Go Diego Go Returns/Snippets

By I_love_Hamilton_yeet

22.8K 162 145

If You love Go Diego Go when You were little than Get ready for more, Go Diego Go is back in This story with... More

Season 6, Episode 0 "The new member of The Rescue Family"
Meet Luca August Marquez
Luca meeting the rest of The Family (S6, E0, Pt 2)
Luca meets Friends (S6, E0 Pt 3 and Finale)
"Locked in"
S6, E1 "Baby Jaguar to the Rescue"
When Dad is Home alone with 3 kids
Best Friends Forever (Primos)
When Baby Luca gives Her first haircut
S6, E2 "A Very Bunny Easter" (Happy late Easter πŸ°πŸ‡)
Big Brother & Baby Sister Time (Diego and Luca)
When Diego's Friends are watching Luca are a while
"On The Other Side of The Phone"
"I'm always here for You" (Diego, Luca & Shanti)
How to cheer Up a Upset Luca
"Being Angry in Silence"
The First night with Baby Luca
The First day/Adventure of Luca with Her new Family
Luca's nickname from Family
"The scary cold raining night"
Happy 11th Brithday Alicia!
Luca's Separation Anxiety
"He annyos Me but That's How He tells Me that He's love Me" (Alicia & Diego)
Happy & Sad Facts about Luca August Marquez
Happy Pride Month Everyone!
"It was only just a Dream"
"He lives in You"
"The Beat-Broke Friend" (Diego & Burgin)
"Daddy & Baby Home Alone"
"Luca's First 4th of July"
"Get some rest"
"Unwatch Situation"
"The Two Cousins & The Lying Fox" (Dora, Diego & Swiper)
What I feel about Go Diego Go & Dora The Explorer
I got My first Vaccine
"Check Up Day"
"A Sick Diego"
"You are all what Matters to Me"
"Never take anything from Strangers at Nighttime"
"Broken Leg?!"
Song for "Go Diego Go"
"Trapped in Car" (Nico & Sabrina)
I got My Second Vaccine
Happy late 16th Anniversary To "Go Diego Go"
"You protect The City and I'll protect The Rainforest" (Dora & Diego)
"At The Beach" πŸ– (Diego, Alicia, Luca, Sabrina & Nico)
"Keep Your Head Up and Don't get dragged down by Her..." (Nico & Sabrina)
Meme Time with Dora The Explorer & Go Diego Go
"Let's Dance All The Way" (Diego X Sammy) (Dora and The Lost City of Gold)
"The Lesser You eat, The Weaker You get" (Sabrina & Diego)
"I have This Friend" (Daisy & Diego)
"His special Talent"
Meme Time with Go Diego Go & Dora Tne Explorer (Part 2) (Mostly Texting lol)
"Therapist Talk" (The Marquez Family) (Part 1)
"Therapist Talk" (The Marquez Family) (Part 2)
"Therapist Talk" (The Marquez Family) (Part 3)
"Miracle of The Fourth Season"
Butterfly Watching πŸ¦‹ (Y/N X Diego) (Female Reader) ❀
"Secretly Best Friends" (Diego & Camilo) (Go Diego Go X Encanto)
"Waving For You" (Diego X Injured Reader)
You're Special To Me (Male/Female Reader X Neko Diego & Neko Dora)
"Buried in snow" (Nico, Sabrina and Diego)
Dora's Friends meet The Animal Rescuer Family
"The New Addition To The Family"
"Their Little Prince" (The Birth of Diego)
"The Death of The One Cause The Pain"
"The Prince's Blessing Power" (Baby Diego's Secret Power)
My Top Favorites Nick Jr & Disney Jr Shows
My Top Favorites Nick Jr & Disney Jr shows (Part 2)
"Beat Up The Bullies" (Dora & Diego)
"Lost, Panic, Pain" (Daisy, Alicia & Diego)
"Where 🎡Calma🎡 originally came from"
"Cover Up The Wounds" (Diego and The rest of The Family)
"Rest Your Head" (Diego & Sabrina)
"Ghost or Spirit, We'll shall always go after You" (Dora, Alicia & Diego)
"You belong to Us now" (Yandere Marquez Family x Child Reader)
"A Secret Until Now" (Big Sister Sabrina X 4 year old child reader)
(REMAKE): The Newest Member of The Rescue Family"
"Papa Diego" (Diego, Alicia and Baby Jaguar)
"Babysitter Sisters" (Daisy, Alicia & Diego)
"Two Cousins and One school " (Diego & Dora)
"It's not a toy, It's Osito" (Dora, Diego & Alicia)
"He's always here" (Dora & Diego)
"A family to go home too" (Adult Diego & Adult Friends X child reader)
"A troubling blizzard" (Diego, Sabrina & Nico)
"Having a sleepover with horror movies" (The MΓ‘rquez kids)
"All hail Our new hero!" (The future of Luca)
"Birthday prank..." (Diego's 8th birthday)

"Revenge is like an evil plan" (Diego, Timothy, Sabrina & Nico)

247 3 5
By I_love_Hamilton_yeet


No one's POV:

Have You ever felt like You were at Your Breaking Point? Like You were so tired, stressed out and overwhelmed? Well, Think about 8 year old Diego.

