Hello Father

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I walked alongside Murphy as we made it to the alpha station, I saw Abigail hug people as I didn't bother to even pay much attention as we were walked into the station. I didn't leave Murphy's side as I sat by him

Murphy- you look really good with dried blood on over you

Phoneix- don't get too wild Murphy, we aren't alone anymore remember?

he was going to say something else when the doors opened, some majors came in and commanded us to stand with our hands behind our backs

Phoneix- what? where are you taking us? why the hell-

he didn't let me finish as he grabbing me zip tying my hands before pushing me forward as they walked Murphy all the way to this area where the door opened only for us to walk in and see Kane talking to Bellamy, bellamy stood up

Bellamy- what are they doing here?

lady major- excuse me sir, Dr. Griffin cleared Mr. Murphy and Ms. Grey out of medical

Kane stood up looking at us as well as Bellamy

Kane- put them over there, Major Byrne

she listened and moved us over to the side of the wall where he pointed, they made Murphy sit against this mental thing with his hands still zip tied an use another one to tie him to this mental thing doing the same to me but on the other side. they do the same to Bellamy but on this pole in this middle ish of the room

Murphy- well, this should be fun

we heard gunshots outside making us all jump 

Kane- let's go

Kane and the majors ran out as we were still in here. a little while later, we could hear Raven screaming which oddly enough didn't bother me at this point as I felt the pain 

Phoneix- yeah, that was me at the Grounder camp. I did everything I could not to scream but eventually *cuts off*

Murphy and Bellamy looked at me as I played with the tie

Bellamy- but eventually, you broke, and you told them everything

Murphy- and you wouldn't have, because you're better than her?

Bellamy- damn right. I'm not a traitor. i didn't tell them where they could find us.

Phoneix- and I did. yeah, I did. after they tortured me, in their prison camp for three days. but go ahead, you just keep believing even if you are in here, just like me

Bellamy looked down as I readjusted myself sighing, Murphy looked at me, but I kept looking at the zip tie not wanting to look at him as I know I would break if I did. *hours later* it was night by now and out of nowhere the door opened and Finn runs in with this girl dropping in front of Bellamy who looks at him

Finn- get up, we're going after them

I could feel Murphy shift and look at them, Finn cuts Bellamy loose with his wire cutters as we watched

Bellamy- it's about time

they start to leave but Murphy speaks up

Murphy- hey, whoa. wait. what about me?

Bellamy grabs the cutters and walks over to him making him flinch, so I quickly stand as I look at him

Phoneix- don't even touch him Bellamy

Finn runs over an puts his hand out to Bellamy

Finn- wait, no. what are you doing?

Bellamy looks at Finn than at Murphy bending down fast cutting his zip tie as I look at him kind of in shock

Bellamy- he's coming with us

Finn- no way

Bellamy lifts up Murphy leaving his hands zip tied together as he stands

Murphy- w-wait Phoneix, I can't leave her here!

Bellamy turns to me as does Finn before picking up the cutters again an cutting me lose

Bellamy- grab her for me, she's been to the grounders camp

Finn does as he is told an grab me as I struggle a little not liking his nasty hands touching me

Murphy- he's right. okay? she can take you there

I look at Murphy in disbelief as he was going along with this, I never agreed to helping them not one bit. 

girl- hey, sterling just signaled. someone's coming

Finn nods and grabs my arm as we all start to run following them, I can't believe this whatsoever. how the fuck did I get myself into this?!we get outside the station; I was walking next to Finn and Murphy was next to Bellamy

Bellamy- you don't think anyone saw us?

Finn- shh keep it down

we keep walking going past these small bushes until this light gets shinned on us making us all stop in our tracks

Abigal- you're late

Finn- Bellamy decided to bring company

they shin the light on Murphy than me

Bellamy- he was around her before she got to their camp, and she was in their camp.

she holds out a gun and Finn takes it making me slightly confused by I don't say anything, she hands Finn another one than this guy hands Bellamy one

guy- here, find my son. his name is Nathan Miller.

Bellamy nods taking the gun as Abigal looks at us

Abigal- bring them home.

we go to walk but she stops us again making us confused 

Abigal- Phoneix

Phoneix- what?

she looks at everyone else than at me again

Abigal- I have uh someone here for you that I think you should see before you go

I was confused till I saw my father walk out from behind these bushes, I didn't know how to feel. he walked over to me till he was standing in front of me, he put his hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead before pulling me into a hug. I couldn't hug him back as my hands were still tied 

Alex- I love you so much, Phoneix. more than you would ever know

I felt my eyes well with tears and I smelled that same scent he always had; I allowed a tear to fall down

Phoneix- yeah, I l-love you too dad

he pulled away wiping my tear as he pulled a blade out from his pocket and tucked it into my pants belt

Alex- you never know when you might need it, just uh come back to me yeah?

I nodded as they moved over for us to walk so, we did walking past them, i didn't say anything not wanting to reopen what just happened. that was the last thing I expected to see tonight.

The Earth We Once Knew - John MurphyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora