come visit I knew you were here. " she said as we walked out of the room.

" I'm a mid wife at the hospital " she said.

" I don't know how to feel about my older cousin seeing my vagina " I said.

" You think I wanna see your kitten?. I'm just glad I'm holding the baby first " she said then laughed.

" Let's go out I have to go to work in a couple hours " she said then Valentino walked in.

" Who's this? " he asked.

" This is Nahdia " I said.

" Hello sir or should I say hello baby daddy " Nahdia said while smirking at Valentino.

" Girl please no. " Tino said with his hands up in defense.

" Nahdia this is my brother " I said.

" No way. Valentino? " she said.

" in the flesh " Tino said then took a sip from his glass.

I watched as she walked over to him and hugged him tight. Valentino looked at me then looked at her, then he hugged her back.

" Please join me and Valicity at the Cafe I'd like to catch up with you guys " she said to Valentino and he agreed.

We were now at the Cafe.

I just ordered orange juice and they ordered latte's.

As Valentino and Nahdia caught up. I zoned out.

Then the bell on the Cafe door rung and two guys walked in.

They looked at me and immediately went back outside.

I carefully got up from the table.

" Um Val is everything okay? " Nahdia asked.

" Yeah I just need some fresh air. " I said. Then I walked as fast as I could, I made it to the door and opened it. I watched as the two guys were about to get into their car.

I jogged until I was infront of the car.

I slammed my hand down on the bonnet.

I heard the car engine turn on and I removed my hand.

I watched as a door opened and Travis got out.

" You are one fast pregnant lady. " he said.

" Travis I know I wasn't hallucinating. You were there. Ezio was there, it can't be....it just can't-

" Hello " someone said and I didn't even realize the car door was opened.

" You have a strong obsession with my brother I'd like to know why " he said as he took his shades off.

I looked at his face and I was speech less.

" You are confused. Yes I am a brother of Ezio, Rage and Francesca. I just happened to have curly hair and blue eyes " he said and I looked at his hair. It was in a low bun and his curls. My his curls were beautiful.

" I...I am " I stuttered.

" I'd like to have a chat with you. Are you available at 7 tonight? " he asked and I nod.

" Fantastic. What's your address? " he asked.

" 26 Fair Oaks boulevard " I managed to get out.

" Fair...Oaks..Boule...vard " he said as he typed my address into his phone.

" Got it doll. I'll see you tonight, please come alone I'm not one for company " he said as he got back into the car.

Travis said goodbye to me then they drove off.

I walked back to the Cafe and sat like nothing happened.

" Was that enough air? " Nahdia asked and I smiled while nodding.

I zoned out again I thought about everything that took place just now and my brain slowly wrapped around everything.

Owen's POV

6:49 pm

I watched as bestfriend lost it. I stood in the corner of his room and watched as he destroyed stuff.

I stood there for awhile and let him do his thing as I took a sip of Jack.

I checked my watch.

I put my glass down and tap his shoulder.

" What do you want " he answered harshly he turned around and realized it was me.

" I'm sorry bro " he said then sat on the floor.

He placed his hands on the side his head and yelled. Then he reached under the bed and took a gun out.

He removed the safety and lifted it while looking at me. I was about to say something then he placed it at his head side.

" Man WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? " I yelled at him then grabbed the gun throwing it across the room.

There was a knock at the door.

" Bro is everything cool up here? " Rage asked as he came in and locked the door. I watched as he looked at the mess Ezio made.

" I'm just gonna leave. " Rage said.

" No. Stay. You might wanna hear this. " I said.

" There's good news, bad news and in between news. Which one do you guys wanna hear first? " I asked.

" Medium " Ezio said

" Good " Rage said

They said it at the same time.

" Medium " Rage said and I took a deep breath.

" Medium news is that Carmen probably is lying to you. " I said while looking at Ezio and he nod.

" What's the bad news? " Rage asked.

" Bad news is that Ezio is looking for some important envelope thing that Carmen asked for. But guess who has it? " I said.

" Oh no. " Rage said.

" Yep Valicity has it. " I whispered.

" Which also means there could be a possibility of her getting into trouble if Carmen finds out that she has it or worse death " I said while looking between both of them.

" Good news please " Ezio said with his head down and his arms wrapped around his legs.

" Val left me a voice mail 2 weeks ago saying how she saw Travis and Ezio was there. " I said.

