Friendship into Relationship

By allovetovictory

36.6K 1.6K 258

"I know every part of you, but never have I seen this part." "I want you, why can't you want me too?" Taehy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Side Story: Chapter 1
Side Story: Chapter 2
Side Story: Chapter 3
Side Story: Chapter 4
Side Story: Chapter 5
Side Story: Chapter 6
Side Story: Chapter 7
Side Story: Chapter 8
Side Story: Chapter 9
Side Story: Chapter 10
Side Story: Chapter 11
Ideas Needed
The Wait Is Finally Over

Chapter 14

965 46 5
By allovetovictory

Taehyung walked through the front gates and into the school doors. He wasn't greeted as he usually was instead he was greeted by the judging eyes and whispers that were hurtful to his ears. He lowered his glaze for the first time at school, he frown and kept walking.

"He ruined Jimin."

"Poor Jimin."

"Sana is better than Jimin, not the other way around."

"They were only best friends, what's the problem?"

He heard mixture of response, but shrugged it off when he seen Sana. "Taehyungie." She smiled and hugged his arm, he grinned at the girl and rubbed her hair. "Hey! I spent my time on my hair and you just ruin it!" She pouted and walked with Taehyung.

They didn't know where they were going but they let their legs guide him, "it looks good, no need to spend time on it." He rubbed her head again and smiled when she threw a small tantrum. "I like this outfit." He fixed it with another compliment and it worked. Sana gushed, forgetting what she was doing before.

They walked a little more and found themselves at a random hallway, Taehyung led Sana to the lockers and placed her on them. He cornered the girl, grinning softly before lowering himself to her lips. He felt arms around his neck, he smiled through the kiss while she tried to create more tension.

"We're at school." He whispered into her ear, he let his hands led themselves down to her waist, gripping before tugging softly making a gasp leave her mouth. He snickered loudly when she started to get playfully upset, but it was a way to mask her embarrassment.

The bell was heard.

Taehyung held his palm out for Sana to reach, he walked her to class, "I'll see you during lunch." He kissed her cheek and walked off to his own classroom.

He greeted the teacher, with no jokes just a simple good morning and off to his seat, quite surprised when he seen Jimin sitting down, with his eyes straight to the board and arms crossed with an unbothered look.

"I'll come and collect homework." The teacher announced, Taehyung rubbed his face with his hands and slowly looked over when he heard Jimin make a ruckus. "Let me copy off of you." Jimin said nothing and gave the piece of paper to the teacher hearing a groan from the boy next to him. He rolled his eyes and began to look out the window, Taehyung clicked his tongue of of annoyance.

"Jimin was out for a whole week and still managed to do the homework, what's your excuse?" The teacher questioned. Taehyung looked up to the teacher and shrugged with a grin, "none of your damn business." The teacher scrunched her nose and shook her head, she obviously knew Taehyung wasn't being himself so she let it pass.

She smiled at Jimin and walked off to start the lesson, leaving the two boys to pay attention in their own ways. When the lesson was done and they had their own time to do their independent work, the boys both did their own thing. Jimin began on the worksheet the teacher handed out while Taehyung went onto his phone to play a game or even text Sana.

"Let me have the answers when you're done." Taehyung elbowed the boy with a smile but when Jimin snapped away, he lost his reason to smile. "Why don't you do your own work?" Jimin sassily told, sending him a mean look before fixing back to the sheet in front of him.

Taehyung pouted softly, he turned off his phone and turned his attention to Jimin, "I'm sorry-" Jimin slammed his pencil onto the desk making a few students look over, "save it. I don't want to hear it." Taehyung flickered his eyes, why did he like being talked to this way? He gulped down and nodded, he lowered his head and nodded again.

He raised his hand up to the boy, showing his pinky up to him. Jimin eased up to the sight, now he felt bad. But, he scoffed and went back to his work making Taehyung lower his hand and lay himself down on the desk for the remaining time of class.

After the bell rang, Taehyung rushed to the one person he has by his side, Sana. He pushed and shoved the people in front of him, of course apologizing, and once he was in front of Sana's classroom, he waited.

His boxy smile displayed when he seen her wobbling to give him a hug, "I missed you." Sana whispered softly, hiding her face when Taehyung leaned for a kiss. Taehyung chuckled at her slight teasing and began to walk her to her next class. "It's been literally an hour." He told, musing his eyes when he seen Jimin smiling with Jungkook.

His whole mood changed, he blinked irritatedly and kept an eye on them as he continue to walk with Sana. "You're not listening." Taehyung was smacked lightly on the shoulder, he regained his focus and smiled.

He rolled his eyes playfully and placed his hand around her lower back, "I was." He told. Sana scrunched her nose and kept walking, they silently walked to Sana's classroom. "Meet me at the lunch room after this class." He kissed her forehead and left to his own classroom. He went to his assigned seat and laid back and crossed his arms, not spearing Jimin any more contact that he was getting.

