Free My Mind | Draco Malfoy

Owomae által

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This story was previously named "The Things You Do To Me." And "The Blue Rose" - The Main antagonist in this... Több

Free My Mind | Draco Malfoy
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

456 7 4
Owomae által

Slughorn's Christmas spirit,
and secrets unveil

   She made way to the Gryffindor table before someone called her name. She turned to the side, looking at Clement at the other side of the Gryffindor table, surrounded by his friends.

"Oh, hey Clement. How have you been?" She asked, approaching his table. "Hey, Diana. I'm doing okay. I wanted to ask you something."

She nodded, watching as Clement looked to his friends, they took the hint, scooting farther down the table.

Diana sat on the bench across from him. "I was wondering if you could tell me, does Neo have a girlfriend—, or um, is he seeing someone?"

Diana grunted, looking at the boy. He blinked, looking at her. She smirked before letting out a chuckle.

He gave a questionable look, as she shook her head, calming herself down, excited for her brother, "No, he doesn't."

She watched his eyebrows furrowed, his cheeks flushed. "Why?" She asked, he laughed sheepishly, looking down at the table.

Diana smiled. "I've got to get going now, class starts soon." Diana excused herself, smiling at the boy as she got up.

Draco watched that encounter unfold, why was she talking to that boy? He watched as she walked farther down the table to where Harry and Hermione sat, sliding in next to Potter.

A wave of jealousy washed over him. What was he feeling? Why was he feeling this?

Draco has seen her hangout with Harry loads of times, and it's no secret that their best of friends.

He watched from his spot at the Slytherin table; the spot he's always sat at since this school years began. Watching as the three of them passed around the Daily Prophet.

Harry pointed out something on it, showing it to Diana. She nodded, and laughed looking up at Hermione, what was so funny? Draco wondered.

He stopped himself, turning to look at the table in front of him. Why was he so interested in what Locke does now? He never was before.

He moved around a few scrambled eggs on his plate, carelessly with his fork, tuning out the two Slytherin's talking obnoxiously next to him.

Neo sat on his sisters bed, watching her brush her hair gently, Ewok laying next to Neo as he petted the small cat. "Best get going, sister, your date is waiting for you." Neo smirked, staring up at her.

"Don't remind me." She sighed, setting her brush down, she wasn't too thrilled on going to this god forsaken party, but, thanks to her brother, whom urged her to go and have a good time, she sat at her vanity, getting ready for this evening.

Tonight was the night of Slughorn's Christmas party.

Harry had suggested the two of them should go together considering they both didn't have anyone to go with.

Diana happily agreed, not wanting to go alone.

Diana wore a a little above the knee, black, off the shoulder dress. Her hair was straight, per usual.

She added some accessories to complete the outfit, showing it off to her brother.

"You look great!" He smiled enthusiastically, she smiled turning towards the mirror, humming with agreement.

She met Harry down in the common room, he sat on the couch waiting on Diana, Hermione had already went to the party.

Harry noticed her walking down the stairs, his eyes widened a bit. "Diana, you look—,"

"No need to force yourself to complement me, Harold." She rolled her eyes jokingly, connecting her arm with his.

"Shall we?" She smiled at him, he nodded with a grin as they left the common room.

They walked to an unfamiliar part of the castle—, at least, unfamiliar to her.

Only a few students were in the corridors, most of them in their common rooms doing Merlin knows what.

Orange lanterns hung up on the ceiling came into view as the two walked closer to the party.

They went down the hall way, completely oblivious about Draco sitting at the window, who caught sight of the pair, their arms still connected.

A glimpse of jealousy flickered in Malfoy's eyes, scowling at the two as he heard Diana's distant laughter.

Draco knew Harry for 6 years, he wasn't funny at all. What could he have said to make her laugh?

Harry and Diana walked into a crowded room filled with students apart of the slug club, and professors.

Diana stood alone patiently as Harry got his picture taken with Slughorn—, although he didn't really want to take a picture with him, he did it to get on his good side.

Neville came waddling towards the pair, "I didn't get into the slug club, it's okay, though. He's got Belby handing out the towels in the loo." Neville spoke, allowing Diana to pick up a glass of apple cider that was on the trey Neville had in his hands.

"Oh, I thought you were going with Luna?" Diana pondered, taking a sip out of her glass.

Neville blushed, looking at the glasses in his hands, "She caught a cold last minute."

"Really? That's unfortunate." Diana hummed, taking a self note to ask how Luna is in the morning.

Neville waddled away, as Diana's eyes wandered to Hermione, hiding behind a thin curtain, Diana nudged Harry, gesturing to Hermione.

The pair walked over and went behind the curtain, "Hermione, what are you doing?" Harry asked.

"And what happened to you?" Diana wondered why she wasn't socializing, and instead hiding.