" Who's Travis? " Rage asked.

" Not the point " I said.

" It's either Val saw you know who or she was really hallucinating " I said and Ezio lifted his head.

" You don't think it might be him do you? " Rage asked.

" I don't think it's him. We've been searching for him since Kade's been born and Val magically found him in 4 months? Nah " I said.

" But I'm not saying it's impossible. I'll try to get her to describe the person she saw " I said.

Valicity's POV

A couple hours later.

7 pm.

I was currently sitting on the couch waiting for him to pick me up.

I checked my phone and there was a message from Owen. I was about to check it then the door bell rang.

I got up from the couch and opened the door.

" Good evening " he said.

" Good evening " I said and we walked to his car.

He went around to his side and got into the car.

I opened the door and got in.

He put his seat belt on and so did I he started the car.

We drove off.

The ride to the restaurant was silent.

We got out of his car and it was the same restaurant from last time.

The same small girl seated us.

" Thanks Molly, here's a tip love " he said while giving her a hundred dollars.

" Okay love. What's your name? " he asked.

" Valicity " I answered him.

" How do you know my brother? " he asked.

" I-

My phone rang.

" I'm sorry. " I said as I rummaged through my bag looking for my phone.

It was Owen.

I answered and he popped up on the screen.

" Hey. You're all dressed up. " he said with a smile

" Yeah I'm on a date " I said then looked up at the man in front of me.

" A date? Let me see the lucky man " he said and I looked up.

" Ask if he's alone " The man whispered to me.

" Fine are you alone? " I asked Owen.

" Yes I'm alone. " he said as he showed me his room.

I looked back up and nodded signaling he was alone.

He pulled the chair beside me and sat down. I turned the phone so the camera was on him.

" Oi mate " he said and I watched as Owen's face turned ghost white.

" Emilio " was all Owen said.


Where have I heard that name?

" Yep. It's me " Emilio said.

" Owen. Please don't alert my family that you saw me. I'd like to remain forgotten " he said to Owen.

" I got you " Owen said.

Owen said goodbye to us then hung up.

" Where were we love? Oh yes. How do you know my family? " Emilio asked me.

" Long story short. I was a kindergarten teacher. I met Ezio through Kade "

" Kade. " he said.

" Yeah Kade is Ezio's son. " I said.

" I know who Kade is. I just haven't seen my family since he was born. " Emilio said.

" Oh. So yeah I met him through Kade then we started dating. Now I'm having his baby. Well babies " I said.

" Twins? " he said and I nod.

" It's like a curse " he said.

" Why? " I asked.

" The younger twin of each generation of Diaz will always be blessed with twin boys. " he said then took a sip of water.

" Ezio's dad, caz he's not mine anymore, his dad was the younger twin. Then Michael had Ezio and I. Ezio is the younger twin now he's having twins. " Emilio said.

" I think these two are girls. " I said and he looked at me.

" Yeah my mom is the only one who knows the gender and pink is in abundance " I said and he nod.

" Tell me. Does my brother ever mention me? " he asked.

" No. He didn't. I'm not sure if this counts but I asked him one night what would he call the baby if it was a boy and he said Emilio. " I said and I saw tears in his eyes.

" Have you met my sister and brother? " he asked then cleared his throat.

" Yeah Rage is a total sweetheart. Francesca is still learning to like me. She and Scarlett tried to beat me up ny second day of being at the house. " I said.

" Scarlett " he said.

" Yeah she's Ezio's ex girlfriend, Kade's mom " I said and he nod.

" And Michael. What about him " he asked.

" Michael is not so bad. I don't understand why Ezio hates every inch of his dad " I said.

" That is because of me. " He said.

" Why did you leave your family? " I asked.

" I didn't leave. Michael sent me away. No matter how hard I tried to get back to Italy, I was banned from ever entering the country. So I stop trying. " he said.

Then our waitor walked in with our order.

We began eating.

" Why would he do that? " I asked.

" When Ezio and I were younger about 6 years old, we were instructed not to go downstairs because the party was only for grown ups. Whilst Owen and I were sleeping Ezio had no one to play with. So he went down in search for Miss Aurora. "

" Owen's mom " I cut him off.

