The Babysitter

بواسطة catesslave

37.4K 1.6K 884

{English is not my first language} Just a job, right? That's what Veronica thought as well, but this "job" t... المزيد

1. The email.
~2. A car ride and crazy dancing~
~3. Not a secret anymore.~
~4. Got It In Mind.~
~5. Opening up again.~
~6. First kiss?~
~7. I knew it.~
~8. More of you.~
~9. Sunsets and memories...~
~10. Realisation and meomories.~
~11. Elsa, shadows and her...~
~12. I love you.~
~13. Thank you for everything.~
~14. th of May."
~15. Tiger
~16. Lake trip.~
~17. Flowers and frogs.~
~18. Heated.~
~19. Berlin's secret.~
~20. Moody lady and lunch.~
~21. Unusual happenings.~
~22. Plans.~
~23. You are my everything.~
~25. The line between.~
~26. Stay for me.~
~27. Everything we could never have...~
~28. The line between life and death...~
~29. Everything must come to an end...~
~30. Reality. ~
Go back to chapter 30...

~24. Jealousy in your eyes.~

697 37 46
بواسطة catesslave

A/n: hii yaa so there you go.

Enjoy reading:]

Stay healthy and kind<3


"MOMS!" Edith screamed from the top of her lungs and an unpleasant feeling spread inside of me. It streamed through my veins, every fiber and my skin.

With an instant Cate and I immediately sprinted downstairs. We were flying.

"Edith?!" The woman right in front of me yelled.

"MOMS!" Our girl squealed out again and the fear was running down both our spines. Billions of scenarios were shooting through my mind. "MOMMY! MAMA!"

"What happened—" Cate stopped both talking and walking, causing me to bump into her. Her body language made it hard to figure out what was going on, so I peeked around her and glared into the living room, where the scene in front of me let my mouth drop open.

Edith's eyes met mine and the brightest smile beamed onto her face, whilst she sat on the ground and hold, with her small fingers, onto the animal in front of her.

"Mama it's a dog!" Edie squealed and the brown bundle of fluff wagged its tail.

"Oh my god!" I matched her energy and sneaked into the room, underneath Cate's arm. The dog's light eyes rose and met mine. "Hi you, little fluff." I used a baby voice and kneeled down in front of my daughter and the small dog.

Iggy's little laugh filled the air. "Mommy you don't have to be so angry."

"What-" I turned around and gazed at my wife to be, whose arms were crossed in defense and her expression seemed annoyed. "Catie, look at-"

"Him." Edie helped me out.

"Look at that little boy. He is adorable!"

"Nope. Why is that dog in my house?" The blonde's eyes switched to Roman, whose face showed utter surprise. "Roman?"

"I didn't do anything—"

"Liar." Iggy accused his older brother, who shot him a pissed off glare.

"I'm asking again: why is that dog in my house?" Cate spoke and I turned back around to try to let the brown fluff sniff on my hand, yet the moment I spun around, my face was attacked by a soft and warm tongue.

Paws were resting on my chest and I quickly closed my eyes, whilst laughing and embracing the small dog. My back lowered and soon, I was laying on the ground with the animal letting me pet his belly.

"Iggy heard a noise outside and I went to look—" She interrupted our oldest son.

"Since when are you the ones looking, if you hear noises? It's pitch black outside, Roman!" Cate pinched the bridge of her nose in attempt to stay calm.

Yet, I didn't bother to watch their scene for any longer, since the dog was peacefully laying in my side. He looked quite young. And suddenly the animal lifted his head and looked right into my eyes. The light green shimmered within a light blue, making me all confused.

"Hi you." I whispered and he tilted his head, causing the big, limp ears to move loosely. It seemed as if his attention was all mine. "Where are you from, mh? You don't know? Well, I don't know it either."

"Mama, can we keep him?" Edie whispered, as she crawled closer.

"Cupcake, he has a home too. Look how good the fur looks." Whilst pointing out, I allowed my fingertips to slide along the side of his head and unexpectedly the dog leaned the weight of its head into my palm.

"But he came into our garden." My girl made big eyes and hell did she know what these could do... I clenched my jaw and tried to resist the urge to agree, whilst this little bundle of fluff laid right next to me.

