A Frozen Heart ⭐

By jenica1988

7K 667 107

*~COMPLETE~* Aspen has almost had her power since before she can even remember. Her childhood is a mystery a... More

Back Again
Let It Go
Kingdom of Isolation
Do I Know You?
Flowers & Frost
Secrets Revealed
Making Plans
First Date
Let's Get Ready for A Party
❄ I'm Frost ❄
I Dreamed A Dream
The Cell
She's Not an Animal
The Apology Tour
A Couple of Firsts
The Future
Let's Have Some Fun
You Will Never Have Control
Power Up
The Only Way
What If There Was a Way...?
Goodbye Old Friend, Hello New Life

Flowers & Familiarity

312 28 1
By jenica1988

It was the day I was deliver the flowers to the Avengers Compound and I was fighting with Frost the entire drive.

"I mean they wouldn't see it coming, just a quick blast to all of them." Frost said and I groaned.

"Please just shut the fuck up! We were here to take flowers to Pepper Potts. Nothing even says we will see any Avengers, it not like they will answer the door." I said.

"Right but if they do...BLAST!" Frost said and I groaned I pulled up to the gate.

"Shut it." I said and buzzed to button on the box.

"Can I help you?" A voice asked.

"Yes I'm here with flower delivery for Pepper Potts." I said.

"Aspen, perfect. Follow the driveway someone will meet you at the door." I noticed the voice was Tony

and I thought it was weird he answered the intercom himself. The huge gate opened and I drove through and followed the driveway like he said. As I stopped by the doors I looked around and didn't see anyone. I grabbed the flowers and headed to the door and it opened by itself.

"Welcome Ms. Conners." I heard a voice and I looked around confused.

"Shit..." I said out loud as I felt the chill rising from being scared and nervous.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, don't freak the girl out." A voice said coming down the stairs and I saw Tony and I smiled at him.

"Sorry the door opened all on its own." I said and Tony nodded.

"That's the A.I. system, F.R.I.D.A.Y." He said and I nodded.

"Right...sorry flowers are more of my wheelhouse." I said and Tony chuckled.

"Right, of course." Tony said and I went to hand him the flowers and he accepted.

"These are amazing." Tony said and I smiled as 2 people came walking in.

"Barnes, Romanoff this is Aspen Conners. She was the florist I was telling all of you about." Tony said and I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you Aspen, the flowers Tony got Pepper are beautiful." The woman Tony called Romanoff said.

"Thank you." I said.

"You know what change my order. Bring Pepper something special every week but do you think you will be able to bring a few more arrangements a week just to place around the compound?" Tony asked.

"I don't see that being a problem." I said and he nodded with a smile.

"Thank you so much." Tony said.

"I could work up a price for you and send it to you later..." I said and he shook his head.

"Don't worry about it." Tony said.

"Since Tony lost his manners and didn't introduce us individually. I'm Natasha, call me Nat." She said and I smiled at her as she extended her hand.

"Behave Frost." I said and she groaned in my head.

"Nice to meet you." I said shaking her hand.

"And this is James Barnes." Nat said introducing him and he smiled extending his hand.

"He looks familiar." Frost said and I groaned to myself and just ignored her and shook his hand.

"Nice meeting both of you." I said and they smiled.

"Sorry, to drop everything off and run but I have to get to the shop. I have some more orders to fill." I said and Tony nodded.

"Of course, we wouldn't want to keep you. Same time next week?" Tony asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, should I just let the gate know it's me again?" I asked and Tony nodded. He walked me back to

the door and I smiled.

"See you next week as the door opened and I headed out to my car and drove off.

"Frost you behaved very well. Maybe next time I have off we got shooting." I said.

"Really?! I would love you forever!" Frost said and I sighed.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say." I said and she laughed.

"I'm sad that you don't feel my love." Frost said.

"Oh sweetie I feel it, every damn day when you show up the minute I wake up and I never get a moments peace." I said. Frost shut up and I actually had a full day of peace from her but I knew that meant that night I wouldn't get any sleep.

"Frost stop ignoring me, I know how you play and I don't need your shit okay." I said and her and she groaned.

"I hate that you know me." Frost said.

"You are me! Of course I know you!" I said as I arrived at the flower shop. I parked and went inside. I sighed as I walked in the backroom.

"Okay listen can we just agree that I'm always going to bitch about you being in my head and you turning to ignore me just to punish me later is shitty?" I asked.

"Agreed." Frost said.

"Now I have to work front of the store today so keep your comments to a minimum." I said.

"Okay, only because you said if I behaved we go shooting." She said and I smiled shaking my head.

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

I was sitting in my apartment that night and I got to thinking.

"Hey Frost." I said.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Today when we were at the compound you said the one guys....uh....Barnes. You said he looked familiar. From where? He didn't to me." I said and Frost groaned.

"Well if you could remember I would. He didn't look familiar to you at all?" Frost asked.

"No, so if only to you we have a bigger problem because that means you know him from a time of me being Frost but I don't remember a time of just you taking over." I said and she sighed.

"Me either." Frost said and I started rubbing my head because it was starting to hurt.

"I'm going to bed." I said getting up and getting ready for bed.

"When can we figure out who he is?" Frost asked.

"We won't, so can you stop? Let's get some sleep." I said.

"Let's research him! I need to figure this out!" Frost said. I finally got aggravated with her.

"STOP! There is no need, he is no one to us. Maybe somewhere in my subconscious I have seen him around or something and you just remember him more, maybe you have a crush. How the hell should I know. I just need you to stop." I said as I changed into my pajamas. Frost growled at me and I felt my hands getting cold.

"Stop it, I won't allow you to take over." I said fighting her off which was hard to do when she was mad.

"Fine!" She said and I felt my eyes flash the icy blue and I closed them and fought the control again. When she realized I had won she stop and disappeared so I quickly got in bed and fell asleep.

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