Marked Me Like a Bloodstain...

By Miss_Celestia13

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A JakexMC Romance - Duskwood Fanfiction Manon Corvin is many things; a survivor, a fighter and a problem to a... More

No one likes a mad woman
I'm no sweet dream but I'm a hell of a night
I'm coming for you and I'm making war
And there's a storm you're starting now
I'll do anything you say, if you say it with your hands
You did a number on me but honestly, baby who's counting?
Live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down
He's so obsessed with me, and boy I understand!
Don't call me by my name, all of this is temporary
As always, the one trick pony's here, so quit your sulking
We try to forget but the memories left are still haunting
If I could break the spell, I'd shake the gates of Hell
The moon don't pick sides, and the sun won't resign until you're by my side
So you wanna talk about power? Let me show you power
Beware the beauty with the lonely face who whispers every word you want to hear
What the fuck does all this mean? You know, I'm still somebody's daughter
Lost I was born, lonesome I came, lonesome I'll always stay
You're not safe here anymore, this is the sound of war
I woke up just in time, now I wake up by your side
Surrender to your heart, remember who we are
Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch
Whose eyes am I behind? I don't recognise anything that I see
Daddy's little girl, and daddy made a soldier out of me
We might just get away with it, the altar is my hips
A thousand times I tempted fate, I'll take no more
Let me show you how to touch my trigger
I can feel your heart hanging in the air
Well, flesh amnesiac, this is your song
I must become a lion hearted girl ready for a fight
I was born in the blood with the name on my lips
I don't need a knight, so baby, take off all your armor
Red Light Spells Danger
Look what you made me do
I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground
Long story short, it was a bad time...
Flash forward and we're taking on the world together
Sequel Teasers and Cover...
For the hope of it all - Epilogue Artwork

Don't you see what you're finding? This is Heaven in hiding

418 27 97
By Miss_Celestia13

A/N; Saturday arrives along with some of the gang, a few are missing much to Manon's despair and they spend some time getting to know each other. Before that Jake makes breakfast and spends their last few hours alone discovering more about her. I was too excited to post so I have only edited this once, I'll fix any mistakes later! It's a long one and possibly my favourite one yet.

The song for this chapter is Heaven in Hiding by Halsey

"Can you hear my heartbeat fucking kickin'?
Your eyes light up 'cause you best believe
That I got something up my sleeve
I walk my talk
No time for wishful thinking

I push up on my toes
You call me, "sweet thing"
I'm breathing down your neck
Your body's screamin'

You thought that you were the boss tonight
But I can put up one good fight
I flip the script
Like I can take a beating

You surrender to the touch
You'll know
I can put on a show"

Heaven in Hiding - Halsey

Manon surfaced from sleep to the sound of rain battering off the windows, the morning so bleak and grey the room was cloaked in shadows. Sighing, she rolled over, hand snaking through the sheets to find Jake and discovering he'd already gotten up, the bed cold on his side. She stretched her legs, a pleasant burn spreading through her muscles that only made her smile. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before looking for her phone, snatching it off the night-stand. A litany of texts appeared and she groaned when she noticed the time, 10 am and every message said they'd arrive by 1 pm. She had three hours, nervous energy fueled her body as she dragged herself out of bed.

Manon grabbed her clothes and headed into the bathroom, jumping in the shower and hurriedly cleaning herself, doing her best to keep her hair out of the spray of water. Once she had toweled off and gotten dressed, she carefully applied her makeup. Choosing her favourite red liquid lipstick to boost her confidence and finished off with a slash of black liner. Dressed head to toe in black, her white hair braided in a single cable down her back. She'd gotten over the melancholy that had crept over her every thought the past 24 hours and now just wanted them to get here. A trickle of excitement finally hit her when it sank in that they were actually coming.

She sprayed on perfume before leaving the bathroom, not bothering to pick up after herself and halted when she caught sight of Jake propped up on the bed wearing nothing but a pair of loose grey tracksuit bottoms. He was reading something on his phone, looking more beautiful than he had any right to and only glanced up when she managed to get her legs to carry her towards the bed. He looked her up and down, eyes trailing over her tight jeans and sticking to her painted mouth, he couldn't seem to look away from it. Manon smirked and sat down beside him, noticing the mug of coffee he'd placed on her nightstand.

"Well aren't you considerate?" She murmured before taking a sip, he watched her every move, eyes dropping to her throat as she swallowed.

"How does it compare to the motels?" He said when he finally met her gaze, the blue piercing in the grey light of the morning.

Manon turned to him, "Much better, thank you. Why didn't you wake me?"

He locked his phone and set it down before replying, giving her his full attention.

"I did try, you sleep like the dead." He said seriously and Manon snorted.

"Shame, I had this wonderful idea I wanted to try out but I guess you'll never know."

That ever present heat between them seemed to burn hotter as she watched him, her laughter dying in her throat when tension so thick she could almost reach out and touch it filled the air. Jake's eyes narrowed a second before he wrapped a hand around her wrist, dragging it to his mouth and breathing her in, pressing a kiss against her pounding pulse before he released her. Manon released a breath and tried to ignore his smug smirk.

"You can always show me later, Manon." He turned away to drink his own coffee, the promise in his low voice sending a thrill through her and wishing it was later, now.

"Perhaps." She agreed, forcing her mind away from the gutter and back onto what was happening that day.

"What are you planning to do while I play hostess?" She asked quietly.

"I'll keep working, there are a few trails I want to follow and see if they bear fruit."

"Can I ask what those are or do you want to wait until you know for sure?"

"I'll wait, they could be nothing but it doesn't hurt to try." She smiled, nodding.

"Okay, sure you don't want to help? You could keep the attention off me." She was joking but a part of her wanted to witness the scene if he was there to greet them, the drama would feed her for weeks.

