Secret Love [Nomin]

By mayaa__park

827 22 0

Jeno and Jaemin have been best friends for 8 years and are really close to each other. Maybe too much by the... More



48 1 0
By mayaa__park

Author POV

2 weeks later

In just 2 weeks, a lot happened.

Jeno and Jaemin made up but are still hiding their relation to the boys, who still think they are just best friends, except for Renjun who knows the truth.

Jibeom, their manager, announced them that he actually was the boyfriend of Jeno's sister, which explain why they already knew each other.

Finally, the boys learned they will have another manager along with Jibeom. And this time it's someone they all know well, mostly Mark and Donghyuck since it's 127's former manager.

The young man, named Dohyun, decided to leave his place to someone else and take care of Dream for the delight of the boys. Dohyun has the same age as Mark, being born in December 1999, which makes the communication with the boys easier.

Today is the first day of their training for the upcoming concert, under Dohyun's surveillance.

Donghyuck POV

Dohyun: Okay guys, let's have a break!

We all lie on the floor, exhausted. We are repeating nonstop since this morning, and I'm out of strength. And it's only the first day.... It's been so long since we worked like that, I'm not used to it anymore. Plus, the last weeks were so tiring, between Jaemin and Jeno's fights and all the changes in the organization of the concert...

And of course Mark and I were always the last ones to know everything since we're not living with them. It's kinda unfair, Chenle is basically living with them but us we can't 😣

Anyway, let's come back to our break. The first since this morning, and maybe the last. It's already 2pm and we didn't get to eat a proper meal of the day.

We're all lying on the floor, trying to catch our breath. I see Dohyun going out of the room and Jibeom entering it, probably to watch over us while waiting for Dohyun to come back.

By the way, I'm still wondering why he wanted to manage us... I should ask him after! For my part, I like him, he's really nice and attentive and caring with us and serious when he needs to. Mark was jealous of him because of how caring he was with me; it was fun to see 😆🙃

Do: C'mon get up, time to eat!

No need to say it twice, we all get up at the same time and run together to the table, we're dying of hunger now.

I'm sitting between Mark and Dohyun, I think it's now or never I need to ask. I slid closer to my manager, with Mark watching on the side.

- Hyung?

Do: Yes, Hyuck?

- I was wondering... why did you decide to take care of Dream?

Do: Oh um... I... I thought that like that I would be able to spend more time with you, and it's more comfortable for me thanks to the age difference... And I like all of you *smiles*

- oh okay

I smile back and focus back on my meal, ignoring Mark, probably jealous of me talking to the manager.

By the way, something struck me in his answer... When he told me he liked us... he didn't look at me... He was looking at someone else without looking at him directly... I'm wondering... Wouldn't he have done that to get closer to someone in particular...?

Chenle POV

2 am and we're finally back to the dorm. Well I'm incrusting myself in here, but I can't let my Jisung sleep alone. And I can't really leave since he's clung into me like a koala.

Dohyun hyung went home with us, he's going to sleep here for a few weeks, he still needs to find somewhere to live near us.

I'm wondering where he's going to sleep besides the couch? It's probably uncomfortable...

I'm happy to have Jibeom and Dohyun as our managers, since we already know them, and they're funny, they're the only ones to laugh at my jokes!!

I already told you Jisung was hard to carry? He keeps on moving, even in his sleep!!

I finally enter the room and put Jisung on the bed before lying beside him.

Dohyun POV

And here I am, alone on this couch. I didn't even dare to ask to sleep in one of the rooms... Even less his...

I really feel bad for lying to Donghyuck before... But I just can't tell them the truth... at least not now... I don't have the guts to do so...

And if i tell them, I'm risking my job and I don't want to lose it. This is the first thing they forbade me in my contract. So if I want to keep it I'll have to keep silent for now and act as if it wasn't the case, even if it's easier said than done, even more when I'll see him every day...

There are just so many things making this impossible... What if he loves someone else? What if he is already dating someone? What if he doesn't like men?

I was advised to stay away from him and forget him, but I just can't.

I'm waiting for only one thing... To finally be closer to him and maybe even to finally love him freely...


A really small chapter today, I'm sorry :(

So we're learning new things!!

We finally know who is Jibeom to Jeno!

And we have a new character! So how do we feel about Dohyun?

Who do you think he's talking about?

Hehe some new mysteries ~

I'll see you next week <3

~ Maya ~ 

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