" Yeah Owen's mom. He was looking for her to give him some milk so he could fall asleep too. Then some very dangerous men tried to buy him. Reminder Michael was in charge of the mafia that time, so you know he wasn't that powerful like how my brother is today. So after they tried to buy my brother Michael agreed to sell my brother all because of his greed to be bigger. " Emilio said then placed a fork full of spaghetti in his mouth.

" What happened after that? " I asked him.

" Aurora told me that, Michael agreed to sell Ezio for 1 billion dollars Mom tried to talk him out of it as she had Ezio in her arms and Michael just pushed her to the floor. Aurora ran upstairs and told Angelo. Angelo is our uncle-

" Yeah I know Michaelangelo " I said.

" She woke Angelo up and told him what was going on downstairs. You've been to one of those fancy parties, yes?" He said and I nod.

" So you know no weapons allowed "  He said and I nod.

" Angelo ran down there with a sniper and fired two shots in the wall, which was a violation against the rule of no weapons. Then Angelo threatened the second largest base in the world at that time, the Gonzalez. I heard they are pretty trash now. " he said.

" Did you know you're bestfriend's dad owned that base? " I asked him then took a sip of my juice.

" Yes I'm fully aware of Travis' origin " he said with a smile.

" Travis is also in touch with Michael " I said.

" Don't be obsurd love. That's quite untrue. Travis knows how much I despise Michael. He wouldn't conspire with him behind my back. " Emilio said.

" You're a doctor right? " I asked.

" Male nurse " he said and I nod.

" What's it too ya? " he asked.

" Nothing " I said.

" Why are you in Cali and not Italy? " he asked.

" Long story short. I walked in on Ezio having sex with this woman, Carmen. He took her back to Italy and kicked me out. So I'm here with my parents and brother. " I answered and he nod.

" Do you think your family has forgotten you? " I asked.

" Yes they have. " he answered.

" They haven't. You're the reason why Ezio hates Michael. He's angry at Michael for separating you two. He wanted to name his child in honor of his older brother. Emilio, Ezio is crazy about you. If no one else loves you Ezio is does " I said.

I looked up at him and tears streamed down his face.

" I guess they never mentioned anything about you to me because they just can't deal with the pain that comes with talking about you " I said.

" Emilio-

" Did Ezio try to hide your pregnancy? " he cut me off while wiping his eyes.

" Yes. " I answered.

" Did he use this corny line? ' the day I stop opening doors for you is the day i stop liking you ' " he said and I looked at him confused then nod.

" My brother is madly in love with you. He only did you wrong because he was either trying to protect you and the babies or his family. He only hid your pregnancy because he didn't want what happened to him that night happen to his child. I do hope you find it deep in your heart to forgive him, don't keep his kids away from him. " Emilio said and a tear fell from my eye.

" Emilio, I know if Ezio knew you were still alive he'd get here on a private jet instantly. " I said then took a pen from my purse.

" Take his number. Reach out to him. " I said as I wrote Ezio's number down on a piece of napkin.

He hesitated for a second then took the napkin and tuck it in his top pocket.

" It's getting late. " he said as he wiped his face with a piece of napkin.

I looked down at my phone and saw that time.

10:34 pm.

We left the restaurant and he drove me home.

" I want to meet you again for dinner. In 3 days I'll be here at 7. " he said.

" Wouldn't miss it for the world. " I said as I locked the car door then he drove off.

I went inside and closed the door.

3 Day's later...

Valicity's POV


Valentino was currently helping me curl my hair.

I was already dressed and my makeup was done.

Mom and Dad stood at the door.

" Our kids. I've never thought I'd see this day. Seeing both of you together. " Mom said then sniffled.

" Anna don't cry " Dad said trying to comfort her as she walked away.

" Such a cry baby " Valentino said and I chuckled.

" Alright sis you're all dolled up and cute " Valentino said.

" Thank you " I said and he nod.

" Tino. How did you figure out we were siblings? " I asked.

" Remember that day I told you I searched through your files the first day that you were in rehab? " he asked and I nod.

" I noticed that you're last name was Sanchez. Then I looked at your birth certificate it claimed you were a child of Anna Sanchez. I knew my mom was called Anna. But wasn't sure if it was her. That's why I tried my best to protect you at all cost. " he said.

" Enough chit chat. You gotta go now " he said as he fluffed my hair one last time.

We went downstairs.

The door bell immediately rang.

