Inky Conscience (BATIM Sammy...

By Dragonblade122

943 44 13

You don't know how you got here. You were just. There. Drifting in the swirling darkness. Until you met H I M... More

How You Met. Kind of.
The Calm During The Storm
A Shift In The Studio
Desecration Leads To Pain
Pain Leads To Death
Inky Flood And Promises Made
Sammy. Safe. Norman. Good
...One Giant Leap For Disaster
Awkward Meet. Light and Dark Teamwork
Suspicions and Surprises
The Living Shadows
The Final Push
1 Am D0ne Wait1ng
Chaos Or A Blessing?

One Step For Man...

45 3 0
By Dragonblade122

You stayed with Norman for the rest of his time there. Staying quiet as you had been told. Sure it was a little boring, especially since you could no longer move in the pipes, but this was a new experience for you, it was new, fresh.
Plus this would help you when the time came to meet Sammy for the first time. Properly, and not because of some bad humans trying to hurt him.
You supposed there were some other odd ways to introduce yourself. You decided to leave it at that. Instead, you focused on watching Norman fiddle with the. Pro-jec-tion. As he called it. Mentally taking note of what he was doing for future use, and questions.
Although he did look in your direction every so often, you weren't sure why. Maybe he was still recovering?
You would need to ask about that another time.

When the time came for everyone to leave the building, Norman stayed behind since Wally was still sick. He used this as an excuse to try and communicate with you more.
Apart of him wanted to forget this ever happened. Apart of him wanted to forget about the incident with those lunatics. But given the fact that Sammy was in the hospital (Joey Drew had called the hospital and it was confirmed), and that the small snake, ink-looking creature had been watching him the entire time during his work, he knew this wasn't some stressed work dream he had before.
This was real, the creature had, possibly, killed five cultists the night before. It was intelligent, a fast learner. It could speak mainly broken English, but it clearly wasn't stupid, and for now, acting and possibly thinking like a child. At certain points anyway.
This was a big risk, but he had to know what you were like and make sure you weren't a threat to the studio and to Sammy.
He couldn't live with the guilt that he let a creature sneak around the place and kill innocent people. Even Joey Drew.
So when he was certain everyone had left, he ran straight for his booth, where the creature was still hiding in the bucket with a little of its head poking out.
"Okay, it's safe to come out now, no one is here," he said calmly as he sat down.
"I can?" it asked, lifting its head slightly.
"Yes, it is, don't worry, I made sure no one was around" which was the truth, and he hoped he would never have to lie unless it was necessary "you can lift your, um, head, up more"
Not a second after he said that, the creature lifted its head up higher, revealing a more cobra-like head and body. Like one of those snakes that poked out of a woven basket when playing a tune with a flute. Except this one was made of ink.
He could think of only one question that seemed like a peace offering "you say I'm your friend, but I don't know your name, do you have one?"
The creature tilted its head "name? Like Sam-me and No-man?"
"I do not have one"
Oh. "Well, would you like one?"
"I would like one from both my fur-ends...please" it added as an afterthought.
Well, this was going to be tricky "well, what if I give you a fake one for now until Sammy comes back? To make things easy"
The creature tilted its head again as if considering "fake. Not long. Wait for other fur-end. Okay, I have fake name" it sounded pleased "please"
Now Norman had to think of some random name until Sammy came back "how about, Odessa? It's the name of a black flower" and the only thing that came to mind.
"Od-es-sa? O-des-sa" it repeated the name again, this time Norman was certain it was smiling "nice to meet you No-man, I am fake name O-des-sa"
Norman almost chuckled "don't say fake name, just Odessa"
"I am O-des-sa" the creature, now Odessa, bobbed its head with each syllable it made.
"Nice to meet you Odessa, my name is Norman" he allowed a small smile to appear, mentally pleased that, for now, there weren't any problems "are there any questions you want to ask me?"
"Ques-ton. Ask. Hmm. Is Sam-me al-ways. r-r-u-d?"
"Rude? No, mainly grumpy, he's just got a lot of pressure to make the music for the cartoons" that was an understatement.
"Pre-sure? Car-toon?"
This. Was going to be a long night.

He lost track of time as he explained everything about the studio that came to mind. Shockingly, Odessa, listened without complaint, occasionally asking what certain things were. But other than that, they listened. Patient.
A part of him wished all children were like this. It also made him forget just how dangerous this creature could be.
"Sam-me make moo-sic. I like moo-sic" Odessa stated after Norman took a break.
"Music? Yeah, I can understand that, everyone loves Sammy's music, the guy may have a temper, but he knows his stuff" his throat was killing him from all this talking.
"It was the first thing I heard when I woke up" it shifted as if making a thinking face "when I first woke up, I was cold and empty, it was dark. I did not like it" it shivered as if remembering "but then I heard something, it made me warm, I went back to sleep to its lovely sound" Odessa looked at him "I heard his moo-sic, and then the second time I woke up, I heard his voice, I felt more warm. I like warm. I want more"
Norman stayed silent the entire time. Sadness and pity filled his insides. This creature, just one day 'woke up' out of the blue and fell in love with Sammy's music and voice? If he had been told this before, he would have laughed and make a joke about it.
But that was then, this is now. And he couldn't help but pity this creature. And be reminded of what it was capable of. If this creature liked Sammy's music and voice, then there was a small chance they could be a little too. Excited when they met the man in person. And he was not looking forward to it.
"Then, may I offer you some advice when you do meet him?" he would need to word this very carefully so that they could understand "Sammy is a, tricky person for everyone to talk to, he prefers the quiet, and likes to stay alone in his office. If you wish to speak with him, do not sneak up behind him and make a loud noise, don't appear in random places to speak either"
This time, Odessa was leaning forward in their bucket, as if leaning onto every word he said.
"I don't like quiet for too long" the creature admitted after a few seconds "but I will do as you say, I do not want him sad, I want him happy"
"Keep those words in mind and you will" he finally got up from his position, already feeling his legs tingling from sitting down too long "now, I have to go home and sleep, don't worry though, I'll be back in the morning, okay?"
"I promise, like last time Odessa, do you want me to help you out of the bucket?"
"No, I am fine, thanks, you rest, have more things to ask later"
For the first time since he entered the place that morning, Norman left with a smile on his face and felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
Now he just had to worry about Sammy's reaction when he came back.

Friend nice. Friend made promise. Good. Sammy, I hope to see you soon.
You move back into Sammy's Office and place a black rose on his desk.
Rest well. My music man.

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