༺ღ༒ 002 ༒ღ༻

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A/N: I am having fun writing this, I know slow burns are painful but I'm going to use one chapter per next two seasons, just to show how 000 is contributing to friendships, action, and humor.

TW: Murder, Gore, and making fun of middle schoolers.


I started dragging Zero to the door way, the only way out of this place.
The smell of the dead experiments and guards flooding my senses making me want to puke.
I shuddered when I saw Two on the floor limbs broken and popped eyes staring directly in to mine blood slowly falling out of his eye sockets and mouth.
I couldn't hold it in any more, I turned away from Zeros collapsed body and threw up on the floor, my sight blacking in and out my head spinning.

I blinked and sat up pulling myself together, I took a deep breath then stood back up dreading my journey out of the building.
But I still picked Zero up from under their arms and dragged them out of the rainbow room then down the hall to the elevator we aren't typically allowed in.

I noticed that I didn't have the key card to get in so I dropped Zero their head landing with a loud thump on the floor.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, I jumped over Zero and ran to the closest dead orderly I reluctantly dug through the headless orderly's pockets until I found a key card.

I ran back to the elevator and swiped it on the black pad next to the door.
It opened, and I used my powers to slide Zero in to the elevator.
A soft groans erupted from their throat and they moved their arms to cover their head.

"Zero! Wake up!" I shook Zero until they stirred from their sleep more and blinked at me.
Zero moved their hand to the back of their head, the injury from the chair leaving a stain of blood on their hand.

"Where is Henry?" They looked up in fear reaching for my shoulders and pulling me closer.

"Henry?" I furrowed my brows confused.

"One, where is One?" Zero let out and exasperated sigh and explained.
I felt guilty and a tear slipped down my face landing on their hand.
Their eyes widened and for the first time I think in their whole life, a tear trickled down their face and they let me go running their hand through their long unwashed hair, breathing heavily.

I turned and pressed the 'lobby' button, the doors slide shut and we started going down.
I looked back at Zero whom was sobbing quietly and then using their hand catching the tears and looking at them awkwardly as though they didn't know what was happening.

"You'll be okay it's just some tears, emotions are good." I smiled and kneeled down next to them pushing the hair out of their face.

"I'm leaking." Zero shuddered while wiping more tears out of their eyes.
Their breath hitched and they started breathing through their nose stoping the crying but looking at me worried. "Why am I leaking?" They asked again.

"No you are crying have you never cried?" I was holding back laughter my smile growing.

"No I don't understand why one would." They slowly stood and reached their hand down to me helping me up.

The door dinged open and we walked out, it looked so normal down here.
Almost as though children weren't being experimented on and tortured above, well not anymore.

"Come on Eleven we need to run because their will be a guard out side in front of the gate, and I'm assuming that you don't want me to kill him." Zero raised an eyebrow and held my shoulder.

"Only if needed." I mumbled and we finally opened the front doors sneaking through the parking lot and to the front gate when a man was eating chips and reading a magazine.

༺ღ༒ Murder's Log ༒ღ༻ (Henry Creel and 000 tale) A Stranger Things fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now