Jimin didn't seem to care, but deep down, he wanted to talk to him, more than anything. The teacher went on with their lecture and the boys ignored each other. All until Taehyung noticed Jimin take his phone out type a message out, then a giggle was heard and hand was up in the air. "Sir, can I go to the bathroom?" He called out and once he got a confirmation, he stood up and left the room.

He raised an eyebrow, his mind pondered on Jimin and his messages. "I need to go to the bathroom." He said and walked out, he heard the teacher's shouts but Jimin was more important. He left the room and looked both side, thinking where would Jimin go.

He got a feeling he went to the right, so he walked to the left. He walked and walked, looked every corner of the hallways. He perked when he heard Jimin's voice, shy and feminine, was heard. He walked closer to the corner he heard and snarled loudly, but it didn't amuse the two boys.

"He shouldn't concern you anymore." Jungkook turned and stood in front of Jimin, returning the dark glare. Taehyung clenched his jaw and looked over to Jimin who lowered himself to be cover up in Jungkook's height.

"Leave." He snapped his eyes back to Jungkook. Jimin could feel the dominant tension in the air, the furious and dark auras the two contained. He didn't like it, he felt his stomach swell in fear, his heart began to beat harder and faster in his chest, his eyes were closed with his hands clinging onto Jungkook's shirt.

"The teacher wants you back inside the room." Taehyung said in defeat. He blinked away his heavy eyes and backed away to show Jungkook he gave up.

Jungkook looked him up and down before turning back to Jimin, "hi." He poked Jimin's cheek, smiling softly while he watched Jimin open his eyes and smiled back, "hey." He said. "Thanks, kook." He looked down and seen his hands were still on Jungkook's shirt, he got embarrassed and removed them only for Jungkook grasp onto them that earn them a growl for Taehyung.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Jungkook said, eyeing Jimin nodded and lower his glaze again. "I have to go back now." Jungkook let go of his hands and backed away, "bye." He said and walked off to his own classroom.

Jimin sighed and walked off knowing Taehyung would follow behind. "What was that? Are you guys dating? Since when?" Taehyung caught up, quite defensive about the topic. Jimin said nothing and kept walking.

"So, you can't speak now? Are you deaf or are you just stupid?" He snickered sarcastically, he didn't mean it at all. He wanted a reaction from the boy, he wanted anything he could get from him. "What him and I have shouldn't interfere with you." Jimin mumbled.

He was sort of getting over his feelings, after yesterday. Taehyung grabbing him tightly by his shoulders and shouting into his face wasn't something Jimin wanted in a relationship.

Of course, feelings still lingered, but only when Taehyung isn't speaking because now when he talks, he only yells and asks too many questions. He liked him better when he was sitting there, eyes forward and attention not on him, that's when he liked him.

After that, no one spoke, they returned back to the classroom and didn't speak nor look at one another. The bell rang meaning it was time for lunch. Taehyung didn't bother to get lunch, he just sat down and waited for Sana.

And to his surprise, Jimin and Jungkook sat on the other side of the table. No glances went on, they just focused on each other. Taehyung was jealous, just a tiny bit, like a pinch.


As soon as he found Sana with her uplifting smile, he took her by her wrist and led her away to somewhere private. Sana was confused, but since it was Taehyung, she didn't voice her confusion, she just followed the boy. Taehyung looked around and pushed onto the wall, without negotiation, he aggressively kissed her.

Her hands first went to his neck and soon went to his shoulder when he wouldn't let go, it was like he was leeching onto her. "Taehyung!" She yelped loudly and that's when Taehyung backed away. She panted heavily as she closed her eyes while she shook her head softly, "what'd you do that for?" She touched her bottom lip to see if there were any blood, she narrowed her eyebrows and looked at Taehyung.

"I want you, Sana." Taehyung whispered and walked closer to her, a dark grin appear once he was face to face with her. Sana shook her head, "you were too aggressive and I don't like it." Taehyung rolled his eyes and placed his hands down on her hips, "come on, baby, give me a taste." The look she gave was worth it.

But he realized what he said and what nickname he used, it was Jimin's nickname.

The pulling around his neck brought him back and soon he felt lips on his own, soothing the heavy thinking. He eased up and followed her led, he hummed softly when Sana fasten the pace and added a few more things.

"Thanks, Sana." He mumbled when they detached away, he smiled and went in for a hug that Sana gladly gave. In that moment he realized something new.

He wanted to gave Sana what she deserves, he wants to be the boy she needs and wants.

He'll do anything to keep a smile on her face, anything for a kiss from her lips, anything to get a hug from her arms. Anything from her would be fine with Taehyung, he just wanted her by his side. That being said, he pecked her head and led to the vending machines the school had around.