He cut his eyes to her, amusement clear in the set of his mouth "I'm sure. You'll enjoy it, you don't seem to mind being the center of attention around me."

Manon gave him a wicked grin and leaned closer, his gaze trained on her red lips.

"Oh, but I can't do to them what I do with you, Jake." She practically purred and Jake groaned, eyes darkening and pinning her in place.

"No you definitely can't." He agreed, voice guttural, "Do you delight in tormenting me, Manon?"

A spark caught, quick and hot in her core, the heat of it warming her through.

"I do, you seem to like the end results though." She shrugged, feigning nonchalance and he edged closer, their faces so close they shared breath.

He drew in a long breath, nudging her nose with his and his hand gripped her chin tight. Manon held her breath, his eyes kept flicking to her mouth and she felt as though she'd crawl out of her skin if he didn't kiss her.

"I don't want to mess it up, this colour on you is striking." He whispered and she had the urge to laugh but reigned it in, anticipation fizzing through her veins. The compliment so unusual she made a note to wear lipstick more often.

"It'll be fine." She whispered and closed the distance between them.

It wasn't their usual frantic, desperate kiss. He kissed her slowly and sensually, as if he had all the time in the world to map her mouth. Pliant lips gentle against hers, making them tingle in reaction and when he licked at the seam of her mouth she let him in, a lazy slide against her tongue. The hand at her chin tilted her head, giving him better access and she wound her own through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. The hum of pleasure he made making her smile, he shifted and she felt his other arm wrap around her waist, fingers splaying against the small of her back. The warmth of them soaking through her thin shirt and sending goosebumps across her skin.

His lips slowly became more insistent, pressing harder against hers and his tongue flicked at the roof of her mouth, drawing a low moan that she felt him smile at. She tugged at his hair when his hand slipped from her chin and slid down her neck, the pads of his fingers tapped lightly over her rapid pulse. She untangled her fingers and wrapped her hand around the back of his neck, to feel his own blood pounding as hard as hers. Her other hand inched up his thigh, corded muscle jumping under her palm whenever she stroked the length of it. The hand at her back slipped down, fingers digging into the curve of her ass and she arched into it, encouraging him.

He pulled back, nipping at her bottom lip and groaning in regret.

"We don't have time do we?"

"Not really but we could be selfish and do it anyway." She said, only half joking.

Jake stared at her through half lidded eyes, battling internally and she sighed, pulling him back to her for one last taste before they had to get up. He really did suit her, it was unfair how easily he could play her. The hard cock she teasingly ran a hand over before breaking away again telling her she did the same to him.

"You're evil." He moaned and she laughed.

"You know that song, Darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream? That was about me." She crooned and he chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"Right, we have to go or I'll never leave you leave this bed."

That sounded mighty appealing to her and she was about to say so when he stood and walked to the door, beckoning her to follow. Manon sighed, the damp heat of her inconvenient lust between her thighs mocking her as she followed him downstairs.

In the kitchen, Jake told her to take a seat while he made them breakfast. She raised a brow and opened her big mouth.

"Can you actually cook? I can't picture it."

Jake threw his head back and laughed, she propped her hand up on her chin, leaning on the counter to watch him. When he laughed, all the hard lines of his face softened, those dimples flashed and she couldn't stop staring. He looked free, she realised and it was her doing. The silent man who'd worn secrecy and loneliness like armour, completely transformed around her.

"I can but nothing fancy. Do you want pancakes or eggs?" He asked and she suddenly wanted to lick syrup off of his bare chest.

"Pancakes, please." Knowing she had syrup in the cupboard and trying to figure out how she could make him agree to lay down on the island so she could pour it over him.

"Do you want bacon too?" He asked over his shoulder.

"Is the pope a catholic?" She deadpanned and he snorted.

He got busy mixing the ingredients and in an effort to keep her mind away from how good he looked she scrolled through her playlists until she found her favourite and let it play as he cooked. She was singing along quietly while emailing her lawyer, she'd finally replied to her query about Phils bail when Jake interrupted her.

"What is it with you and music? I've noticed you can't do anything without it." Her eyes flew to him, expecting ridicule but finding nothing but genuine longing to know her better.

"Uhm, it's just ..." she looked around, eyes not landing on anything as she tried to find the words and failed.

"I didn't mean to pry." He said softly and she met his genuine gaze, how to explain something she never had before.

"You aren't. It's simply that no one has ever asked that before. Usually I'm told to shut up or asked to turn it off and not in a kind way." She shrugged, tried to laugh it off but the enraged look in his eyes at whoever had told her that stopped her.

"Those people are assholes."

A startled laugh escaped her at the vehemence in his tone.

"Or they don't like my taste in music."

He shook his head fiercely. "No. Anyone who puts you down for what you love doesn't deserve to know you, Manon."

Manon froze, not expecting so much raw honesty from him over such a simple question. She realised as she watched him simmer that no one had ever really cared about her answer when they'd asked. Sure Steve did but he hated her constant singing of the same songs and her excited tangents about new albums by her favourite artists. Jake actually wanted to know, not to humiliate or hurt her, just to know her better and she wanted to let him.

"You're right. I guess music has always been there for me. No matter what was happening in my life, good or bad and everything in between. Music was there and I need it to remind me of all those times. I need it to quieten the constant worrying in my head. I don't even notice I do it anymore."

Jake smiled at her, a flash of that life altering love she felt for him crossed his eyes, it was gone too fast but she knew what she'd seen. She felt oddly breathless as he focused on pouring the batter into the skillet before facing her again.

"What is your favourite song?"

She groaned and he raised a questioning brow.

"You can't ask me that! I have way too many."

He chuckled, "No, everyone has the one song they'd chose over all others. What is yours?"

She kicked her feet, thinking hard but decided to challenge him.

"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine?"

"Fine." He sighed, " Indian Summer by Stereophonics."

