༺ღ༒ 003 ༒ღ༻

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TW: Light fluff, Gore, stinky emos, homosexual activities.

I woke up the the sun splattered across the room, the wood creating a soft atmosphere.
This cabin has always been comfortable and welcoming, I sat up and slipped out of bed my bare feet landing on the floor.
I walked to the drawer and choose a black tank top and black sweatpants, I slipped them on and plopped back on the bed putting my socks on.

There was a knock on my door, I stood and opened the door.
Eleven and Hopper were sitting at the table eating some Eggos and conversing.
Eleven looked up and smiled at me, she patted the seat next to me.
I sat down and started slicing the microwaveable waffles in to lines of squares.
Butter and syrup spilling over the sides and melting on to the plate.

"Good morning Zero." Hopper smiled as he stabbed the last pice of Eggo on his plate and brought it to his lips.
He chomped on the Eggo munching loudly and with his mouth slightly open, I shuddered in disgust.
Flashes of blood painting the wood of the cabin and windows.

"Good morning Hop." I smiled through the overwhelming misophonia.

I ate the food as fats as possible and took my and Hoppers plate to the sink, I washed them and put them on the rack to dry.

Eleven appeared behind me and I took her plate as well and I washed it clean.
Hopper walked behind me and Eleven and hugged us.

"See you two after work, and I'm going to rent that new movie that came out , uhh I don't remember the name but it will be good." Hopper rambled his goodbyes and swing his jacket around his shoulder on his way out.
He locked the door behind him and I could see him hop over the string so the bell wouldn't ring out.

"Want to watch TV?" Eleven smiled at me her curly hair has grown out a lot she kept on getting in her eyes and flicking it out of her face.

"Let's." I faded in to smoke and reappeared on the couch.
Eleven ran to the TV and slipped in a tape putting on some movie, once it started playing she crawled into my arms resting her head on her lap.

Me and Eleven had fallen asleep during the movie only to be waken by the sound of rain pattering on the windows and thunder boomed far away.
A crack of lighting woke Eleven, she jumped up and looked around in fear.

"It was just lighting, its raining pretty hard." I murmured in a tired voice as I rubbed my eyes.

"Oh okay." She smiled and stretched while standing.
My legs had fallen asleep and were tingling, I didn't dare to stand knowing I would fall and probably crack my head open on the coffee table.

I waited until the blood had come back to my legs before I stood and saw Eleven practicing her powers, I walked over and practiced with her.

The time flew by so fast we didn't even notice when Hopper unlocked the door and strutted in.
he threw his jacket on to his reserved chair and slid a VCR tape on to the table.

"They were out of the new movie so I just got Wizard of Oz." He smiled under his mustache.

I smiled back and excused my self to the bathroom, I stood in front of the mirror when I looked up locking eyes with myself, I had a flash back to me murdering the other experiments, those orderlies.
Blood smeared all over me, Henry covered in blood as well, his gentle smile through the pandemonium of screams coming through the throats of men along with gun fire as I killed them their viscera staining the white snow.
My feet frozen, my hospital gown stroking my calf's, the blood of those soldiers warming me.

"Зеро, вернись!" Dr.Ivanov hollered at me from the entrance of the building, the door I had blown out seconds before.

"пожалуйста, ноль, пожалуйста-"
She begged for me to come back, I looked at the snow covered tundra before me and decided that there was no way to get to a haven.
But deep in my mind I knew there was no haven, no where were I could escape the torture.

༺ღ༒ Murder's Log ༒ღ༻ (Henry Creel and 000 tale) A Stranger Things fan fictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