Redemption of the Moon God

Galing kay FeetPepper

382 68 3

This is the sequel to Tasks of the Moon Goddess. Here we follow Addison Murphy, daughter of the King and Quee... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 5

9 2 0
Galing kay FeetPepper

A/N The picture is of Oscar.

The next day, I got up early and was able to have a good breakfast. The omega made me pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausages. It was fantastic.

I gathered everything I needed for school then my phone went off. It was a message from Nicholas.

Nicholas: Have a wonderful day at school.

Me: Thank you. See you soon.

Nicholas: You bet.

I couldn't wait until Oscar picked me up so I went outside to wait for him. I wanted to know how it went with Kara's parents. He showed up ten minutes later.

"So how did it go last night?" I asked, getting into the car.

"I got mixed reviews. Her mother was happy for us but her father, not so much," he said.

"Oh? And why not? You're a great guy," I said.

"He felt we should have waited to mark and mate," he said.

"What's the point? Once you find your mate, there's no one else for you. Why wait?" I asked.

"Maybe you should talk to him," he said.

"I would gladly do that for you but he's not going to listen to me. Maybe my mom could talk some sense into him," I said.

"Someone needs to because I'm not allowed to see her. I don't know for how long. I'd go crazy if we couldn't mindlink," he said.

"That's not fair. He should let you guys see each other. I can't wait until I get my wolf," I said.

"Speaking of, I wanted to talk to you about last night," he said. "You know you're like a little sister to me. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't moving too quickly for you."

"I'm good with our pace," I said. "We're on the same page about saving ourselves for our mates. Everything else is fair game."

"See but that's where you need to refine things," he said. "Are we talking oral sex? Manual stimulation? Where is it considered too far?"

"My only stipulation is no coitus," I said.

"Is that really how you feel? Does he feel the same way?" He asked.

"I guess we can talk about it tonight," I said.

"You're seeing him tonight?" He asked.

"Yes. We have a date," I said.

"I think you should get to know him better. You guys are obviously attracted to each other, but see if there's more," he said, pulling up to my school.

"I will Oscar. See you after school," I said.

"Have a great day Addison," he said.

"Thank you," I said, getting out of the car.

School was a drag. I didn't have the interest to learn anything new and the teachers all seemed ready for vacation.

At lunch time I sat with a group of my friends. Tim came over and sat next to me. Everyone was talking about my hickey thinking it was Tim who did it. He didn't correct them but I caught him glaring at me a few times.

"Are we still on for this weekend?" He asked.

"Yes. To your mystery date," I said smiling.

"Did he give that to you?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"The diner guy?" He asked.

"Yes. It was him," I said.

"But I'm still in the mix?" He asked.

"Of course you are," I said.

He grabbed me and kissed me. It was a nice kiss but it felt wrong. I felt like I was cheating on Nick even though I was dating Tim first and wasn't exclusive with either.

I pulled away from him and he looked pleased with himself. I do like Tim, it just didn't feel the same as when I was with Nick. I kinda felt guilty, so I grabbed Tim and made out with him.

When he reached up and grabbed my breast, I didn't stop him. Right when I was going to break it off, my phone went off. I pulled away and checked who it was. It was a text from Nick. Now I really feel guilty.

Nicholas: 4 hours to go.

Me: I can't wait.

Nicholas: Are you in class right now?

Me: No. Lunch.

Nicholas: So this is a good time to talk to you while you're at school?

Me: Twelve to one.

Nicholas: I'll remember that. See you soon.

Me: Later.

The rest of the day went by quickly. We played tennis in gym class, hit the showers then Oscar picked me up.

"I went over and talked to her dad while you were in school," he said.

"How did that go?" I asked.

"It went well. We are not allowed to date anywhere but at the Palace," he said.

"Wow! Even my Dad doesn't make me do that. I suppose you could use my bedroom if you needed to," I said.

"I appreciate that but I don't think your father would," he said.

"Well if I am there, I will get your back,' I said.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked.

"I love you too," I said.

We pulled up to the Palace and I kissed him on the cheek. I ran upstairs to get started on my homework. I finished in an hour so decided to take a shower and change my clothes.

I put on a pink, gray and black plaid mini skirt with a black vest. I skipped a bra. I put on knee high white socks with a pair of heeled Mary Janes. I put on some pink and gray eyeshadow, mascara, and pink lip gloss.

The doorbell rang at exactly four thirty while I was drying my hair. I ran down the stairs but not before my dad got the door. He opened it and I could see Nicholas.