Valentino rushed to open the door.

" Good evening sir " Emilio said to Tino and Valentino introduced his self and shook his hand.

" Hey doll. Are you ready? " he asked and I nod.

We got into his car with him opening his door and I opened mine.

We talked a lot on the way to the restaurant.

" Are we going to the same restaurant?" I asked Emilio.

" Yeah same one " he said.

" Why that one? " I asked.

" Remember the girl, Molly? " he asked and I nod.

" I saved her from being sold to be used as a prostitute when she was just 13 " Emilio said.

" Kid means the world to me. If I had a fortune I'd put her back in school so she doesn't have to work here " he said as he turned off the car.

We went up to where Molly was.

" Good evening sir " she said to him and his face lit up.

" Hey love " he said while still hugging her.

They broke the hug.

" Molly this is Valicity, she's my brother's um... it's complicated " Emilio said then he walked off.

I said hi to Molly and she walked with me to our table.

As usual we started of with water.

Then the twins started kicking like crazy.

Emilio seems to notice and he just gazed at my belly.

After a few seconds the twins stop.

" Valicity. I need to ask you an important question just give me a straight answer " he said and I nod.

" Would you go back to Italy to stay with Ezio, if he was to get rid of Carmen? " Emilio asked.

" No I would not. This is Ezio's third time abandoning me. The next time he does I'd be putting my kids in a hurt place. So no I would not go back to your brother. " I said and Emilio nod.

" Would you atleast allow him to see his children? " Emilio asked.

" Yes he can visit any time he wants but I'm not going back to Italy. " I said.

Then the twins started kicking aggressively again.

" What's up with you guys?. You never kick like this " I chuckled.

" The twins are on a roll. " Emilio said as he placed his glass to his lips.

" Maybe because there dad is in the room. " he said then drunk his water.

My eye's widen. I stared at Emilio for a second then his head twitched to the side and I looked over as Owen walked up to us.

My eyes glued to him as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

" Hey " Owen said.

" Hey " I said with a smile.

" Where is he? " I asked then stood up.

" Why do you wanna know you said you wouldn't go back to him " Owen said as he took my water up and drink it.

" Stop. I just want to see him " I said.

I felt a hand go around my waist and rested on the sides of my tummy.

" I'm right behind you " a voice said. I know that voice. My least favorite voice.

" Ezio please before you look at her tighten your grip " Emilio said.

I slowly turned around and I looked up at him.

He was still gorgeous as ever.

Makes me just want to- you know...

" You're still beautiful " was all he said as he moved a curl from my face.

I turned around and I took my seat.

" He can leave now. I only wanted to see him. " I said.

" Well actually he's leaving tomorrow and I will be accompanying him " Emilio said.

" You're free to join us " Emilio said.

" How long have you been here? " I asked Ezio.

" We've been here since yesterday. " he said and i nod.

" Why? " I asked him.

" Why am I here? " he asked.

" No. Why did you do that to me? " I asked as tears fell down my cheeks.

Ezio's POV

She asked me why then I looked at her as tears streamed down her face.

" I cheated on you so I could get my brother back. " I said then Emilio choked on his water.

" Yes that night when we were at Dubai, I did in fact go to the bathroom " I said.

" After I told Isabella I was going to the bathroom I left and went upstairs. I stumbled into Carmen along the way. "

" I know you. " Carmen said to me.

" Do you " I said then proceeded to walked away.

" You're Ezio. Twin brother to Emilio " she said out loud.

Then I turned around and walked back to her.

" What do you know about my brother? " I asked her.

" I know where he is and I know where you can find him Carmen said to me in that moment I knew what I had to do to see my brother again. " I said then looked at Isabella.

" I know you're probably wondering why would I instantly believe her. I had no choice but to. Emilio has been kept a secret since that night Michael tried to sell me "

" So there's no possible way she could find out about Emilio unless she actually knew something. " I said.

" That's where I've been unfaithful to you. I know if I didn't get my brother sooner or later my entire life would just slowly strip away "

" You had me. " Isabella said.

" Principessa sometimes not even you can make me calm and be at peace. But when I'm with my brother, my entire family. I'm at peace. " I said.

" Now I scared, out of my mind because I'm going to have my first kids. " I said and she looked up at me confused.

" First? You have a son, Kade. " Isabella said to me and Emilio laughed.

