The Loud One in Toman

By Hollowhunter2

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Loud House x Tokyo Revengers More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

698 13 0
By Hollowhunter2

(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

A few days have passed since the warehouse brawl against Moebius. The situation is settled and Pah has finally calmed down. A few members of Moebius actually joined Toman, but most resisted. Linc is at the Musashi Festival with Tami wearing a yukata. They are here with Draken, Emma, Takemichi and Hina.

Draken and Emma have split from the group to do something of their own. Tami and Hina talk while Takemichi and Linc stand a little further back. Linc smiles, then turns serious again and claps his hands together. Takemichi is startled and looks at him in confusion.

Takemichi: I know we're at a temple, but why are you praying?

Linc: I pray that Tami doesn't have too much of an appetite today.

Takemichi: Why?

Linc: Takemitchy, let me tell you something that happened last year.

Takemichi raises an eyebrow and nods a little uncertainly.

Takemichi: Ooookay?

Linc: Last year I had to buy twice everything there is to eat at this festival.

Takemichi: I don't really see the pro-

Linc: For her alone.

Takemichi's face twists in shock and looks at Tami, who doesn't show any signs of eating that much.

Takemichi: HOW?!

Linc: I dont know.

Confused, the two girls turn to see the boys standing there nervously.

Tami: What were you two just talking about?

Linc: Hahaha, nothing. We haven't talked about anything, right, Takemitchy?

Takemichi: Hahaha, right.

The two girls look at each other and then shrug.

Tami: Come on Linc, I'm hungry.

Linc sighs and follows his girlfriend to one of the many food stalls. The two eat a few dishes, although Tami never seems to get enough. After some time it starts to rain and the two hide under a tree. Linc puts an arm around Tami and pulls her close so she doesn't get cold. Tami smiles and snuggles further into him. But the moment doesn't last long as Takemichi and Mitsuya run past.

Linc: Mitsuya, Takemitchy! What's happening?!

Mitsuya: Draken is in big trouble Moebius is attacking him!

Linc's eyes widen.

Tami: Let's go!

The four run to the parking lot and already see some Moebius Gang members lying on the ground and between them stands Draken with blood running from his head.

Linc: BRO!

Draken looks a little weakly at the three boys.

Draken: About time you three... I can't anymore. Can you guys take care of the rest?

Mitsuya: Sure.

Emma is worried about Draken and approaches him a little.

Emma: What is with him?

Linc approaches Drake and looks at his head.

Linc: What happened Emma?

Emma: They attacked him from behind with a baseball bat. What kind of men are you?!

Linc: Cowards clearly. He probably has a concussion.

Linc, Takemichi and Mitsuya stand in front of Draken, and get ready for the fight.

Moebius Member: This is Mitsuya head of the second division. And the other is Linc "The Serpent", Head of the Support Division.

Moebius Member 2: Are you scared? There are almost a hundred of us here and these three fagots want to fight us alone.

The three get ready for a fight when they hear the sound of a motorcycle engine that Linc and MItsuya know all too well.

Mitsuya: That is!

Linc: Yep.

Draken: This is Mikey's Hawk!

At that moment, Mikey comes to a skidding stop behind the four boys on his motorcycle.

Boys: Mikey!

Mikey gets off his motorcycle and approaches the Moebius group.

MIkey: Tell me, how dare you attack one of my friends in such a cowardly manner. Who is your boss? Osanai is too scared of me to start war with me again.

At that moment a voice comes from the group.

???: Didn't think you were that smart Mikey.

A boy smoking a cigarette comes out of the group and stands in front of Mikey.

Mikey: Who are you?

???: Who cares? For now, Moebius is under my command, if you want to know my name, my name is Hanma.

Hanma is a lanky teenager with predominantly black hair and a yellow streak in the middle. It is shaved at the sides and long at the top. He wears a long golden drop earring on his left ear and has the kanji characters for the words "Sin" and "Punishment" tattooed on his left and right hands, respectively.

Mikey: Hanma huh.

Mikey is about to kick Hanma in the head, but no one was expecting what came next. Hanma blocked Mikey's kick.

Mitsuya: No way!

Linc: He blocked Mikey's kick.

Hanma: Hey, don't be so hasty, Mikey. I actually wanted to destroy the Tokyo Manji Gang with a fight between you and Draken, but then I have to change the plan. The entire Moebius Gang against five members of Toman! I get to send the invincible Mikey to hell personally, it'll be great! Alright listen up Moebius, grab Mikey, Draken, Serpent and the other two and send them to Hell!

The boys are waiting and getting ready to fight as they hear several motorcycle noises. Mitsuya breathes a sigh of relief.

Mitsuya: Just in time.

The group looks to the road and sees several motorcycle lights coming towards them. Linc smiles as he sees who is leading the motorcycle squad. At the front bike are Peh and Pah, while Pah carries the Tokyo Manji Gang flag. The motorcycles pull up behind the boys and the Tokyo Manji Gang members dismount from them.

Pah: Hey guys sry we're late.

A boy with long black hair approaches the others with a hair tie in his mouth. This is Keisuke Baji. The leader of the first division.

Baji: I'm glad, so the showdown is tonight. The Tokyo Manji Gang is here, jackasses!

MIkey: You guys...

Draken stands up with a smile and approaches Mikey.

Draken: A big-ass brawl on the day of the festival... I can feel the excitement in my blood. Right, Mikey?

Mikey: Hahaha, right Draken.

Moebius starts running towards Toman while Mikey starts running and screaming.

Mikey: Let's do this shit!

