Another Weasley

By svrfjnqx

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{Book one in the 'WEASLEY' series} Ranks ~ {5th in harrypotterandthegobletofire ~ out of 1000+ stories} {9th... More



401 11 8
By svrfjnqx

Over the next few weeks I learnt all about the Wizarding World and Hogwarts School. I decided there was no way I couldn't become a Gryffindor, and Ginny had been letting me use her broomstick to fly around in the field behind our house with lessons from Harry, who was staying the rest of the summer. Ron, Harry, Ginny and I spent most of the holidays together, and I finally got to meet Hermione on our trip to Diagon Ally.

We used floo powder (an ash-like substance that turns flames a stunning emerald green, and allows you to travel through fireplaces) to get to Diagon Ally, which would have to be the most exciting place I had ever seen. Owls hooted inside and out of shops and kids pressed their faces up on windows to look at broomsticks and toys and lollies.

Wishing I had about ten more eyes, wanting to see everything I possible could, we continued down the cobbled street. People laughed and chattered, shop windows were full of things like talking stuffed animals, and you could even buy things like earrings that whisper compliments into your ears. One Quidditch merchandise shop displayed things like practice snitches, signed quaffles, jerseys, posters and badges. Other shops held potion kits or books, pet rats or self-correcting quills. I even saw an ice cream shop with a flavour that changes every time you lick it.

"You look like me," Harry said, smirking, "the first time I visited Diagon Alley. You look so completely amazed."
"How could I not?" I smiled back, "aren't you seeing this place Harry? Aren't you seeing how perfect it is? It's-"
"Amazing," he said, finishing my sentence.
"Completely," I agree.
Harry, Ron, Hermione and I walk in and out of shops together, collecting school supplies and chatting along the way.

We walked into Madam Malkins Robes for all Occasions, a shop full of different robes in all colours, fabrics, textures and shapes. An emerald green pair of silk robes caught my eye, and I reached out to touch the supple material.

"That colour would look great on you," Harry said, coming up from behind me, "I think it would really suit you."
"Oh! Thanks, Harry," I said, finding his green eyes trained on me. I feel my cheeks heat up, and can easily imagine the brilliant red my face had  undoubtedly turned. "It's the same colour as your eyes," I stated, returning his smile.
"A remarkable observation, sis." Ron said, interrupting. "Hey, Harry. Do you reckon that colour would look great on me too?"

❀ ❀ ❀

Mum said she would see to buying my books, and so Dad dragged me from the group to buy a wand.

I opened the door to Ollivander's and dad calls to the old man.
"Another Weasley?" Mr Ollivander said to my father in an hoarse and husky voice, his eyebrow slightly raised. The old wizard was severely balding, the hair he was left with frizzy and platinum white. He had bushy grey eyebrows and a large, slightly hooked nose.
"This is Ruby." Dad said, placing a hand on my shoulder. Ollivander turned to look at me.
"You'll be needing a wand then!" He smiled gleefully and I nod enthusiastically in return.

Mr. Ollivander took some measurements that kind of made sense, like my hand span or arm length, though there were others - like my eyebrow width - that didn't seem like they could possibly be useful when buying a wand.

He hummed as he worked, taking random measurements and asking odd questions such as "snow or sand?" every now and then.

He nodded to himself before turning to his shelves and fetching a long, thin box. When he pulled out the wand and handed it to me, something felt immediately wrong.
"Unicorn hair, birch wood, 10 inches." He said. I held the wand in my hand, turning it over and studying the details engraved into the wood.
"Give it a wave, then!" He urged, eyes sparkling like diamonds. I flicked the wand in a sideward motion and a stack of papers on his desk erupted in flames. I hastily set the wand back onto the desk and Ollivander boxed it up. He muttered to himself, something like 'should have known, should have known'.

He pulled another box out from the shelf, the wand in this one a rich, almost-black wood, and handed it to me.
"Phoenix Feather, walnut, 7 1/2 inches."
This time when I waved the wand, a window exploded, glass spilling in all directions, littering the floor with glittering shards that caught and reflected the light, causing sunspots to dance around the dimly-lit room.
"Absolutely not!" He exclaimed in his hoarse voice.

Mr. Ollivander pulled out another wand box, and the wand he handed me this time wad a dark sort of honey coloured wood.
"Dragon Heartstring, hickory wood, 10 inches." The old man said. This time I flicked the wand in a very controlled and short motion. Surely, if I didn't make such a wavy and long gesture with the wand it would cause less damage, right? Boy, was I wrong. A dozen ink cartridges exploded, spraying blue and black ink all over the room. Stains splattered mine, Ollivander and Dads clothes, and the walls became splotched with the dark liquid. Stacks of paper on tables and books were also covered in ink and a large pool of it sat in a puddle on the table where the cartridges had exploded.
"Mr Ollivander.. I am so, so sorry, I-"
But the old man burst out in hysterical laughter. He laughed so hard for so long I was sure he was going to faint, tears of joy coming to his eyes as he howled.
"I really should invest in a wand testing room!" The man managed, grinning ear to ear.