" You didn't tell her about that did you? " Emilio said with a smile on his face.

" No I couldn't tell her that Kade wasn't my son. " I said and I saw the shock in her eyes.

" Then who's son is he? " Isabella asked while searching my face for answers.

I looked over to Emilio and I watched her looked over to him.

" How could I be so blind? " she said.

" The blue eye's " she said.

" Yes it's true. Kade Ezio Diaz. That's my son. Scarlett Diaz, that's my wife. " Emilio said as he took out his wedding ring from this small box.

" Is that the reason you wanted to call your son Emilio? " she asked.

" Yes. I want to name my son Emilio in honor of my twin brother " I said as I looked at Emilio.

I took Isabella's hand.

" I could tell you a million sorry's but they couldn't repair the damage and hurt I've caused you for these past few months. Isabella, I'm deeply and madly in love with you-

" Told ya " Emilio cut me off while raising his glass.

" As I was saying " I said while side eyeing my brother.

" I'm in love with you. It would complete my entire life if you and my babies could return back to Italy with me. So please, I'm begging for you to come back to Italy with me tomorrow. " I said while still holding her hands.

She looked down.

" I'm... sorry Ezio " she said as she looked up and I sighed.

" I'm not going to do this with you again. You're going to leave me eventually, again. That's me putting my feelings and my mental health on the line again. For you. I'm sorry but I'm not coming back with you. " She said as tears poured from her eyes.

I just nod and accepted it.

Or did I?

" Well I'm not leaving California until you come with me. " I said.

The next day.

Valicity's POV

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when mom came in.

" Honey there's a very handsome gentle man downstairs waiting for you " she said as she rested her head on the door frame.

" I'll be out in a minute " I said.

I tied my robe and went downstairs.

Dad was showing Ezio the embarrassing baby pictures.

" Okay that's enough dad " I said while grabbing the photo album and slamming it shut.

" What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be on a 12 hours flight to Italy? " I asked him.

" I told you I wasn't leaving California until you came home with me. " Ezio said.

" I'm gonna lock myself into my room then. " I said then proceeded to walk upstairs.

" I'm right behind you. " he said then he got up and followed me.

" Hey sis morning " Valentino said to me and I looked at Ezio.

" Good morning brother " I said then went into my room.

I turned around to see Ezio and Tino glaring at Each other.

" Ezio come " I said then he walked into my room and shut the door.

" What is he doing here? " Ezio whisper yelled.

" Long story short turns out he's my blood brother " I said and he just nod.

" Can see the baby clothes? " he asked.

" Yeah sure they're in the closet over there. " I said as I plopped down on my bed.

I watched as he walked over to the closet and opened the door revealing the baby clothes.

" they are so tiny " he said as he held up a little dress with a smile on his face.

I couldn't help but to smile too.

I took a picture of him and looked at it.

I smiled while looking down at the picture.

I set it as my lock screen then looked up and Ezio was standing over me.

" What? " I asked.

" You're just so beautiful. " he said and I blushed and looked away.

He gently grabbed my chin so I could look at him and sat on the bed next to me.

" Please come home with me. " He said while still holding my up my chin.

" I'm sorry but no. " I said, then his phone beeped.

I looked over and saw that it was a message from Emilio.

' Times up brother. We are outside waiting on you '

I read the message.

" I'm sorry I have to go. " Ezio said.

" But I'm coming back tomorrow and the next day and the day and the day after that until you decide to come home " he said as he held my hands.

" Now I'd like to bond with my brother. I'll be here tomorrow " Ezio said.

I got up and escorted him out of the house.

We stood on the porch.

" I'll see you tomorrow princess. " he said then placed a kiss on my forehead.

Then they drove off.

The next couple of days...

Ezio did fulfill his words he came here everyday day with gifts and flowers.


Valicity's POV

Since it was the last day of the year. Mom decided that we should go out and watch the fireworks at midnight.

Guess who she invited?

Ezio along with Owen and Emilio.

Thanks mom.

We were currently out for dinner. We were now leaving to be where the fireworks are happening.

11:30 pm

We were here there was a large crowd of people. We found a parking spot and Dad parked with Emilio parking right behind us.

Ezio got out of the car and helped me out.

" Val Owen and I were just talking and judging by how you're moving the twins are going to be in this world between tonight and tomorrow. " Emilio said to me.

