༺ღ༒ Murder's Log ༒ღ༻ (Henry C...

By disgruntledwriter000

2.4K 38 26

Trigger Warning: There will be smut, gore, murder,suicide, and many more triggering things there will be a wa... More

༺ღ༒ Prologue ༒ღ༻
༺ღ༒ 002 ༒ღ༻
༺ღ༒ 003 ༒ღ༻
༺ღ༒ 004 ༒ღ༻
༺ღ༒ 005 ༒ღ༻
༺ღ༒ 006 ༒ღ༻
༺ღ༒ 007 ༒ღ༻
༺ღ༒ 008 ༒ღ༻
༺ღ༒ 009 ༒ღ༻
༺ღ༒ 010 ༒ღ༻

༺ღ༒ 001 ༒ღ༻

343 7 0
By disgruntledwriter000

I'm sorry I took so long to post I got distracted a lot while writing this but ill make sure that I am updating as much as I can.

TW: Murder and gore

The rainbow room was quiet but full of children playing, or should I say practicing their powers.

I saw the little girl from earlier playing the plunko game.
She looked frustrated, I could feel the anxiety and anger rolling off of her from across the room.

I tilted my head and pushed myself off of the wall I was leaning on, I took large strides over to her then glided down to the floor kneeling.
My gown riding up my legs exposing the scars on my thighs.

"Hello little one." I smiled lightly.
She looked up at me and she looked uneasy, she couldn't make eye contact for long before she went back to the game.

"Hi." She mumbled coldly.

"Here let me help you, tiny." I shimmied behind her and took the disk out of her hand.
I flipped it around in between my fingers and then formed a black smoke around it, it floated up to the top of the plunko then the black smoke lead the disk down to the number one and in clinked down gently.

"Here I'm going to cover your eyes and you need to imagine it floating above you hand." I whispered in her ear, I placed the disk in her hand and covered her eyes with the other hand.

"Okay..." she muttered and then she furrowed her brows and strained her face concentrating.
Then the disk slowly floated up and twirled around.

"Good, now imagine it going to the top of then plunko, then falling down to number one." I smirked while lookin at the disk as it flew up and went down the toy clunking on to the one slot.

"Good now do it one more time, just in case you were faking." I chuckled sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"I was not faking you saw it." The girl asked confused.

"I was being sarcastic." I adjusted my self impatiently.

"Sar-cas-tic?"She spaced out the word.

"Yes its when you say something but you say it with a specific tone so it means the opposite, its stupidly complicated." I explained
"Now do it again." I shaked her head a little.

She giggled and then did it again, I took my hands off of her face and smiled at me making eye contact with me now and she let down the guard in her mind.
There I read her mind looking through all of her memories.

"Hm, do you want to play chess Eleven?" I held my self back from saying Jane, though she couldn't remember her mom but the memory of her was deep down in there.
Her pretty face flashing in front of a bright light, then her being dragged out of a white room by two men in white clothes, her screaming for Jane.

"Yes please." Eleven stood and practically ran to the table sitting down and gesturing for me to hurry up.

"Alright alright I'm coming." I smiled while standing up. "I'm coming."

Then finally Henry entered the room, he looked at me intensely, as I walked to the table and sat down.
I scooted the chair forward awkwardly, then I moved a pawn forward.
I could feel Henry's eyes piercing the back of my head.

'Ze-ro' He sing-songed my name in his head.

'Yes Henry?' I asked, while continuing to play the chess game.

'We need to do the plan and escape.' Henry went to the art area and picked up a pencil and paper.

'When?' I questioned, I took one of Elevens pieces off of the bored.

'Tomorrow night.' Henry smiled as he vigorously sketched on the paper occasionally glancing up at me.

'That's soon.' I furrowed my brows watching Eleven take my pawn.

'Yes,' he adjusted himself in the chair and licked his lips 'Wait do you want to bring Eleven white us?'

