The Cavanaugh's All Grown Up;...

By pllfan6

23.2K 701 456

Book two of the Spoby Ever After Novels, Read Spoby Ever After first! It's 20 years later....and the Cavanug... More

Chapter 1 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 2 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 3 Mason & Bridgette
Chapter 4 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 6 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 7 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 8 Mason & Bridgette
Chapter 9 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 10 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 11 Spencer, Toby & Adalyn
Chapter 12 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 13 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 14 A little bit of Everyone
Chapter 15 Mason & Bridgette
Chapter 16 Spencer Toby & Company
Chapter 17 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 18 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 19 Kylene & Nathaniel
Authors Note
Chapter 20 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 21 Adalyn & Andrew
Authors Note
Chapter 22 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 23 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 24 A little Bit of Everyone
Chapter 25 Penelope & Charles
Cast List
Authors Note
Chapter 26 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 27 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 28 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 29 Adalyn & Andrew
Chapter 30 Mason & Bridgette
Family Tree update
Chapter 31 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 32 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 33 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 34 Spencer & Toby

Chapter 5 Spencer, Toby & Adalyn

763 22 17
By pllfan6

Spencer, Toby & Adalyn

It was early morning, Spencer and Toby were sitting on their back porch on the warm late spring morning drinking their coffee.

Spencer was on her phone scrolling through her Facebook news feed and saw a picture of Penelope and Charles at the Red Socks game the other day. She leans over and shows Toby. "Look honey aren't they cute?"

Toby looks up from the newspaper he was reading. "Yes they are." He smiles

"It's so hard to think about Penelope being all grown up, through college, married and moved away isn't it?"

"Yes it is."

"I kind of wish she wasn't grown up already, I miss my babies."

"She's 24 Spence, how long did you want her to stay? Plus Adalyn is still here."

"No, I know she had to move out, and true, but I mean I miss baby babies. Like new born, toddler years, back when they needed you for everything." She frowns missing those years.

"They still need you, you know that."

"Yeah, I guess but it's just not the same, I want them to be babies again."

"Were not having another baby Spencer" Toby says looking over at her.

"I know Toby, I never said I wanted to have another, but I mean we are young enough to if we wanted to, I mean are kids may be old but where not that old since we started a family so long."

"No." He says looking back at the newspaper.

"No what?"

"We are not having another kid."

Spencer frowns "Fine."

Toby sighs and rolls her eyes that is all she ever brought up anymore, it was annoying. Their kids are already grown up, and the last thing he wanted to do was restart.

"Well I at least wish I had more then 1 grandchild." Spencer groans

"You will have two in a couple months, Kylene is pregnant again remember?"

"Yes I know, but like why don't Penelope and Charles have one? I think they should they have been married long enough and are old enough."

"Spencer you know they don't want one yet, if ever so stop it, and you better not be bugging Penny to have one either." He looks at her

"I'm not." She lies she was always trying to get them to.

Adalyn was up getting ready for work. She works at Starbucks, and it wasn't her favorite, but she still couldn't figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She had already taken her basic pre reqs at the Rosewood community college, so when ever she decides what to do and where she can start right away. She soon runs out the door "I'm leaving bye!" She yells before she leaves

"Bye!" Spencer and Toby respond.

A while later Spencer was working on making lunch for her and Toby, She decided to call and say hi to Penelope, see how she was doing, she talked to all of her kids often.

"Hey mom.." Penelope answers

"Hey, I was just calling to say hi, how are you and Chase?"

"Were good, out grocery shopping right now, how are you and dad, and Addy? She asks as Chase was putting junk food into the cart and she gave him and look and took it out, as if he was a kid and couldn't have it.

"Good, Adalyns at work, you need to talk to her about going to college, she needs to get out, I swear she hasn't done much of anything but work since her and Matt broke up."

"Maybe she don't want to go to college, I mean Kylie didn't go, so maybe she don't either, and maybe she don't want to date again, or get married, it's all up to her mom, I'm not going to talk her into doing something she don't want to okay?"

