Without You

By R5family_sm

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Laura the new girl at Melrose High School. Her parents got divorced when she was eight but didn't find out un... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Auditions)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Romeo and Juliet-Play Day)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Funeral Day
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Last Chapter-26

Chapter 17

169 8 0
By R5family_sm

We arrived to Vanessa's room. The nurse opened the door for us. She let us go in first and then her.

The doctor was inside. He looked over at us and said,"She needs 1 more centimeter."

Vanessa's face was ready and sweaty. She started screaming in pain. Each time louder and louder.

"How you doin' Vanessa?" I asked her.

"How do you think I'm doing. I'm about to give birth to a child!" she screamed. I backed away, but then went closer to her.

Riker was holding her left hand. I looked at him. His face was full of pain, because Vanessa was squeezing his hand hard and her nails are long.

I held her other hand until Stormie said to go to see the birth which I really didn't want to see, but I still did go. Stormie held her hand while Rydel and I waited for her to give birth.

"Ahh." Vanessa screamed. I bet the guys could hear her screams.

"Alright it's time,"the doctor said,"Ready to push."

"Yes! Just get this out of me."

I laughed a little at her reaction. Rydel did too.


She started pushing and screaming. She then started crying at the same time.

The doctor said,"It's coming."

I looked and ugh did it look gross. I started to feel like I was going to faint. I looked over to Rydel who looked like she was going to throw up.

We looked at each other and started crying.

"Okay push one more time."

She did so. She started screaming louder than she was.

"It's out." The baby started crying. I walked over to the baby and saw her. She looked so gross. Well she was covered with things.

Vanessa started breathing heavily. Riker looked over to the baby and back to Vanessa.

He told the doctor if he could take her to Vanessa, but he said until she gets cleaned up.

"Get ready for the next one." the doctor said.

"The next one." Vanessa said. She stood up a little but laid back down because of the contractions. "They only told me one was coming. Ah!"

"What? Alright get ready cause it's coming." the Doctor replied.

"Why didn't they tell her she was having twins?" Rydel asked me.

"I don't know. We didn't know.

She started screaming louder than the first one.

"Ah! Get it out!" she screamed.

"Push harder." the doctor said.

"Don't you think I'm trying!Ah!" her face was red. She squeezed her hand into Riker's harder than before.

"It's out. And it's another girl. We'll go get them washed up and bring them so you could see them. Congratulations. One of the nurses will help you get cleaned up and transfer you to one of the rooms in the infantry."

"You did it. Two baby girls." Riker sounded so proud.

She was breathing heavily. "That was hard. Never get pregnant okay you two." referring to me and Rydel.

One of the nurses told us, Rydel, Stormie and I, that we need to leave.

I quickly took a peak in the door and said,"Congrats. I can't believe I'm an aunt."I could see Vanessa smiling.


We walked over to the waiting room where all the guys were at.

Mark saw us and said,"Who is she?"

Rydel answered,"She's great. Better question is how are we. Were terrified."

Stormie then added,"Birth looks horrible, but gladly her babies are fine and so is she."

Ellington then asked,"Babies? Wasn't she only having one?"

I replied,"Yeah but they never said she was having twins so..."

"Well I bet your happy right Laura." Rocky said.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well I'm happy for Vanessa and you too." Ellington added.

"Congrats babe on being an aunt." Ross said wrapping his arm around my shoulders then kissed my forehead. He continued saying,"Hey when are you giving us a niece or nephew Rydel?"

"Haha. Never that looked painful." Rydel said quickly.

"We better get going Laura. Come on boys and lady." Stormie said. "Bye Laura." she continued. She passed by me giving me a hug and so did Rocky,Ryland, Ellington,Rydel, and Mark.

"Mom can I stay with Laura she's going to need a ride." Ross said.

"No you have school tomorrow and Riker can take her anyways." She replied.

"Com'on please mom." he begged.


"Fine, see you tomorrow Laur." he said and walked towards me and hugged me. As he let go he gave me a quick peck and left.
I was alone for like an hour. I was also getting hungry. I went to the cafeteria to at least buy a sandwich.

I went over to the cashier to pay for my sandwich and the Apple Snapple juice I got. "$6.56" the cashier said with his hand extended out for me to pay. I handed him the money and walked out.

I was walking to the elevator, but for some reason I felt someone following me. I turn around but no one was there. I walk a little faster.

I look at the ground to see if a shadow was castes on the floor. I see a shadow and it was a guy. I turn around and see Chris. He gets me from my neck and pushes me to the wall. I start breathing heavily.

"What do you want!" I ask as I try to breath but his hand was still on my neck.

He then takes out a blade and presses it on my neck slightly.

"You know what I want. I want you" he said.

"Let me go. I'll never go back with you!" I step on his foot causing him to let go of me. I run away as fast as I could dropping my food and drink.

He was running behind me. I press the elevator button many times hoping it'll open faster. I look over to my left and he was gaining to me.

I forget the elevator and run for the stairs. He finally caught up to me. he grabbed my waist and picked me up.

"Leave me alone. Help!" I scream.

He puts something around my mouth. "You better behave or something bad could happen."

I nod and he continues,"You come back with me or Ross, your nieces and you die. First Ross because he took you away from me. Your nieces so your sister could suffer and you so no one could have you."

I stayed stunned. I thought of it for a while. If I don't do this 3 people are going to die including me. I don't want to leave Ross but if I don't leave Ross he'll die because I wanted to save my life. Then 2 new born babies will die. Right now I didn't care about my life. I nodded my head.

"Alright." he let me go and took off the cloth from my mouth. "You leave Ross and we go to prom together. Okay."

I nod my head. I walk over to the elevator until he calls me over,"Your forgetting something." He said referring to his lips.

"No we don't do that. We won't act like a couple alone only in public."


The elevator doors open and I go up. I thought of how to break up with Ross and say "Hey I'm breaking up with you to go back with my ex who also happened to be your ex-friend." Ugh.

I go to Vanessa's room. She was feeding the babies. I check my phone it was 10:34. I also had 3 missed calls from Ross and many messages. I ignore it.

"Hey Riker can you take me home?"

"Uh sure. Vanessa I'll be right back."

"Wait before you leave can you put her in her cart." He took one of them over and then grabbed his keys and we head out.

"I thought you would want to stay over night."

"Uh I would but something happened and I need to go home."

"Can I ask what it is?"

"Well you did but I can't answer it."

We reached the lot and get into his car.
The whole car ride was quiet. It felt awkward. I just looked out the passenger window. Looking out to the dark and lite streets of Los Angeles.

We get to the building. I was about to get out until Riker told me something I didn't hear.

"What did you say?"

"I hope you feel better." i hugged him in hopes of that making me feel better.

I walked to the apartment. I open the door and it was cold. I must have left the AC on this morning or Vanessa. I go over to the adaptor and turn it off. I go to my room and grab my clothes to shower.

I then go to my restroom. I take my dress off then my flats and my under clothes.

I enter the shower which I waited for to get warm.

As I was in there I thought about what went down at the hospital.

How am I supposed to break up with the only guy who ever made me feel special without trying? Or who is so damn romantic? How do I do it so that I don't break his heart or mine? It has to be one which I he won't want me back.

I thought out loud,"I'm going to have to tell him I never loved him that it was all a game. No then he'll think I'm a slut."

Why did this have to happen? I don't want to break up with him I love him way to much. I mean without him I think my life would have been a disaster. Without him I'd still be considered the nerdy girl in the back of the class. But I love him to much and I don't want him to get hurt.

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