༺ღ༒ 008 ༒ღ༻

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Warning: Smut, Fluff, sorry for not warning in the last chapter I was just so excited to finally post.

A/N: the failed attempt of a drawing of Zero, it didn't turn out how I wanted but I have nothing else to give you so psssht.

Henry's POV

Projecting my fantasies into Zeros mind while they sleep has been not only enjoyable, but pleasurable. I used the mind to create a physical sensation throughout the whole body, of the both of us. Each hickey, each bruise, each orgasm was being experienced by the whole body. Though not real, it felt realistic. It felt like my deepest fantasies.

I started manipulating the world around me, making things less slimy and depressing. I was so close to being able to claw my way through the thin wall between this dimension and my originals. I just wanted to wait until they were alone. Vulnerable. When I am least unexpected to appear.

I need to make sure that no one will actually fight me or attack me in any way. So I can take Zero here. Away from the dimension that distracts them so.

I sense that they have laid their exhausted head down to rest for the night, over the years Zero has slowly beat the insomnia that plagued them. Sometimes stress still effects them in that manner, but they have done so much better.

I felt their mind relax and halfway slip into the dreamscape, I snuck in and started activating Zeros imagination to build a landscape of a bedroom, each time I created a new one. Didn't want Zero to get bored after all. I know how they love new mysterious environments.

They lay on their back, hair splayed around their ethereal face as it glows in the every setting sunlight.

I have to admit I stare at them for hours until they have entered REM sleep and open their ready to dream eyes. Oh those eyes...

I laid down placing my head on the bed I wrapped my arms around them and pulled them to me, my face being pressed against their chest.

Though I could not experience it fully, their smell was intoxicating. I small slow breathing hitched their breasts and made me blush. Her skin warm and her arms and legs prematurely relaxed on me.

I blushed more and buried my face deeper into their chest.

I had the urge to wake her now and to fuck her senseless, but I held back and continued my comfortable cuddle with Zero.

They talk in their sleep, nonsense really, but adorable. Talking to them and getting responses back was my favorite, I started up a conversation.

"Hello my darling." I mumbled from the warmth of their breast.

"Hmm hi-" they groaned and squeezed me.

"What did you do today?" I pinched their waist.

"I worked, and I cooked, and I worked on my project, then I went to sleep." They said with sighs and pauses, catching their breath and pondering their day.

"Project?" I asked, I hadn't seen anything of the sort before.

"Mmm it's a secret Robin I can't tell you." She mumbled pulling me closer into them.

They think I am one of their friends, Robin must talk to them in their sleep, trying to pry about this "project".

"Alright daring, if you say so." I kissed their soft skin. I traveled the peppered kisses up to their neck, I nibbled it then went to their lips kissing them deeply. Their eyelashes fluttered on mine and their eyes were open. I bit their lip sensually and moved back making eye contact with them. They did something unexpected, usually they don't remember where they are and take a minute to recognize me and that this is a dream. But this time they just smiled and grabbed my hair pulling me back in, lips pressing against mine.

༺ღ༒ Murder's Log ༒ღ༻ (Henry Creel and 000 tale) A Stranger Things fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now