Spencer rolls her eyes "Fine, I saw the picture of you and Chase at the game the other day, it was so cute, you guys are so cute together"

Penny smiles as they walk to produce "Aw thanks mom, it was a lot of fun, I enjoy going with him."

"It looks like it, I bet your kids will love it too. I was never a baseball person, so I don't fully understand."

"Yeah, wait kids? We don't have kids." Penny sighs knowing where this conversation was going

"I know you don't, but when you do, by the way, when is that going to be? Your 24 now your getting old."

Penny groans "Mom we don't have kids and we don't want any as of now okay, can you please stop, everytime you call me you bring it up and it is annoying." Chase looks at Penny knowing what they were talking about. The full truth is not just that they don't want a baby, but when they were first trying to get pregnant Penelope was having a hard conceiving, so they decided that they should wait a while before they try again.

"I just don't get why, is he bad in bed or something?" Spencer asks with a chuckle

"Mom!" Her face turns red on the other side of the phone "No that isn't why!"

Toby was listening to the conversation and walks in taking the phone from Spencer "Okay, your done." Spencer looks at him "Excuse me?"

"Your done embarrassing and getting in the middle of our daughters marriage." He says and puts the phone up to his ear "Penny?"

"Hi dad." She smiles

"I'm sorry your mother don't know when to shut the hell up." He glances over at Spencer "She likes to be in everyones businesses, you are only 24 you don't need a kid yet or at all if you guys don't want one, so don't listen to her okay?"

"Yes, thank you"

"Your welcome sweetie, now come home and visit sometime, we miss you guys."

"we will, we miss you too."

"Okay, well i'll let you guys finish your shopping, bye."

"Bye." She says and they both hang up.

"Spencer you need to stop it!" Toby says putting the phone down and looking at her.

"Stop what? I didn't do anything." She crosses her arms

"Stop telling them they need to have a baby, stay out of their damn business, there could be so many reasons on why they aren't and you really don't need to worry about any of them! Your going to make her stop talking to you, you know that right?"

"I'm her mother, shes not going to stop talking to me."

"Sure about that? There was a time when you and your mom hardly ever talked, and when you were, you guys were fighting, do you want to have that kind of relationship with Penelope?" Toby asks

Spencer shakes her head and mumbles "No."

"Then stop bringing it up, before you know it she will be telling you shes pregnant, but until then you need to knock it off okay?"

"Fine." She sighs

At Starbucks Adalyn was working, a large rush just came in, but now it was quite slow. A really cute guy about a year older then her walked in, he came in everyday, well at least everyday she worked, she always thought they were cute, but they never said much to each other.

"Hey Adalyn" He smiles as she was about to ask him what she wanted

"Hey, how did you know my name?" She looks at him confused.

"Your name tag." he points to it and smiles

She blushes and chuckles "Oh yeah, duh."

He smiles "Thats a really pretty name, unique I like it."

"Thanks, I hated it growing up, but I guess it's okay." She was trying to stop blushing

He could see her blushing as he was flirting with her.

"So what would you like?" She asks trying to brake the awkward silence they have created

"One Mocha Cappuccino venti, for Andrew and your number" He smirks 

She started writing Andrew then thought for a second then smiled and wrote her number down, got his drink and handed it to him

"There you go Andrew" She smiles 

"I like you, you actually gave me your number, I'll call you tonight, we can maybe go out soon" He smiles and she bites her lip and nods "Okay." 

Later that evening Spencer and Toby were laying in bed, reading together before going to bed. 

Adalyn was laying in her room on the phone with Andrew laughing and enjoying their conversation.

Spencer could hear her in the other room and looks over at Toby and smiles, he heard Addy too and knew exactly why Spencer was smiling, and smiled back.

Authors Note: Chapter 5 for you, once again 2 chapters on one day. I hope you guys are actually reading and voting and commenting and enjoying this books. Because if not I will stop writing. Please 7 votes and 80 reads at least for chapter 6! Thanks again for reading, it means a lot love you all!


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