"Good afternoon, your highness," he said, reaching out for a handshake.

My dad shook his hand.

"You can call me Mr. Murphy," he said. "You seem a bit mature. How old are you?"

"I'm twenty, Mr. Murphy," he said. "Twenty-one in September."

"That's not so bad," my dad said.

I pushed past my dad and grabbed Nicholas.

"Time to go. Bye Daddy," I said, rushing him to his car."

"In the house by nine thirty," he called.

"Got it, Dad," I yelled, getting into the car.

He drove a Honda Civic, a sensible, safe car. Nothing wrong with that. He drove us to his apartment which wasn't very far. It was a one bedroom apartment, nice and cozy. I felt very comfortable there.

I sat on the couch and he got me some water to drink while he made popcorn. He had a Pepsi.

"Where are you from?" I asked.

"Nebraska," he said.

"And you came all the way over here?" I asked.

"I told you. I'm searching for my mate. I started at the farthest corner and I figured I should be near the Palace since that's where most of the werewolves will be," he said.

"You can always hang out with me there so you get maximum exposure," I said.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm sure my mate will come to me," he said.

"Is that how that works?" I asked.

"Yes. Fate has a way of bringing us into the path of our mates," he said. "I feel like I have been waiting a very long time for mine."

"You're only twenty," I said.

"You don't think two almost three years is a very long time to wait?" He asked.

"Oscar just met his mate and he's your age. He did think it was a long time so maybe you're onto something," I said. "How long have you been in Washington?"

"Three weeks. I met you after two," he said. "I'm thoroughly happy about that. I really like you."

"I like you too," I said, smiling. "Oscar thinks we should have a conversation about our limits,"

"Limits? What kind of limits?" He asked, sitting down next to me with popcorn.

"Sexual limits," I said. "He thinks we should be upfront about what we're willing to do so we don't cross each other's line."

"I haven't really thought about it," he said. "Sex is off the table."

"All forms of sex?" I asked.

"Vaginal and anal. For me at least," he said. "I'm saving that for my mate."

"I agree," I said.

"Oral sex and fingering are kind of a gray zone," he said. "I wouldn't do those with just anybody,"

"Have you done it before," I asked.

"Yes but not in some time. I haven't met anyone I really cared about until now," he said. "What about you? What are your limits?"

"The same," I said. "Though I've only fooled around with one guy, but I don't want to talk about that."

"So we're good on this conversation?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Then let's pick a movie," he said.

We picked a Ryan Reynolds movie. I couldn't stop looking at him. I really wanted him to touch me. I moved closer to him and he put his arm around me. I pulled the popcorn off of his lap and kissed him.

I kept kissing him as he settled between my legs. I reached under his shirt to touch him and he pulled it off. I marveled at his body before I started kissing it. I ran my hands up and down his back then unzipped my vest wanting to feel him against me. I took it off then clung to him for dear life.

"Can I look at you?" He asked.

We untangled and I closed my eyes as he looked. He ran a finger along my sternum and cupped one of my breasts.

"What's wrong? You're beautiful," he said.

I opened my eyes and he was looking straight into them. He put his shirt back on and handed me my vest
"Let's not get carried away," he said. "Are you still seeing that guy? Tim?"

"I guess technically. We're going out this weekend," I said.

"So now I have to think about you and another guy?" He asked. "Is he the one you fooled around with?"

"No. I don't feel the same way about him. The most I did was kiss him," I said.

He ran his hand through his hair.

"It's not a big deal," I said. "I mean, I could break things off if you wanted to be exclusive."

"Exclusive? You think we're there?" He asked.

"It was just a suggestion. It is only our second date," I said.

"The next one is the sex one in this modern world, right?" He asked.

"I don't know about that. I've been on more than three dates with a guy and never had sex," I said.

"Me too," he said.

"You dated a guy?" I asked, smiling.

"You know what I mean," he said. "I haven't found someone as enticing as you," he said.

"We should probably get to know each other better," I said.

"What do you want to know? I'm an open book," he said. "I have no siblings. My father died when I was ten. My mom still lives in Nebraska as does my best friend, Leonard. My favorite color is red. I used to have a dog named Samson. My favorite food is pizza.

"I love pizza too!" I said.

"Want to order one?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm hungry," I said.

"What kind do you like? Wait on three," he said.

He did the countdown and we both said "supreme". He ordered the pizza.
"If not supreme. I like plain cheese, maybe extra cheese," I said.

"So you want all, nothing or a lot of nothing," he said.

"I guess so," I said.

"Did you want me to keep going? Or do you want a turn?" He asked.

