The Earth We Once Knew - John...

By charlieburns44

1.5K 4 0


Day 1
Day 1 : Part 2
Day 1 : Part 3
The Burn
Down Bad For You
Breaking Point
The Virus
Pay Back
Sky Crew
Hello Father
Stir Crazy
Goodbye, Spacewalker
Peace with You
To You
Promised Land
Eight Six Days
Our Happy Ending

Wrongfully Accused

48 0 0
By charlieburns44


The next day rolls around, and everyone started doing the jobs they were assigned to do. My job was to collect logs and bring them to camp. As I and this guy were caring a log into camp, the guy jumped his end. Murphy then begins to walk over.

Murphy - Hey! Do you think the grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish the walls? Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?

The guy - I just need some water, ok? Then I'll be fine.

Phoneix - Just let him get some water Murphy, I'll be fine.

Murphy then nods in agreement as I finish up the logs. After I was finished I then found Murphy's knife from yesterday and pick it up and place it in my pocket. As I begin to make my way back to Murphy I then hear Clarke yell "You son of a bitch!"

Murphy - What's your problem?

Clarke - Recognize this? 

Murphy - That's my knife, where did you find it?

Clarke - Where you dropped it after you killed Wells.

Murphy - Where I what? The grounders killed Wells, not me.

Clarke - I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it.

Murphy - Bellamy, you really believe this crap?

Clarke - You threatened to kill him. We all heard you. You hated Wells.

Murphy - Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the chancellor that locked us up.

Clarke - But you are the only one that got in a knife fight with him.

Murphy - Yeah, I didn't kill him then, either. 

Octavia - Tried to kill Jasper, too.

After hearing the accusations getting thrown at Murphey, I then step in. 

Phoenix - Come on. This is ridiculous. He doesn't have to answer to you, He doesn't have to answer to anyone. 

Bellamy - Come again?

Murphy - Bellamy, Look, I'm telling you, man, I didn't do this.

Bellamy - They found his fingers on the ground with your knife.

Phoenix - This is bullshit. HE WAS WITH ME ALL NIGHT. HE DIDN'T DO THIS!

Random Guy - You probably helped him and that's why you are trying to cover for his ass.

Phoenix - That's crazy! We didn't kill anyone. We were at camp all night, yall saw us.

Everyone went quiet and didn't say anything.

Clarke - Is this the kind of society that we want? You say that there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other without -- without punishment?

Murphy - We already told you, we didn't kill anyone.

Random Guy - I say we float them!

Crowd- Yeah!!

Clarke - That's not what I'm saying.

Random Guy - Why not? They deserve to float, especially him. It's justice.

Clarke - Revenge isn't justice.

Random Guy - It's Justice. Float them!

The crowd then chants float him!!

Murphy then looks at me and grabs my wrist and starts running until somebody tripped him making him fall and having me fall with him. As we are on the ground everyone starts surrounding us, beating the shit out of us as we are still holding hands. As I look over to Murphy I then felt someone rip our hands apart, lifting me up and they make me watch them tie Murphy up and put a gag in his mouth after they do that they lift Murphy up and bring us to the end of a hill and throw Murphy down it, focusing me to watch. As I look to my right I see some of them throwing a rope over a branch before tying the rope around Murphy's neck and placing him standing on a box. As I scream for them to let him go and tried to explain he didn't do it, but no one would listen to me. Everything began to go by super fast, next thing I know I see Bellamy kick the box underneath Murphy leaving him to start choking from being hung. Then next thing I knew Finn showed up out of the blue pushing the guy off of me and then I charged toward Octavia and as I get to her I put my arm around her waist behind her and place Murphy's knife against her throat.

Octavia - BELLAMY!!!

Bellamy then turns in shock at what he sees happening.


Bellamy then quickly takes action and taking the ax and cutting Murphey down. The second Murphey touches the ground I then let go of Octavia and I run over to Murphey and I cut the rope off of him and taking the gag out,

Phoneix - Are you okay? 

Murphy - *cough cough* I'm fine.

I then look over at everyone to then hear a little girl crying and then yelling "Just stop, ok? Murphy didn't kill Wells, I did!" We then all stare at her in shock from what she just said and the next thing we know Bellamy grabs her and runs her to a tent. After a few moments of processing everything we then all began to head towards the tent where the little girl is. As we get to the tent...

Murphy - Bring out the girl, Bellamy!!!

Phoenix - Bring the girl out now!! 

 Murphy - You want to build a society, princess?

Phoenix - Let's build a society. Bring her out!

And as I said that I then see Finn pop his head out and quickly bring it back in and not even seconds later Bellamy comes out. 

Murphy - Well, well, well. Look who decides to join us.

Bellamy- Dial it down and back off.

Murphy - Or what? what are you gonna do about me? Hang me?

Bellamy - I was just giving the people what they wanted. 