Remember Timothy? Diego's Bully?Well, For The past months after months, Timothy was still Bullying Diego all around, Both Michael and Caden stopped bullying or beating the crap out of Diego.

Both Michael and Caden got the message real quick Once Diego's Parents, Nico and Sabrina came over to Both of Their Houses and Talk to Their Parents and Warned Them.

So Both Michael and Caden started to be nice to Diego, They even come over to His Home/The Animal Rescuer Center and help Him out for a little while and Diego taught Them The Animals who were They taking care of.

Both Michael and Caden even tried to convince Timothy to stop Bullying Diego but Timothy (of course) didn't listen to Them and tried Their Hardest to not let Timothy hurt Diego but Timothy ended up scaring Them Both away.

Things just got worse from There, Since Timothy got in trouble Two Times and got scowled By His Parents because Both Nico and Sabrina came over to Timothy and His Parents Home Two Times.

But No matter how much Timothy was scowled by His Behavior and how much He was bullying Diego, Timothy just didn't seen to care one bit.

Speaking of Timothy and Diego...

Timothy will even take things too far this time, At a point where Diego has trouble standing up on His Feet or have trouble walking even.

Everyone who lives in The Rainforest...well There isn't really much or many people living in The Rainforest because Most rather live in The Town that is close to The Rainforest.

Basically Everyone who lives either in The Rainforest or The Town knows The Marquez Family, Nico's Family and know a lot about Them, All of Them know that Diego is The sweetest and nicest Boy in The whole world but He also know that He has The worst anger Temper ever.

Diego's Temper is way worse than His Mother, No Matter How bad His Mother's Temper compared to Diego's Temper, Diego's Temper Takes The Top Cake and What's more worst than His anger? His Physical Fighting Skills?

'Well, Diego is His Mother's Son' A lot of People say all around in The Rainforest or/and The Town.

'That Kid can hit harder than a grizzly bear catch and pinned down It's Prey'

Speaking of Diego...


Today has to be the worst day ever for Diego, I mean The worst.

I mean! The Poor Kid literally tripped down The stairs two times in one day, fell down the ladder and fell down a Tree, (thanks to the bobo Brothers...) Fell into a River and Got bit by several times by a Jaguar.

It wasn't The Poor Jaguar's Fault, I mean The Poor Guy was in a Hunter's Trap, When Diego was trying to get The Poor Jaguar out, The Jaguar got confused and thought Diego might hurt Him but Diego manage to calm Him down and got The Jaguar out of The Trap.

It was now 12:00pm and After that Rescue, Diego was extremely exhausted after everything had happened over all day, I mean It is a good thing that Diego was heading home.

Diego couldn't take another bull crap out of The day since He was so tired and He was ready to escape from reality and head off to dream land.

I mean what can go worse for Our Poor Diego?

While Diego was almost out of The Town, He--

"Hey Loser!" A Familiar Yelled out.

And I spoke too soon...

Of course It was Timothy, He was not too far, He was just down The block...

'God...Doesn't He have nothing better to do?' Diego Asked Himself as He kept on walking and not looking back at Timothy.

Timothy started to catch up on Diego and--

'I'm too young for this crap...' Diego Said To Himself and He just kept on ignoring, walking and on His way Home, Diego just couldn't take Timothy anymore, Since The day was very ruff and tough on Him and not only He was very tired, He become more and more sassy.

Timothy ran up to Diego and Push Him to the ground with Diego fallen down and with The Group scratching Up His Face, Timothy just laugh and decided to get on Diego's nerves by taunting Him.

"Aww, What's wrong Crybaby? Are You gonna cry to Mommy like The Crybaby You are?! You're such a pathetic Crybaby?" Timothy Asked but Diego smiled at Him with a glare.

"Geez, Maybe It's The Boy who I am staring at right now" Diego Said with a sassy smile.

"What The Hell You said to me, Idiot?!" Timothy Yelled and Timothy grabbed Diego by His collar shirt and Both Of Their Faces were close to eachother.

