saving grace

By catesblanket

111K 4.1K 3.3K

Female Reader X Cate Blanchett You are figuring life out beyond the heart break you have been forced to endur... More

Chapter 1: Life, Los Angeles, and Liquor
Chapter 2: Perceptibility
Chapter 3: Pancakes
Chapter 4: Oops
Chapter 5: Games
Chapter 6: Places
Chapter 7: Checkmate
Chapter 8: Time
Chapter 9: Thanking You
Chapter 10: Tears
Chapter 11: Baby
Chapter 12: The Story
Chapter 13: Breaking
Chapter 14: Bambina
Chapter 15: Meanings
Chapter 16: Waiting
Chapter 17: Open Up
Chapter 18: Kiss It Better
Chapter 19: Peace
Chapter 20: Enough
Chapter 21: Drawings
Chapter 22: Mermaids
Chapter 23: Talk
Chapter 24: Stains
Chapter 25: Punishment
Chapter 26: Always
Chapter 27: Breathtaking
Chapter 28: Sharing
Chapter 29: Lucky Charms
Chapter 30: Please
Chapter 31: Mama Bear
Chapter 32: Lux(e)
Chapter 33: Safe
Chapter 34: Frustrations
Chapter 35: Sunshine
Chapter 36: War
Chapter 37: Dancing
Chapter 38: Noted
Chapter 39: Gems
Chapter 40: Portraits
Chapter 41: Desperate Exchanges
Chapter 42: Girlfriends
Chapter 43: Strawberries
Chapter 45: Life
Chapter 46: (Pillow) Princess
Chapter 47: So...
Chapter 48: Epilogue

Chapter 44: Four

2K 71 66
By catesblanket

"Cateeee, just help me decide," you whined, holding a hanger in each hand.

You were stood in your shared dressing room at the Ellen show, attempting to get Cate to help you pick out the blouse that best coordinated what she was going to be wearing. You would pick yourself, but Cate was being a pain in the ass and would not show you her outfit for the afternoon.

She giggled at your demeanor as she watched you through the mirror, continuing to let Morag do her makeup.

"Moraggggggg," you then complained, "Make her help me."

The older woman simply let out a chuckle as she lined Cate's lips. "Honey, I cannot make her do anything."

You dramatically threw the blouse's back on a rack and marched into the bathroom area. "If no one wants to help me, then I'm not going out there."

Cate rolled her eyes, bringing her hand up to Morag's wrist and stopping her. She stood up in her silk robe and walked in your direction. You were sat up on the counter of the sink, scrolling through TikTok when she decided to make an appearance. You ignored her presence completely. She brought her hands to caress your thighs, sliding the material of your own robe up your legs until she hit the spandex you were wearing underneath.

"Whatever you wear will look beautiful," she voiced with a soft squeeze of your flesh.

You didn't say anything, still slightly frustrated that Cate wouldn't show you what she was wearing. Your anxiety was also through the roof, your nerves shot, which only made the situation worse.

"Black, leather skirt, right?" She asked and you barely nodded, not giving up the verbal response.

She released her grip on you and walked out of the room, coming back with the nearly sheer, white long sleeve blouse. She took one of your hands from the phone you were holding and molded your fingers around the hanger that held the top. "There," she whispered, leaning in to peck your cheek. "Now get dressed, Dash will be here in a few with Miss Edi."

You watched her go back out of the room and sighed, hopping down from the counter and going back to the rack to grab the rest of your outfit. You turned around, as to not give yourself away completely to the mirror and stripped. You took off your spandex, leaving you in just a thong, as the skirt was fairly short and had a pretty decent slit up the side. You then slipped the sheer top delicately over your high ponytail, careful not to bump it out of place. Once you were dressed, you turned back around and tucked the shirt in, Cate's eyes never straying from body.

As soon as Morag was finished, she left the room for a few minutes and gave the two of you a moment together. Cate approached you, reaching around to the top of your back to fasten the button of your blouse. After doing so, she rested her forearms on your shoulders, her fingertips scratching the back of your neck softly.

"See, I told you you'd look beautiful," she whispered.

"You are way too cocky," you laughed, pulling away from her body. "Help me with my shoes?

"Yes ma'am," she said, looking down at you as you picked up the black stilettos and placed them near your feet. Cate took the position of getting on her knees and resting back on her heels. You placed your hand on her shoulder and lifted your foot, curving it into the shoe. She secured the strap at your ankle and repeated the process with the other foot. As she finished, she laced her hands up the back of your body. Starting with your calves and traveling up to your thighs, giving your ass a tight squeeze as she stood all the way up. A soft groan came from your mouth at her actions. She knew what she was doing as she released her grip and slid the length of her right arm across your abdomen, walking away flirtatiously.

