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I stood a little away so Jaha can have his moment at his sons grave not wanting to interrupt. the sun was almost fully down meaning it was going to get dark very soon. you could hear the thunder starting to roll in, Murphy wiped his nose and looked at me than Jaha

Murphy- are you about done? we gotta be heading back

Jaha looked at him as I was getting a little cold due to the lack of warmth from the sun being down

Jaha- how well did you know him?

I looked at Jaha rubbing my arms as Murphy looked at me for a spilt second that at him as he took of his jacket giving it to me, I silently thanked him as I put it on. I was swimming it in as it was bigger than me, but it definitely kept me warm and smelted like him- well mainly like the outside but shush.

Murphy- well enough to be hung for his murder. Clarke sugarcoated it for you, didn't she?

Jaha- *stands up* what happened to my son?

Murphy- 12-year-old little girl stabbed him in the neck with a knife she took from me.

Jaha- why would she do that?

Murphy- she couldn't kill you. yeah. so, you got a lot of blood on your hands, chancellor. And every single one of them including your son would still be alive if you hadn't sent us down here

I put my hand on Murphy's arm in a comforting way, not to stop him from speaking how he felt but to calm him a little

Jaha starts walking to us 

Jaha- if I didn't send you guys, they would've died on The Ark with the rest of us and we would've never known that Earth was survivable. their sacrifice is why we are here. Good can come out of even the darkest acts, John.

Jaha started to walk as I spoke

Phoneix- you sent us down here out of our own free will, don't think for a second, we did this to help any of you.

he stopped and turned to me as I looked at him

Phoneix- I didn't ask to be brought down here to be your little test subject to see whether or not the Earth was livable again. Finn didn't ask for this, neither did anyone else including Wells. you sent us down here not knowing if we would live or die, your son was a part of that. so much of a father you were, huh Chancellor.

Jaha turned away and started walking the wrong way

Murphy- camp 'You' is that way

Jaha- we'll rest at the dropship for a while.

Murphy- suit yourself

Murphy started to walk to the dropship while I stayed in my one spot looking at all the graves, I caused two of these people's deaths out of anger to save Murphy. I'm no better than the Chancellor.

Murphy- Phoneix, come on!

I turned to him before slowly walking over as he held open the curtain before we walked in, I was going to sit on the ground, but Murphy sat down pulling me onto his lap as Jaha was already sat down. Jaha opened this mental thing that had food inside before holding it out to Murphy who used his hand to signal, he didn't want anything. Jaha pointed it at me, and I was going to answer for myself, but Murphy held both my hands and shook his head at Jaha

Jaha- you sure? you both must be hungry

Murphy- no one gives anything without expecting something in return

Jah-and that's a cynical way to go through life, John

Jaha ate one of the foods as I leaned back against Murphy who sighed

The Earth We Once Knew - John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now