Modern Day Warships to Anothe...

By Horten141A

38.5K 394 577

(Rewrited Description!) As the war has ended 31 year ago, the world now peace... US began to make a good rela... More

Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Chap 1 - Wait! I'm in Another World!?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 2 (Rewrite I)
Chap 2 - Need to be Saved?... (Rewrite)
Chap 3 - So. There's a flashback, must meet the Queen, then a Tour?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 3 (Rewrite I)
Chap 4 - We got Free Time, But There's a Goddamn Storm! And a Distress Signal!
Chap 5 - Sakura Empire? New Guest? And Spies?...
Bio's 4 (Rewrite I)
Chap 6 - Time to Save Our Spies...
Chap 7 - What a Day...
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 1 - We Just Arrive, and We got a New Problem
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 2 - Short Word: Just a Tour...
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 3 - Welcome to Iron Blood!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 4 - Test? Not a Problem....... Schwester?!!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 5 - Maybe we From Different World, But not By the Blood
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Russian/Northerners Arc 1 - Hello New Worlds...
Russian/Northerners Arc 2 - WELCOME TO THE UNION!!! COMRADES!!!!
Russia/Northerners Arc 3 - Just a Morning Tour
Rusky Arc. Char. Bio 5
Russians/Northerners Arc 4 - A New Friends, and an Attack?!!
New Cover???
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 1
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 2
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 3
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 4
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 5
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 6
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 1 - We've Arrive!!
Battle of Midway Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 2 - Welcome to Our Base!...
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - Repairment? And Getting Upgradation! Even Refit!!!
D-Day/Normandy Landing Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - The Base is Under Attack!!!...
Dragonians New Upgrade and Refit
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 1
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 2
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 3
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 4
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 5
Anniversary of United State of America Vlog!!!...
Battle of Britain Anniversary!!!...
New Book???? Already??????

French/Orthodoxies Arc 1 - Bonjour, New World!...

216 4 4
By Horten141A

Strait of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Sea

On the sea, right in the Mediterranean Sea territorial. There's 1 Aircraft Carrier, 2 Super-Carrier, 3 Super-Battleship, 2 Battlecruiser, 3 Cruiser, 2 Destroyer, and 1 Submarine, floating on the sea, calmly. Until...

Charles: "Ugh!.. Where am I?... Why I have hand?..... I have hand?!!"

Charles quickly inspect his body.

Charles: "For the Holy Christ..! This is real..." 'Ho-How?! I-I think I was underway to be scrapped?!"

Charles get up and quickly take his rifle on his side, as he walked to the flight deck, he see many ships circling on him.

Charles: "That ships—"

Marseilles: "HOLY FUCK?!?!!! That storm really rough?!"

Paris: "Whoa?! Ouch!.. My head!"

Alsace: "For the Holy God!!"

Aquitaine: "Oudh!!"

Auvergne: "My God?!"

Versailles: "For the Peace of God!"

Loire: "What was that storm?!"

Meuse: "My—?!"

Jaune: "Merde?!"

Sedan: "Ouch! Arras! Where are you?"

Arras: "Ugh! I'm here sis!!"

Gustave: "Eiffel! Where are you?"

Eiffel: "Here! Big brother!!"

Augusta: "What happened exactly?!"

All: "Eh...?"

As the fleet curious what happened, they slowly realizing their body.

All: "A BODY?!!!"

Charles: "Ouch!!!"

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Jaune watch RWBY...)

All now in Charles flight deck, standing on the deck with some or many question exactly.

Paris: "Monsieur Charles! Oh, thank God! I think you were going to be scrapped?"

Paris hug her own predecessor, and Marseilles hug him too.

Charles: "I'm good, I'm good. Thank God you're okay."

Marseilles: "We expecting the same as you."

Alsace: "Monsieur!"

Alsace come forward and give a salute to him.

Charles: "Good to see you, Alsace."

Aquitaine/Auvergne: "Monsieur!"

Charles: "You too, Aquitaine, Auvergne. It's already two month since you three give a salute shoot for my retirement."

The other joint as they gave a salute for Charles.

Charles: "Alright!.. Anybody know what actually happen in here?"

All of them give him a shook, meaning that they don't how in actual fuck they can get here!

Charles: "Alright, I think we need to investigate it..."

