Harmless Attraction

By Demonofthefridge18

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Hinata had an amazing one-night stand with a stranger she met at a bar. Thinking she'd never see him again, f... More

The Lies We Tell
Hidden Emotions
The Boy with Green Eyes
A Surprise Guest
Behind Closed Doors
Our Dirty Little Secret
You and Me
Happy Family
Morning Dew
Mysterious Girl
Sweet Kiss
Problem Solved?
Painter of the Night
Happy Birthday
Silent Night
Eye of the Storm
Shot in th Dark

Birds of a Feather

655 25 83
By Demonofthefridge18

Author Note: I don't know if anyone noticed but the last title is a play on promiscuous girl. But it's mysterious girl haha... I crack myself up.... 

When Hinata returned home she nearly screamed when she saw her best friend standing in her driveway.

"N-naruto I'll call you back Temari is here~" She squealed.

"Aight babe, call me later."

"Okay, do your homework!"

"C-can't hear- breaking- can't hear-"

Hinata rolled her eyes, "Naruto!"

The other line clicked signaling he had hung up. Hinata snorted pushing her door open. She smiled as her best friend helped her out of the car.


"Hi girlie~" Temari beamed giving her a big hug.

They held each other melting in the embrace.

"It's so good to see you, come in !" Hinata pulled her into her home.

The two girls chatted over some tea that Hinata had brewed for her guest. Sitting on her couch they talked excitedly catching each other up on what had been going on in their lives.

"Hmm, I can't believe Neji is still the ass he's always been."

"I know..." Hinata sighed.

She had told her about how Neji was trying to get her to be with Hidan- yet she left out the part where she already had someone.

"He seems worse, what got his head filled?"

"What doesn't?" Hinata joked as the two chuckled.

If anyone could understand even a lick of what Hinata was going through it was Temari. She had been with her through her worse moments and has a high-profile family that she has to hold upon her shoulders.

Both girls were practically the head of their families. Whereas Temari took the role naturally, Hinata did not.

She abandoned it.

Being the oldest direct descendent, the position of the Hyuga head was supposed to be hers. Since she had neglected her 'duties' Hanabi and Neji fight for the title. If Neji was her father's natural-born son he would have the position no doubt- if Hanabi was a male she would have the position without question. It was the sad truth for their family.

They felt men were natural-born leaders, making the hard decisions. They believed women only allowed their emotions to control them. Yet Neji was adopted into her family from another branch, so he did not hold as much power.

In some way, she felt bad for her sister. She had to cast away all feelings and be the ruthless person she is. Once upon a time, she was as sweet as a button.

It was just nice to have someone like Temari by her side. She was more of a sister than she could ask for, she tries her absolute best not to worry her. She has enough with her brothers.

Temari watched the liveliness in Hinata's eyes, it made her heart warm.

"Hinata..." Temari started, catching her attention she looked up with a soft smile. Temari smiled sweetly, "It's good to see you so happy... you deserve it with the shit family you've had."

"I am... I am truly happy Temari." Her thoughts floated to her blonde.

Her sunshine. Her-

"Are you seeing anyone?"

"No!" Hinata said it sharply, the feeling unreal as the two of them stared at each other. It was such a weird 'no'. A no that was clearly a lie.

Temari raised a brow as if saying 'Ahuh...'

Hinata felt her face become warm as she shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Gaara probably told her!

"N-No- I- I" She hated lying to her Temari, she could never lie to her. "I am... talking... to someone. B-b-but it's not l-like serious right now. I-i am j-just t-tr-"

Hinata was a blubbering mess, making Temari laugh. The girl was as red as a tomato.

"Hinata it's fine love, you don't have to tell me all the details yet. If you are happy I'm happy." Temari giggled seeing the other girl's body relax. It was like she was in full defense mode.

Hinata sighed, "I'm sorry Temari... I just I'm not ready for you to meet him yet. I just want to feel the relationship out but I can tell you that I am truly delighted with him. He makes me... happy."

Temari watched the girl fiddle with her fingers, she could tell she didn't feel comfortable talking about the man yet. That either meant two things- either he was really bad and abusive or she meant it and he was a good man and she was just enjoying the relationship.

Hinata had life in her eyes, and her hair was thick. Her skin looks pinkish and she had meat on her bones. That to Temari was enough to know that she was doing well.

There was a time Hinata has gone through her dark moments and she could see this wasn't one of them.

That alone made Temari pleased.

She had concluded this was a positive relationship.

"If he does anything to piss you off let me know and I'll have my brothers slash his car tires aight?"

Hinata laughed for two reasons- Naruto had no car and the boy was crazy, "I'll let you know. Thank you, Temari."

"Any time love." Temari sipped her drink as Hinata shifted in her seat to look toward her.