'I- well yes, she is a strong little girl and I want to save her from this prison.' I took Elevens knight.

'I doubt that she would tolerate the killing of the other experiments.' Henry made a point, she would not approve of our plan.

'You know that pipe in the basement?' An idea popped in my head.

'Yes?' Henry dragged the s.

'That pipe lead to the forest right outside of the building and its big enough to crawl through, she could go through there then we could do our part of the plan then run out of the front door and meet her out there.' I explained glancing over at Henry making eye contact for a few seconds then looking away.

'Hm, that could work but we would need to keep the cameras out for a good 10-ish minutes. Do you think you can do that?' He asked calmly.

'I could keep them out for hours if I wanted to.' I chuckled lightly.

'Meet me in the bathroom, I want to show you something.'He stood up and walked to the guard asking for the bathroom, the guard nodded and Henry left the room through one of the doors going down the hall.

'Okay?' I muttered finishing the game with Eleven.

"Check mate," I looked up smirking "Good game Eleven, keep practicing your powers." I stood up following after Henry.

"Where do you think your going Zero?" The guard asked me.

"To the bathroom Dr-," I leaned in looking at the name tag on his left breast. "Hart." I stood back straight up again, looking Dr.Hart in the eyes and smiling kindly.
His anger faded and he smiled back at me.

"Okay well make sure you come right back here when your done, no dilly dallying." He grinned.

"Yes Dr. Hart." I smiled tilting my head to the side a little as I turned back to the door and walked through.
I walked down the hall and to the bathrooms, I wasn't sure if Henry would be hiding in the women's bathroom or the men's so I just went in to the women's and used my mind to call out to him.
When I got no response I walked up to the sink and turned it on, I cupped my hands and collected some cold water.
I put it to my face and the freezing water made my senses spike, a shiver went down my spine and I let out a sigh. Water dribbled down my chin and nose, it gathered on my eyelashes and ran into my eyes.
I blinked it out and shook my head, I grabbed a paper towel and dried off.
I balled the paper towel into a ball and threw it across the room to the trash can.

Then I felt hot air being exhaled on to my skin and I straightened my back, then a hand snaked around my waist gripping on to my side then spinning me around to look at them.

"Good aim" He smirked and let go of my waist and blacking his hand in his pocket.

"Thank you,"I smile lightly "Now what did you want to show me?"

"Here Zero." Henry looked nervous as he handed me a folded piece of paper.
I opened it slowly, I could feel the anxiety rippling off of Henry the slower I went. He started fighting and darting his eyes up and down from my hands to my face.
I held back laughter as he made angry faces.

"I swear to fucking god if you don't just open that up I will take it away." He frowned at me.

"Fine fine." I giggled.
I unfolded it and saw drawings of me and Eleven sitting at the table playing chess, then next to it some drawings of my face and my hands holding pawns.
They were beautifully drawn, my eyes widened and I looked up at him , I had no clue he was an artist.

"This is amazing Henry, why did you never show me what an amazing artist you are before?" I gaped at him.

"I wasn't before I learned how to a couple of months ago, I have a bunch of drawings Ive made hidden under my mattress." Henry explained.

"Can I see them?" I grinned and jumped a little.

"Maybe some day but I should head back now see you in a minute or two." Henry smiled and tucked my over grown hair behind my ear then stroked my face while he walked out of the bathroom leaving me behind.
He had taken the drawing with him without me noticing.

༻ ☠︎ ༺

I woke up from a night full of memories from all of the experiments, the torture and the murder.
I sat up in my bed in my sweat pants and sweat shirt, ironically I was sweating.
There was a knock on my door and then it opened, Dr.Brenner.

"Hello Papa" I wanted to puke every time I had to call him that, it was sickening to be forced to call that old man that.
None of the other Laboratory's I have been to had me call them anything but 'Dr' or 'Sir and Ma'am'.

"Hello Zero, its good to have you back." He smiled and then looked down at his clipboard.