My fingers skimmed down to the dog's neck, to see if there was a thin collar and an indicator for an owner. None. There wasn't even a collar.

"Did he has a collar, when—" The girl shook her head and her eyes exposed the excitement.

"Cate—" I set to speak, when she rose her hand and prevented me from doing so.

"We will not keep the dog. I won't argue about it. This dog-" Her gaze lowered onto the little creature on my side, who was as well glaring at her. The tone she used to make clear we wouldn't keep him, softened down.

"It's dark and cold outside. We won't send him out now." I stated and the conflict inside the woman's head cooled down, as she locked eyes with me.

The nostrils widened, whilst she exhaled. "We go and look for the owner in the morning—" Right when she had said it, the kids began to squeal and laugh in excitement, however she kept talking. "We will not keep him and he won't be sleeping in any bed or on any furniture. The dog can have an old blanket and I swear to god, if he poops or pees into the house, you will clean it up. Got it?" We all nodded in union, even I did.

Now her little speech was about two hours ago and we were all either watching the chosen movie or fast asleep on the couch. Surprisingly, I was one of the ones awake and my body was laying in between Cate's legs. My head rested on her chest and it was the most comfortable I have been in hours. The regular pounding heart inside of her blessed my ears and my own heartbeat oriented itself on hers.

"Have you thought about a new painting?" I asked and moved my head in-between her breasts.

Her attention was caught and the hands, which hold me close only the moment previously, now played with strands of my hair. Tingling spread across my scalp, whilst I leaned into her touch.

"I haven't quite thought about it yet." Cate smiled. "Why do you ask, sweetheart?"

"Just curious —cause I love watching you paint." I blinked slowly and yawned, whilst one of my hands was placed on Cate's boob, to make it more comfortable for my neck.

"You are barely able to keep your eyes open, when I paint." Almost inaudible chuckles reached my ears.

"Well, you surely will tell me, when you think about creating one of your masterpieces again, won't you?"

The blonde's palm cupped my cheek. "I will, my angel, but right now I want to focus on you. On us... Have you ever felt like in the car before?"

I shook my head slowly. "I felt like.. like I couldn't breathe. As if my lungs were collapsing and just everything was out of line... but it helped, that you were breathing along with me."

"I'm glad it did. You scared me so much." She kissed teh back of my hand. "We might let a doc check that up, what do you say?"

"I'll see my gyn soon, anyway—" I was interrupted, when the little bundle of fluff jumped onto my back and began to lick my neck. "Oh boy-" I laughed and giggled, whilst turning my head, so the dog couldn't reach my face.

However, the fun was soon over, when Cate freed me from the brown bundle of fluff. She had placed him on the ground, from which he glared up to my with these big puppy eyes. Damn.. he is adorable.

"He just wanted to cuddle." I pouted at my fiancé.

"Yeah, I'm sure of it. The puppy just wanted to cuddle. I believe you have to go outside with him, to let him pee." The blonde cocked her brow.

"You want to send your pregnant wife outside in the darkness?" I ensured to mouth the 'pregnant', so she was the only one who would understand.

I was thinking about why we haven't told the kids yet, when I recalled the last time one of them knew. It was that day Edith understood it somehow, same as the day I lost the embryo. There was no need to re-live this. The kids shouldn't be beaten down by it...

"Oh shut up. You know, I would not." Cate rolled her eyes and so we got up. She walked over to Edith and Iggy, who had fallen asleep in the most questionable way possible, to wake them. Sleepy eyes were glaring around the living room only moments later. Iggy rose his head and stretched his neck, probably in pain, due to his position.

In the meantime, I searched for my Crocs and a jacket or hoodie to throw over. My eyes landed on a familiar, beige piece of clothing, which I had put on seconds later. An intense scent filled my nose. Cate. Just her. No deodorant or parfum had touched the sweater. It was just her.

Two little paws met my shin, causing me to lower my gaze. "Hey buddy." I smiled at the little bundle of fluff, who tilted his head as I spoke. "How shall we call you, mhm? Buddy?"

"We won't give him a name, because we ain't keeping him, honey." Cate's hand brushed along my back, as she walked past me and opened the terraces door.

