Crazy for you Forever ( male...

By Pinkamenacupcakes20

20.4K 429 55

*Warning* swearing, sexual content, abuse, pregnancy, triggering subjects. Severus Snape and (M/n) have bee... More

A Heartbroken Friend
How did she find out because i didn't tell her
I never was loved and never will
No one loves you as much as I do and no one can change that
I promise I am going to marry you because I love you
Why is this happening I don't understand this?
I guess I'll get over you...
If only you knew my pain... you asshole!
I love you even more than before now.
Of course, it's you, that snotty rat.
If I pick, who must I betray?

Maybe We Can Fix This.

305 15 0
By Pinkamenacupcakes20

((Severus POV))

It seemed like hours before (M/n) started to regain consciousness. It didn't feel fair as he had been through so much. With me breaking his heart and leaving him in pain. Then Lucius goes and does this. It's not right to (M/N) and I want to tell him the truth. But when is the only question I keep asking myself.

(( (M/N) POV))

My head feels fuzzy as I try to pry my eyes open, but the light is too overbearing. I can't do it right now. I turn slightly feeling a bit cramped as I feel squished. Yawning as I feel a soft kiss pressed to my head and warmth swarming me like bees.

"Mmm" I grumble out as I turn again very confused on the arms I'm in. All these lights are overkills so unfortunately I cannot see who could be comforting me. I can only feel the gentle loving hands assuring me that everything is better now.

All I can hear is soft shushes and kisses to my temples. The arms feel awfully warm as they kept me in place tightly. Wait I recognize that smell....Huh?!

"Severus What are you doing here?" I said confused and dizzy. My eyes still shut as I hoped the lights would dim.

Severus sighed and he got Madame Pomphrey to dim the lights. This allowed me to finally open my eyes and look at heartbroken Severus. I'd never seen the male cry before not like this.

(Third person POV)

Both looked at each other and then just continued to stay quiet. For (M/N), This couldn't get worse. At the same time, for Severus.... Maybe he could fix it and make everything better for (M/N). The male didn't know. With all going on, he didn't want to just spur this onto him. (M/N) seemed to speak up. "I still am confused, what's going on? Why are we in the Infirmary." He asked. Severus frowned "I know what you did and I want to help you feel better..." He started. The (h/c) male gulped and looked away. "It's rotten work" he mumbled as he sat there with Severus.

Severus kissed his head and sighed. "I should have just told you the truth from the start..." He started and cut himself off. He was so nervous. Would (M/n) be angry with him if he told him the truth? He was madly in love with him and wanted to fix things that he fucked up.

(M/n) sighed looking away a bit flustered. "What truth Severus? You lied to me!?" He asked soon a bit upset and ready to yell at him. He was cut off by Severus shutting him up with a kiss. (M/n) froze but soon kissed back holding onto the taller male. "But-But....I thought...." He started and Severus sighed. "I wanted to tell you but I chickened out and I said I liked Lily." He explained. (M/n) blushed and he grumbled as he wanted to be mad at that explanation. It was still a valid explanation to him.

He simply sighed and kissed Severus again sweetly. Both had a long talk about exactly their feelings out. The truth finally was all laid out. Severus agreed that he didn't care what he had to do. He was going to earn (M/n)'s trust back. (M/n) also took back his plot to kill Lily anyways. They both weren't so bad even if he had learned the truth a bit later than he liked.

Once he was healthy enough, Severus and (M/n) left the infirmary back to Severus's dorm. It only made sense that he moved back in to Severus's dorm after Lucius cheated on him. He sighed as Severus also checked his temperature as a precaution. After all, Severus was more of a dad to the baby than Lucius was.

(M/n) smiled and he had a normal temperature which let Severus relax. He got comfortable into the blankets with the taller male. Severus smiled and kissed his nose gently. "I promise I'm gonna keep you and the baby safe (M/n) with my whole life." He assured (M/n) and that made the smaller male happy. "Thanks Sevy." (M/n) said in response and let him rub his belly gently.

It was normal for Severus to be extra protective of (M/n) as he knew the male was pregnant. Helping with homework and anything else that (M/n) asked him to. He was gonna prove to him that he could be trusted again. It made (M/n) very happy. The male was a bit nervous as he began to show more. Self consciousness was a very big problem of his. Severus was happy and very much doing his best to assure (M/n) that he was still perfect.

The taller loved rubbing and touching his bump as the shorter allowed it. It showed the life that was growing inside (M/n). When they finally asked each other out, (Cowards XD) both had agreed. They also discussed that when the baby was born, Severus would raise the baby like it was his own child even if not biologically his. That made (M/n) very happy. And he had no problem reminding Severus, that he was going to be a perfect dad to the child when it was born. Which soothed Severus very much.

As time flew by, (M/n) and Severus we're deeply in love with each other. Everything was going perfect and that's all that mattered to them.


I hope you all enjoyed the update! Sorry it took so long! I love writing and plan on making the next chapter tomorrow. I just kinda got stuck on this one. Enjoy the fluffy! I love you all! Kisses - A

((Look adult me can do proper English XD))

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