Monster or Angel - Alec Light...

De BigDiggs

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Maelys Wayland, twin sister of Jace Wayland, soon discovers that there's more to being a shadowhunter than ju... Mai multe

1 - The Fire Cracker
2 - Valentine's Daughter
3 - Saving the Mundie
4 - Crashing a Rave
5 - Losing Memories
6 - Testing Out Orange
7 - Dog Breath
8 - Collecting the Ace
9 - Life of the Fallen
10 - Forsaken Dreams
11 - Confessions to a Friend
12 - Operation Meliorn
13 - Into the Multiverse
14 - Hi, Dad
15 - Being Friendzoned 101
16 - Family Field Trip
17 - Crashing a Wedding
18 - Traitors Lose Hands
19 - Book Hunt
20 - Off The Record... Aldertree Sucks
21 - Compromised
23 - Sleeping Beauty
24 - Emotional Damage
25 - Heart Taker
26 - A Nice Apology
27 - Babysitting Izzy

22 - Fight Club

421 12 1
De BigDiggs

The sun rises over the Atlantic Ocean slowly, creating a golden glow on the horizon. My smile widens as the warmth hits me and I lean back onto my palms, kicking my legs that dangle over the edge of the promenade. Dad beams beside me, his hand taking mine.

"Is it how you expected?" Dad asks.

"No. It's better," I grin.

A gentle breeze brushes through my hair which sends a shiver down my spine. It's quiet. Too quiet for Long Beach Boardwalk, the place that is usually filled with early morning runners and people stumbling home after a long night.

"I wish Jace had come with us," I mutter.

"Our family will be together eventually." Everything shifts at dad's words. The sun falls below the horizon causing darkness to plunge upon us. The breeze grows into a gust that whips at my bare arms and legs. And his once gentle hold on my hand turns into a vice-like grip which makes me wince in pain.

I gasp and turn to look at dad, my chest heaving in panic. His head twitches to the side, again, and again, and again. Until it whirls around completely, revealing a face that did not belong to Michael Wayland.

I tug my hand, desperately trying to release it from his grip, but it only tightens. I cry out as Valentine leans closer, a cruel sneer on his face as he looms over me.

"It's fated."


The warmth of my bed is the only thing that's providing me any comfort. Last night, after I held Alec as tightly as I could, Izzy yelled at us for close to an hour. She scolded Alec for everything he said to Clary, and she rebuked me for attacking Clary in front of everybody. She didn't care about what had happened to us, rather she argued that we should know better, that we understand the shadowhunter world more than her and so should give her a break. I had a lot to argue back, yet I didn't dare say a word as my Parabatai lectured us, nor did Alec. We just sat in silence, nodding along to what she yelled. Izzy doesn't tell me off, so I know that I must have been an ass to hear what I had last night.

They both left my room just after midnight and I spent a good couple of hours lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself before falling into a restless sleep. I didn't sleep a lot, waking up as soon as the light hit my blinds, though I didn't get up. Raj had knocked on my door only an hour later to tell me to remain inside. Something about an Institute meeting that I – obviously – am not allowed to attend. Not that I really care. I think this is the first time I'm happy about being dismissed. I am in no mood to deal with anybody right now.

Which brings me to now, mid-afternoon, still in bed. I don't know whether I should get up or not. Part of me is yearning to punch something whilst the other is content staying wrapped in my duvet. I chew the inside of my cheek. Maybe I do want to punch something.

I peel myself away from the covers and change into a tank top and leggings. I tie my hair up and head to the door, opening it to see Raj picking at his nails, a look of boredom on his face. I have no clue when he returned after the meeting, but I can tell he's been here for a while.

"You look bored," I comment and his head shoots up, as if he didn't hear me open the door. He straightens and frowns.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I was planning on training," I say moving out of the room. As soon as I move Raj is taking a step to stop me.

"You're not allowed to train."

"I'm not allowed to train?" I repeat, to which he nods. "Why am I not allowed to train?"

"You're dismissed, you don't need to train," he says and I feel my irritation rise.

"Aldertree never said that I wasn't allowed to train," I say through gritted teeth. I swear if this asshole stops me from training-

"I'd return to your room if I were you," Raj says, and that's enough to set off my anger. Though, I take a breath to simmer it before it boils over. I can't risk Raj reporting anything negative back.

"I would like to speak to Aldertree. Is that allowed?" I ask, trying my hardest to hide my anger from him. Raj stays quiet, so I take that as my cue to walk.