I pouted whilst walking past her, along with Mr. fluff right next to my feet. He truly was young. No one would not search for their puppy, additionally if he's this adorable..

In the garden Cate used the flashlight of her phone to enlighten the ground and there I caught the cutest scene. The puppy had taken a seat next to her feet, whilst looking up into the woman's face.

I bit down on my lower lip, whilst taking in Cate's reaction. Her tensed brows loosened, as she glared to her feet.

"See you're warming up!" I cheered and clapped my hands quietly, which let the bundle of fluff jump and waggle his tail in excitement. A few barks escaped his throat making me squeal even more. "Who's a good boy?" I kneeled down and he immediately waddled towards me. Out of the blue he began to run in circles around me. "Someone got too much energy." I giggled.

"The dog is crazy." Cate pointed out and crossed her arms. "He is going nuts."

"That only means he fits into our family." A beam painted over my lips.

"Angel, we will not keep him—" A rebellious bark cut her short making me giggle all over. The puppy took a seat next to me and glared at Cate, as if he understood every word of our conversation and he'd be protesting now. "No, we will not keep you—" The blonde told him, yet he cut her short with another bark. "Silly." She frowned.

I leaned closer to his ear. "She just gave you a name, Silly. I think your chances might be better now." The bundle of fluff wagged his tail and glimpsed up to Cate.

"Jesus, just let him pee, so we can go to bed." My fiancé sighed and helped me up to my feet again. Her warm hand embraced my waist lovingly, before a soft kiss was placed on my freezing cheek. The woman's hot breath hovered above my neck, until we finished our little walk. "That's my sweater."

"I do look good in it, don't I?" I giggled out softly, earning her lips to press yet another tender kiss onto my skin.

Silly ran right inside the building and disappeared in the entrance hall. The sound of his claws hitting the ground, echoed through the house. "He's an active puppy."

"Well, I am very tired and I believe you, honey, need some rest as well. It's been a long day." Cate smiled and hugged me from the side. "The kids are all in their beds—"

I turned my head, glimpsing at my beautiful fiancé from the corners of my eyes. Those beautiful blonde curls caught my attention, right before her pale eyes did. "We should check on that again."

"I wasn't finished." I rolled my eyes. "Oh, now don't show that attitude. Get your ass upstairs and warm up my side of the bed." Soft lips pressed onto my cheek, whilst she let her thumb slide down my chin. Hordes of butterflies allowed my insides to go nuts.

"Oh, what makes you—"

"Think you would do that? Well, sweet pea, you are going to warm up my bed, or I'll have to sleep downstairs. The couch surely is warm." My brows dropped in annoyance. "Now chop chop, I'll be with you in a minute, my love. Someone has to hand this dog the essentials."

As I walked upstairs, I passed the kids floor on which I was met with silence. There was no sound, until, suddenly, a quiet chattering touched my ears. It sounded like Edith was having conversations with one of her brothers. Most likely Iggy, since they are inseparable these days.

On tiptoes, I sneaked closer to my little girl's room. The noises grew slightly louder. Yet, as I allowed the tip of my fingers to gently push the door to her room open, I realized she wasn't talking to anyone. Iggy wasn't in her room either. Her light for the night shimmered in a warm pinkish tone. The flower shaped lamp allowed the girl to see what was laying in her lap.

"...stepped in- in f-front—" Edie's eyes shot in the air, where she met mine across the room. "I'm just trying to—"

My hands rose in loose movements in the air. "No need to explain yourself, cupcake." I approached the girl and took a seat on her bed, after she moved her legs aside. "What were you reading?"

Her cheeks flushed red, as she rapidly turned the pieces of paperwork around. My eyebrows rose acknowledged. Oh, she was hiding something, that was interesting.

When I repeated my question another time, Edith gave in and slowly turned the papers around, whilst talking. "I found it in your drawer.." and the second the stack of papers was turned around and laid in my hands, I knew what she was reading. The story I had begun to tell her years ago. The bedtime story I've created and put onto paper. "Are you mad?"

Her tiny and with worry filled voice caused me to glare up. "No, cupcake. But the story is not finished yet. Let me finish it and it's all yours." I grinned and the same, yet slightly more tired smile formed on Edie's lips. What she didn't know was that the story was finished. Yet, I wanted to make a book out of it for her birthday. "But for now you should sleep, before mommy comes in."