You bit your bottom lip and made your way over to the makeup counter, allowing yourself to cool down and let Cate finish getting ready. You topped off your outfit with a gold watch and the earrings she had gotten you for Christmas. You needed to put your necklace on as well, but you liked it best when she latched it for you. It had become your little thing.

You found Cate's reflection in the mirror as she made an appearance once more, attempting to fix the sleeves on her black button up, one you assumed would be covered by a suit jacket. "Help?"

You turned around, finding she adorned high-waisted, gray patterned slacks with a wide leg that nearly skimmed the floor. She came closer to you and stuck her arm out, allowing you to attend to the two buttons at the cuff.

"Would you like them rolled at all?" You asked, having buttoned both sleeves.

"Yes, please. Twice if it allows."

You did as she requested, Cate then adjusting the way the shirt was tucked into her pants. She stepped out from in front of you to look in the mirror, bringing her hands to her chest area. "Should I unbutton one more?"

Her fingers toyed with the clasps as she contemplated how much cleavage she wanted to accentuate.

"What jewelry are you wearing?" You asked, moving behind her to rest your chin on her shoulder and hands on her hips.

"The long golden chain that has your initial in the circle and then a couple shorter ones to layer it."

You moved your hands over her body and on top of her breasts, undoing the button that rested in the middle of her bust. "No bra," you told her, kissing her cheek and removing her hands from her front to tap her hips.

She offered a faint smile before turning her head towards you and kissing your lips. You deepened the kiss, bringing a hand underneath Cate's hair and to the back of her neck. She alleviated those anxious butterflies in your stomach, and helped you forget, for just a few seconds, that you were going to be on national television in less than a half hour. You wanted nothing more than to continue, but the two of you were interrupted by a knock, Morag promptly entering. You pulled away and the makeup artist was first to speak. "Cate, I just fixed your lips. Get out of here," she playfully commanded, swatting at her upper legs.

Cate placed one more soft peck on your lips before going to remove her bra. You spritzed on some perfume and Morag added a few finishing touches to your own look, the two of you were almost completely ready by the time Edith pushed through the door, Dash and Cate's assistant, Taryn, following close behind.

"Mama!" You heard, causing you to stand up from the makeup chair. The little one immediately wrapped her arms around your legs and squeezed tightly.

"Hi, baby girl," you responded, placing a hand in the baby curls on the back of her head.

"Where's Mommy?" She asked after a moment, bringing her head out of your upper legs.

"Right here, Bambina," Cate said, walking into where the five of you now were, pulling on her suit jacket.

Edith quickly released her grip and ran off towards Cate, Dash taking the opportunity to give you a hug. You had been working day in and day out, staying as late as the others would in order to help best prepare for the upcoming film, and, thus, you hadn't seen much of Cate's eldest.

"Guess what?" Dash spoke into your ear.

"What?" You returned, pulling back to face him, your arm still wrapped around his back.

"I got into the School of Cinematic Arts at USC," he conveyed with a gigantic smile.

"Shut the fuck up!" You screeched.

"Y/n!" Cate reprimanded, given Edi was in the room.

"I'm sorry," you apologized before returning attention to Dash's announcement, "Wh-when did you find out? You're going to accept, right?"

You jumped up and down slightly in your heels, beyond happy for Dashiell as he had gotten into his TOP choice.

"I got an email last night but you didn't get home until late, Mom found out first. And, yes, I accepted as of like two hours ago," he revealed, grinning from ear to ear as you brought him into another hug.

"I'm so proud of you," you spoke softly, squeezing him ever so tight.

"Thank you," he returned at a similar volume, "For everything."

You smiled to yourself and pulled out of Dash's embrace, only holding his forearm as you looked to Cate. "We have to celebrate! Can we go to dinner?"

Cate nodded, "Of course. But, first - interview."

"Yeah, yeah," you mumbled under your breath.

"Taryn, could you please escort Dash and Edith to their seats?" Cate asked, kissing Edith's cheek before setting her down from her hip.

"Of course. Come on, E," Taryn smiled, holding her hand out.

You saw your little one pout slightly before taking Taryn's hand. You ran your palm over her blonde hair and smiled as you watched the three of them exit the room.

You went to turn to Cate when there was another knock on the propped open door.

"Five minutes to stage," the young man said as he popped his head in.

"Thank you. We will be out momentarily," Cate answered, the man taking the hint to wait outside the room.

Cate walked to the mirror allowing Morag to add a couple more touches to her face. The makeup artist then started packing up her bag as Cate turned her attention to you.

"Ready?" She mouthed, then looking down to your hand to see that you had picked up your necklace.