Manon smiled brightly, "Oh that's a good one!" She sang her favourite line to his shock, "Cigarettes over coffee, her halo slipped to a noose."

"I didn't think you'd know it." He sounded pleased though and she only lifted a shoulder in reply.

"Your turn." He said, turning back to flip the pancakes, giving her privacy she realised. Why did she feel nervous? Why were her palms sweating? He only chuckled and told her to get on with it, as though desperate to know.

"Red Light Spells Danger by Billy Ocean." Jake laughed and shook his head.

"What's so funny?" She demanded, smiling.

"It's just not what I expected you to say, I thought you'd pick Taylor Swift. Why that song?" He leaned his elbows on the counter to look her in the face.

"My dad played it all the time when I was growing up, it was kind of our song. No matter how shit a day you have, put that song on and you will be smiling in no time. It's impossible to feel bad when it's playing." She said, tone wistful.

Jake smiled softly, "I see what you mean, it's the memories more than the song."

She nodded and he looked like he wanted to ask her more but the pancakes were done. He plated them before pulling the tray of bacon out of the oven and splitting it between both plates. Giving her the prettiest looking pancakes which made her melt inside.

"Where is the syrup?" He asked and Manon had to stop herself from laughing, her earlier thoughts now back with a vengeance, he caught the amusement in her eyes and looked puzzled but she ignored it.

"Behind you, cupboard on the left, middle shelf."

He was shaking his head as he grabbed it but didn't make her elaborate.

Manon was pleasantly surprised, the pancakes were perfect. Jake doused his in an ungodly amount of syrup and she doubted he could taste anything else. She was lost in thoughts of later that day when he spoke again.

"Are you nervous to meet your friends?"

"Not really, I just want to get it over with so we can focus on what really matters."

It was the truth, she simply wanted to fast forward through the the awkward parts and get to the good bits, she'd much rather spend the day tangled up with him. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, catching him staring at her mouth as she licked syrup off her fingers. He realised he'd been caught and cleared his throat, shifting in his seat as he looked away. She couldn't stop the smile that took over at the blush creeping up his neck, it amused her greatly. He quickly recovered and left her blinking stupidly at his question.

"What are you going to tell them about us?"

Oh no, he was not putting it on her. Manon gave an irreverent shrug.

"I don't know, Jake. What can I tell them? What are we?" She leaned into his personal space, refusing to let him hide from her. To her surprise he met her fire with some of his own, his heavy hand gripping her thigh so suddenly she jumped.

"We're together, that's all they have to know."

He said it so succinctly, like it was simply a fact he could prove through his work and she found nothing to refute it. She couldn't look away from the intensity of his eyes, the spicy smokey scent of him enveloped her senses and she felt like he was everywhere.

"Hmm, as simple as that is it?" She picked at her nails, pressing her lips together to keep from giggling like a giddy schoolgirl and waited.

"To me it is, it isn't to you?" She met his eye and gave him a sly grin.

"I suppose it'll do, for now." She winked and slid from her stool, leaving him to gape after her and she might've swayed her hips more than usual, just to keep his eyes on her. Ignoring the way her heart tried to beat out of her chest at the confirmation to the question she'd had swimming in her mind for the last two days. Truth was, she didn't have to tell them a damn thing about her relationship, it was hers and it was his, that's all that mattered to her. She left him in the kitchen and headed upstairs to get her shit together, she had less than an hour now.


Jake was shut away upstairs working, where he'd stay until he was ready to face them. First she had to tell Lilly and explain why Jake wasn't ready to talk to her, Jake scared he'd mess things up. She didn't truly mind being the one to do it, knowing him he'd simply sit across from Lilly and text her instead of speaking, the mental image highly amusing but not the way to go.

Jessy kept sending her voice notes, updating her on their progress in between her bursts of excited yelling and Manon couldn't help but laugh every time she listened to one. Dan had been messaging her constantly, complaining he wasn't able to come, he wanted to be here for Jessy but Manon was not getting involved in that one. Cleo and Thomas had only let her know they were leaving but Lilly had called her earlier, explaining she'd found something Hannah's letterbox that she really needed to show her. Richy hadn't been in touch though and no one else mentioned him.

She had taken up food and drink for Jake, having no idea how long he'd be stuck up there, the soft smile he'd given her tested her resolve but she walked away. She was staring out the kitchen window, the view eclipsed by the trees when she heard car doors slamming outside. Manon headed to the front door, steeling her spine and pasting a pleasant smile on her face, forcing her mind to shut up for now. She unlocked it and leaned against it to hold it open, watching as they all lugged cases out of their cars.

Jessy noticed her first, whirling around at the sound of the door opening and dropping her bags to the floor, running full pelt at Manon. She braced herself for impact and Jessy leapt up the stairs to throw her arms around her, Manon froze and barely managed to wrap an awkward arm around her back before Jessy pulled back, a huge smile splitting her face.

"You are nothing like how I imagined you'd be!"

Manon chuckled, "I get that a lot."

Jessy beamed at her, only a little bit taller than her thankfully and Manon was grateful she wasn't the only short ass in the group. Cleo was statuesque, all lean lines and long dark hair. Thomas was slightly shorter than Jake and similarly dark haired, though she didn't want to throttle Jake when she looked at him. Lilly stood behind them all, a shy grin aimed at Manon and Manon smiled back.

"Let's get you all settled in, we can chat later!" Manon clapped her hands together and headed for the stairs, beckoning them over her shoulder as she climbed up to their floor.

"Okay, you girls will have to share I'm afraid! But don't worry it's a big room." She opened the door to the last room, the one with three double beds and showed them inside. All three of them looking around, impressed and shocked.

"I totally thought this would be the creepiest, tiniest little hut you could ever imagine!" Jessy exclaimed and Manon snorted, Cleo nodded but Lilly didn't join in.