Nodding, my daughter agreed and she turned onto her side, so she could face me, whilst laying comfortably in her bed. There were still tons of stuffed animals laying all around her, yet over the years some of them were replaced. I placed a smooch on her forehead and as I was about to pull back, the girl wrapped her arms tightly around me. "I love you mama."

The muscles in my face relaxed and a beam stretched onto my face. My hands flung around her small body and embraced her. "I love you too, my cupcake. Good night."

As we parted, Edie looked a little lost. "Do you think we will keep him? The dog?"

"First of all, we have to search for the owner, because he surely has a home and if that isn't the case... we'll see what happens." I smiled softly.

"I don't want him to leave us." She pouted and yawned.

"We'll see, now try to get some sleep." I tucked her in and blew an air kiss, before I closed the door behind me again.

Upstairs I ensured to swiftly finish my night routine. So I laid only minutes later on Cate's side of the bed, warming her sheets. The woman's smell lingered briefly in my nose. It was almost as if it was fading, although we've only been gone for like two weeks.

Blonde curls peeked into the bedroom, before Cate entered with the biggest and cutest simper. "You really did what I asked you for." She smirked whilst leaving our door a gap open. It's been something we did for quite a while now, since the kids have been sleeping uneasy and we preferred to hear it.

"Of course I did—" A yawn escaped my throat and the mattress digged in on my hip.

"You are the best." She leaned closer, earning the ends of her hair to brush along my skin.

"Well kiss me already." My hands placed themselves on the back of her neck, using a bit pressure to pull her closer.

To my utter surprise Cate allowed me to and our lips captured one another. My hands slid down to her face, where my thumbs caressed her cheeks. Emotions swirled up like dry leaves on fall and I felt enormously comforted. Cate's tongue flicked across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth a gap. Soon the loving and warm kiss grew into a hungry and heated one, in which saliva was exchanged, as well as quietly noises, such as moans. In our found rhythm we kept kissing, until Cate had crawled above me.

Her body crashed into the mattress and I covered it with the warm blanket. I set to speak, however she interrupted.

"You may stay put. —isn't it perfect to be back home?" Cate terminated her sarcastic remark, by adding her question and pulling my body into hers.

"It is." I mumbled and allowed sleep to take over, whilst holding onto my fiancé's arms.

The world of dreams allowed me access almost immediately. Joyful and funny fantasies filled my mind with pictures, until my ears caught a real noise. I was shaking off the dreams and was back in reality, although it was a rather sleepy one.

A faint patting reached my ears, along with muted whispers.

"Just this one night." Cate mumbled and with it I felt another tiny presence jumping onto the bed. Silly. "And be quiet."


For the record, this one night wasn't just "this one night". Silly slept in our bed for two weeks. Unfortunately we had no luck in finding his owner. We've been asking around, but there was no one who knew anything. It was like he joined in our garden.

Well, even Cate has gotten soft, as so often. We set an ultimatum. If there was no one calling us or showing up at our doorstep, until noon today, we would keep Silly. Now although my fiancé softened, she wouldn't show the kids. When it came to the whole pet story, she was the strict one, but that was obviously fine by me.

I always loved animals. Dogs are amazing pets.

"Did you pack all the stuffings we need for the turkey?" Cate asked me whilst placing a can of green beans in the shopping card. "Onions, celery, apples—"

"Cate, I got all of it. You made me a list, remember?" I rose my brows and wedged the little paper note in between my fingers.

"You tend to forget a lot recently." Her hands lead the shopping cart in front of me forward.

"I do not!" I gasped out and placed my left hand palm under my waistband, where I allowed my cold fingertips to warm up. Due to the heat of my belly, I felt the warmth coming back. Out of nowhere I started giggling, leaving Cate startled. "You really kept a blank face, when I told you I'd wear this-" My head lowered to my outfit, where a pair of basic sneakers and unbelievably colorful, french fries and ketchup socks decorated my feet and skin above my ankles, as well as a pair of light sweatpants and a green hoodie were warming my body above.