Without spoken words she took the piece out of your hand and turned you around. She fixed the necklace, then rested her hands on both of your shoulders as she leaned in to place two gentle kisses on the back of your neck. Goosebumps raced across your body automatically.

"You've got this," she whispered against your skin before pulling away.

"I've got this," you repeated to yourself.

Soon enough, you were standing stage right, watching Cate on a screen. She was scheduled to appear for five minutes before you were to go out. You were beyond anxious. You couldn't stop picking at your fingers and your heartbeat was at least 160. It was slow torture being able to see Cate but not touch her.

You were brought back to reality when you heard, "Should we go ahead and bring her out?"

You saw Cate nod before you plastered on a huge fake smile. "Everyone, please welcome, y/n y/l/n!"

You breathed deeply before placing one foot in front of the other. Your eyes immediately went to Cate as you made your appearance, causing a real smile to dawn on your face at the glimpse of her figure. You then watched your feet as you made the few steps down the stage and finally over to the two blondes, incessant clapping filling the air.

Ellen opened up her arms for a hug and you obliged, Cate's hand on the small of your back during the quick embrace. You then waved to the audience before making a move to sit down. As you started to sit, you realized just how short your leather skirt really was, Ellen sharing eye contact and noticing as well. The talk show host decided not to bring attention to it, although Cate automatically understood after you attempted to pull the black material down a few times. Cate scooted as close as possible to you before crossing her legs and hiding the high open slit. You breathed a slight sigh of relief, glad that she knew you far too well.

"Y/n, it's wonderful to officially meet you," Ellen began, carefully starting the conversation.

"Likewise! Thank you so much for having me...having us," you replied, placing a hand on Cate's upper thigh as you settled into her side. You looked at her briefly with a smile before turning your attention back to Ellen.

"So, tell me the truth...what's Cate really like?"

Ellen's little comment earned a laugh from the audience and a small giggle from yourself. You shared eye contact with Cate, joking, "A monster."

A little bit more laughter broke out as Cate plastered on a fake pout. You patted her thigh, "No, no. She's perfect. I think I'm the luckiest person on the planet."

A series of awes then echoed throughout the studio as Cate got rid of her playful frown and kissed your temple.

"So sweet," Ellen chimed in.

"We're very happy," Cate said, taking the reins a little bit. "We haven't got to see a lot of each other lately, so we're thankful for this little bit of off time before the next project."

"And, what is the next project?"

"It's the sequel to Carol, we're about to start filming next month. Final touches are happening right now and then off to Ohio."

"Y/n, will you be going with?" Ellen asked, bringing the conversation back to you.

"Yes! I have family in Ohio, so it'll be nice to spend some time with them."

"Will the kids be joining?"

"Off and on, I think," you responded, looking up at your blonde and waiting for her to continue.

"Dashiell will travel with us and the younger ones will go back and forth. I hate to take them out of their routine."

"Has everyone adjusted okay? Given the circumstances," Ellen pried.

"" was a bit of a process but I think we've reached a good place," Cate responded a bit unsure, bringing her hand to rest it on yours and tangling your fingers together. "The divorce and separation was definitely a lot at first and a bit chaotic to say the least, but we're- yeah, we're doing okay."

You squeezed Cate's fingers between yours, offering the slightest bit of reassurance.

"I'm glad that they're doing well. And that the two of you are doing well, obviously. I mean...look," she said, gesturing her hands towards you and earning some laughs. You couldn't get closer to Cate if you tried. You were pretty sure that four other people could have filled the space that was left to offer, given the proximity of your bodies.

"Is this what the first date was like?"

More laughter filled the space. "Actually quite the opposite," you chuckled.

"Oh God, please don't," Cate said, covering her eyes in a bit of embarrassment, given she literally cried during it over receiving her finalized divorce papers that morning.

"It was a bit of an emotional day for Cate and probably not the best timing for the start of something new," you clarified, rubbing your thumb over the back of Cate's hand. "But, I guess, the universe knew something we didn't."

Cate uncovered her face and smiled at you. "I've been extremely blessed to not only have had one but two great loves in my lifetime."

"Don't make me cry," you nearly whispered, but still loud enough for your mic to pick up.

She tapped your nose with her index finger, prompting Ellen's next comment, "Don't let me interrupt.."

Cate gave a playful roll of her eyes, looking at the host, "If you must."

"Just out of curiosity, why did you wait so long to speak out about everything?"

Cate adjusted herself towards you more, responding, "I think we just wanted to settle into a routine and comfortability. Y/n isn't really used to the so-called Hollywood life with all of the cameras and tabloids, and I selfishly wanted to protect her from it for as long as possible, make her feel safe.

Ellen grinned at the two of you.

Cate continued, "She hasn't always had that. I wanted to do everything in my power to make sure she was where she needed to be, both physically and mentally, before taking such a huge step."

