Broken Angels: Daryl Dixon +...

By jordan_6453

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Jayden Wilcroft was 32 years old when the world ended. The ex Marine + Black Ops specialist not only survived... More

Chapter 1: Survivor
Chapter 2: Reunions and First Impressions
Chapter 3: Survivors Guilt - 1/2
Chapter 5: Till We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Unexpected Reunions
Chapter 7: Should I Stay or Should I Go
Chapter 8: The Prison Part 1
Chapter 9: The Prison - Part 2
Chapter 10: Not Alone
Chapter 11: Not Again
Chapter 12: Don't Make Me Your Enemy
Chapter 13: New Additions? ... Or New Enemies?
Chapter 14: Finally...Trust
Chapter 15: Stuck In The Past
Chapter 16: Before Chaos
Chapter 17: Chaos Erupts
Chapter 18: New People? New Feelings?
Chapter 19: The Governor
Chapter 20: Just a Game

Chapter 4: Survivors Guilt 2/2

1K 33 3
By jordan_6453

Jayden was exhausted and weak, Herschel had finally coerced her out of the shower. SHe got changed and allowed him to finish bandaging her wound. When he left he locked the door behind him as usual. Jayden basically fell into the bed. SHe could barely walk, let alone stand. The fever was at its height, and just before she could give into sleep a loud knock sounded at the door.

"Herschel just came back later for the towels! They don't need to be washed right now." Jayden groaned, but another loud knock sounded at the door. She basically fell out of bed and grabbed the bloody towels.

She stumbled her way over to the door holding onto the wall as she went, she unlocked the door and went to hand Herschel the towels when the door slammed open knocking her to the ground. Jayden groaned as she fell on her shoulder only to look up and see crazed eyes staring down at her.

She tried to stand up but had no strength to do so. Rick bent down to her eye level and ripped the newly dressed bandage off her arm. He dug his thumb into her shoulder and yanked her up from the ground.

"So it's true then! You were just gonna keep this from us?! Put us all in danger for your selfishness?!" He yelled.

"Dammit Rick that hurts" She growled through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry your pain will be over soon!." He yanked her up, practically dragging her weakened body down the stairs.

She wanted to fight but was too weak from the fever. She could barely keep her legs under her as Rick carried her through the hallway and out the door. They passed T-dog, Carol, Laurie and Carl on their way outside. They all had confusion and concern plaster across their faces. They snapped out of their gaze and rushed after him.

"Rick! What the hell man?" T-Dog shouted.

"Carl, stay back! Rick... Rick?" Laurie was trying to get his attention but all of his focus was on the woman in front of him.

He threw her down the ground and pulled out his revolver. He held it to her head as she looked up at him. Her face was pale and her eyes seemed dead. She was in pain and was weak. In his mind he could only see her turning and hurting everyone he had tried to protect. When he looked at her he only saw red!

"Rick.... Please, I can explain!" Jayden breathed out... SHe was trying to push herself on the ground but had no strength to do so.

"You lied to us! You put this whole group in jeopardy, and for what reason do you think you're special? You think you can survive? It doesn't work like that." He pushed the gun harder into her forehead.

Jayden looked at him, he was right. She isn't special... At this point she was just waiting for the inevitable.

"So are you gonna do it or what?!" Jayden whispered. "Huh! Are you gonna put that bullet in my head Rick?" She screamed.

Rick flinched back at the raise of her voice. He didn't think she'd give in so easily to the thought of dying. Jayden's eyes began to well up with tears as she started laughing hysterically. Rick tilted his head and stepped back pointing down at her.

"You think this is funny? Really, you think that this situation is one to be laughing at." Rick seethed.

Jayden continued laughing as tears fell down her cheeks. Glenn, Herschel and Maggie burst out of the house. They raced towards Rick screaming arguments about what they saw in front of them. Out of the corner of her eye Jayden saw Daryl emerge from the woods carrying some rabbits.

"Yes Rick, this is funny! This whole fucking thing is funny. I have been suffering ever since this shit started. I have been going through the motions and learning how to pretend that everything is perfect. My unit is dead, I haven't been able to find my father, I'm fucked up in the head and to add to all of that I have been bitten 26 times in 12 months." She was screaming at this point, angered and annoyed. "I have been sinking in an ocean, drowning but I'm silent and everyone thinks I'm afloat." Jayden had somehow found the strength to stand up and wobble towards Rick.

Once Daryl had heard the commotion and saw Rick pointing his gun at Jayden he threw his rabbits to the ground and ran over there.

Rick watched as the tears flowed from her eyes and how she barely had any strength yet had somehow stood up.

"My whole life, I felt like a burden and I'm tired of caring. So either put that damn bullet in my head or get out of my way." Jayden breathed. She was exhausted and just wanted to go lay down.

Rick looked down, he was still angry that she had lied to them. But he had never seen someone so broken, so willing to die. He saw that she didn't want to intentionally end her life, but she wasn't afraid to die at the hands of someone else.

He moved to the side and let her stumble past him. After a few steps Jayden lost her footing and fell to the ground. When Glenn and Maggie tried to help her up and pushed them aside and dragged herself to her feet. She continued to stumble until she came face to face with Darlyl.

His face was blank but his mind was worried and concerned about her. He knew what it was like to feel that way. And he knew that no one could face this world in that condition. She needed someone to be there with them.

She noticed him looking at her. She suddenly felt enraged. She had asked him to do one simple thing! Not to tell Rick about her secret. Of course what else did she expect from him, any sort of connection she thought they built on that roof was gone. She found a new strength as she walked over to him.

She shoved him hard in the chest and yelled, "I told you this is what would happen! I told you I didn't want him to know. Fuck you Daryl! God this is exactly how I predicted things to turn out!. She continued to shove him over and over again until she could barely breathe.

She went to shove him again but weakness overtook her and she fell. He caught her and began to pull her up. Once she was back on her feet she fought out of his grip.

"Get the fuck off of me asshole!" With that she turned and stumbled into the house.

Maggie and Glenn followed her at a safe distance to make sure she didn't fall or pass out. Once she reached her room she slammed the door shut and locked it. She then heaved a chair over to the door ensuring no one could enter. It's there that she passed out on the floor completely exhausted.


A/N: This chapter is a little short but I hope you like it. I hope to get another part out soon! Thanks for reading! Also there is mention of a father in here!! This is not her biological father but more of a father figure or adoptive father. I'm planning on clashing some characters from another show in this! Any guesses on who it could be?!?!

Also the sound I borrowed the lyrics from are: Changes by Hayd and Silence by Marshmello! 

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