REM // Van McCann

By fading-memories

6.8K 247 264

Van, Bondy, and Larry have found a way to share and visualize dreams, hoping to understand what they mean. Th... More

1. God, I Hope This Works
2. We Did It
3. Brief Moment
4. Lasting Impression
5. The Flyer
6. Jealousy
7. People Are Responding
8. Disclaimer
9. Prove Me Wrong
10. Driving Lessons
11. I Want To Sign Up
12. Practice
13. Am I Dreaming?
14. Do You Want To Bet?
15. Good News
16. A Deal Is a Deal
17. Go For a Swim
18. It's a Date
19. Slowly Falling
20. Afraid I've Upset You
21. That's What You Get
22. I Still Think About Her
23. Drawn Towards Water
24. Why'd You Ask?
25. Company
26. Control
27. My Worst Fear
28. She's In Love With You
29. Last Time
30. What's Stopping You?
31. No Way to Continue
32. Faceless People
33. I'm Not Sure I Trust You
34. Toying With Me
35. Can I Ask You Something?
36. It Was Always You
37. The Reason Why
38. She Haunts Me
39. You Owe Me a Kiss
40. Would We Have Met?
41. She's Got Quite the Personality
42. Wrong Number
43. You're Not Steve
44. You Still Love Her
45. Letters
46. Please Help Me!
47. I'm Honestly Not Surprised
48. You Have My Permission
49. Is Something on Your Mind?
50. I Need Time Alone
51. Set Up
52. Not Like This
53. You're Out of Your Goddamn Mind
54. The Answer Is Yes, by the Way
55. No Funny Business
56. I'm Sure It's Nice
58. Take a Break
59. Portugal
60. I Think You're Onto Something
61. We're Moving
62. Bondy
63. Are You Alright?
64. The Frog Prince
65. Me-of All People!
66. Keep in Touch
67. Lapse in Judgement
68. You Should Prepare Yourself
69. Guilt
70. I Changed My Mind
71. It's None of Your Business
72. I'd Love That
73. Last-Minute Trip
74. Trying to Poach You
75. No Taking That Back
76. Raining Cats and Dogs
77. It's...Complicated
78. I Made a Friend
79. The Sunset
80. Do Things Over Again
81. Nothing Left to Take
82. I Don't Regret Any of It
83. She Lives On
84. I Was Just Thinking...
85. She'd Want the Same for Me Too
86. Suicide Note
87. Thinking Too Much
88. What Can You Do?
89. Everything's Okay

57. We Need to Talk

81 2 0
By fading-memories

Turns out I have been to Conwy Castle before but that was ages ago when I was just a young boy. My parents took me there one weekend. I wasn't old enough to appreciate the beauty and history of the landmark but I'd love to go back someday. Just not today.

Clara was lying naked beside me with the covers pulled over her body. She was tired from the physical exertion. We were like rabbits having been at it last night and again this morning. She had actually fallen asleep and I didn't want to wake her. But as much as I'd love to lie here all day in her company, we had to pack our things and check out of the bed and breakfast.

I pushed the sheets aside and sat up. The old bed creaked under my weight and I went to find my clothes and underwear which I discarded in a haste. I managed to find Clara's bra and underwear and picked them up, placing them on the bed. She looked incredible last night and I couldn't help but remember removing them off her body last night. The way she turned so red and used her hands to cover her body but I leant in to kiss her and told her how beautiful she was.

Surprisingly, I wasn't Clara's first time and it honestly didn't bother me. The last thing I wanted was to teach someone but I took things slow with her since she said it's been a while. Sex brought an intimacy that wasn't there before. It wasn't just lust but a physical and emotional connection between us.

I went to the bathroom, got ready, and took a quick shower. It wasn't until I emerged that I saw Clara had put her clothes back on. Even though she just woke up, she looked angelic and very sleepy. I walked up to kiss her on the cheek and ruffled her hair playfully.

"Mornin' sleepyhead. If you hurry, we'll be able to catch breakfast still," I told her.

She smiled and grabbed her stuff, heading towards the bathroom. I took the opportunity to gather all my things. The nice thing about a weekend getaway is that I didn't pack much in the first place so there wasn't much to pack. My bag was packed and ready to go and I tried to gather Clara's things while she took a quick shower. She came out of the bathroom and saw that I had all her stuff on the bed and thanked me. Once we were both packed, we left our bags in our room and went down for a late breakfast. Our host didn't mind though and gave us two heaping plates of the classic English breakfast. Clara struggled to finish her food so I helped finish hers.

We could've gone to Conwy Castle if we wanted to but decided not to as we wanted to go home and get ready for Monday. Since I'm done with all my exams, I don't have anything going on but Clara has work the next day. It was strange having all this free time. I'd rather be working but I'm still waiting to hear back from all the companies I've applied to. We checked out of the bed and breakfast and packed our bags in the boot of the car. I had a quick cigarette before getting in the car and making our way back home.

Clara looked out the window when we drove through the neighborhood roads. I can tell she's fond of this place and would like to go back and properly explore it someday. She loves looking at the houses. It wasn't until we were on the A55 that she finally leant back in her seat and turned on the radio. There wasn't any traffic going back which was great.

I parked the car in her driveway and opened the boot. Clara tried to carry her own bag but I carried it for her to the front steps. She took her keys out to unlock the door and pushed the door wide open so I could step in. Her mum was in the kitchen as always.