I head down the corridor towards Aldertree's office, purposely avoiding as many shadowhunters as possible so that Raj can't complain any more than he already has. It doesn't take us long to reach the office door, and as soon as I reach it I knock. Aldertree calls me in and I open the door.

Aldertree looks up from his desk and his brows rise when he realises it's me. I give him a smile, one I hope doesn't look sarcastic, but knowing me, I'm probably not doing a good job.

"Maelys. To what do I owe the pleasure," Aldertree says signalling for me to take a seat. I walk across the room and sit down.

"I wanted to train this morning and Raj informed me that I wasn't allowed. I wanted to see if I could convince you otherwise," I say, sounding like a true saint. His gaze flickers past me to Raj who remains by the door before returning to me. He leans back in his chair.

"Okay, you can try to convince me," he croons.

"Today, all I have done is sit in bed, yet you're wanting me to show you that I haven't been affected by whatever I was injected with. If I'm locked away, no one is going to be able to tell if there is a change in my character," I say. Aldertree gives me a thoughtful look and a small nod.

"I see your point there, but there is a reason you're not being allowed to train," he says.

"What reason?"

"You were dismissed as a safety precaution, but also as a punishment. I've heard that the training room is a second home to you, and so, as a punishment, you are to not use it," he explains. Why do I feel like I've been grounded?

"But how am I supposed to prove that I'm still me?"

All Aldertree does in response is shrug.

This is complete and utter bullshit. He has no intention on ever putting me back on service, I can tell by how laid back he is. And as if he can read my thoughts, he leans back in his chair. I want to yell, I want to scream at him, but I know I'd be fighting a losing battle.

"Look at my mission reports," I say standing up. "If they can't convince you to re-evaluate your take on me proving myself, then you might as well strip me of my runes and let me go."

"You're telling me to derune you? I'd be careful what you say if I were you."

I let out a sarcastic laugh and say, "what's the point if all I'm going to be doing for the rest of my days is sit in my room? And I know that there's no way you'll just let me walk out because you've got it in your head that I'm working with Valentine. So take my runes. I'd rather that than sit around whilst you're on your power trip."

Aldertree stays silent, his eyes narrowing on me as he contemplates what I've said. My chin is held high, false confidence radiating off me. There's no way I'd let him take my runes, but I'm hoping that by offering them up he'll realise how pathetically stupid he's being right now.

Another long moment of silence fills the room where Aldertree and I glare at each other. Waiting to see who breaks first. I think he's underestimating how stubborn I can be.

He sighs after another moment and glances to Raj who is still in the doorway.

"Take her on mission with Isabelle and Alec. She is to know nothing, just use her as the distraction." Aldertree turns to me, his eyes narrowing as his lips pull into a tight, serious line. "You will do as Raj says whilst on mission without asking questions, and afterwards, you will report back here."

I try my hardest to fight against the grin, I truly do, but I know the corners of my mouth twitch. For a second I thought he was going to call my bluff. Aldertree frowns at me and leans forward.

"I'm trusting you, Maelys. The first sign of insubordination and you will be dismissed," he warns and I nod.

"I understand," I respond. He purses his lips, watching me closely. I can see how unhappy he is with this decision, it brings me even more delight.

"Good, because that will be your only warning." He leans back in his chair, his eyes continuing to bore into me. "One slip up. Just one, and I will have your runes."


"This is going to be the best day ever."

The biggest grin I've ever held is on my face as I stare at the tacky building before me. As by Aldertree's instruction, I know nothing about this mission. I have no clue why we're here, or if this has any link to Jace. But we are at an illegal fight club. And I'm assuming, as the distraction, I will be fighting. My grin widens.

Raj shoves my shoulder and I stumble towards the door.

"Stop enjoying this so much," he says and I scowl.

"Normal people wouldn't get so agitated by other people's happiness," I huff, unable to stop myself from being sarcastic. Raj moves to shove me again, but Izzy is pushing him out of the way before he has the chance.

"She might not be allowed to stand up for herself, but I'm more than willing to do it for her. Treat her like a Shadowhunter," Izzy spits.

"Even if she isn't?" Raj hisses, his eyes narrowing on Izzy, though they soon flicker towards me. Alec takes a step closer to him. A cold, killer expression resting on his face.

"Talk about her like that again, it'll be the last thing you do." His voice is deadly quiet and I still when I take in the seriousness of his threat. He has been protective of me before, yet this seems to be a whole new level.

"Let's not ruin our day out," I say, breaking the tension. "We have a mission, right?"