"Oh please, as if I care about your choice of outfit, my angel." The blonde approached and wrapped her arms around my middle. "I would even marry you in this."

I cocked my brows and tilted my head. "Would you?"

"Now, if I have to decide, I would love to see you in something white and chic."

A smirk plastered upon my face, as I bit down on my bottom lip. "Let's get out of here and I'll show you something white and chic.." Cate's pupils dilated increasingly and her fingers digged into my back. "Is that a ye—"

"What do you think it is?" Her brow rose. "Cat got your tongue?"

"I think we should get over with grocery shopping. The babies want me to eat." I grinned.

"Or you want to be eaten out." Cate smirked and with an instant we were at the checkout and soon back home again.

Everything was bought for tomorrow's lunch and dinner, as well as for the following days. It was perfect.

We were about to sort all the groceries in, when suddenly all of our kids stood in the doorframe to the kitchen.

"Can we—" Roman was interrupted.

"Help to unpack the groceries? Yes, my beloved children." Cate smiled sarcastically and all of them approached the bags.

"Where should I put that?" Iggy hold a bunch of pills. My pills and vitamins.

"Oh you can give them to me." I grabbed my things and stuffed them into my handbag across the room in a rather hasty manner.

"What are those for?" Roman questioned with a curios undertone, causing me to swallow the lump inside my throat.

An uneasy feeling filled me up and I gazed over to Cate for some sort of support. She seemed to ask me something with the help of her eyes, yet I did not understand a single thing.

"We are—" She started and I was quickly by her side.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I whispered anxiously into her ear.

"Don't you think we should you know.. tell them?" The blonde glimpsed through her long lashes and it was as if all the worries were swept away. Still, after these years, it took only a single look into her eyes and I was able to forget everything in the world, that ever worried me.

She was able to stop the world for me. "What if I can't carry them?"

"There is no sign. Not a single one. Remember why you told Edith?" I blinked a bit lost for a moment. "It's part of life... This is part of life too. You are allowed to feel and share joy as well. And this is something happy."

"Part of life..." I muttered and shook my head. "Okay." And so she placed a kiss on top of my nose and we turned towards the kids.

"We are pregnant." Cate voiced and our kids heads spun around. Each one has a different expression on it.

Edith was incredibly thrilled. I bet her face will be hurting from all the smiling. "Is it a girl?!"

"Noo, please we need another boy." Roman groaned out whilst laughing.

Then there was Iggy whose facial expression was hard to read. He could be as joyful as Edith or as rather unbothered like his older brother. Yet, whilst I was unsure what was going on my boy stood in front of me.

Huge eyes gazed into mine. "Is the baby healthy?"

My hands stroke his hair, as I replied. "The babies are healthy."

"Twins?!" Edie squealed out. Her voice echoed through the whole kitchen and rang inside my ears.

Cate nodded and Roman's mouth hung open loosely. He glared at the both of us, as if he saw his life flashing by in front of his eyes.

"To sooth you all, they are a boy and a girl." My fiancé smiled and right as Roman and Edith were ready to throw a bunch of questions at us, she interrupted them. "Let's finish this up and I believe you wanted to bake cookies, didn't you?"

"How do you know, mommy?!" Edie gasped out.

"We've been annoying her for days." Roman stated.

"You didn't annoy me." Cate corrected him and squeezed my waist. "Well, someone turn on some music, or I won't be baking with you." And as if on cue the first Christmas song started to play.

Everyone began to sing and dance along. Smooth dance moves allowed us to basically fly though the kitchen.

It was the most amusing scene to watch. The kids owned their individual moves, although some of them may look similar, they never were truly a copy.

Flour flew through the room and we all were eventually bathing in the ingredient, except Cate. She had managed to stay clean. So, it was obviously my task to change this.

I grabbed two times into the bag of flour and captured each a fist full of the white powdery ingredient. On tiptoes I stepped closer to my fiancé and as the right moment came, I threw it at her.

A loud gasp echoed through the room, allowing even the music to quiet down.

"Oh shoot mama, you are ankle deep in the shit!" Roman exclaimed.

"More like hip deep." Iggy added whilst giggling.