"Sorry to disappoint." Manon said seriously, fighting a smile when Jessy laughed.

"Oh it'll do, I suppose." She replied.

"Where is Richy?" Manon asked them, Jessy winced and Manon focused all her attention on her.

"He told Thomas to tell you that he'll be coming later, in a few days. He wants to make sure his parents are safe before he leaves them." She said tentatively and Manon felt her blood begin to heat, she'd known he didn't live alone but he knew how important it was that they stuck together. She sighed heavily and shook the tension out of her arms.

"Okay, I'll call him later to see how he's doing." She said flatly and tamped down her annoyance, focusing instead on the ones that were here.

"This is crazy, how did you manage to pay for all this?" Cleo asked, eyes never wavering from Manons face and Manon felt her shoulders stiffen in reaction.

"Don't worry about it, it's done." Manon dismissed her and moved to leave them to unpack, Lilly pulled her aside before she could leave.

"I saw you the other day, at the motel. Why didn't you say anything?" She whispered and Manon groaned inwardly.

"I wasn't ready yet, I'm sorry about that though." She apologised and Lilly thankfully accepted it, reminding her she had something to show her and Manon nodded.

Back in the hall she led a silent Thomas to his room, since it was just him he'd have it to himself until Richy came. She was keeping a room aside just in case anyone else turned up or needed it. Thomas thanked her quietly and turned his back to her, she raised a brow but ultimately didn't say anything. That fight would come later.

Manon couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, Richy hadn't let her know he wouldn't be coming and had asked Thomas to tell her instead. He was the one that tried to get them a place to stay, why wasn't he here? She knew he had a family but something told her that wasn't the full reason. Knowing her brain wouldn't let her rest she came to a decision. She turned and went back downstairs to the kitchen counter, picked up her phone and dialled Richy's number. It rang and rang and rang. His voicemail picking up, Richy's ever cheery voice telling her he was busy and to leave a message, so she did. Trying to keep the irritation out of her voice she told him to call her asap and hung up, it wasn't enough though so she headed out of the kitchen.

Manon bolted up the two flights of stairs to her room, closing the door silently and locking it behind her before walking over to Jake. He looked over his shoulder as she approached, the corners of his lips tilting up and she felt herself relax slightly at the quiet joy in his eyes when he spotted her.

"They're here then." He said simply and she nodded, sitting on her desk as he turned to face her.

"How do you feel about it?" He asked and she shrugged.

"I'm not sure yet, I still want to strangle Thomas but I'm sure I'll get over that." She paused, thinking, "or maybe I'll upgrade to wanting to stab him. It could go either way."

Jake chuckled, scratching at his jaw and she tilted her head, trying to sound casual.

"Can I ask you a favour?"

"Anything, Manon." He said immediately.

She smiled, brows rising, "Oh in that case I need more time to think about what I want! I have a list you see."

He shook his head, amusement flashing in those lovely eyes "I'm sure you do, what is it?"

Manon clasped her hands in her lap and explained what she wanted.

"Somethings bothering me about Richy. I know you're tracking him but is there a way we can listen in or even watch through his phone? He isn't here and didn't answer when I called him."

Jake chewed on his lip as he thought it over, drawing her eye to his mouth until he spoke.

"I could, it would take some time though. Are you sure it's necessary?"

Manon turned her head to stare at the wall, uncertainty battling with her intuition and nosiness.

"I don't know but I need to know we've done everything just in case. There's something off, I just haven't figured it out yet."

Jake leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingers on the armrests and she tried not to stare at them but she was only human, one with a new obsession with his hands. It was highly inconvenient and she was certain he did it on purpose.

"Okay. I'll try, I can't really promise anything though due to the distance but I should be able to get something. I'll text you when I know more."

Manon gave him a real smile and stood, heading for her wardrobe.

"Thank you, Darling! I'm going to suggest we get drunk because I can't face this day sober."

Jake chuckled, the sound never failed to rouse her and even from across the room she felt his eyes on her as she bent over to get her favourite jacket off the floor. There was a fire pit outside and Manon really wanted to burn things while toasting the beginning of the end of their masked horror.

"Should I be concerned that you just pocketed a box of matches and a can of lighter fluid?" Jake quipped and she turned to wink at him.

"Just going to sacrifice a few virgins to ensure our success. You're safe though, don't worry, I checked." She threw over her shoulder as she aimed for the door, smiling when he choked on a laugh, having no reply as she walked out.


Manon was waiting for them all to come downstairs, she'd found half a dozen frozen pizzas in her freezer and made them all, having no idea what they all liked. She planned to get Lilly alone somehow and explain the situation to her. She'd just cut up the last pizza and plated it when Lilly walked in alone nixing her need for a plan. Manon smiled and pulled her into the living area.

"I have something to tell you." Her voice was barely above a whisper, terrified the others would come down and overhear. Lilly frowned.

"What is it? Is it about Hannah?" Worry coated her words and Manon cringed, forgetting she'd go straight to Hannah.

"No. It's not Hannah." She paused, wishing she could keep him to herself but knowing she couldn't. "It's Jake. He's here."

Lily reared back in shock, eyes lighting up as she looked around the room and came up empty.

"Where is he? Can I see him? I have to apologise, I have to - "

"No, none of that. He's not quite up-to meeting anyone yet, he's only just gotten used to being around me. He does want to talk to you though, he's just not very-" Manon paused, he was very good with words when he was buried inside her but she couldn't exactly tell Lilly that.

"He isn't good with people, he doesn't want to fuck anything up so he's asking for a little time. Is that okay?" Manon asked, unsure but willing to fight her on it.

Lilly only nodded in understanding, her exposure to Jake had already shown her how difficult he found communicating.

"Okay, I understand. Can you tell him when he's ready I'll be there though? There's so much I want to ask him." She admitted and Manon couldn't help but smile, delighted for them both even though it would be incredibly awkward at first. Maybe she should film it, for future use when they found Hannah.