All of them nodded and walk to their own ships, and they began to sails up across the Mediterranean Seas.

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Marseilles playing the Pirate of Caribbean theme songs...)

Illes Balears, Mediterranean Sea

Illes Balears or Balearic Island, were now become battlefield between the Vichy and the Libre. It's already two hours since they began the battle.



























Richelieu: "Hold the line!!! Don't let them win!!!!"

All of them keep fight, both Vichy and Libre.

Jean: "Fire all what you have!!!" *BOOOMMMM*
































The battle get intents and more intents, until...


















A shoot were heard and hit the water in the middle of the battlefield, some of the missiles were launched and destroy in the midair over them.

Triompath: "Wha-What's that?!!"

Jean: "Missiles?! I think only Iron Blood have that?!"

Dunkerque: "Then, who have missiles than Iron Blood?"

Jeanne : "What in the God happened?!"

Béarn: "Madame Richelieu! My aircraft detect a big fleet coming towards us!"

Richelieu: "Is that Sirens?"

Béarn: "Nothing appear like Sirens, but they have the Tricolore flag without the Vichya or Libre ensign!"

Richelieu: "A fleet with our Tricolore flag, without Vichya or Libre symbol on the middle? What their fleet consisted?"

Béarn: "They have three Aircraft Carrier with two gigantic Carrier and a smaller one, three big Battleship, bigger than Miss Friedreich, I don't what the two other, but their three ship that's looks like Cruiser, two Destroyer, I believe, and one gigantic Submarine. That's all I get."

Foch: "Madame Jean! What we gonna do?"

Jean: "I...—"



Another shoot were hit the water again, another warning shoot has been released.

With the French

Charles: "You all know the plan, right?"

All: "[Oui!!]"


Andorras Sea, Mediterranean Sea

Marseille: "Monsieur! My Hawkeye catch a battle, occur in the Balearic Islands."

Charles: "Battle in the Balearic? Tell me what kind of battle is that?"

Marseille: "If I look closely.. This battle fought by... Girls???"

Charles froze on place as he look to Marseille tablet.

Charles: "By girls???"

Marseille: "Yes, but look at their flag. They have the Tricolore flag, but some of them have an labrys axe, meanwhile the other have a double-barreled cross. Its looks like the Cross of Loraine, with the Fleur-De-Lis with iris flower pattern."

Charles: "Cross of Loraine? Labrys axe? Both of the symbol used by the Free French and Vichy French back in World War Two?"

Charles and Marseille were thinking harder, until Paris and Alsace walking approaching them.

Alsace/Paris: "Monsieur!!"

Charles: "Rassuré.. What do you got?"

Alsace: "Same as Marseille, we got a bunch of girls fight in the Balearic."

Paris: "And they have the nearly same flag as the Vichy and Free French, in the World War two."

Marseille: "My Hawkeye too found that the Balearic Island were empty."

Charles: "Empty? What do you mean?"

Marseille: "Look, the settlement on the island. Its completely empty, the houses were destroyed, the port destroyed, and there's no sign of life in there, only wildlife."

Paris: "The city on the islands is destroyed?!"

Alsace: "It seem the islands were bombard by multiple attack, both from air and sea."

Charles: "But, why the city buildings structure looks like nineteen thirty and fourteen buildings structures..."

As Charles thinking what is impossible, Augusta arrived on the Carrier after scouting around.

Augusta: "Monsieur!"

Charles: "Rassuré.. What do you got, Augusta?"

Augusta: "Monsieur. You maybe don't believe this but.. You need to read this."

Augusta take a newspaper and handed to Charles. After taking the newspaper, Paris, Marseille, and Alsace walk closely to Charles.

-|Vichya Nationale News|-

=|War Between Red Axis and Azur Lane|=
|It's already a month since the Iron Blood, Sardegna Empire, and Sakura Empire declare their separation from Azur Lane and establishment of Red/Crimson Axis. The war between Red Axis and Azur Lane is going to high level|

=|War between 2 Faction|=
|2 months after the collapse of Iris Orthodoxy, the war between the divided Iris Orthodoxy rise into big intents. With the techs sell by Iron Blood, the Vichya Dominion will rise as the true Orthodoxy...|

Charles: "Iris... Orthodoxy?"

Marseille: "Wait, if the Iris Orthodoxy collapse and divided.."

