Can't Fight It

By camilzer

13.2K 619 166

Camila/You Y/N seems like your typical rock star. She's a tattooed covered badass who loves to party. Camila... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter tweleve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three

chapter fourteen

458 27 9
By camilzer

September 9th, 2016

No One's P.O.V.

Fifth Harmony was performing in Irvine, California tonight and Y/N had taken the hour drive to see the show. She had watched them perform, mesmerized by Camila's ability to entrance the crowd—and Y/N herself.

After the show, Camila met her girlfriend with wide arms and an even wider smile. She loved how supportive Y/N was. Whenever she was able, she would drive or fly out to see her, even if just for one night. Those were always her favorite nights to perform, knowing the love of her life was watching her with nothing but love and amazement in her eyes. She could meet her gaze and immediately feel better about herself, forgetting any self-consciousness she had been experiencing.

Y/N had snuck away after the show to use the bathroom. On her way out, she—literally—ran into Normani who was on her way into the bathroom. Y/N outstretched her arms, catching Normani before she stumbled back.

Their eyes met, Normani didn't look away. Y/N didn't either. She was confused beyond belief. Why was she staring like that? Her eyes were boring into her own and she didn't like it one bit.

Finally, Y/N pulled away, the uncomfortable feeling growing to be too much for her. "Uh, sorry," she apologized, skirting around the dark skinned woman who turned around to watch her go.

Arriving back into the room the other girls were in, she found Camila talking to their guitarist. Y/N knew her name (and a lot about her) from her conversations with Camila. She came up behind her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her waist, she bent slightly to rest her head on Camila's shoulders. The shorter woman jumped slightly at first, but after recognizing Y/N's scent and the feeling of her body, she relaxed, placing her hands over Y/N's and continuing with her conversation.

Y/N placed a kiss on her jawline. "Hi, baby." She said as Camila's conversation died down.

"Hello," Camila giggled. "Oh, Ash, this is Y/N, my girlfriend."

"I know." Ashlee laughed. "Camila talks about you all the time."

It was true, Camila did talk about Y/N a lot. And Ashlee listened. It was one of the reasons their friendship was so strong, Camila thinks. While the other girls would dismiss her and roll their eyes when Camila gushed about her girlfriend, Ashlee would listen with rapt attention, soaking up every detail. She had told Camila she was living vicariously through Camila since she had yet to find "lady love" herself.

To Ashlee, it was refreshing to hear someone so successful talk so openly about their queer relationship. It was one of the reasons she felt so comfortable coming out to Camila and Sinu before anyone else. She knew they would understand, especially Camila. And while the Cuban couldn't be out and proud in public, she definitely was in private. It was inspiring to Ashlee and she loved hearing about Camila's happiness.

"Believe it or not, I've heard a lot about you too." Y/N smiled.

"Well," Ashlee began. "Some of the other guys on the crew wanted to go to this karaoke bar down the street. You guys wanna come?" Camila and Y/N looked at each other, the former biting her lip. "Oh, Ryan said it's all booked out so we have privacy."

Another reason Camila loved Ashlee so much, she could read her mind. She turned her head slightly, looking up at Y/N. "You wanna go?"

"This is your night, baby. Anything you wanna do."

"We can sing together." Camila smiled widely.

"Fine, but I get to pick the song."

"We'll see." Camila smirked.


Y/N did not get to pick the song.

Granted, even if she genuinely had her heart set on it, she would have let up the second Camila's face lit up the way it did when she came across the One Direction song in the binder of karaoke songs.

"Baby, please, we have to," she begged.

Y/N pretended to think about it, letting Camila pout, her hands clasped in front of her as she begged, her eyes wide and pleading. Y/N thought she was so cute and she didn't want her to stop. "Fine," she relented, playfully rolling her eyes.

Camila smiled in victory, though she knew damn well she was going to get her way. She always did with Y/N.

The two went up to the stage, taking two mics from the DJ. Camila told him the song and they stood beside each other. Y/N nodded, letting her know she'd start.

Oh, I just wanna take you anywhere that you'd like
We could go out any day, any night
Baby, I'll take you there, take you there
Baby, I'll take you there, yeah

Y/N stared at Camila the whole time she sang, smiling widely at her. Camila was literally swooning. There was something about the woman she loved serenading her with One Direction that did something to her.