"I'll do that, don't worry, he'll find the words eventually." Manon squeezed her arm and carried the last pizza through to the dining table just as the rest of their rag-tag group traipsed in. She'd already deposited too much wine and beer on the table, determined to liquor them up and get through the questioning.

She was 3 glasses of merlot down and feeling very warm, the chatter around the table never stopped and luckily they seemed to not need her input right now. They only got louder the more they drank and Manon was trying to tune most of it out, her eyes flicking to the ceiling as if she could see through it to Jake. Jessys red hair flashed every time she turned to look at someone, chatting animatedly with Cleo and Thomas, Lilly was quieter but would jump in whenever she had something to add. Manon knew Lilly was younger than the others and wasn't sure if they were always her friends or if they'd just adopted her after Hannah went missing. They seemed to care for each other and Manon was glad of it, Thomas was quite reserved though and she couldn't suss him out. It didn't escape her notice that he avoided looking her way, sending her thoughts into overdrive, wondering what else he was hiding. Manon had just finished her last slice of pizza when Jessy called her name. The girl had an infectious smile and Manon couldn't help but return it.

"Yes, Jessy?"

"Where are you from?" Jessy asked curiously and Manon refilled her wine glass, the interrogation was beginning.

"A small town two states over, Pinella Pass."

Jessy nodded, "I think I've heard of that but I don't know how." She tapped her chin in thought and Manon hoped she wouldn't remember tonight.

"So you just up and left? Won't you miss your family?" Cleo prodded and Manon clasped her hands on the table as she sat straight to look her in the face.

"It's hard to miss what you don't have. My family are all dead." She didn't soften her words, saw no point and it would hopefully end Cleo's train of thought. Jessy immediately rushed to comfort her.

"Oh that's awful! I'm so sorry Manon."

Manon waved her off, "It's been a long time, I left my hometown because I had nothing to keep me there. It was easier to come here than to stay actually."

Jessy nodded but Manon saw she didn't quite understand, Cleo looked appropriately chastised and had gone quiet just as she'd thought. It was Thomas who asked the next question, shocking Manon.

"Are you here for good then? I mean you bought this place, that doesn't seem temporary."

"I'm here for the foreseeable future, I have no plans to leave yet. I knew we'd need somewhere to hideout and this was the perfect place." Manon spoke quietly but they all heard, her impulsive decision to come here and go all in hadn't seemed crazy to her.

"What about your job though?" Cleo said, now she'd removed her foot from her mouth.

Manon didn't like her tone but bit her tongue, sensing it would take a while for Cleo to trust her fully.

"I'm not attached to any one place for work, I work for myself. I'll tell you more about that another day though." Manon left no room for arguments in her tone and let some of the fire show in her eyes when Cleo held her gaze, she backed down after a moment. Manon gulped at her wine and wished she was elsewhere, preferable lost in Jake and the incredible heat that flared between them whenever they so much as glanced at each other. Her nerves were on edge, a chaotic energy she couldn't shake had settled in her this morning and she felt twitchy in her chair.

"What made you come here, Manon?" Lilly ventured and Manon gave her a closed lip smile, grateful she'd broken the awkward silence that had fallen.

"It was stupid trying to do everything through a phone, it just made sense. It would have taken too long to solve if I hadn't, now I can get out there and put an end to it."

Both Cleo and Thomas raised a brow, expressions incredulous as they looked her over, Manon tugged on the leash of her temper and reigned it in. She despised being underestimated and they were doing too much of it.

"I might not look like I can handle this but trust me when I tell you that I can. I will."

"Oh, I absolutely believe that! You're quite scary sometimes actually." Jessy laughed and Manon shot her a grateful smile.

"I guess we'll see." Cleo had to get in.

"You will." Manon said quietly but not weakly.

The awkward silence quickly burned off as they finished eating and drank more, the conversation turning light once more. Debating their favourite movies and shows, Jessy loved anything supernatural which Manon immediately agreed with.

"I love Ghost Adventures. I've always had this weird crush on the lead, Zak." She admitted and Jessy laughed.

"I know exactly what you mean! I also like the guy with the beard, Aaron. He's hilarious." Jessy said and Manon agreed.

"They're all so dramatic I just love it." Manon giggled, now feeling the effects of the wine she'd drank.

"It's the emo style too though!" Jessy agreed, "The black hair, black clothes and the attitude to match."

"And Zak is Quite mysterious, makes you want to figure him out." Manon added.

Her thoughts immediately going to Jake, she'd never liked the clean cut, shiny guys. It was always the ones with the rough edges, deep secrets and dark sides. She liked to discover what was under their skin, what they wanted to keep hidden from everyone else and show them she was the same. Jake was awkward, closed off and pretty damn rude at times to everyone else but with her he was different. He softened around her but could also match the hardness in her and throw it right back, he could keep up with her. Cleo noticed Manon wasn't paying attention, her question sending a bolt of cold fury through her.

"Is that why you like that hacker so much?"

"No. I'm not that superficial. There are many reasons why I like him." Her voice was clipped, Lilly's eyes on her face keeping her in check.

"The man is a walking red flag and yet you trust him completely. You barely know him." Cleo shook her head derisively and Manon gripped the edge of the table to keep from launching herself at her.

"I know him enough to know he has nothing to do with Hannah's disappearance. He is here to help us."

Manon caught her slip the same time Cleo did and wanted to punch herself. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"So he's here then? I knew it. Will we get to meet him or is that too much to ask?"

Manon wanted to snarl but she pasted on a mocking smile instead.

"You will. When he's ready." She would not argue with her, Not about this.

Cleo scoffed, "Sure. I think we deserve to know everything you two have been doing. I'm sick of only knowing half the story. It's not fair."