Yep, Cate is perfect. Yep, you died on the inside. And, yep, you guessed it, a tear sprang from your eyeball.

"You're annoying," you commented towards Cate, wiping away the fallen drop of water as you chuckled.

A few audience members had tears in their eyes as well. Although you didn't really know why, it was endearing. Cate reached down towards the table and grabbed a tissue from the box, handing it over to you with a wide smile.

"Alright, before I start crying too," Ellen laughed, "I have one last question. Would you all like to play a game?"

"We'd love that-"

"I don't know-"

The two of you spoke in unison. You elbowed Cate in the abdomen softly for her response, the tears in your eyes and the physical gesture offering enough opposition to bring another laugh to those in the room.

Ellen chuckled to herself, then looked at the camera, "Stick around, y/n and I will be right back with a round of 5 Second Rule."

As the cameras cut you turned to Cate and gave her a cheesy grin. She rolled her eyes at you before placing a soft peck on your lips. The two of you were broken out of your bubble, an assistant of some sort coming to whisk you away to the gaming podium. You got in place on your side while Cate was aided to hers. Morag came and placed final touches on both of your faces before the cameras came back on, Cate offering a wink as one of the producers counted in from commercial.

"Hi everyone and welcome back to 5 Second Rule," Ellen addressed the cameras. "It's relatively simple. I'll read a category and you'll have five seconds to name three things in the category. And, then, to stop the clock, you'll hit the red buzzer in front of you as soon as you're done."

Both of you nodded, sharing eye contact with one another and a small smile.

"Cate, we will start with you."

"Oh lord," she groaned, blowing out a breath of air, "okay."

"Name your three favorite body parts on y/n."

"Her eyes, her lips...Edi close your ears- her ass," Cate rang in by hitting her buzzer.

You rolled your eyes, covering your butt with your hands as Cate leaned off to the front side of the podium to try to look at it. Ellen watched on as you mouthed stop it. A deep blush grew on your cheeks.

Cate returned to her normal position after a moment, Ellen proceeding. "Okay, y/n. Name the three things you find most attractive about Cate."

"Um...her accent," you began, bringing your hand up and putting a finger out as you named each thing, "Her artistry and how great of a mom she is."

You stuck your tongue out at her and scrunched your eyes. She shook her head side to side at your silliness.

Ellen continued, "Cate, give me three words that best describe y/n."

"Let's see, um...headstrong...gifted...breathtaking."

You gave a meek smile, willing away the redness threatening your face again.

"Y/n, give me three different words that describe Cate."

"Dorky in a good way," you clarified, "confident and thoughtful."

That one was easy. You twisted at your hips, internally happy that you were doing well at the game so far.

"Cate, give me three celebrity crushes of y/n's, apart from yourself."

"Sandra Bullock, Sandra Bullock, Sandra Bullock," Cate said quickly, only letting 1.8 seconds expire from the clock.

You embarrassingly hung your head as a roar of laughter was heard throughout the room. "You're gonna make me look like a stalker," you whined with a pout, bringing your eyes back up to Cate.

The blonde giggled as she came from behind the podium and over to your side. She moved a hand on your neck, the other on the small of your back, as she placed a deep kiss on your lips, spinning you around as everyone watched. You couldn't help but smile into it. When she parted you wiped the transferred lipstick from around your mouth, looking around to find everyone smiling at your interaction.

"So adorable," Ellen commented, adjusting the cards in her hands.

"Alright, last questions. Y/n, name three of Cate's best movies."

"Carol, Blue Jasmine, Ocean's 8," you rattled off, tapping your red buzzer with confidence. A few ow ow's registered from the crowd, encouraging you to talk directly to them for the first time. "Right?! Carol is a personal favorite."

"Lou is hot!" You heard from a female in the seating section, causing a rumble of laughter.

"I agree!" You exclaimed, pointing towards the woman and then giving her a thumbs up.

"Okay, okay," Ellen interjected after a moment, calming the people. "Cate, name three of y/n's favorite foods."

"Pasta, pizza, chocolate milk," she said quickly. You then watched as she turned away from the podium and pointed to herself, proceeding to hold up the four fingers and mouth the number with a mischievous grin.

"CATHERINE ELISE!" You scolded loudly, the entire audience cracking up.

"What?" She played dumb as she turned back.

"Oh, Jesus Christ," you mumbled to yourself, hiding your face in your palms.

"You said to be good, I held it in until the very end," she chuckled, shrugging her shoulders.

"I definitely don't think we can air that."

Hi everyone! I know it's a shorter chapter but I still hope you enjoyed! We will get red carpet cuteness in the next chapter!

Let me know your thoughts!

I love you endlessly, my e! all for you, always. <3 catesnotaphase

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