༺ღ༒ 001 ༒ღ༻

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I'm sorry I took so long to post I got distracted a lot while writing this but ill make sure that I am updating as much as I can.

TW: Murder and gore

The rainbow room was quiet but full of children playing, or should I say practicing their powers.

I saw the little girl from earlier playing the plunko game.
She looked frustrated, I could feel the anxiety and anger rolling off of her from across the room.

I tilted my head and pushed myself off of the wall I was leaning on, I took large strides over to her then glided down to the floor kneeling.
My gown riding up my legs exposing the scars on my thighs.

"Hello little one." I smiled lightly.
She looked up at me and she looked uneasy, she couldn't make eye contact for long before she went back to the game.

"Hi." She mumbled coldly.

"Here let me help you, tiny." I shimmied behind her and took the disk out of her hand.
I flipped it around in between my fingers and then formed a black smoke around it, it floated up to the top of the plunko then the black smoke lead the disk down to the number one and in clinked down gently.

"Here I'm going to cover your eyes and you need to imagine it floating above you hand." I whispered in her ear, I placed the disk in her hand and covered her eyes with the other hand.

"Okay..." she muttered and then she furrowed her brows and strained her face concentrating.
Then the disk slowly floated up and twirled around.

"Good, now imagine it going to the top of then plunko, then falling down to number one." I smirked while lookin at the disk as it flew up and went down the toy clunking on to the one slot.

"Good now do it one more time, just in case you were faking." I chuckled sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"I was not faking you saw it." The girl asked confused.

"I was being sarcastic." I adjusted my self impatiently.

"Sar-cas-tic?"She spaced out the word.

"Yes its when you say something but you say it with a specific tone so it means the opposite, its stupidly complicated." I explained
"Now do it again." I shaked her head a little.

She giggled and then did it again, I took my hands off of her face and smiled at me making eye contact with me now and she let down the guard in her mind.
There I read her mind looking through all of her memories.

"Hm, do you want to play chess Eleven?" I held my self back from saying Jane, though she couldn't remember her mom but the memory of her was deep down in there.
Her pretty face flashing in front of a bright light, then her being dragged out of a white room by two men in white clothes, her screaming for Jane.

"Yes please." Eleven stood and practically ran to the table sitting down and gesturing for me to hurry up.

"Alright alright I'm coming." I smiled while standing up. "I'm coming."

Then finally Henry entered the room, he looked at me intensely, as I walked to the table and sat down.
I scooted the chair forward awkwardly, then I moved a pawn forward.
I could feel Henry's eyes piercing the back of my head.

'Ze-ro' He sing-songed my name in his head.

'Yes Henry?' I asked, while continuing to play the chess game.

'We need to do the plan and escape.' Henry went to the art area and picked up a pencil and paper.

'When?' I questioned, I took one of Elevens pieces off of the bored.

༺ღ༒ Murder's Log ༒ღ༻ (Henry Creel and 000 tale) A Stranger Things fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now