Manon was prepared for this, knew she'd have to divulge everything at some point so she inclined her head.

"I agree. Once everyone is here Jake and I will share what we know with you. It's important that we all work together instead of against each other. Can you put your feelings about Jake aside if we do that, Cleo?"

Manon kept her tone light but she felt like she weighed a thousand pounds right then, the heavy load of all she had to carry settling like a millstone around her neck. Cleo thankfully backed down, her eyes softening and a tiny smile flirting with her hard mouth.

"If he's willing to do that I'll happily give him a chance, he has to earn our trust though. We don't know him like you do, Manon." Cleo said with a slight shrug, no heat behind her words now and Manon gave her a genuine smile.

"I understand, I'm sorry we've kept you all in the dark," she addressed the group as a whole now, "Now then, shall we have some fun for a change?"

Jessy raised her glass and whooped, Thomas actually chuckled and Lilly looked so relieved Manon wanted to give her a hug. Cleo was placated for now and Manon respected her for standing her ground, saw a little of herself in her. Manon led them out the patio doors to the fire pit, they all sat around it while Manon set to lighting the fire. She soon got it going and sat down between Jessy and Lilly.

"Sorry about Cleo, she's always been nosy but she means well." Jessy whispered, eyeing Cleo and Thomas through the flames.

"Oh it's fine, I expected it. I quite like her actually, she's tough."

Jessy snorted, cheeks stained red from the alcohol and Lilly seemed more at ease.

"She comes off cold but she isn't. Just takes her a while to warm up." Lilly added and Manon sipped her wine, silently agreeing.

"Anyway," Jessy leaned over to fill Manons glass, "I'm so fucking glad we're here, I actually feel safe for a change."

Lilly hummed in agreement, "It's a shame Dan can't be here though, he's really mad about that."

"Yeah he's been blowing up my phone all day, I'm half tempted to go get him just to shut him up." Manon chuckled.

"He hates being left out, It's Richy I'm worried about. We haven't really spoken since I blamed him for getting Phil arrested." Jessys voice was despondent, regret hanging like a veil over her small form.

"He knew you didn't mean it, you'll get to talk with him soon." Manon assured her though she was still worried that he hadn't contacted her yet and Jake hadn't messaged to say he'd found anything.

Jessy heaved a sigh, lowering her eyes to her feet before she replied.

"I know. I just hate that he's not here."

Lilly seemed to be biting her tongue but Manon was not that considerate, she typically refused to acknowledge awkward situations so she forged on, choosing chaos.

"When are you two going to wake up and realise you belong together?"

Lilly choked on her wine and Jessy gaped at Manon, mouth opening and closing as her head shook in denial.

"What? That's - no we - he's my friend. He's my boss. It's not like that."

Her face and neck were scarlet though, her voice rising so high it was almost a squeal and Lilly clapped a hand to her mouth to keep from laughing. Manon simply raised an unconvinced brow.

"Hmm, sure Jess. And Jake and I are just roommates."

Jessy buried her face in her hands while Lilly chuckled.

"Okay, I didn't realise I liked him until you mentioned he seemed to have a crush on me. Since then I can't stop thinking about it but he has never mentioned anything."

Manon laid a soothing hand on her arm and whispered, "He doesn't want to risk ruining your friendship. He won't make a move unless he's absolutely certain you feel the same."

Lilly agreed, "Exactly. We've all known for years to be honest."

"Why the fuck did no one tell me?!" Jessy demanded and she was answered by Thomas, Cleo and Lilly.

"We thought you knew!"

Manon cackled, very pleased with herself and glad that was out of the way. Jessys gaze narrowed on her though and she knew what was coming next.

"Yeah, yeah, very funny! Why don't you tell us about Jake, Manon." She teased and Manon winked.

"Oh, there's absolutely nothing to tell. I am as pure as the driven snow." She said seriously, adopting a posh accent and biting her lip to suppress a smile.

"Oh fuck off! There is no way you haven't slept with him." Cleo shouted with a laugh and Lilly grimaced, Manon had the wild urge to giggle. Jessy actually did and poor Thomas looked like he'd rather be anywhere else, he was surrounded by tipsy women. Manon hadn't engaged in any form of girl talk since she was a teenager, she wanted to keep her relationship safe and free from outside influence but that wasn't realistic. Plus she really just wanted to share it with someone.

"To be honest I deserve a Goddamn medal! I slept in the same bed as him for two nights and nothing happened." Manon felt buzzed, not quite drunk but enough to lose any inhibitions she might have had while sober.

"I take it that means he isn't a bald old man then? Because that's all I could picture whenever you mentioned him." Jessy admitted and Manon gave her a feral grin.

"Definitely not, he's..." Manon trailed off, not wanting to give them too much.

"He has many talents, that's all I'm saying." She put down her glass, it was half full but she didn't want to get drunk, her mind and body already on their way to Jake. The alcohol only adding to the need slowly waking low in her abdomen. Jessy eyed her knowingly, Lilly was pretending to be engrossed in her phone and Cleo had turned back to Thomas.

"Well, he seemed to really like you, the way he fought for you and defended you. If he was willing to do that then, what would he do now?" Jessy mused, expression bright and curious, Manon only laughed.

"Let's hope we don't have to find out!" Manon stood and slapped her hands to her thighs, the nervy energy that had hounded her all day finally demanding an outlet.

"I'm off to bed, lock the door and mind your business." She crooned, not bothering to look at them as they all wished her goodnight and quickly began chatting again.

Manon walked into the kitchen and walked through the house to lock the front door. Making sure the deadbolt was on since she still hadn't called the security company to activate the system they'd installed. She made sure the windows were all locked and took off her jacket, shoes and socks before padding up the stairs. Her heart thudding louder with every step she took, wine and lust mixing in her blood to create a heady bouquet of anticipation. When she finally made it to her door she took a deep breath, her body demanding action and release, wanting to make him feel as unhinged as she did every time he touched her.