"Which ones?" Sana shrugged and pouted, "I don't know." She mumbled as she glanced at the options. Taehyung raised an eyebrow and looked at the options as well, "pick any, Sana." Taehyung rubbed her back in a slow motion making her shudder, "what are you hungry for?" He went on after Sana didn't answer.

He waited for an answer but nothing came out, "here, we'll get multiple options." He stepped forward to the machines and picked out a few he knew Sana would like, once finished he led her to a random hallway and both sat down and ate the snacks together.

"I'm sorry I was being aggressive earlier, I was upset about something but I think I figured it all out." Sana was reassured with a smile from Taehyung. She was quite skeptical but nodded and munched on the chips, "we can talk about it if you want." She raised her hand with a chip and motioned it for him, she laughed softly at Taehyung leaning in for the chip.

"No no, I'm okay. I have my thoughts gathered. Thank you for being there for me." He bumped his shoulder over to hers and got the same gesture, "you're welcome." She said and raised another chip to his mouth.

~After school~

"I have to go an about an hour but anyways let's cuddle." They arrived at Sana's house and into her room. Sana gave her shining smile and nodded, "I'm gonna go get comfy." She said and raced to the bathroom leaving Taehyung with a fond smile. He sighed softly, a content one and got himself ready too.

He took off his shoes and placed them on the wall and placed his book bag next to them, then he slumped into the bed, awaiting his girlfriend. He lifted his body when he felt her presents, he happily went under the sheets and waited for Sana to follow along.

He noticed she was covering her face as she went underneath the sheets, he patted the spot besides him and slowly Sana appeared. "Why are you hiding?" He mumbled softly, trying to seek her face but she cover it with her hands and turned the other way to not face him. He clicked his tongue, playfully and laid back down and began to hold her.

Cuddling with her back side was enough for him and even the hands on her waist made it ten times better, but he was still curious of why she was hiding. "Give me a kiss." A cheeky Taehyung said. And to his surprise, Sana quickly turned and cover his eyes before pecking his lips and moving away again.

"A longer one, Sana." He whispered a whine and nuzzled his head onto her spine, once he sensed her coming he grabbed her first. "Don't look!" She shouted, trying to wiggle away but Taehyung was strong. Taehyung closed his eyes and made a confused face, "why can't I look?" He said loosening his grip and slowly pulling her closer to his chest while still having his eyes closed.

"I have no makeup on." She said, lowly. Taehyung hummed softly and began to lay down pecks on her face, light and gently was how it felt on Sana's end.

She giggled softly and wrapped her arms around his body, "no need to get shy around me." He continued on with the kisses until he heard a complaint form Sana, "okay, fine. You can look now." Now she was the one to close her eyes, she was too afraid to see his reaction. "You're the prettiest girl in the world!" Taehyung gushed her with compliments, kissing and wowing her with all sorts of things.

"You're embarrassing me now." She snickered and placed her hands over Taehyung's mouth to shut him up, but yelped when she felt a lick being made on her palm. "Ew! That's disgusting!" She said and wiped her palm on Taehyung's shirt, rumbling her dislike.

"Why would you lick my palm!" She whined again. "Is there somewhere else you want me to lick instead of your palm?" Sana stopped in all motions. She tilted her head up at her boyfriend and stared into his dark brown eyes.

She gulped and opened her mouth to the slightest, she was under his hypothesizing. Taehyung glared her up and down and glared, tightening his grip around her small body.

"So, you do want me to? Where's your mind drifting to?" He asked and began to lower himself down to kiss her jawline, instantly feeling hands on his strains of hair. He began his trails of kisses down to her neck, licking and sucking softly to create little light purple spots. Sana backed her head and let faint pants that turned to soft moans out, gripping when she felt a nibble being made on her delicate skin.

"Tell me, where do you have in mind?" Sana opened her eyes and looked down to meet his eyes, she whimpered softly and connected their lips. "Taehyung, we can't. My parents are home." She said in between the kisses Taehyung made on her corners, he hummed softly and gave his last kisses and laid back.

"Hopefully I didn't go to far." He eyed the purple spots on her skin, grinning at the fact he might get scolded tomorrow but who cared. "No, you didn't. I liked it a lot." She smiled. Taehyung's grin grew even wider, "yeah, it sounded like you did." And that was the moment he was pushed off the bed.

"It's been an hour. You have to go now, bye!" She said quickly and covered herself with the sheets. Taehyung laughed at her actions and nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." He pecked her forehead that was laid on the bed covered with the sheets. He took his stuff and headed out, leaving with a gently smile on his face.

Author's note
Second update of the day. Uh, I finished writing. I'm officially done writing this story! I don't know how to feel though. I'm happy, but sad that this story will be coming to an end soon. I'm also upset. I think I could have done better. I'm not satisfied with my work.

Have a good day or night!


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