Alsace: "There's will be two nation, or faction."

Marseille/Alsace: "And if there's two faction—!"

Paris: "There's will be war between them."

Charles: "War between divided people because believe..."

Alsace: "Wait. Red Axis and Azur Lane?"

Augusta: "I don't know but, the Red Axis looks like the Axis Forces."

Paris: "And the Azur Lane looks like—"

Marseille/Alsace: "The Allied Forces!"

Charles: "But if there's Axis Forces and Allied Forces, it mean..."

All: "We're in the past?!"

Paris: "But how...?"

Alsace: "Are this because the white light?"

Charles: "Maybe..."

Marseille: "But how did we can become a human like this, if we're in the past?"

Augusta: "Maybe, we're in another timeline of Earth?"

Charles: "Another timeline? That's was promising answer.."


Loire: "[Monsieur!! There's an unknown ship attacking us!!!]"

Charles: "An unknown ship? If they attacking again, counter them!"

Loire: "[Oui!!!]"





Loire: "[Target eliminated!]"

The Siren ship were destroyed, and now Charles and the other back to the main topics.

Charles: "Now, what should we do?... Paris??"

Paris: "If I see the newspaper map, the Iris Orthodoxy is French on World War Two. I its divided, meaning there's the Vichy and the Free."

Alsace: "That's meaning we need to separated become two forces."

Charles: "Alright. All forces! Do you hear me?"

All: "[We heard you clearly, monsieur!]"

Charles: "Okay. Hear the plan clearly. Me, Marseille, Aquitaine, Meuse, Sedan, and Eiffel will go to the Vichy. Paris and the rest will go the Free. For Augusta, you're the only submarine in this fleet, which fleet you want to join?"

Augusta: "I think I will go with Madame Paris."

Meuse: "[But monsieur, how did we gonna end their battle?]"

Charles: "You're right.."

Marseille: "How about, we shoot every guns and our arsenal in the middle of the battle, so they get overwhelm by our shoot and end the battle."

Charles: "Great idea, Marseille.. You heard that!! That's the plan!"

All: "Oui!!!/[Oui!!!]"

Charles: "Its time to move out!"

-Flashback End-

Illes Balears, Mediterranean Sea

As the both faction standing and see the French Fleet, they were amaze and scare at the same time.

Surcof: "What's that thing?!"

St. Louis: "That's a big fleet?!"

Algérie: "What the—?!"

Jean: "What kind of ships is that?!"

Richelieu: "I never seen that kind of ships before..."

As the fleet began to closer and closer, all of them transform into Riggings.

Charles: "Alright!! Its time to end this battle!!!"

Paris: "All aircrafts!! LAUNCH!!!"

Alsace: "FIRE ALL VOLLEY!!!!"

Loire: "Launch every missile we got!!!"

Augusta: "Torpedoes!!!"














































With all volley that fired by the French Fleet, the Vichya and Libre quickly get distract and overwhelmed by the warning attack. The both sister have no choice to end the battle and retreat.

Richelieu/Jean: "RETREAT!!!"

All of them retreat, the French who seeing this relief and began to gather.

Charles: "You know the plan."

All: "Oui!!!"

Charles: "Alright! SPLIT UP!!!"

All of them split up become two, Paris Fleet and Charles de Gaulle Fleet. With the 2-fleet going to both faction, Charles and his fleet sails away to the Vichya Base.

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Versailles is taking a peaceful nap...)

Port, Vichya Dominion

On the port, the Vichya fleet now is docking on. The other get off from the fleet, as they see their ships condition. But as they seeing their ships, they remembered about thing that happened earlier.

Dunkerque: "Madame Jean Bart, what should we do?"

Jean: "I don't know, but we need to investigate that unknown fleet."

But, as they thinking about Charles fleet, Gascogne come with news.

Gascogne: "Madame! My radar caught a fleet coming towards us!"

They were surprised, and quickly looked at the outside of the port. And they began to see Charles fleet.

Jean: "That fleet—"

Vauquelin: "Is that the fleet that we saw earlier?"

Algérie: "What we should do?"

Malin: "Are we need to attack them?"

Jean: "Don't, we need to investigated why they attack us.."