"Um... Temari is Gaara okay? He hasn't been back for a tutor session for weeks and Kankuro... I don't know if he is telling me the truth. He said he's fine..."

Temari smacked her lips with a shrug, "He is having his moment with Kankuro right now. They get in these little fights every now and again...It's not you, I promise."

Hinata stirred on this idea, "They... don't seem to have a good relationship. Yet, I do see Kankuro trying... it's sad to see..." Hinata's tongue went dry witnessing the sad expression cross Temari's features.

"I know..." She spoke softly.

Hinata reached for her as she scooted coser so they cuddled, enjoying the silent comfort of one another.

"Did you know that Shikamaru boy added me on Facebook?" Temari chuckled as Hinata let out a little giggle.

"Did you add him?" Hinata questioned as Temari snorted.

"I mean, I did but then I realized the boy was in high school! I thought he was in college like Gaara. Could you imagine me dating a high schooler?"

Hinata laughed nervously patting her friend's back.

"I mean he's so sweet I can give him that."

"He's... um in my class."

"Is he? What is he like?"

"A pothead. He's really laid back and doesn't like drama. Mostly sleeps in my class but he's really really smart. You would think he would be failing but he's passing with all A's. It's weird. He's deff A boy you would have gone after in college." Hinata smiled.

Temari laughed, "Maybe I'll send him a message on his birthday, he's turning 19 then... that doesn't make it so bad right?"

Hinata's eyes widen as she laughed, "Temari!"

"Whaaaat? I'm joking I'm joking! I've made quite the empire for myself I would not allow some high school boy to take it down."

Hinata licked her lips thoughtfully as Temari leaned back in her lap, "Well if you ever did decide to date him I wouldn't judge you."

Temari blushed, "N-no way Hinata! That be- crazy- insane actually!"

"Yeah..." Hinata smiled thoughtfully, thinking about her blonde boy.


There weren't a lot of things that nagged Hinata.

Yet lately it seemed as though, everything bothered her.

Everything that got in the way of her blonde.

Like, Kiba disturbing her during lunch when she could be texting and talking to Naruto.

Kankuro who has decided he wanted to talk to her, even more, when she got home- taking precious time away from speaking to her blonde. Her phone buzzes in her pocket as she tries to politely walk away from her neighbor.

The students.

All of them.

Especially the girls.

She never understood but why did it seem when someone was in a relationship others try twice as hard to get in between them? Even though she wasn't 'around', she found it quite disturbing how many girls have been coming up to Naruto. She thought the news of his relationship would repel them- it made it worse!

It was near the end of the month when she was supposed to be going to her lovely family meeting. She was already annoyed but she could not be any more pissed than this right?


Not only would she have to see her family soon she also had to make a cupcake for Ino. She made baked goodies for all of her student's birthdays and it just so happened that it was Ino's birthday (as well as Shikamaru's). Well, she couldn't just give everyone else a cupcake and not her.

So as she was already cursing her family name for the upcoming weekend, she also had to hear Ino and Sakura blow up about her birthday. She had heard the gossip about the surprise party that was going to be thrown on saturday.

Hinata couldn't fix her salty mood but she did the best she could. The only person that could tell something was wrong was the one person that stared at her all class period.

Naruto knew how she got when it was near her wonderful trip, he saw it first-hand last time.

"Let me come with you."

Hinata snorted, phone pressed against her ear as she walked to class with Ino's giant cupcake in a purple box.

"You can't... and besides don't you have an important event coming up this Saturday?"

Naruto snorted, "If you let me come with you I won't go."

Hinata faked a gasp, "How could you? Missing your sister's birthday?"

Naruto chuckled, "Only if you let me come with you."


That idea rang in her head, she bit her lip just thinking about it. It was a good deal- a damn good deal that she wanted to say yes to, yet her mind was screaming that was for sure a bad idea.

"Huuuh you are thinking about it!"

Hinata fought back a smile, "There is no way I could kidnap you like that."

"Not kidnapping."

"I-I have to go I'm almost to class."

"Alright see ya soon."

Hinata got to her class getting ready for it to start. People had leaked in setting things down at Ino's desk, happy birthday balloons and gifts. She knew she was going to have quite the headache today. Just as this thought crossed her mind Sasuke and Naruto walked in casually.

Sakura followed them in afterward seemingly scolding the blonde, "Everyone has to be there at eight okay! And do not tell her. Keep your big mouth shut ya hear me?"

The three walked by her desk Naruto glanced at her but dropped his eyes swiftly. "I said okay-"

"You cannot, Be late!" Sakura sat her gifts down on Ino's desk placing her fist on her hip.

"Why am I being hounded? Sasuke is my driver!"

"I'm not the one that is always late." Sasuke sat down in his seat sliding his notebooks out of his bag.