"Keep going," I said. "You're so interesting."
"I do want to know about you," he said. "My birthday is September twentieth. I prefer dogs to cats. Cats give me the creeps. My first girlfriend was named Georgiana. We broke up because I wouldn't share my cookie. My first serious girlfriend was Juliana and we broke up because I was waiting for my mate. I've had a lot of girlfriends. Now you go."

"Let's see. I have four siblings with a fifth on the way. Their names are Ezra, Hannah, Jacob and John. We don't know what the new baby is yet. You met my father, the King. You will meet my mother, the Queen. You met my best friends, my cousin Oscar and his new mate Kara. My favorite color is also red," I said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes. I look good in it. I never had a pet. My siblings have but I didn't want to take care of one. I don't like dogs or cats. My first boyfriend was named Kyle and we broke up because he pushed me. My first serious boyfriend was named Mathias. We broke up because he cheated on me. That was back in December. I'm very passionate about my family. Anything happens to them and I will take care of it. I was born in New York and we lived there when I was little. My beloved nanny Annabel married my Aunt Sheila.

"Woah. Take a breath," he said, as the doorbell rang.

It was the pizza delivery guy. He paid him then placed the pizza on the table. He grabbed some paper plates then handed me one.

"Do you want a Pepsi? Pizza was made to be eaten with soda," he said.

"Okay. I'll take one," I said. "I don't drink soda that much because my mom never lets us. It was always watered down juice, water or milk. I stuck with water."

"That's interesting. I prefer my spaghetti with sausage, not meatballs, because of my mother," he said. "Can I count on you to eat half of this pizza?"

"No. I can probably do three though," I said, picking up my slice.

By the time we were done with our pizza it was seven o'clock.

"Did you really want to watch a movie or did you want to do something else,"

"I know! Let's go get ice cream," I said.

We arrived at the ice cream stand around seven thirty. I got a cherry dipped cone while he got a peanut butter dipped one. He paid then we moved to the picnic tables to eat.

"Can I try yours?" I asked. "I didn't even know they had peanut butter."

He held his out and I took a bite. I let him take a bite of mine too.

"Wow. That is really good," I said.

"Do you want to trade?" He asked.

"No. I'll just get that next time," I said.

"Come on. I insist," he said, taking mine and handing me his.

"Thank you, Nick," I said.

"What's your favorite kind of ice cream?" I asked.

"Butter pecan. You?" He asked.

"I love mint chip," I said.

"That's good too," he said.

"Addison, over here." Someone called.

I turn around and see Tim. He's with Katrina, a girl I don't get along with. They look pretty cozy on a blanket.

"Come on,'' I said.

"You want to go over there? Isn't that Tim with another girl?" He asked.

"Be quiet. They can hear you," I said.

We went over there and Katrina attempted to move closer, but Tim shifted away.

"I came here for some ice cream and ran into Katrina," he said. "Sit down."

"No thank you. We're going to be leaving soon," I said.

He got up from the blanket and came over to me.

"We're still on for this weekend right?" He asked.

I saw Katrina eyeing Nick and I felt very possessive. There was no way she was getting her claws into him. I grabbed his free hand with mine. Tim's face fell but Katrina just got a glint in her eye. She loves competition.

"Yes Tim. We're still on. Saturday, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, smiling. "I can't wait until you see where we're going. You're going to love it," he said.

"I'm sure she'll love anywhere you take her," Katrina said, walking over.

I didn't even see her get up. This cannot be happening. Mathias cheated on me with her and now she's looking at Nick like he's her next meal.

"And who is this? You always find the most interesting guys, Addison," she said.

I squeezed Nick's hand tighter. He squeezed my hand back then let go. Maybe he could pick up on the tension. He put his arm around me.

"This is Nicholas. He doesn't go to our school," I said. "Anyway, we should probably go.

"Addy, do you want to have lunch together tomorrow?" Tim asked.

"Sure Tim. See you tomorrow," I said. "Bye Katrina.

"See you guys later," Katrina said.

I could hear her ask Tim how I knew Nick and he actually told her. Now I have to worry about her visiting him at work. I threw out the rest of my cone, no longer in the mood for ice cream.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Remember when I told you my boyfriend cheated on me? That's the girl he cheated with," I said.

"Well you don't have to worry about me. I'm not interested in anyone else. I would tell you if I were," he said.

I grabbed him and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around him to pull him in closer while he put his hands on my hips. I rubbed his head as he moved down to my neck.

"Wait. Let's get in the car," I said.

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