When the chorus came around, Camila joined in, harmonizing with her girlfriend. The crowd, made up entirely of the team from the tour, was cheering them on. The energy in the room was amazing. Even the other girls were watching them with smiles and cheering. Because, while they may not approve of Y/N, they loved seeing Camila so happy.

Camila took the third and fourth verses, dramatically singing the lyrics with actions. Y/N was laughing at her girlfriend, she couldn't remember the last time she had this much fun with someone.

During the bridge, Camila and Y/N began waltzing over-dramatically across the small stage. "I love you," Camila was smiling so widely her cheeks hurt.

"I love you," Y/N replied before backing away and singing the chorus, her eyes strictly on Camila.

Yeah, so tell me girl if every time we
You get this kinda ru-u-ush
Baby, say yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Camila joined in.

If you don't wanna take it slow
And you just wanna take me home
Baby, say yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah

They finished out the song, Y/N singing the last line: And let me kiss you. And, both because it was so fitting and because she desperately wanted to, she pulled Camila in for a kiss as the crowd of their friends and co-workers cheered.

Leaving the stage hand-in-hand, Sinu came over to them. "That was so good!" She smiled.

Sinu, along with the other girls, didn't love Y/N. It is not who she pictured her daughter with. Of course she knew Camila had always had a crush on Y/N, but she didn't know her so there was no possibility of it going somewhere. Now they're actually dating and Sinu can't help but worry for Camila.

She's not stupid, she knows the kind of things Y/N is into and she worries for Camila's well-being. She was worried enough as it was, before Camila told her about Y/N throwing a lamp at a wall and about Y/N almost over-dosing. Then, the fact Camila had gotten a tattoo for her? That was the icing on the cake.

Dios mío, what were you thinking? She had asked her daughter.

It's not a big deal, mamí. Camila had rolled her eyes, something she never did before.

"Thanks, Mrs. Cabello." Y/N smiled. Normally, Sinu would tell her to call her by her first name, or even Mama. But, she'd let Y/N stick with the formalities for now. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom." She told Camila, kissing her head before making her way across the bar.

Camila was practically floating on her way over to the girls' table. She slid into the booth and did a little shimmy in her seat. "God, I'm so in love," she sighed. The girls all looked at each other, none of them saying anything. Even Ashlee kept quiet. "What?"

"Tell her what happened, Mani." Dinah prompted.

"What happened?" Camila was getting worried now.

Normani took a deep breath. "So, earlier," She started. "I ran into Y/N when she was leaving the bathroom."


"She was high." Normani finally said.

"Yeah, and? She's literally always high. Why do you think she smells like a living, breathing, blunt at all times?"

"Not from weed, Mila." Lauren shook her head.

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Because her pupils basically took up her whole eye." Camila stayed silent. "Cocaine eyes, Camila."

"Oh, my God," Camila scoffed. "I don't know why I told you guys about that after party. I should have known you'd use it against her."

"We're not making this up, Camila." Ally said.

"Of course, you're not." She rolled her eyes. "You've only been trying to get rid of her for our whole relationship. I don't understand why you can't be happy for me. This is absolutely ridiculous."

"Why would we lie? Literally what would we gain?" Lauren asked.

"Well, you, for one, might be lying to break us up because you're jealous." Camila can admit, that was low.

"Excuse me? I'm in a relationship, Camila."

"Whatever," Camila rolled her eyes again, getting up from the booth just as Y/N came back from the bathroom.

"Oh, hi," Y/N smiled before letting it fall when she saw the look on Camila's face. "What happened here?"

"Nothing, let's just go." Camila grabbed her hand, pulling her to the door. She let herself ignore the size of Y/N's pupils.


At the hotel that night—Camila staying in Y/N's room instead of with her mother—the girls had  showered. "Can I borrow a t-shirt?"

"Of course." Y/N replied, drying her hair. She grabbed one off the pile of clothes she brought with her into the bathroom. "I knew you'd ask." She shrugged.

Camila blushed and took the shirt, her eyes landing on Y/N's phone as the screen lit up.

Lexx🛑: have you told Camila yet?

"What the fuck?" Camila asked aloud.


"Why is Alexxis asking if 'you've told me yet'? Told me what?"

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asked, pulling her own shirt over her head.