A couple of eyes over heard Timothy's yelling and They all come over and watch not too far from Both Timothy and Diego's Argument.

Timothy kicked Diego on His Leg, Diego hissed in Pain and hold His Leg close, Holding back The tears as Timothy started to kick him even more, Diego was now on the ground, holding His stomach, Fighing back His Emotions.

"HOW DARE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH, YOU DAMN FREAK!" Timothy Yelled and More and More eyes started to get more attention to the situation.

Diego cough up some blood and He just ignore and started to walk the other way or walk over to the town since Diego knows another way to get Home but (OF COURSE) Timothy ran in front of Him and got in the way.

This was pissing Diego off.

"Timothy, Get. Out. Of. The. Way!" Diego Growled at Timothy.

"Now, I want You to make Me!" Timothy Said

'Ooh, He should have never said that'

For Whoever said that, Timothy was pretty curious of what that person meant, Before He could do anything, Diego gave Him a smirk and than Diego kicked Timothy in The Ribs and Timothy actually was sent flying up to a tree.

Now, There was a group of people were listening/watching Both Diego and Timothy who now made a huge circle around Them, They all gasped of what They just witnessed, Some of Them weren't even surprised, They knew that Timothy had it coming.

Timothy quickly snapped out of it, recovered and Jump down of The Tree, Wipe The blood off of His Mouth that was falling down from His Mouth, Timothy smirked at Diego.

"Tough, Huh? Well not tough enough!" Timothy Yelled and started to ran charged for Diego and The Fight had only just begun.


(15 minutes later)


Isn't such a lovely day to go on a walk for Both Nico and Sabrina? I mean, At least They can be alone, They can walk and talk with No Children and No Problems at all.

While walking and listening to the beautiful sounds of The Rainforest, They started to walk straight to the town, Maybe a walk through the town will be good.

'Hey Man, Have You heard? There is a huge fight going around?'

'What a fight?'

"¿una pelea?"

Both Sabrina and Nico looked at each other with concern and worried.

So much for a lovely relaxing walk through a town...

Both Sabrina and Nico then heard some either shouting or cheering just up ahead, They followed it and than later They found a huge group of People all made a circle, They both managed go through and got to see what was really going on.

Their eyes grew into shocked Once They saw who was fighing, They Both saw Their Son and Their hearts just dropped.

Diego saw His Parents and now, He knew that He was so screwed, But He just gave Them a small smile, His Parents take a good in His eyes and They can tell that Diego was at His breaking point.

He was covered with blood and injuries from Head to Toe, Fear came into Their eyes.

'Who did This to Our Son?' They Both Asked Themselves and--

"Diego...What happened?!" Sabrina Asked but than They looked over and saw Timothy there.

"Annnnd, There is Your Answer" Nico Said and Sabrina facepalm Herself and--

"Why am I not surprised?" Sabrina Asked and Both Nico and Sabrina take a good look at Timothy, He looked way worse compared to Diego, I mean, Diego must've really took it a step further, I mean, Diego had a couple of scrapes from here to there and had some cuts and bruises all over and had a bite mark on His shoulder, But It wasn't the worst.

The Worst Fight that He got from Timothy was the time where Timothy gave Diego the world worst cut that it was ever on Diego, A had a large cut up to His Leg down to His Ankle, It got so bad, Diego was immediately rush to the Hospital, had to get stitches and couldn't do anything for the next couple of months.

Diego quickly run over to His Parents, He hugged Them as tight as They can, Sabrina picked Up Diego and Hold Him but She went up close to His ear.

"I understand that You're hurt and injured but that doesn't mean, You aren't in trouble, You are pretty much in trouble, like Timothy is right now" Sabrina Whispered and Diego nodded His head.

"I'm gonna bring Diego home, You can deal with Timothy and fix Him Up at You're Brother's House because I don't want Them in the same room or Him in Our Home" Sabrina Said and Nico nodded.

Sabrina started to walk back to The Rescue Center with Diego in Her arms, Nico dragged Timothy by His arm and Started to walk to His Brother's House.

"Ow! Quick pulling on Me!" Timothy Said but Nico glare at Him.

"Oh Stop it, You're fine! Just be lucky that I don't break little boys arms" Nico Said and Timothy got a little uneasy because of what Nico said.

Nico is never really the type of getting all tough, He is usually a big softie at heart but when He finds out that something bad happens to the people He loves, That is whole different story.


They arrived at Nico's Brother's House aka Cole and--

"Where are We?" Timothy Asked

"At My brother's house because We ran out of Medical supplies, By The way, Do not talk to any one once We walked in" Nico Said and Timothy nodded His head.