"It's good to be back." I lied, masking my anger.

"Some of the guards noticed that you were teaching Eleven." Dr. Brenner looked up at me through his brows, he flipped to the next page on his clipboard folding the other paper under the board.

"Oh yeah I saw she was having trouble so I gave her some advice, she's a cute kid." I adjusted my self on the bed, then when I was still uncomfortable I scooted back and crossed my legs leaning my back against the wall.

"Hm, well because of you she has been succeeding in all of her tests."
He smiled lifting the clipboard and showing me all of his notes.

"Well thats good I suppose."I squinted and leaned forward reading about how much Eleven has improved.
I leaned back satisfied after I read the affirming words.

"Very good in fact, I want you two to go into the training room every day and I want you to teach her," He pulled the clipboard away from me and placed it in his lap. "It will be every day after training at 4:30, don't be late or I will take that freedom away."

"Thank you Papa." I smiled.

"Here I'll walk you to the rainbow room its on my way." He stood and put an arm out for me to hold, I took it and stood.
We walked to the rainbow room and before I went through the door Dr.Brenner patted me on the shoulder and turned down the right side hall smiling.

I walked into the rainbow room and I leaned against the corner of the room. I used my mind to reach out to Henry and I told him everything.

I saw Eleven walk in tired and confused looking, I snuck up behind her.

"Good Morning sleepy head." I told her, she jumped a little then spun around to look at me.
Fear was heating the air around her and making her eyes gloss over.

"What's wrong little one?" I asked while taking a hold of her hand and taking her to the chess tables, I pulled the chair out and sat her down.
I kneeled down and held her hand that was resting in her lap.

"I had a scary dream." Eleven mumbled.
I wanted to see this dream.

"Eleven, can I go in your head and look at it? I can also talk to you telepathically if you don't want any one else to hear." I asked well using some of my power to send calming energy through her body.

"You can?" Her eyes widened.

"Only with permission." I smiled and squeezed her hand.

"O-okay." She muttered smiling nervously.

I entered her mind and darkness, where is that silly nightmare.
And there it was, sounds of water sloshing on sand.
I stepped on to the water walking on it, there was a boat in the middle of the lake with some voices arguing.
On the shore I could see nine figures passing around goggles and whispering.

I looked back at the boat and walked towards it, there was a forgery taking off their shirt then jumping in to the water.

I furrowed my brows and walked faster, a few moments later the figure emerged from the water and crawled up the side of the boat, the other four figures helping them up.

A figure emerged from the water, an inhuman being that had strong vine like things holding it up and helping it move.

The person who had been in the water stood and put their shirt back on they were talking to the being.
It came closer to them then when they touched arms then the being hugged the person when the person pulled a knife out of their sleeve and stabbed it dragging the life up it's cheats blood spilling out of it and the other people on the boat screaming.
The creature didn't stop hugging them but when stabbed it sunk its claws in to their side.
The creature flung the person across the lake towards me.
I ducked and they landed next to me.

The screams from all of the people on shore and in the boat echoed through the valley blood tainting the water.

I turned back to the person who had been thrown.
I kneeled down next to them and flipped them to face me, their mouth had blood spilling out of it as well as their nose.
I used my sleeve to wipe it off then I looked closer, it was me.
My hair was different and I was wearing makeup but it was me.
No it can't be right?
I looked at their arm and lifted it up and looked at it and there was the '000' tattooed there, always a reminder.
I looked older, more mature.

What the actual fuck—

I was pulled out of her memory, back into the rainbow room.
Well I was defiantly angry and confused.
It's fine I'll just tell her it was just a silly dream and nothing to look in to then I would have to tell her that we planning on escaping and how she was going to get out of here.

She looked at me worried, and then I smiled masking my fear. I could see my calm helped her relax.

"It was just a dream Eleven your safe now." I stood and she jumped up and hugged me.

Dr.Brenner walked through the door and smiled at the children.
We all lined up in order and listened as he told us that we were doing another test today and then Six held the door open for us as we filed out to the testing room.