She walked in on steady feet, wine still on her tongue and she had a sudden craving to taste him instead. She felt him come up behind her as she locked the door, a strong arm snaking around her waist, settling just above her waistband and the other moved over her shoulder to slide up her neck, holding her jaw firmly. His thumb stroked along her cheek, her pulse thrumming wildly as arousal licked down to her core and began to burn.

"How drunk are you, Manon?" He whispered into her ear, she fought the shiver that threatened as he kissed the spot behind it.

"I'm not drunk." She said, breath hitching as the fingers on her stomach snuck under her waistband, pausing when he discovered she hadn't worn underwear. Manon smiled when the hand on her chin tightened, tilting her jaw so he could look her in the eye and she noted his hair was damp, he must've showered while waiting for her.

"Did you forget something?" He murmured, voice so husky she could hardly make him out and she could smell whisky on his breath.

"No, just thought I'd save us some time."

The room was so silent it seemed like a crime to speak above a whisper, their hushed breaths and the pounding of her heart the only sounds. He must've closed the curtains and turned off most of the lights, the room was so dim. He seemed to approve of her remark, his only reply was to kiss her, his lips bruising in their intensity, the angle made them clumsy and she loved it.

She suddenly felt unspeakably hot, the press of him at her back and the hand in her jeans moving lazily, too slowly, making her twitch. Need hitting her swift and hard, growing slick between her thighs when she felt how hard he was behind her already, leaning back to grind against it. She tasted the whisky on his tongue, he gave a pleased groan that she swallowed down when his fingers traced the seam of her and found her wet for him. He delicately pulled her apart, teasing feints around her entrance to make her jerk in his arms and have her beg but she wanted the same from him.

Manon deliberately rolled her hips to wiggle against him and chase the friction that was becoming an intolerable need. Still he kissed her, stealing her breath and keeping it for his own, her chest heaving as she tried to resist the intoxicating smell pleasure of his touch. Fire burned low in her abdomen as he circled her clit with devastating slowness, she had to stop this soon or she'd never do what she came here to do. Her knees nearly buckled when he abruptly slid two fingers inside her, all thoughts scattered from her mind as a strangled moan escaped her. Greedy cunt trapping him inside, he laughed against her mouth and she knew he'd have her reduced to a shaking mess within moments, the ache he'd caused not satisfied yet. She could feel her own essence dripping down her thighs, knew his hand was soaked and the flash of energy through her limbs told her she couldn't hold it back.

He let go of her chin, letting her breathe as he bit and sucked his way down the column of her neck, his thumb grazing her clit as he moved his fingers inside her. She felt molten and undone, inner walls already fluttering before he expertly curled his fingers. She opened her mouth to scream and he clapped his hand over it, tutting in her ear as he ramped up the strokes on that bundle of nerves.

"You have to be quiet, Manon. Can you do that for me?" He rasped into her ear, the tempo of his hand changing as she struggled to hold off her orgasm, both hating and loving that he could take her apart so easily. She could only nod and he dropped his hand to her hip, pulling her against him, rocking his hips into her ass so she could feel how much he wanted her. She wanted to touch him, she wanted to feel him come apart but she was spiralling, he knew her too well by now and flung her to the edge, stilling when he felt the throb of it around his fingers. She didn't know whether to scream or feel grateful, her body mourning the loss of its release but her mind demanded she turn the tables.

He pulled free of her and she turned to watch him as he lifted the hand soaked in her essence to his mouth and sucked them clean, his eyes fluttering shut as he groaned deeply before swallowing her down. She rubbed her thighs together to ease herself, the sight so erotic she could hardly stand it and when his eyes opened they were so dark it was a wonder he could even see. He was smirking and it was her breaking point. She grabbed his shirt, used all her strength to turn and push him against the door, his head knocking back with the force of it. He gave a dark chuckle and she felt utterly wild, her hands tugged at his trousers pulling them and his underwear down until his cock sprang free, he stepped out of them at her direction.

She weighed him in her palm, the skin impossibly smooth and she held his eye as she lowered down to her knees, Jake swallowed thickly once her head was level with his crotch.

"You have to be quiet, Jake." She stroked her hand down the length of him as she repeated his words to her, smirking now "Can you do that for me?"

She swirled her thumb over the head of him, making him jump in her hand and all at once she felt powerful, in control. Jake nodded once, eyes blown black with lust and she smiled slowly when he balled his hands into fists at his side.

"You better hold on, Jake."

She licked a stripe down the length of his shaft, her other hand lightly cupped his balls, the musky scent of him making her mouth water. She alternated between gentle twists of her wrist and teasing the crown of him with flicks of her tongue before closing her lips around him, his hands quickly found their way to her hair when she spat into her palm to work him over better. She looked up to meet his eye as she closed her lips around the head, watching as his mouth parted and he hissed in reaction. She hollowed her cheeks, swirling her tongue over him before sucking him deeper into her mouth, never letting her hand lose its rhythm and setting a languid pace to drive him mad. His hips bucked, trying to get her to take more but she pulled back instead, flattening her tongue and tapping it softly against the head, the hands in her hair tightened enough that she felt a slight burn in her scalp. Oh, she liked this, being in control. She very much liked seeing him this way, thighs tensed and breathing hard, found it very arousing and had to squeeze her thighs together to counter the ache that was quickly becoming an irritant.

He was murmuring praise to encourage her, the rough edge in his voice causing a flood of wet heat between her thighs, she swallowed him down until he hit the back of her throat and a strangled moan left him when she hummed, the sound going straight to her cunt. She stopped massaging his balls, her hand sliding into her jeans to touch herself, needing to counter the emptiness inside her and ease the ache, her fingers slipped over her clit she was so wet. She heard the thud of his head hitting the door, Jake groaned and she looked up as she bobbed over him, moaning around his cock as she teased herself. Her fingers were no match for Jakes but she made do, circling her clit as she stroked him in time with her mouth, his hips rocked into her face and she slid two fingers inside herself, Jake watching her every move with rapt attention.