The two gangs run towards each other and it takes less than a minute for Linc to find himself surrounded by enemies.

Moebius Member 1: So this is Serpent, the head of the support division.

Moebius Member 2: He won't be able to fight much if he's usually only there to treat wounds HAHAHA!

Moebius Member 3: Let's finish this quick and let's help the others!

Two Moebius members run towards Linc with their fists pulled back to punch him. Linc blocks their punches by steering them to the side, then grabs the sides of both of Moebius's members' heads and rams them together. The two members fall to the floor knocked out as Linc puts his leg behind one of them and signals "Come at me" to the other members. The faces of the members of Moebius contort in anger and run towards Linc.

Moebius Members: AHHH!!!

Linc punches a member in the face before he can hit him, grabs his arm and throws him behind him onto one of the other members. A member throws himself onto Linc's back and latches on, but Linc headbutts him with the back of his head, causing him to let go and then pounds him on the floor in front of him. A Moebius member manages to punch Linc, but he kicks him in the back and then rams his knee in his face. A loud crack is heard as Linc breaks the Moebius member's nose. Another Moebius member comes running but Linc does a spin kick and kicks him in the stomach. The Moebius member slides to the ground and holds his aching stomach. Linc grins, looks around and sees most of the Moebius members looking intimidated.

Linc: For being so confident, you bastards are pretty weak.

Takemichi: DRAKEN!

Linc quickly looks at the screaming Takemichi and follows his gaze, but his eyes widen in horror. There on the road lies Draken with a wound in his stomach and blood still pouring out of it.


Linc wants to run to him but the Moebius members won't let him past. Mikey is fighting Hanma and doesn't see what happened to Draken.

Mikey: Takemitchy, what happened?!

Takemitchy: Mikey, someone stabbed Draken!

Mikey's eyes widen and he immediately yells at Linc.

Mikey: Linc, help him!

Linc punches another Moebius member in the face.

Linc: I would like to, but they won't let me leave!

Mikey clicks his tongue in anger.

Mikey: Can anyone else help him?!

Toman Member: Everyone from the Support Division is busy Commander!

Mikey: Damn it! Takemitchy, get Draken out of here!

Takemichi seems unsure if he can do it, but then nods to Mikey, lifts Draken onto his back and disappears from the fight. A few minutes pass, Linc is still fighting the Moebius members and he's starting to get really angry. A few minutes pass, Linc is still fighting the Moebius members and he's starting to get really angry.

Linc: Get out of my way! I have to help my bro!

Linc hits one of the Moebius members so hard that he flies backwards, taking three other members with him. Linc huffs and runs through the opening after Takemichi. Linc runs for a few minutes and finds Hina, Emma, and Tami standing next to Draken, who is sitting on the street holding his wound. But what surprises him the most is that Takemichi is standing in front of them and in front of him is Kiyomasa with his gang. But Kiyomasa has just rammed a knife into Takemichi's hand.

Linc: What's going on here?!

Tami: Linc! Kiyomasa betrayed the gang and stabbed Draken. Takemitchy has challenged him to a duel.

Linc nods and then looks at Takemichi. He pulls the knife out of his hand and throws it on the ground.

Linc: He hasn't given up yet. You can do it, Takemitchy!

Hina: Go Takemichi!

Emma: You can do it!

Takemichi looks back and nods to the group before going into his boxing position. Confident as he is, Kiyomasa wants to smack Takemichi in the face without thinking, but Takemichi sidesteps and punches Kiyomasa in the stomach, but it doesn't do much harm. Meanwhile, Linc puts Draken down to patch him up.

Draken: Ah! Watch out!

Linc: Suck it up.

Linc pulls up Draken's shirt to get a closer look at the wound. Emma has stood next to the two and is holding an umbrella over them. He pulls on two rubber gloves and puts a small flashlight in his mouth to get a better look at the wound. Meanwhile, in Takemichi's fight, Takemichi is holding up pretty well, but Kiyomasa is getting angrier by the second. He hits Takemichi in the face pretty nasty once, but he stands his ground and punches him in the jaw.

Linc: Shit.

Tami: What is it?

Linc: The blade injured an organ, resulting in internal bleeding.

Takemichi dodges an attack and gets on Kiyomase's back where he grabs him in a headlock and cuts off his air supply.

Emma: Can you help him somehow?!

Linc: I'm trying to stop the bleeding temporarily, I can't operate here. Where's the ambulance?!

Hina: They should be here soon. Come on Takemichi, you can do it!

Linc looks up trying to stop the bleeding and sees the fight.

Linc: Don't let him go Takemitchy!

Kiyomasa tries to shake Takemichi off, but he can't get him down. His eyes slowly go black and he slowly falls to the ground. Kiyomasa's gang laughs and makes fun of him and all want to attack at the same time. One picked up the knife and wants to stab Takemichi, but suddenly Linc appears in front of him. He punches him in the face, grabs his head, and rams his knee into his face, causing several of his teeth to fall out. The rest of Kiyomasa's gang looks at Linc in fear.

Linc: First you throw the gang's name in the dirt with your stupid bets. And then you think you can get away with trying to kill one of the main founders of the gang? You have forfeited any right to be part of the gang. If I see you bastards again wearing our uniform I'll kill you.

The Kiyomasa gang run away while the ambulance finally arrives, taking Draken and Takemichi away. Although Linc would like to ride with them, he's not his real family and so not allowed to do it. Linc quickly runs back to the parking lot with the girls to see most of both gangs on the ground, but it seems Toman has won. He informs Mikey and the group rushes to the hospital where they are fortunately told that Draken is fine.

To be continued.

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