"The both of you are back so soon! How was your trip?" she asked, drying her hands on a towel.

"It was great!" Clara explained. "It was too cold to swim but we walked along the beach and they've got this pier...." Clara excitedly went on, following her mum into the kitchen.

"Clara, I'll put this in your room," I said, holding up her bag and she nodded her head and continued talking. It wasn't until I reached the second floor that I came across her dad in the hallway. "Hello Mr. Jones."

"Back already? How was your trip?" he asked.

"It was good," I answered. "It was nice to get away for a bit." I didn't want to give too many details. If he knew what we were up to, I don't think he'd be too happy. I stepped into Clara's room and put her bag on her bed.

"What was the best part of your trip?" he continued.

"I think just seeing how much Clara enjoyed it out there. She was all smiles when we were on the beach and she liked looking at the houses."

"That sounds like my daughter," he chuckled. "Thank you for taking her out there."

"Of course."

The both of us walked back down. Clara was showing her mum pictures that she took and I took the opportunity to bring out the souvenirs I had bought for her parents.

"I got the both of you gifts," I said, unloading the contents of the bag.

There were sweets and preserved jams for her mum and a book on the history of Wales for her dad. Clara told me her dad is a big history buff. He always knows facts about all the places he's lived in and since he's never been to Wales before, I thought he'd enjoy the book. Her mum, on the other hand, is always in the kitchen cooking so I thought she'd enjoy the sweets and preserved jams I brought back. They were surprised and thanked me for the gift saying how thoughtful I was. It wasn't that I was trying to impress her parents. I think they've known me long enough to know that I'm always thinking about others.

We had afternoon tea and biscuits and talked for an hour or so before I told them I had to get going. They asked me to stay for dinner but I didn't want to. I've not checked my emails and the status of my job applications since Friday so I really wanted to get caught up. I'm gonna go mad with all this free time and I need something to do!

I was relieved to be home. There's something about the comfort of your own home. You can sleep in your own bed and everything you need is there. It's funny how you can be fed up of being home all the time but when you leave it, you always miss it. Of course this wasn't my actual home. My actual home was miles away with my parents but for the past three years, this flat has been my home. It wasn't until now that I understood the pain that Clara goes through every year. She's never lived anywhere long enough to know what home truly feels like but my hope was that she'd consider moving in with me wherever it is that we decide to go.

I spent the rest of my afternoon unpacking my bag and placed the dirty clothes in the hamper. I had saved my laundry for when I got back so I brought my bag down to start the wash. While that was going, I went to the supermarket down the street to do a bit of shopping as I was running low on some items and then I came back to dry my clothes. For dinner, I had Chinese takeaway and it wasn't until 8 PM that I could finally relax.

I turned on my laptop and began going through my emails. Most of it was junk mail but then I saw that there was a status update for my visa. I quickly typed in the web address for the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) and typed in my Immigrant Visa Case Number. I've checked it so many times that I've started to memorize my number.

Status: Approved

"Fuck yeah!" I shouted, standing up and punching the air with my fist. Once I had calmed down, I sat back down and placed my head in my hands in disbelief. "I can't believe it. I'm going to America."

I was starting to tremble from nerves and excitement. DecodeREM hasn't had the chance to see yet because it's Sunday but they'll no doubt reach out to me this week. How much time do I have? They seemed eager to have me as soon as possible but how quickly can I pack my things and say goodbye? I've got to find a place to stay over there, buy my aeroplane ticket, and say goodbye to everyone.

And then it hit me. In my excitement, I had forgotten about Clara and how'd she feel about the whole situation. This is exactly what she talked about. We've only recently just made up and now this was going to pose another problem. This can either make or break our relationship and I wasn't looking forward to that talk. I grabbed my phone and texted her.

Babe, we need to talk. My visa went through.

I left it at that, not wanting to give too many details. The both of us knew this was going to happen eventually but we didn't think it'd be so soon. Clara responded rather quickly.

How about tomorrow after work?

I agreed to pick her up after work and that we'd grab takeaway and head over to my place to talk. All I could do was worry about how our conversation would go. This is a great work opportunity for me. Working on dreams is much more interesting to me than working for a corporate business. I'm going to learn loads and put my degree to good use. The only downside was being far from home and family. I've never lived outside the UK before and didn't know what to expect. I'll be living in Seattle, a city I know nothing about and I'll be starting from scratch. I'll have no friends and family over there. I'll essentially be on my own and that scared me.

I'm no stranger to not seeing my parents for long periods of time. I moved out for uni and only visit them once in a while. But that's knowing they're a few hours away if I ever need them. Now they'll be a 9.5 hour flight away. My parents have always been supportive of me and my endeavors. They'll no doubt support my decision to work for DecodeREM but my mum will joke that I have to be home for Crimbo and that I must call her on her birthday.

Convincing Clara to join me is another problem. She's lived in America before albeit not Seattle. She's never been separated from her parents and prefers not to. She wants me to wait until she knows where her parents are moving but I can't. DecodeREM wants me to work as soon as possible and if I can't, they'll find someone else who can. Another opportunity like this might never come along. Instead of sleeping at a reasonable time, I spent the night thinking about how to convince Clara to come with me.

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