Izzy leads the way into the fight club and once we are in, my grin returns. In the centre of the room lies a square mat where two fighters are attacking one another with everything they've got. I hear the others talk behind me, and so I walk towards the crowd. I will not give Raj any excuse to report back that I was disobeying Aldertree's rules.

I make my way through the small crowd so that I'm right at the front, staring at the men fighting. People around me are whispering under their breath, cursing when one of the fighters get hit by an especially brutal punch. My grin widens. Of course they're placing bets.

The larger of the two fighters lands a punch to his opponents' jaw, and even I wince as he falls back. Though Mr Muscles is not finished with him. He throws another, and another, and another. Each hit causing the smaller fighter to stumble. But with a final hit, he is down. It's safe to say that I'm impressed, and my brows rise when the now unconscious fighter is being dragged off the mat.

I sense movement beside me and I turn to see Izzy now standing next to me, Alec and Raj on her other side. She bats her eyes, a flirtatious smirk on her face and I sigh as the large fighter looks to her.

"You got some moves," Iz says to him.

"Yeah?" He replies as he approaches us, his attention wholly upon my Parabatai. "How about I take you home and show you some of those moves up close and personal?"

"That's funny. You really think you have a chance with her?" Alec asks, that threatening glint back in his eyes.

"And who are you?" The fighter snaps back.

"I'm the guy who's gonna put you down if you don't shut your mouth."

"Why don't you come up and try, pretty boy?"

"He is pretty, isn't he?" I say gaining the man's attention. However, I don't acknowledge him, my eyes are locked onto my boyfriend. Alec's jaw ticks as he continues to glare at the man, but he soon looks down to me. He takes in my tooth-filled grin for all of three seconds before he releases his death glare from his face. And as it leaves him I feel a wave of appreciation through the Parabatai bond. This is Izzy's fight, there's no way I'd let Alec take it from her. Even if he would look hot doing it.

"I got this," Iz says as she pushes past the Mr Muscles. She only stops when she makes it to the centre of the fighting mat and she turns back. "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

"I don't fight girls, especially hot ones," he says, following her reluctantly.

"Then I guess it's gonna be really one-sided."

Izzy doesn't hesitate for a second before she starts fighting. She punches, then kicks, moving so fast that even I struggle to keep up with each strike. Mr Muscles blinks after each hit, confusion taking over his features, and I hum with pride. Izzy grabs the man's head, smirking at him as she drives her knee into his nose.

Alec blows out a breath when the man falls to the ground and we share an impressed look before focusing on her again. Izzy stalks towards the man and presses her boot against his neck.

"Still want to take me home?" She asks with a smug look. I rock onto the heels of my feet, anticipation rushing through me at such a phenomenal rate. Just watching Izzy is making me want to jump right in. I've spent too long sat in my room and I've had to hold back so much anger. I'm just itching to fight someone right now.

"You know," Alec murmurs to me, his lips at my ear, "I do believe this is the part that you're allowed to do."

I let out a noise that I'm not proud of before saying, "that is the sexiest thing you've ever said."

My feet are moving before I can even think about it and Izzy raises a brow. I grin at her, and at the chuckle that comes from Alec, as I cast my gaze across the crowd.

"All right, boys," I shout, turning to grin at the group behind me. "Who wants to dance?"


After I had kicked eight men to the ground, Raj dragged me out of the fight club and back to the Institute. I didn't want to leave, of course I didn't. But when he said to go, I did as I was told. I didn't even throw a tantrum or anything. Aldertree will be impressed.

Raj knocks on Aldertree's office door and after a response on the other side, he is entering without a second glance to me. I walk in behind him and Aldertree looks up from the papers in front of him. He straightens when he sees it's us. I'm not sure whether I should feel flattered or concerned that he discards the papers as if they're nothing. Though it's not like he gives me a moment to even overthink the options.

"Maelys, take a seat," he says signalling to the chair in front of him. I slide into it, keeping my eyes focused on him.

"Thank you for letting me go," I say and the corner of his mouth tugs. Just the sight of it makes me want to spit out words of anger, but I hold it back. I just need to get through this meeting and prove myself.

"How did it go?" Aldertree asks Raj over the top of my head. Bloody bastard.

"She didn't ask questions and did what I told her to. Though I don't think she should be going on missions with Izzy and Alec," Raj says and I frown. What did they do wrong?

"Why? Were they involving her in the mission?" Aldertree asks.

"No, however they were challenging my authority."

"They were telling you to stop shoving me because it's hardly like I could," I scoff. Aldertree's eyes dart to me and the twitch of his eyebrow is the only indication that he actually cares about what I said.