" Don't manifest that " I said and they he laughed.

We could see from where we were. So we didn't bother to go into the crowd.

We just stood by the cars and everyone found someone to talk to. Ezio and I were talking ofcourse.

Ezio looked down at his watch and it was 11:59.

People began to count down.

" 5 "

" 4 "

" 3 " We all joined the people.

" 2 "

" 1 "

" HAPPY NEW YEAR " the crowd screamed.

I pulled Ezio in and kissed him then the fireworks went off.

I pulled away and he smiled.

" No I'm not coming back to Italy with you. I just always wanted to do that " I said.

" Do what? " he asked while chuckling.

" Kiss someone when the clock strikes 12 for a new year " I said.

After watching the fireworks for awhile we decided to leave.

That's when it happened.

I felt water rushing down my leg.

Ezio noticed quickly.

" Isabella did you just piss yourself? " he said under his breath.

" No brother her water broke, which means she's in labour, which also means you're going to be a father. " Emilio said and Ezio looked mortified.

" Mom, my water just broke " I yelled to mom.

" Honey we'll see you at the hospital we're gonna get the baby clothes and other stuff ready for you. " Mom said then she, Valentino and Dad got in the car and drove off.

" Ouch " I said as I started feeling some pain.

" Ezio don't just stand there get her into the car " Emilio said Ezio from inside the car.

" Come on " Ezio said as he picked me up in his arms.

He carefully got into the car with me and shut the door.

Emilio sped off like a mad man.

Within no time we were at the hospital.

We got out of the car and Emilio went around to the trunk.

I saw Nahdia rushing towards me with some guys and a stretcher.

They immediately put me on the stretcher and we got inside the hospital.

" How did you know I was coming " I asked Nahdia.

" You're mom called. Time for me to see your kitten " she said and I smiled.

" Nahdia I'm in excruciating pain " I said.

We got into the room and the placed me on the bed.

Nahdia took my clothes off and dress me into a hospital gown.

She looked between my legs.

Thank God I shaved, I pat myself on the back.

" Good news you can have an epidural " Nahdia said.

I watched as more doctor's came in and I saw Emilio and my Jaw dropped.

" Don't worry I'm not gonna look at your privates " he said and I felt relieved.

" Can Ezio be in here? " I asked Emilio.

" Yeah sure " he said then he left the room.

Seconds later he returned with Ezio.

2 hours

It was 3 in the morning. I was no longer in pain because of the epidural.

Ezio sat by the bed side the entire time.

Nahdia came back to check on me. She looked under my gown.

" Alright you're 4 centimeters dilated. Active labour. " she said then left the room.

She returned with more doctor's and Emilio.

" Alright Val I want you to push. " Emilio said.

As he stood beside Ezio.

Ezio took my hand and I began to push.

" Push I can see the head " Nahdia said and I pushed harder.

" Push " she said and I pushed with all my strength and I grabbed Ezio's hand tighter.

" The head and shoulders are out. One last big push " Nahdia said and tears poured from my eyes.

" You can do this princess, one last big push " Ezio said.

I took a deep breath and went in again.

I screamed and pushed.

I heard a cry and Nahdia took the baby up and handed her to a doctor and he cleaned her up and left the room with her.

I watched as Ezio pulled out his phone and called Owen.

" Watch that doctor that just came out he has one of the babies " Ezio said then hung up.

7 mins later

" Val you're ready to push again " Nahdia said.

" Don't worry it will be easier this time " she said and I nod.

Ezio grabbed my hand again.

" Push " Nahdia said and I pushed.

" Push again " I pushed.

" The head is out. Push " she said.

I pushed.

I pushed.

I pushed.

" She's out " Nahdia said while smiling.

She left with the baby.

Ezio grabbed my face and kissed me passionately.

" Congratulations you're a mom " he said and I chuckled.

" And you're a dad " I said and he hugged me.

Author's Note

Listen I don't know what happens during birth so I know that part was terribly written💀.

Another thing🥲💔...

I literally just looked at the book ACE because I haven't read it in years. Then as I opened the book I saw Sofia DIAZ and Ace HERNANDEZ. No wonder people think I'm copying that book🥲💔 

But I can assure you I'm not.

Thanks for the support guys😊.

Love ya❤.

Xoxo Shanoya💙 .

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