"Veronica, did you really threw—" I emptied my other hand, while throwing the flour right at her again. I sucked in my lips and oppressed my laughter with great effort.

"..." a different, yet familiar song started playing in the background.

The kids giggled, whilst I glared at Cate, who got rid of the white powder in her face. I watched as she took a few steps closer to the bag of flour. Yet, I couldn't let her do that. My hand quickly grabbed the bag and gazed at her reaction. Oh shit... this is not gonna end well.

"Cate, you wouldn't want your pregnant—" She walked closer, causing me to take a few steps back. The bag rose in the air.

"Been working so hard..."

"You'll pay for this. I don't care if you're carrying babies. I want my revenge." Cate cooed, as she came to a hold right in front of me. The hair on my neck rose.

"I gotten this feeling.."

I got on my tiptoes. Of course it was useless. My fiancé was way taller than me. However the moment I couldn't make myself any taller, she had already thrown half of the bag over my head, whilst chuckling delightful.

My brows sunk in annoyance and I glared through my powder white lashes. "Was that necessary?" I grunted and sulked my lip.

"It was, yes." Cate pecked my lips and pushed me into the counter. The woman inched closer and her nose brushed my cheek, causing her breathing to touch my collarbone. "You smell good."

"Or else I'll tear up this town.."

"It's your parfum." I whispered and she pulled me into her body.

"I know."

"Tonight I gotta cut loose, footloose" The lyrics to Footloose played and Cate started dancing along with me. She swayed us through the kitchen and above the in flour covered ground. More white powder fell off our bodies, as we kept dancing and laughing.

The kids ensured the music was becoming louder with every move and Cate's and my feet were stepping so effortlessly with the other, as if we had been dancing for ages.

I glared into her face and as her smile grew bigger, I knew for sure she was the woman I'd be seeing myself growing old with. The woman whom I will be sitting on our terrace, whilst our kids and grandkids chatter all around us, but none of that matters, because we have each other. We'll have each other...

As the song faded, I had my arms flung around Cate. My chin rested on her shoulder, whilst I glared at Silly, who had taken a seat next to our children.

Just as I swiftly glared at our new family member, with great joy rushing threw me and a rapidly pounding heart, knocks at our front door were audible and I knew what was about to happen.

The bundle of fluff started barking and running into the entrance hall, followed by Cate and me.

We opened the door and coldness wrapped around my body. The dog took a seat in between us and glared outside. Revealed were Elsa's and a familiar other face.

Their gazes lowered to Silly and wide smiles beamed onto their faces. "Bruno! There you are!" The younger woman spoke and kneeled down. Hesitant the bundle of fluff approached the woman and suddenly it clicked inside my head.

"Nadia?" I frowned and nuzzled further into Cate's side, as another wave of coldness hit my body.

The keeling woman's eyes shot up. "The pretty brunette... Veronica Staple. We truly did see each other again."

My fiancé's hand squeezed my side a bit, causing me to look up and glare into her tensed face. Was she getting jealous—

"Yeah, seems like we did." I looked back at her and smiled politely, whilst her eyes wandered in an obvious way up and down my body. She didn't even attempt to hide it.

"You've gotten prettier-"

"And she got a fiancé." Cate interrupted.

"Oh congratulations. Well, I would have been concerned, if you were single. I mean, look at you. Damn." Okay now I was flattered and slightly uncomfortable as well.

We kept on chatting for a moment longer, about how pretty I am and how lucky Cate was, until we finally came to the topic as to why they were here, which was obviously Silly or Bruno - what a stupid name for him. It doesn't suit him. Bruno for his sweet behavior? Nope. I will never except that.

"Do you guys want to say goodbye to Silly?" Cate called into the house and Edith scream-cried a tortured 'no'. "Now that was a clear answer..." My fiancé exhaled. "Anyone?" And there appeared Iggy and approached with heavy steps and a low head.

Our boy kneeled down and Silly ran towards him in an instant. The sounds of his small paws hitting the ground lingered in the air for a moment. The dog licked his face in a happy manner, causing small giggles to bless my ears.

"Bye Silly." Iggy spoke and wrapped his arms around my body as he got up again. "He was a good dog." My boy spoke, whilst my hand embraced him.

"He was." I muttered.

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