"Why couldn't you?" He asks and I scoff again. I cross my arms and lean back in my chair.

"The moment I say anything about his actions, it's insubordination. I understand how this works."

Aldertree lowers his hands to the desk and his features soften, so much so that I shift in my seat. I've never felt so uncomfortable at someone else's concern before. I don't trust him at all.

"You are allowed to speak up for yourself, Maelys," Aldertree says.

"And turn it into my word against his? No, thanks. This whole 'proving myself' thing is going to turn into a 'shit on Maelys until she snaps' thing which will result in Raj twisting the narrative so that I'm the bad guy. I'm not putting my reputation on that."

"You truly believe that is something Raj would do?"

"Yes, I truly do."

Aldertree's eyes drift to Raj as he chews on his lower lip, thinking through what I've said. I don't know why he's pretending to care. He's been out to get me since the moment he walked into the Institute. There's no way he's going to give me a break now.

"Maelys, I will read through Raj's report and ask for one from Isabelle and Alec. You may leave."

Now that is surprising.

"They're not reliable people to speak with. She's dating one and is Parabatai to the other," Raj complains.

"Wonder if you can guess which is which," I say, unable to help myself. Aldertree frowns, but strangely enough, it's not directed at me.

"Maelys, you may leave. Raj, take a seat."

I jump out of the chair and head towards the door before he can change his mind. I'm not sure what the hell just happened, but I don't trust that Aldertree is truly on my side. He might disagree with Raj shoving me like he did, but there's no way he'll reprimand him for it.

I close the door behind me and I release the breath I didn't realise I was holding. I didn't know I was going to feel so on edge in there, but my clenched fists are proof enough that I must have been. I shake them out and walk down the corridor towards my room. I'm still sweaty from the fighting and in dire need of a shower. Normally, I go straight after mission, before I fill out the reports. Yet, there's a petty part in me that likes that they were forced to smell my stench.

"Mae!" Izzy yells from behind me as I'm about to reach my room. I smile to her, but it instantly falls when I take in her stressed expression. It's then that her panic floods through the Parabatai rune.

"Iz? What's wrong, what's happened?" I ask. She doesn't run to me, she stays at the end of the corridor.

"It's Alec."

My blood runs cold as dread begins to form in my stomach. But I don't think. I'm sprinting towards my Parabatai, following her through the Institute before I can get a single thought to process through my mind. I had left them at the fight club so that they can finish the mission. Had something gone wrong? It must have if Izzy is in such a panic. But what? Izzy doesn't enlighten me as we rush down the corridor and the dread sits heavy in my stomach. But I can't think about it as she barges into Alec's room.

My eyes go wide as soon as I see Alec sitting on his bed, shirtless with leg stretched out. Though my confusion hits when I see Jocelyn stood at the end of the bed.

"Someone had better tell me what the fuck is going on before I let my mind fill in the blanks," I say, forcing my attention onto my boyfriend. Alec groans and adjusts his position on the bed.

"Seriously, Iz?" Alec says as he glares at his sister.

"You think I'm going to let you risk your life without her knowing?" Izzy snaps back. I stare at Alec for a moment longer, though when he says nothing I turn to Izzy.

"What is going on?" I demand. That drop of confusion has been firmly replaced with anger that is beginning to brew within me. I don't appreciate the scare from my Parabatai, and I don't appreciate that they're doing something that's supposedly life threatening behind my back.

"Jocelyn found a way for Alec to find Jace through his Parabatai rune," Izzy starts and my head whirls towards the woman across the room.

"You knew how to find Jace and never said anything? Why now? Do you want another try on Jace's life?" I ask in anger. Jocelyn sighs, her eyes dropping to the floor before she looks back at me again.

"Maelys, you don't understand-" Jocelyn starts, but I stop her as I bare my teeth.

"You're right, I don't understand why you'd want your own son dead. But if you think I'm going to let you use his Parabatai to get to him, you've got a shock coming your way," I growl. My fingers twitch by my side, wishing that I had my throwing knives on me.

"She isn't using him. Valentine has Clary," Izzy says. I laugh, one that holds every ounce of anger I carry.

"Well, if Clary's the one gone, then we should all just drop everything for her, right?" I laugh again, unable to help myself. "So, what's the catch? There's always a catch if it's got something to do with her."

"Alec could die," Izzy answers.

"Of course, you want us to put our lives on the line. For the person who only cares about herself?" I march across the room towards the bed. "Get up, Alec. You're not risking your life for her."

"I'm doing it for Jace, Mae. I have to," Alec argues as I reach him.