Murphy - Yeah, yeah that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now? So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor?

No one raised their hand except me. 

Phoneix - I see. So it's ok to string him up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk!? 

Murphy - Cowards, all of you!

Bellamy - Hey Murphy, Phoneix. It's over. 

I then walk towards Bellamy and get into his face and say...

Phoneix - No, it's not over until I say it's over. 

Murphy then grabs my waist and puts me behind him. 

Murphy - Whatever you say, boss.

Bellamy then turns around and starts to walk away as he does then Murphey then starts walking behind him and grabs a log and smash it against his head. 

Octavia - SON OF A BITCH!!!

As Octavia begins to charge at Murphy I then step in front of her and punch her in the face knocking her on her ass.

Murphy - Come on. Let's get the girl.

As Murphy walks to the tent and opens the flap to the tent we see that the little bitch and the people with her are gone. 

Murphy - Charlotte! Charlotte I know you can hear me and when I find you, you are gonna pay!!

After realizing the little bitch is gone we all grab sticks and light them on fire and then begin to make our way into the forest. 

Couple  Hours Later:

As we got deeper and deeper into the forest we then hear the little bitch yell, "AHH! Murphey, I'm over!"

After hearing that we start running to the sound.

Murphy - Come on out, Charlotte! Come on out.

As we got closer and closer to the screams as we kept hearing Murphy's name we then push through some brushes where we see Bellamy and little bitch standing next to what seemed to be a cliff.

Phoneix - Bellamy! You can't fight all of us, give her up.

Bellamy - Maybe not but iI can guarantee I'll take a few of you with me.

As he said that Clarke and Finn come running out of the forest.

Clarke - Bellamy! Stop! This has gone too far. 

Clarke then looks at Murphey and tells him to calm down and that they will talk about this. I then whip Clarke around putting her in a chokehold with the knife pressed against her throat.

Phoenix - I'm sick of listening to you talk.

Finn - Phoneix this isn't you? Whatever he is making you do, just tell me I can help you out of this.

Phoenix - Help me out of this? I'm doing this out of my own free will. They tried to kill us, Finn. 

Finn - I know, I'm sorry. If I was there sooner I would have stopped it from happening. I would save you.

Phoenix - Save only me? or both of us.

Finn goes silent.

Phoenix - That's what I thought, you would only save me because he's the bad guy right? The person you warned me about on Day 1. I shouldn't have been worried about him hurting me, I should have been worried about yall killing me.  Friends don't do that. What happened to protecting me. 

Finn - I'm sorry. 


I then turned my head to look at Murphy and gives him a smirk.

Little bitch - No, please. Please don't hurt her. 

Phoenix - Don't hurt her? Ok, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now I'll let her go. 

Clarke - Don't do it Charlotte!

Charlotte then begins to walk toward us until Bellamy stops her.

Little bitch - No, no... I have to.

Bellamy - Murphy, this isn't happening. 

Charlotte - I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did.

Clarke - Charlotte!

Charlotte then turns around and jumps off the cliff and as she did that I let Clarke go. 

Murphy - Bellamy.

[Bellamy scream and charges]

Bellamy then charged toward me but Murphy gets in front of me and takes the hit knocking him to the ground, Murphy then says his name again but Bellamy continued. 

Clarke - Bellamy stop, your gonna kill him!

After seeing that Bellamy won't stop I then rip him off of Murphy and slam him to the ground and as I did that I then go on top of him and place a knife to his throat.

Phoneix - Don't you ever put your hands on him again, got that? Cause if you do next time I won't hesitate and I will slit your throat. 

I then get off of him and head to Murphy and helps him sit up. 

Bellamy - They deserve to die!

Clarke - No! We don't decide who lives and dies. Not down here.

Bellamy - So help me god, if you say the people have a right to decide *gets cut off*

Clarke - No, I was wrong before, ok? You were right. Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want. We need rules. 

Bellamy - And who makes those rules, huh? You?

Clarke - For now. we make the rules. ok?

Bellamy - So what, then? We just let them back and pretend like it never happened?

Clarke - No...

Clarke then looks at us and back at Bellamy

Clarke - We banish them. 

Bellamy then looks at Finn and Finn looks back at him then at us.

Bellamy - Is that okay with you?

Finn then nodded in agreement as he looks back at Bellamy. 

Bellamy - If you ever come back to camp I will kill you and that's a promise,

Phoenix smirks at him and says "likewise."

Bellamy then begins to leave and head back to camp with everyone else but Finn stays for a few more moments and throws us an extra blade and then leaves with them. 

And here we are now mystery boy and spacewalker all alone with no one around. No one to care for us. I then look at Murphy and say " I won't be needing this anymore" (referring to the wristbands)

Murphy - Are you sure? You know that mean - *cuts off* 

Phoneix - I know what that means...

As I said that Murphy begins to try and break it off and then suddenly... snap.

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