Me telling Henry everything telepathically.

Then me explaining the escape plan to Eleven.

༻ ☠︎ ༺

4:21 pm November 7th 1983

The clock showed me as sat on my bed, I should get going to the test room.

I stood up and opened the door, I walked down the hall, as I passed the door with the '001' plaque I smiled and continued till I got to door '011' I knocked and then paced backward to lean against the wall.

The door opened after a moment she smiled wide to see me then trotted up to me taking my hand.
We walked down the hall way and turned to the test room, I opened the door and let Eleven walk in first.

"Excited to get out of here?" I grinned at her.

"Cameras!" She seethed through her teeth and stomped over to me.

"I put up and illusion they can't hear or see what we are actually doing, same with One." I smirked, I heard the door open and I turned around.

"Speak of the devil." I chuckled and walked up and hugged him then pulled away.

"We should get going and get this over with as soon as possible." Henry smiled.

"Let's." I smiled then held out my hand for Eleven, she skipped over and took my hand smiling.

Henry held the door open and we walked through, he travelled to the other side of me and slipped is hand in mine, I intertwined my fingers with his.I could see him blush a little.

We ran down to the basement door, I used my powers to unlock it and then we sprinted down the stairs to the vent.
We kneeled down next to it and I took off the lid, I placed it next to me.

"It's going to be scary but once you get to the other side you need to wait inside of it until you hear us, we can't fit in there but we have another way to get out." I explained.

"Why can't I go with you?" Eleven asked with a worried look on her face.

"Because its to dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt." I stroked her face and held her chin lightly.

"Okay Zero." She smiled, then there was a loud bang and guards ran down pointing guns at us.


I pulled Eleven behind me as we stood.

"Close your eyes Eleven." I ordered,
I felt her burrow her face in my side.
Then I used my powers to make the guards heads explode, blood staining the walls and floor.

"Keep them closed." I picked her up and ran past the bodies and up to the hall way Henry close behind.

I saw the janitors closet and opened it all of us piling up in the closet.

"Eleven you need to stay in here and me and One are going to do the plan, then when we are ready to get out of here we will get you okay?" It wasn't a question it was an order and I think she could tell because she nodded and hugged me a little before smiling and waving us away.
I smiled back and grabbed Henrys hand, opened the door then swung Henry out before slamming the door behind me.

We bother ran down the hall killing people as we ran through the halls.
Then it was time to kill the other experiments, Henry used his powers to fling open all of the doors.
And then when they all stepped out confused I destroyed them.
Then we ran to the rainbow room some other experiments where in there. We all took a few I killed three and when I turned around I saw Henry breaking the bones of Two.
The snapping and cracking of Two's weak bones reminded me of the dream.
Older me's bones cracking under the pressure of that creatures hands and then the thud and splat of me hitting the ground after being thrown.

"O-one?" I heard Elevens tiny voice squeak from the door.

Oh fuck.

"Eleven!" I turned around to see her shaking, she turned on her heel and attempted to open the door.
One used his powers to keep it closed and she turned back around terrified.
I walked slowly toward her.

"Eleven, I'm sorry but this is the only way that we could get free. There wasn't a way to get out with out violence." I explained reaching out to hold her hand, she pressed her back against the wall and couldn't stop shaking like a little rabbit.

"Eleven—" I was cut short by a chair slamming against my head and me falling on to the floor with a thump.

༻ ☠︎ ༺


I swung the chair back then winced when the chair made contact with their head.
They fell down on their side, with a loud thump.
I felt horrible about having to hurt them, but they felt to soft for this child. It was making them weak.
I used my powers to gently move them to the side of the room.
I slowly looked up at the child glaring intensely.

"You can't stay alive if you aren't going to join us, I know Zero would hate me for killing you so make it easier for the both of us and join me." I tilted my head to the side and smirked.
Eleven shook looking back and forth from me and Zero who was still sleeping.