"And you were wanting to do it without telling me? When you could potentially not come back?" I ask.

"You were the one that told me not to worry about you, to just bring him back. That's all I'm trying to do."

Every drop of anger slips away at his words and I say, so quietly that only he can hear, "not when you could die, Al."

His features soften at the tone of my voice and he takes my hand. His thumb brushes over my knuckles which causes my eyes to drop to them.

"I'm sorry that I didn't come and find you. But you know that I have to do this, right?" He whispers, begging me to understand. And what sucks about the whole thing is that I do understand. If Izzy had been taken, I would do anything to get her back. Even if I knew death was the more likely outcome. But Alec doing this? I can't imagine of anything worse.

"No, Alec," Izzy snaps. I turn to her, as does Alec, and his grip on my hand seems to tighten. "I've already lost both parents to Idris and a brother to Valentine. I'm not gonna lose you, too."

"Izzy, you said it yourself. We have no choice," Alec says.

"That was before I knew you can die. No, get up!" I flinch at Izzy's words and I know Alec catches it as his thumb brushes over my skin again. I don't think I can live in a world where Alec isn't here, and if I can, I know it won't be a happy life. My hand shakes in his grasp as the reality of what's happening sets in. These could be my last moments with Alec.

"He needs me, Iz. And I can't..." Alec sighs, "I can't live without him."

I meet Izzy's gaze from across the room and my eyes burn as I take in her defeated expression. Too many emotions have rushed through me in these past ten minutes, yet none of them hurt as much as the fear I'm feeling right now. And that fear morphs into pure terror when Alec shifts so that he's lying down.

Jocelyn walks towards the bed hesitantly, but I don't look at her, not wanting her to see the tear that falls down my cheek. I perch myself on the side of the bed, right next to my boyfriend, and I adjust my grip on his hand.

"Are you sure? Because, by the Angel, if you die on me, Alexander, I will never forgive you." My voice trembles over each word I say. Alec lifts his free hand to the side of my face and guides my lips to his. My breath catches as he kisses me. Our lips move slowly, letting every emotion seep in which makes my heart pound against my chest hard.

More tears leave my eyes, but it's only when I sniff that Alec draws back. He gives me a small smile, ignoring the two teardrops that have dropped onto his cheek.

"I'm sure," he whispers. I stare at him, trying not to show that everything within me shatters at those two words. However, I pull back, even though I hate that I do. I understand he has to do this, but I will never like it.

Iz moves to my side and places a hand on my shoulder. A silent sign for me to release Alec. I take a breath and let go, wiping my face the instant they're free. I can't let my emotions get the better of me.

"According to Luke," Jocelyn says to Alec, "you need to stay near the surface. If you go too deep, nothing can bring you back." Alec's head turns to her and he nods.

"If you go too deep, Alec, I will kick your ass when you get back," Izzy says, and I can hear the pain in her voice. Alec returns his gaze to his sister before dropping to me. Just looking at him in the eye makes me want to cry, but I won't. No more tears because he will come back.

"Give me the stone," Alec says after a moment.

Jocelyn places the stone in his hand and he brings it up to his chest. Alec looks at it for a second before taking a deep breath and encasing it with both hands. I watch him closely, my eyes scanning every inch of him for any sign of distress, but when I find none, they land on his face. His eyes move beneath his eye lids, as if he is actively looking for Jace through the stone. Maybe this will actually work? Maybe Alec can really find Jace and bring him home-

A soft gasp leaves Alec which makes my thoughts freeze. I go to place my hand on his arm, but stop when he releases another grunt.

"Alec," I breathe. My heart races in my chest as I begin to panic. I shouldn't have hoped. I shouldn't have, for even a second, believed that this could work.

Another, louder, groan comes from Alec as blood trickles from his nose and I stand with a whimper, unable to remove my eyes from him. He begins to shake, small tremors that I desperately try to convince myself is from the cold chill that's filled the room. But I know this has gone wrong when his limbs seize.

"Alec!" Izzy cries. Alec's body convulses against the mattress and the stone slips through his fingers. I stare at it, then at Alec, unable to process what's happening.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I breathe. I take another breath. "Fuck!"

Izzy desperately tries to hold Alec still whilst Jocelyn backs away from the bed. Her eyes are wide and I can see the shock on her face. But I know she doesn't care about my boyfriend. No. All she cares about is that she has no way to Clary.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

My fingers shake as I reach into my pocket. I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts, hitting the call button as soon as his name fills the screen. It rings, and then again, and then I hear his voice.

"Magnus, please. I need you- It's Alec. I need your help."

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