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Whatever." plopping in his seat he leaned back, eyes drifting toward the front. His teacher 'busying' herself with writing on the board. He would much much-much rather be with her.

"Also you can bring your girlfriend too."


Before he could speak Ino had walked in sending the class into a cheery uproar.

"Happy Birthday~!" They cheered for her as she blushed.

"Aw! Guys~" She was wearing a very pretty dress, it was a flowy purple dress with too much cleavage, but Hinata figured it was her birthday, and no one was gonna dress code her.

Ino walked in excitedly as everyone gathered around her desk, their chatter was too loud for Hinata, she couldn't really tune in to what was being said. Most of the conversation was about what was she gonna do for her birthday and her presents.

The bell rang making everyone perk up they looked toward Hinata and she smiled softly, "I'll give you guys ten minutes."

They were giddy with her response, "Thanks, Ms. Hyuga!"

"You're the best!"

Hinata sat down in her seat allowing her students to delve into the excitement of Ino's birthday.

"Hey, it's Shikamaru's birthday too!"

Ino snorted "Tomorrow~ Today is about me!"

They laughed as they talked animatedly.

Looking through the crowd she caught blue orbs piercing through the bodies.

She immediately felt her face heat up, was he always looking for her? No matter what the situation was it was like he'd always find his gaze on her.

After ten minutes went by and the excitement died down Hinata began her class.

Near the end of the lesson, Hinata stood up with her cupcake and walked toward Ino.

Ino squealed seeing the cupcake box in her teacher's hands. Everyone has always said it was the best tasting cupcake they have ever had and she only made it for those who had a birthday.

"Ooo~ I'm so excited to try it thanks Ms. Hyuga~" Ino smiled as Hinata put the box down on her desk.

"Happy birthday Ino." Hinata smiled softly, she would have to say she felt no ill intent toward the girl at that moment, seeing her eyes light up with so much joy. At that moment she saw her as more of a student than a girl trying to take her blonde from her.

The young girl was quick, opening the box as she took a plastic fork and dug right in. She hummed taking the first bite.

"Soooo good~"

"Give me some~" Sakura shifted in her seat taking her fork from her and getting a piece of the pastry.

"How is it?" Hinata questioned fiddling with her fingers. She could feel Naruto burning holes in her side.

"Dear kami- this is delicious Ms. Hyuga!" Sakura groaned.

Hinata smiled, "I'm glad you guys like it."

Naruto peeked around her looking at the treat, "Let me have some!"

"No way! Get your own!"

"You will get one next month!"

Naruto pouted making Hinata giggle. That is right, Naruto's birthday was coming up next month, what should she do for him?

Ino smacked her lips getting up from her seat, "I gotta go get a napkin."

"Oh!" The pinkette brought Hinata out of her thoughts,"

So we are throwing a party for Ino annnnd Gaara might be there so you should come too~" She whispered shouted.

Naruto inwardly rolled his eyes, he needed Hinata to squash these fucking ideas before he takes a picture with his dick in her mo-

"No, I'm sorry Sakura it would be inappropriate for me to go."

Ino had got back sitting down in her seat questioning the conversation, "What are you guys talking about?

"Ah, I wanted to know if Ms. Hyuga went to parties."

"Did you go to parties Ms. Hyuga?"

Hinata hummed leaning her head to the side. "Well, I was more to myself. I had been to a few though in college."

"Did you drink?"

Hinata paused biting her lip- she didn't exactly say no- nor yes. Yet she didn't have to.

"Misss Hyuga~ Not so innocent as we thought." Ino giggled as the woman shrugged lightly.

"What's the craziest thing you've done? We gotta know more now." Sakura leaned upon her fist grinning up at her as she dug for more gossip.

Hinata could just see all of the people she was dying to tell her dirt to. She placed a finger to her lips, "I can't tell you that."

The girls laughed as they tried to pull the information from her lips, but it was no use.

"Get back to work girls." She winked at them and walked away sitting in her chair as they tried to guess her 'secret' life.

Hinata's phone vibrated as she sat down, looking down she saw Naruto had texted her.

Sexy Fox: what kind of things was my naughty bunny up to?

Hinata was sure enough not ready to talk about that part of her life with him.

Juicy Bunny: just the usual

The bell rang dismissing the class. Leaning back Hinata swiveled in the chair picking up her phone.

Sexy Fox: Uhuh, so have you thought about me coming with you?

Hinata sighed placing her phone on her chest. There was no way she could get away with that.

Juicy Bunny: You should go to her party. I know I don't like her but you guys are still friends. It would probably hurt her if you didn't show up.

Sexy Fox: That's so mature of you.

Juicy Bunny: Shut up

Sexy Fox: Language missy, don't make me come back there.

Hinata giggled biting her lip, yet deep in her heart, she wanted nothing more than to escape with her sexy fox.

Life was truly unfair to her.

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