Goodbye, Spacewalker

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day hit sooner than later, I haven't really slept as I was too busy watching and taking orders from people while trying to keep track of Murphy since he likes to run his mouth and get himself into some trouble. I stood by Bellamy as we watched the two people on the horses stay by the wires and listen to the people turn on him

Bellamy- they are turning on him

Phoneix- he can't stay any longer or they will throw him to them.

Bellamy- I'll go tell Clarke

I nodded as he ran off to the station, I went back to Murphy who was talking to Raven as she looked at me and so did, he

Phoneix- hope this wasn't too important

Raven- well it kind of is but actually I need you too

I looked at her confused

Raven- we are sneaking Finn out of here and to the dropship, we need extra guns.

Phoneix- does Bellamy know?

Raven- he will just head to the dropship after I get the wire uncut, okay?

I nodded as she ran off, if your confused I was given a gun last night when I was on watch as a safety thing. I looked at Murphy as he grabbed his bag an handed me mine

Murphy- I believe we have some place to be

I shook my head as we waited a while. we took off out of the wires and started walking into the forest to head back to the dropship

Murphy- I thought you hated Finn

Phoneix- and I thought you hated Raven

Murphy- valid. 

we walked all the way there and walked in only to see Bellamy pointing a gun at us with Raven next to him

Murphy- whoa, hey hey hey

Bellamy- Murphy. Phoneix.

Raven pushed down his gun

Bellamy- what are you two doing here?

Murphy- I believe I was invited

Raven- I thought we could use extra guns

Bellamy- might be a good idea

Raven- Finn should've been right behind you guys

Murphy walks to them but kind of to the side to put his bag down as I said there holding my gun

Murphy- don't worry spacewalker's going to be fine

Raven stood there and looked at the curtain waiting for them as I put my bag down by the wall

Bellamy- uh Phoneix

I looked at him not failing to see Murphy's glance at us

Bellmay- thanks for agreeing to come, I know you aren't on best of terms with either of them

Phoneix- free excuse to use a gun, right?

he nodded smiling as I smiled back holding my gun right as the curtain opened and Finn came in carrying Clarke. Bellamy ran to her side 

Bellamy- what happened?

Finn- Grounder hit her on the head

Murphy put a jacket down so her head could rest of it as Finn put her down on the ground

Murphy- put her here

Bellamy- I need a bandage, a wrap, anything

I sighed running to grab the rag on the table as I jogged over to them

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