Chapter 15: Meanings

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Cate's eyes fluttered open, finding herself alone on the couch. She looked around to see that it was still dark outside. The television was displaying a Netflix prompt, asking if she would like to continue watching.

She looked beneath her to see she was naked from the waist up, remembering that she discarded her sweatshirt for a rub down.

She sat up slowly, taking the blanket off of her and throwing it on the other end of the couch. She pulled her shirt over her head, then grabbing the remote to turn off the television. She let her half-empty glass of wine on the table, noting to wash it in the morning.

She gently walked up the stairs to Edith's room to check on the young girl. She pushed the door open a little further to see Edith nearly laying on top of you, her head in the crux of your neck. Blue found herself on the ground at the foot of the bed.

She stood there for a moment, taking in the sight. She never thought that she'd meet someone so vulnerable and caring, especially after her separation. Although she tried not to show it, constantly putting on a brave face, Cate's brain was a disaster these days. She simply felt like she was drowning.

She knew that she was no longer meant to be with Andrew and she accepted that. It was mental torture the past few years, both of them trying to work it out for the children. She loved Andrew, and she still does, but not romantically. She adores Andrew for the fact that he gave her four beautiful children and that he is an excellent father, but he was not the one she was meant to spend the rest of her life with. He didn't make her happy anymore.

One would probably question why Cate's mental state was such a mess if she disconnected from the element that made her feel unsatisfied, and rightfully so. Cate was not sad that her relationship ended, she was grieving because it HAD to. When she married Andrew, she thought that he was her home, but standing in that doorframe at two in the morning, Cate realized that she had never truly found her home until she met you. You were her life saver, the thing that was going to help her float again.

She admired your bodies shaped by the moonlight, wishing she had something to take a photograph with. She wanted to plaster the image in her mind for the rest of eternity.

Even though she wanted to stay in that moment, Cate walked over and gently lifted Edith off of you and on to the bed beside you. You began to stir, your eyes opening slowly. You saw her reach out her hand for you to take. She helped you climb out from under the covers, letting you stand on the ground while she tucked Edith back in. She finished with a kiss on the forehead before turning around and pulling you into her.

Your arms wrapped lazily around her lower back, your head in her chest as you yawned. She kissed you repeatedly on the top of the head as you rested safe in her arms.

You straightened to look at her face, and although the room was fairly dark, you found the glint in her eyes. You smiled to yourself, diving your head into her neck and squeezing her ever so tightly.

She kissed you behind your ear before leading you both out of the room. You took her hand as you walked, watching her feet as they glided elegantly across the hard wood.

Once in her bedroom, she closed the door, leaving a small crack. You threw yourself on the bed sideways, completely exhausted after the day you had with your girls.

You reached above your head to find your phone on the nightstand as Cate retreated to the bathroom. You had what seemed like a million notifications. Missed calls, texts, snapchats, instagram messages, all concerned with the news story that aired.

You laughed to yourself, people were such vultures. Back home, there were only four or five people that truly reciprocated the love you had for them, but somehow, everyone suddenly wanted to be in your business.

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