Camila picked up her phone and read the screen. "You got a text from 'Lexx'," she put a lot of emphasis on the nickname. "And she asked 'have you told Camila yet?' So? Have you told me what?" Y/N started laughing. "What could possibly be so funny right now?"

"We were talking about my album cover." Camila didn't seem too convinced. "Give me the phone," Y/N asked, laughing, extending her hand for the device.


"Fine," Y/N sighed. "The password is 040816. Go ahead and ask her yourself if you don't believe me."

Camila's heart jumped at the date—their first time hanging out—and unlocked the phone, sending the text. It wasn't even a full 30 seconds before Alexxis replied.

Lexx🛑: uh, the cover?

Lexx🛑: we were JUST emailing about it

Lexx🛑: how many trips to the bathroom have you had today?

Camila looked slightly embarrassed, "Oh...why would I need to know about that? And what does she mean about the bathroom?"

"Inside joke," Y/N dismissed. "And hold on, I'll show you." She took her phone and opened up her Gmail account.

Got the artwork in. What do you think? They're sending over the alternative backing as we speak.

Y/N tapped the image attachment and showed Camila.

"Is that me?" Camila asked.

Y/N smiled softly. "Technically, on paper, it's a random model. But, yeah...It's you. Alexxis was asking if I asked you about it yet. To get your approval, ya know?"

"Y/N..." Camila immediately felt bad. She had jumped to conclusions, letting her paranoia get in the way. "Well...I approve." She gave her a smile. Y/N sighed, and shook her head, walking out of the bathroom. "I'm sorry."

"It's whatever."

"Are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad. It's just..." Y/N sat down on the edge of the bed and ran her fingers through her still-wet hair. "You see your ex everyday. You work with her. You basically live with her. And I have never once worried about you. I trust you, Camila. I trust you because you've never given me a reason not to." Camila looked down at her feet. "I don't think I've ever given you a reason to not trust me, have I? Especially with my manager."

"I know. You're right. I just...I get in my head sometimes. It's just...knowing your history with women..."

"Oh," Y/N laughed humorlessly. "So, now, my past, before you met me, is being used against me? How is that fair?"

"It's not that, I just...God, Y/N, I don't know. I can't explain it."

"I think it's pretty funny that you're worried about me and my manager when you and yours are so close. It reminds me of when someone always thinks their partner is cheating because they're projecting. Are you projecting, Cami?" Y/N knew Camila wasn't sleeping with Roger. She also knew this was low hanging fruit. But, still, she was getting tired of Camila's jealousy surrounding people Y/N works with. At first, she was flattered, she found it kind of cute how Camila would get jealous. Now it's just ridiculous.

"That's disgusting." Camila grimaced. "You've made your point. I'm sorry I worry. I do trust you. I just don't trust other people. Or I don't trust you with other people? Like hot people. You surround yourself with people who could be models and I just...I get in my head."

Y/N sighed and pulled Camila into her lap. "Camila, I don't know what I can do to show you that you're it for me."

"You shouldn't have to do anything. I mean, you're perfect. You treat me so good. It's just my anxiety. I mean like, Lauren went to Lucy after we broke up.  And that's after saying she didn't have feelings and..."

"I know. But we're not broken up. And we won't ever be." Y/N kissed the side of her head. "We'll work on this, okay? You can work on trusting me more and I'll do what I can to make you feel more secure...besides firing Alexxis."

"You sure?" Camila asked with a smile. When Y/N fondly rolled her eyes, she laughed and said, "I'm kidding. And I really do like the album artwork. We kinda brushed over it, but I love it."

"You do?" Camila nodded. "I took that after our first time. It's cheesy, I know. I just want you to be a part of the album. Even though almost all the songs are about you, I just wanted to further dedicate it to you."

"Holy fuck, I love you." Camila kissed her girlfriend for all she was worth.

"I love you." Y/N smiled. "I know I can't love you in public, but this way we'll know. This is our thing." She kissed Camila again before pulling her back onto the bed with her.

(a/n): i love how this story is going so far.

the album cover is an image that is basically showing y/n's fear of ruining her own happiness (her relationship with camila). the person in the embrace is also the person lighting them on fire.

as for the back, that is not (to my knowledge) actually camila. and the track list was something I have spent an unreasonable amount of time on (I added and took out so many songs and tried to see where to fit them). most are from the album tickets to my downfall by mgk

anyway, I hope you enjoyed :)

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