I must've been through at least fifteen wands, and I was so sure I'd never find the right one. A large pile of the discarded wand boxes sat on the table, all of the tried wands having resulted in catastrophes like smashed vases or collapsed shelves.

Ollivander pulled yet another wand box off the shelf and handed it to me for what felt like the millionth time.
"Dragon Heartstring, mahogany, 11 3/4 inches."
This wand was a dark brown, with a handle engraved with twisting vines, leaves and flowers. It was beautiful. When I picked it up, I felt a strange sort of warmth fly up my arm and settle in my chest. I grinned ear to ear.

When I waved the wand, a golden glow settled over the room, and a pink and white blossom appeared in front of me. Its petals opened out, blooming before my eyes. The flower floated around the room for a few minutes, dancing, its petals waving in the slight breeze. It traveled on in a lap around the room, and came to a stop in front of me once again. I opened out my hand and it landed gently in my palm.
"Spectacular!" Dad said, clapping, and I turned to see Mr Ollivander grinning.
"That was truly beautiful magic." The man's eyes sparkled like diamonds once again. Dad payed for the wand and we leave, a massive grin plastered across my face.

When we caught up with the others, Hermione and Ginny gushed momentarily over how beautiful my wand was, and I happily relayed the events which took place in Ollivanders. With Mums permission, Ginny and I were given some money to buy new clothes (Ginny had made a big point to bring up how little clothes I had with Mum) and Hermione tagged along. We walked into a place called Madame Fabienne's Second-Hand Fashion. Despite some of the clothes being slightly worn or stained, they were beautiful. Mum had told us any small rips, tears or stains could be easily fixed with a bit of magic, and that we were going to need to buy a formal dress each because of something going on at Hogwarts this year.

We pondered over what could possibly be happening as we searched for dresses and clothes. I bought a few pairs of jeans, leggings, sweaters and tops. Ginny did the same, having grown out of most of her clothes because of her recent growth spurt.

For my formal dress, I finally decided on a sky blue garment that Hermione said brings out my eyes (don't ask me why, my eyes are brown and definitely not blue). It had thin spaghetti straps and a sparkling fabric skirt that draped gracefully from my waist to the floor. The bodice was corset-boned, but not as harsh or structured as an actual corset. It was flattering and simple without actually being boring, and it fit like an absolute glove.

After our shopping spree, we found Mum again, staring longingly at a set of grand, wispy, silvery robes which seem to sparkle and catch the light.
"It's okay, Mum." I nodded at my mother and steered her away from the shop window. I had only been in the family several weeks, but already knew of our money predicament. It wasn't even an issue to me, because honestly, anything was better than the orphanage. I was just so incredibly grateful to have a family.

As we walked down the twisty cobbled street, a man caught my attention. He was sitting on the floor against a wall, an owl in a cage beside him.
"Good day!" He smiled at me as we walked by. His face was grubby and dirt was smeared along his torn robes. I stopped walking and smiled back. My attention shifted to his owl.

"She's beautiful." I sighed, poking my fingers through the cage a little. The owls feathers draped gracefully down its back, it had a honey and white colour, and soft female-looking characteristics, with a curved beak.
"You can take her." Taken aback, I looked at the man in shock. "Can't afford to feed her any more, it would be doing me and her a favour."

I turned to look at mum for permission and she gave me a small nod and a smile. I picked up the cage, grinning at the man.
"Thank you so much, really." I said to him.
"No, thank you, dear." He answered. "Her name is Emerald." Emerald. A rather fitting name actually, considering her eyes were like two of the green gems. She hooted and clicked her beak before going back to sleep. I passed a few galleons to the man before bidding him good day and rejoining my family.

"No fair! why does she get an owl?" Ron howled when we caught up to the rest of them again.
"You have an owl Ronald!" Mum scolded.
"Not bloody Pig! He's an irritation!"
"Oh Ronald, you wouldn't want Pigwidgeon to hear that." George said in a singsong voice.


I hope you're doing well and enjoying the story so far!!
Question of the chapter: What shop would you spend most of your time at in Diagon Alley? Answer here: ⇨⇨⇨⇨⇨

My favourite is definitely Weasleys Wizard Wheezes!

Have the best day/night 💐

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