"I've just escaped. I mean—, Left Cormac under the mistletoe."

"Cormac? That's who you invited?" Harry uttered questionably.

"Oh, good call." Diana agreed, referring to Hermione leaving Cormac under the mistletoe, looking around and making sure he wasn't coming near.

"Plus, I thought it would annoy Ron the most." Hermione spoke, crossing her arms over her chest.

"He's got more tentacles than a snarfalump plant." Hermione uttered, looking around.

Diana snickered, moving out of the way so someone could get behind the curtain.

"Dragon Tartare?" A boy passing around finger sized food asks, Diana shakes her head, "No, I'm fine, thank you." Hermione added worryingly, looking away.

"Just as well, they give one horribly bad breath." The boy chuckled, watching as Hermione snatched the plate from him.

"On second thought.." The boy stepped away from the curtain, as Hermione shoved the food into her mouth eagerly. "Might keep Cormac as bay." She mumbled to the two.

"I'm afraid that won't stop him." Diana pointed out as Cormac made his way, Hermione shoved the platter at Harry and both of the girls escaped from the curtain, Diana wanted nothing less than to socialize with Cormac.

Hermione and Diana escaped on the other side of the room, Hermione sighing, "How relentless is he." Diana nodded in agreement, drinking the bit of liquid that was left in her glass.

Hermione nodded in agreement, a breath escaping her throat.

Diana looked over at where she and Hermione had just left Harry, seeing him speak to Snape.

'Good grief.' She thought to herself, Snape never lets that boy do anything without Snape nagging about something.

Diana walked over to Harry as Snape left him alone, hearing commotion coming near the buffet tables.

She watched as Draco got shoved in the party by Filch. Honestly, she didn't understand why Filch was still working there in the first place.

"Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!" Draco snapped, Diana watched as Filch dragged Draco to the center of the room, gaining everyone's attention.

"Professor Slughorn, I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor." Diana heard Filch say, as she made way to stand by Neville, getting into eye shot of Draco.

Draco looked away shamefully, not looking Slughorn in the eyes, until Draco's eyes met Diana's curious deep blue ones.

"He claims to have been invited to your party." Said Filch, still holding onto the boy.

"Okay, okay, I was gatecrashing. Happy?" Draco voiced angrily as Snape stepped up to the young Slytherin and Professor Filch.

"I'll...escort him out." Professor Snape said in a calm voice, looking Draco down disappointingly.

Draco shoved Filch off of him, "Certainly, Professor." Draco's tone of voice was cold as he stared into his eyes.

That's when Diana connected the dots, was Snape helping Draco out with the vanishing cabinet? Perhaps she was thinking too much into it, Snape seemed to always favor Draco.

She wondered why.

Draco and Snape walked out of the room, Slughorn urged everyone to carry on, Diana looked at Harry, his eyes were lingering on the door where the two exited out of.

Harry paused, and walked out the same door, Diana had sucked in a sigh, sauntering behind Harry.

Harry acknowledged the girl but continued to stay quiet as they walked down an empty, dank corridor, opposite to where Snape and Draco's direction.

Harry gestured to Diana to stay back behind a corner of the corridor as the two of them heard two pairs of shoes.

Diana's heart was pounding against her chest, "Harry—," Diana whispered, only receiving a 'Shhh' back.

She knew eavesdropping on Snape and Draco, that it could be dangerous, that Harry could find out about him.

Diana vowed to not speak of Draco and his.. extra curricular's outside of the classroom, but if Harry heard on his own, it couldn't be helped.

Why should Diana care what happens if Harry found out?

Though, it could also be a possibility that Harry and the others would also know that Diana is helping Draco, if somehow they found out.

They might think she's switched sides.

She let out a sigh, knowing this was her own doing.

"Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?" Diana's head snapped towards the sound, Draco's voice coming into ear shot.

She heard a thud, "I swore to protect you. I made the Unbreakable Vow." Snape said in a lowly voice.

Diana's stomach dropped, "I don't need protection. I was chosen for this. Out of all the others. Me. And I won't fail him."

'Merlin knows that's a lie.' Diana thought to herself. He wasn't at all astatic about being a Death Eater.

"You're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. Let me assist you."

"No! You know who else needs assisting?" Draco whisper yelled, Diana's eyebrows knitted together, "He has his own assignment, you're fully aware of that." Snape snapped.

Who could they have been talking about?

There was a slight pause before Draco spoke, "Right, I was chosen. This is my moment!"

Diana heard the footsteps depart, looking at Harry. "He is a Death Eater." Harry whispered.

"Harry, we don't know that, they could have been talking about something else—,"

"Like what?" Harry questioned. Diana scoffed, "I don't know, ask them. I'm going to go back to the party." Diana sighed, turning on her heel back to the loud room filled with people.

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