He growled her name in warning, telling her he was too close but she increased her efforts instead, bringing herself to the edge with him. His hands pulled her head toward him to take more of him, her eyes watered but she swallowed when he hit the back of her throat again and felt a surge of primal pride when he sobbed her name. His thighs quivered and she knew he was almost there, her hand between her legs working faster and she felt the warning pulse of her release low in her gut when he snarled viciously, pulling her off him so quickly she yelped in shock.

She'd barely gotten her bearings when he pulled her hand away from her cunt and held both wrists behind her back, marching her to the bed. She stumbled and feigned resistance to get him to hold her tighter, his teeth snapping at her ear in retaliation. He was going to devastate her tonight, she knew it by the tension in every line of his body, handsome face harsh as he let her go and turned her to face him, he dropped down on his haunches and pulled at her jeans. He tugged them down her heated skin, telling her to sit on the edge of the bed so he could pull them over her feet. He quickly stripped out of his shirt and knelt between her parted legs. Her breathing was labored as he finally met her eye, his hands trailing up her thighs to settle on her hips and she'd have done anything he asked just to get him to touch her.

"I want you on your hands and knees, Manon." His voice so guttural it was more of a growl.

She melted at the question in his tone, it wasn't a demand and he wouldn't ever put his pleasure over hers, she took off her own shirt but he stopped her before she could take her lacy red bra off. It matched the lipstick she was sure had smeared by now. Manon leaned forward to capture his mouth, needing his hands on her and he obliged, palming at her breasts as she teased his tongue with hers. She whimpered as he dropped a hand to tease her aching center and smiled against her mouth, she broke away needing him to fill the emptiness in her core before she went insane. She put her back to him and crawled to the middle of the bed, knew he could see the mess he'd made of her by his pained groan. She spread her knees wide before arching her back, lowering her head to the mattress and holding both hands behind her back, encouraging him to trap them. He said her name like a prayer, the bed dipping as he he settled behind her, thick cock glancing off her ass as he gripped both wrists in one hand, the delicate bones bending as he twisted them. She turned her head to watch him when he stroked his other hand down her ass and finally lined himself up with her.

A warbling moan left her as he slowly stretched and filled her, her thighs trembling when he bottomed out and she was overwhelmed by how deep he was. Her eyes screwed tight against the exquisite burn of her inner muscles as she tensed around him. She felt him lean over her and press a kiss between her shoulder blades but he didn't do anything else, his free hand held onto her hip desperately as if to keep him tethered to her. She rocked back ever so slightly, the ache in her now demanding relief and that tiny movement sent a pulse of fire licking up her stomach, arousal dripping down her thighs. She whined now, feeling too close to insanity when he refused to move, tugging on her wrists to move her back instead and she couldn't take it anymore, felt as though she'd combust if he kept it up.

"Jake. You need to move." She spoke through gritted teeth, her voice desperate, "Fuck me, please. I can't take this..."

He took a deep breath, straightening and she realized then he was trying to hold himself back to make sure she came first, she would have found it very sweet if she didn't feel like she was about to crack in two. She almost howled when he pulled out, a brutal thrust of his hips slamming back into her and she buried her face in the sheets to muffle the sounds she was making. The hold on her wrists bruising and only served to send her higher, he set a punishing pace and she sobbed when he tugged her back in time with his thrusts. It was too much, he was buried too deep, each grunt he made echoing in her mind and the slide of him in her cunt making her clench as her thighs trembled. She was nothing but the lust in her veins, he let go of her hip and her stomach tightened as he ghosted his fingers over her clit, whimpering when he did it again.

"You're close, I can feel it. Can you come with me? I won't last much longer."

Manon could only tighten her fists in response, the touch on her clit became urgent, her hips bucked wildly and his thrusts turned erratic, it hit her so strongly she couldn't make a sound. Her body gwent rigid as the tension snapped so violently her eyes rolled back and she actually saw stars, Jakes harsh shout as he gave one last powerful thrust seemed far away to her. Her entire body was shaking, boneless and useless. Jake slumped over her and she let him push her down into the mattress, shockwaves still holding her in their grip. He was still inside her when he finally shifted them into a spooning position and she made no moves to make him leave, barely able to string words together as her body slowly came back down. They were explosive together, it felt better every time and she had no idea it could be like this, she'd always enjoyed sex but had never felt this bone-deep need before. Even as they lay there calming down he didn't stop touching her, hands mapping her curves in soothing strokes and she wanted him again already. She hummed low in her throat when he kissed her neck and smiled at the gentleness in the gesture so at odds with the side he showed her just minutes before.

"How did it go? With your friends I mean." He finally asked.

"Okay, I think. Me and Cleo butted heads but I think she'll warm up soon."

"She always seemed the most distrustful, except Lilly of course." Jake said carefully and Manon nodded.

"It'll be fine, Lilly can't wait to meet you by the way. I thought I'd have to handcuff her to the banister to keep her from hunting you down." Manon giggled and felt Jake chuckling against her skin.

"You keep a pair handy for that sort of thing?" He jested.

"Oh, I have a pair for every occasion, Jake. Play your cards right and I might let you try them." She purred when he pulled her flush against him.

"I'll keep that in mind, so what happens now?" His tone turned more serious, things were changing now and all they had was hope, it seemed dangerous to hang everything on that.

She sighed, "I think we just have to hope we can solve this soon and that none of us get hurt. We just have to... hope."

He kissed her neck again before replying, "So we live for the hope of it all then? It's better than living in fear I suppose."

She smiled. "For the hope of it all? I like that."

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