As they looked at Charles fleet, the fleet finally docking on. The Vichyas slowly approach them and looked at the gigantic Carrier and Battleship, right on their faces, there's amaze, excited, surprise, shock, even an scared expression on their faces.

Jean: "Everyone! Prepare for anything!"

All: "Oui!!"

The Vichyas were on stand by for anything worse, but they gone shock after seeing Charles, Marseille, and Meuse.

Charles: "Salut les filles!"
(Hello ladies!)

Vichyas: "A BOY?!!?!!"

The French quickly close their ears because the Vichyas screaming.

Marseille: "Ouch! My ears.."

Meuse: "Merde!"

Eiffel: "Ouch!!"

Sedan: "Damn!"

Aquitaine: "Ouch!! For the God! Bless my ears!"

Charles: "I think that's enough..."

The Vichyas quickly get silent, and looked at the French. Then Jean walk forward.

Jean: "State your business on our base!!!"

Charles: "We came here with peace."

Marseille: "Actually not..."

Meuse: "Yeah..."

Charles quickly glare at them with death glare, Marseille and Meuser quickly stun and scare level high.

Marseille/Meuse: "So-Sorry!"

Charles looked at the Vichyas back, and taking a short walk.

Charles: "As I said, we come with peace."

Jean: "Then, what are you want in here."

Charles: "Nothing. Only to stop the tension between you and the Free."

Jean: "The Free? You mean the Libres?"

Charles: "Yes, that's was what I mean.."

Jean: "Sorry, but you can't. We already get tension like this, then we can't stop it."

Marseille: "Are you even try to negotiated yet?"

Jean: "We try, but nothing."

Marseille: "Yep! That's not gonna work..."

Charles again glare at Marseille with death glare.

Marseille: 'IIIIIHHHHHH!!!!!!!'

Charles looked at Jean again.

Charles: "Alright! How about we talked this inside?"

Jean: "....Good idea, follow me."

Then the Vichyas and the French walk inside to the bases, meanwhile Marseille look at the skies.

Marseille: 'I wonder what happened with grande soeur now???'

Meeting Room, Iris Libre

On the meeting room, there's Richelieu, Cardinal of the Orthodoxy, and Paris. The other is on the outside, talking each other with the other Libres.

Richelieu: "So you and your fleet, including.. Monsieur Charles fleet is from another world?"

Paris: "Yes, we from another world—Actually from different timeline.."

Richelieu: "Different timeline?... What make you here then?"

Paris: "To reunited the Orthodoxy."

Richelieu: "Why??"

Paris: "From what our history from our world tell, the Vichy just a puppet state of German Reich or Iron Blood. Meaning that your sister just only a puppet to use to govern the Vichya."

Richelieu: "That's meaning—"

Paris: "Stop the tension between you two will save the Orthodoxy."

Richelieu: "But how? Me and my sister already have tension long before the Orthodoxy broke up. Because my sister always want to become stronger to protect the Orthodoxy, but with the Iron Blood help.."

Paris: "I see. There's must be a civil war right?"

Richelieu: "Yes. In late nineteen-thirty, we already gone to civil war. My sister taking a help from Iron Blood so they can push us out from the Orthodoxy, but there's a catch..."

Paris: "What catch?"

Richelieu: "The catch is, they will take half of the Orthodoxy land."

Paris: 'Not German Reich, not Iron Blood, both is the same...' "I understood, how about we drink some wine to calm down this situation?"

Richelieu: "Thank you."

Then, Richelieu and Paris walk out from the meeting and began heading to the wine bar.


Me: Whew!!! This need take a time!"

Amelia: "At least you done..."

Me: "Yeah.."

Amelia: "BTW Author, I heard that your parents build a new house now?"

Me: "Yes, they are. I need to help them for now."

Amelia: "Ho long you need to go?"

Me: "Hmm... Let me see... Three weeks or more than or less, three weeks."

Amelia: "Okay... When you will go?"

Me: "Today."

Amelia: "What?!"

Me: "I already pack everything now. I need to go! Bye!!!"


Me: "YOU!!!!"

Amelia: "WHAT?!! WAIT!!!"

*Author already left*

*Looked at the house*
Amelia: "Well damn. By the way!! Here's a memes!"

Amelia: "WOE!!!!! APAAN TU?!!!!!"
(WOE!!!!! WHAT IS THAT?!!!!!)


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