"You are crazy!" She used her powers to fling me across the room and to slam into the mirror, it cracked but didn't break surprisingly enough.
I looked up at her and squinted my eyes, I stood angrily lifting my hand up I stopped her from moving with my powers.
I lifted her up and started slowly drilling her eyes out and twisting her bones.
Her screams broke loose from her throat, tear that were streaming down her face turned crimson.
Then she did something unexpected, she used her powers to throw me through the mirror in to the wall of the hidden room.

I could feel my self being ripped into the wall a mist swirling consuming me I closed my eyes in pain and let tears fall.

Eleven was hollering in pain from the force of what ever she was doing to me.

Then I was falling through a world mad out of red clouds and lightning that hit me, I screamed in pain and tried to stop it but I couldn't no matter what I could do.
I can't believe this is how I die, not with Zero by my side.
I couldn't hold them one more time, smell their intoxicating hair, listen to their beautiful laugh.

I felt something I've never felt before, it was a sinking feeling that made me want to die faster.


Another strike of lighting hit me my skin burning and melting, my eyes darkened and I thrashed using my powers to pull myself out of the clouds, I fell from the sky and stopped myself from landing face first with my powers.
I gently stepped down and I felt pain shoot through my body.
I let out a light scream and then saw that I was in a road, I looked like Hawkins, but it was dark and cold, it felt dead.
I saw vines along the ground and I poked one with my foot.
It wiggled around like it was alive, I lifted my hand and used my powers to bend it at my will, it thrashed and shook violently trying to resist my powers, I finally got it to obey me.

I walked around for hours exploring, Hawkins changed a lot since Zero and I had been children.
There it was my home, I walked up to it lightly stroking the railing as I walked up the steps to the front porch.
I opened the door and saw house run down the house was from the inside too.

I walked to the basement and saw my collection of spiders, I leaned down and looked at all the jars dusting them off.

An guttural growling came from behind me, I turned around slowly my eyes widening as I saw a monster.
It's skin was grey and black, the creatures mouth was slightly open showing how it opened into four different sides, each with a row of sharp teeth.
I backed up slowly seeing that it was in the way of the ladder out of the attic.

Shit think think.

The creature approached me and pinned me against the wall. it growled lightly as it opened its mouth more.
I whimpered lightly as its clawed hand touched my arm slowly sinking into my arm, blood tinkling on to the floor.

Oh fuck.

I took a deep breath then used my powers to throw it to the ceiling where it struggled to get free.

I saw the vines running through the house and I took control of them, using them to strangle the creature then I made then connect to me the vines connected me more then to them but to the hive mind of this world I could take control of everything in this upside down world, now to find my way in to the real world.

I let the creature down from the ceiling and took control of it, I made it go to the forest and then I used my powers to concentrate my powers through it, I slowly but surly ripped open a portal through it then I sent the creature through. I saw a child, I had it drag the boy through the portal but the boy threw rocks that the creature which subsequently hurt me I stopped controlling it and held my head.
The vines slowly started taking my brain over, my consciousness slowly slipping away to a part of my mind I couldn't find anymore.

༻ ☠︎ ༺

I love breaking my back every time I sit down to write so much. At this point you could rip out my spine and use it to built the feet of a rocking chair.
I'm not sure how exactly Henry was after he was thrown into the upside down and all that jazz so I just took a guess.
I also wanted to make it clear that he could control the upside down and that he was the one that dragged Will into the upside down.
I don't know why I make the chapters so long to be honest I think its just out of spite of other story's being way to short, and I'm not slandering other writers its really hard to write for Wattpad so often and keep a story relevant, but sometime I just get my hopes up then boom its the end of a chapter and I watch a whole ad then it just says "to be continued".
Which is bull shit because why show me an ad if their isn't even another chapter after? It's stupid, any way I hope you have an amazing few days or however long it takes me to write another chapter.
(Word count 4370)

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