Nico actually lied that the fact that They ran out of Medical Supplies, He just lied because He didn't want Both Diego and Timothy in the same room and doesn't want Timothy in His House at all.

Once They walked inside, They saw that Cole, His Wife Elena and Their Daughter Dora and Along with Baby Luca was playing UNO together.

"Oh Shoot, You beat Me again" Cole Said to Dora and Dora smiled.

"In Your Face" Dora Said and Elena giggled and Luca clapped Her hands.

They all looked up and saw Both Nico and Timothy, Luca smiled Once She saw Her Father again.

'Squeak! Squeak!' Luca Squeaked of Excitement which made Nico smiled and Luca started to crawl over to Nico.

"Hey Nico?" Cole Said but before He could say anything--

"Sorry for doing this but I need to use Your Medical Supplies because of reasons that I will tell You later" Nico Said

"What happened?" Elena Asked

"Well, Let's just say that There was a fight between This kid here and Diego" Nico Said

"Ugh! Again?! Why don't You just fall off of a cliff?!" Dora Asked and Luca just bite Timothy's hand and--

"Ow!" Timothy Cried and He looked at Nico.

"That baby just bite Me!" Timothy Said and Nico rolled His eyes and--

"Enough whining, It won't kill You" Nico Said and He dragged Timothy in The Bathroom.


(Skip Time)

After Nico was done fixing up Timothy's injuries, He then dragged Timothy back Home, He started to bang on The door out of anger, Once Timothy's parents saw Their Son with Nico, They sigh.

Once Nico started to talk to both of Timothy's parents, Things just worse...worse for Timothy and His Parents.

"We're really sorry about Our Son!" Tomothy's Mother Said and Nico crossed His arms.

"You two are lucky that I am not My Wife or She is not here because I am a little nicer than My Wife, Because She will probably do more than just yelling" Nico Said

"I hope You didn't forget The last Two times that Me or My wife had to come back here with Your Son and Our Little Warning if This happens again" Nico Said

"You Remember...Right?" Nico Asked but Two of Timothy's Parents just bite their lips.

"Forgot? Didn't You, Well I will give You a reminder...for the third time" Nico Said

"If You're Son keeps on doing this which He did, Me and My Wife will ban You from The Rainforest, So You two have to start moving some where else" Nico Said

"And I guess that Your Son forgot that there can be consequences because There are some rules around This Rainforest" Nico Said

"The old rule around here, The first person who lives here, gets to ban oor kick out another Person who lives in the Rainforest with Them" Nico Said

"This is Your last warning, Now Teach Your son a thing or two before I change My mind about banning You guys and You have to get up and start living somewhere else" Nico Said and Both of Timothy's Parents nodded Their heads and Nico started to walk back home.


Back at The Rescue Center, Sabrina fix Up Diego's injuries and told Him to go to sleep in His bedroom and rest.

But instead of resting, Diego sneakily climb out of The window and started to run straight over to Dora's Home.

Once He got to the house, Nico already left with Timothy earlier, Dora was drawing in Her book but than She turn Her head and Saw Diego.

Dora smiled and Diego climb through Her window.

"Shouldn't You be resting?" Dora Asked

"I was honestly not tired" Diego Said and Dora cross Her arms.

"You do realized that If Tío and Tía finds out that You are not home, than You're gonna get in trouble" Dora Said

"I mean, It's not like I sneak out for the first time" Diego Said and Dora Sigh.

"And Plus, No one would know" Diego Said.


Cole's POV:

I saw Diego was in Dora's Room with Dora just Chatting, At first I smiled.

I remember Both Me and Nico use to sneak out to go and play outside when We were little at night time while Our Mother was sleeping.

But I don't think Nico is gonna be happy or be smiling about this, So I hate to do this but, I gotta call Nico about this before Both Nico and Sabrina get really worried.


No One's POV:

Nico went back and got Diego, He was pretty upset at Diego for sneaking out but He doesn't blame Diego for sneaking out, Anyways Once They arrived Home, Both Alicia and Luca were outside while Both Nico and Sabrina talked to Diego.

So The Three of Them talked about what happened, Diego explained everything of what's been going on and Told His Parents that Timothy was the only one who kept on bullying Him.

"Alright, Thank You for telling Us, Hijo" Nico Said and He gently ruffled His Hair and Diego smiled a little.

"And Since You have so many injuries all around You and can barely stand or worse, Walk, You can't go on Rescue Missions for the next 3 days" Sabrina Said

"But Mam--" Diego Said but--

"Don't argue with Me" Sabrina Said

"Okay..." Diego Said.

Later Nico called both Alicia and Luca and They all later had some snacks and watch a movie like a family.


(The End)

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