Puppy Love ||OHSHC||

By Fizze_Frog

30.2K 1.1K 84

Mathieu Nanase quietly transfer's to Ouran Private Academy with his service dog Tadeo after his mother's sudd... More

Character Description
First Note
Chapitre Un
Chapitre Deux
Chapitre Trois
Chapitre Cinq
Chapitre Six
Chapitre Sept
Chapitre Huit
Chapitre Neuf
Chapitre Dix
Chapitre Onze
Chapitre Douze
Chapitre Treize
Chapitre Quatorze
Chapitre Quinze
Chapitre Seize
Chapitre Dix-Sept
Chapitre Dix-Huit
Chapitre Dix-Neuf
Chapitre Vingt
Chapitre Vingt et Un
Chapitre Vingt Deux
Chapitre Vingt Trois
Chapitre Vingt Quatre
Chapite Vignt Cinq
Chapitre Vingt Six
Chapitre Vingt Sept
Chapitre Vingt Huit
Author's Note

Chapitre Quatre

1.4K 49 7
By Fizze_Frog

I woke up groggily as Tadeo slobbered all over my face. I fed him and let him outside while I got ready for school. Once I got my uniform on I headed back downstairs for breakfast. 

Just as I sat down to eat I saw my uncle grouchily stumble into the room. My body tensed up and I felt a heavy feeling in my stomach. I kept my eyes on my food and kept my mouth shut.

"So you're not going to say good morning? What a fucking brat," He growled, sitting across from me.

"Sorry, good morning, uncle," I murmured.

"Look at me when your talking!" He suddenly snapped, making me jump. "It's not the fucking hard to look someone in the eye while they're speaking!" 

"Sorry," I  whispered.

"Shut the fuck up! Did I say you can speak?" He shouted. He reached across the table and grabbed ahold of the front of my uniform, pulling me harshly and getting in my face.

"You listen close. I want nothing to do with a murderer like you. So while you're in the house, expect nothing but hell from me. Got it?" He hissed lowly.

I nodded, still reeling from him grabbing me so harshly. 

"Yes sir," I managed to stumble out.

"Get out," He growled. I nodded and left quickly, retrieving Tadeo from the yard and heading to school.

I greeted Kyoya with a silent bow and sat down at my desk. I laid my head in my arms and closed my eyes. I had started to get a slight headache after this morning's events. 

"Hello, Tadeo! Aw! Who's a good boy? You are! Yes, you are!" Tamaki cooed as he walked into the classroom. I sighed deeply. I desperately wanted to find a quiet place and sleep.

"Hey, Mathieu, are you okay?" A soft, feminine, voice asked. 

"Yeah," I murmured, not having the energy to look up.

After class, it was the physical exams. I had gotten a special boys clinic because of my illness and just because of all the people that would be there. I knocked on the door. 

"Come in!" A voice called. It was a nurse with red hair.

I noticed the brunette boy from yesterday. "Oh, uh, hi," I greeted. 

"Hello, Mathieu-Senpai," he smiled. 

I grew a little confused. How did he know my name?

"Tamaki-Senpai talks about you a lot," he laughed shortly, seeming to know what I was thinking. I gave a soft smile back.

"Please go behind the curtain Mr. Nanase and disrobe. I shall be with you in a moment," the nurse said. I nodded. 

"Miss Fujioka, please wait over there," the nurse instructed. Miss? He's a she? 

Go figure I guess.

Tadeo sat next to the mirror. He was nose to nose with his reflection, just staring at himself. I scoffed as he tried to lick himself, his tongue smudging the glass. 

I took off my blazer and shirt and set them on the chair. I gasped softly when I saw a slight bruise around my collar bones. I guess I could always say I was playing rough with Tadeo.

I looked up in the mirror when I saw someone open the curtain. They turned when I did. My eyes widened and he whipped around and put his hand over my mouth.

"It's not what you think," he whispered urgently. 

I struggled and tried to scream, but it was only muffled. Tadeo started to bark and growl wildly. nipping the air at the man's heel. He pinned my arms to my sides and pushed me against the wall as I squirmed.

"Tama-Chan kick!" Tamaki yelled as he flew in, kicking the man in the side. I grabbed my shirt and tugged it on. A few other boys slipped in and I ducked out of there and went over to where Haruhi was.

She had taken her blazer off and was wearing a white dress shirt. I sat down on the couch next to her.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked. 

I nodded, not trusting myself to talk. I didn't think it'd shake me up as much as it did. 

I leaned forward and sighed, curling my fingers into my hair. "That guy, he just scared me was all," I murmured. Tadeo chuffed and pawed at my leg.

"I know, I know," I murmured, leaning back. 

"Are you okay? Are you going to have an attack again?" she asked. 

I looked at her, rather surprised. "How'd you know?" I asked softly. 

"Oh, I saw the badge of your dog's service vest and I thought it'd be interesting to research. I hope you don't mind," she said sheepishly. 

"Oh, I don't mind," I replied. I was actually rather flattered that she took the time to learn about it. I leaned back and took a deep breath. I felt my head dip back a little more but I was glad it wasn't more than that.

"Haruhi! Are you okay? That man didn't touch you did he?" Tamaki screeched, picking her up and squeezing her. 

"Ah! Senpai put me down! I'm fine. It was Mathieu-Senpai who got attacked," She exclaimed. Tamaki gasped and put her down. I gasped when he picked me up and started to spin me around.

"Oh, Mathieu! I'm so happy you're okay! You're not hurt are you?" He asked frantically, setting me down and looking me over. I frantically tried to push him away as he smothered me.

Tadeo let out a harsh bark and growled slightly. Tamaki jumped and backed away.

"Sorry," he squeaked. 

"Now that everything is resolved. Mr. Nanase, please disrobe behind that curtain, and Miss Fujioka please disrobe behind that curtains," The nurse requested, slightly irritated.

We finished our physical exams and then it was time for club hours.

"Hey, Mathieu?" Tamaki cooed, coming up from behind me.

"Hey, Tamaki," I stammered.

What could he possibly want now?

"Since I saved your life earlier, would you possibly care to join our club?" He asked, getting a little shady about it.

"Uh, I don't know," I trailed. I don't think it'd be a good idea.

"How about you just come to one meeting! And then you can decide, okay?" He chirped, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the music room.

I guess I didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Can we dog-nap your dog?" The twins suddenly asked as I entered the room.

"Er, sure, I guess. Tadeo, Libérer," I told him, letting go of his leash. 

"Thank you!" The twins cheered, hugging me tightly and rubbing their cheeks with mine.

"We're keeping you!" One of them said.

"But only for your dog!" The other replied.

"But, I suppose you're cute enough to be our dog too!" The first one stated.

"You shady twins get your hands off my prince!" Tamaki growled at them, pulling me away and holding me protectively.

Since when am I his prince?

He held me tightly while the twins and he bickered. I was being pulled back and forth between the two parties like a ragdoll before I was suddenly lifted off the ground.

I looked down to see Mori-Senpai, looking up at me as he held me in the air.

"Thank you, Morinozuka-Senpai," I stammered. He nodded and set me down gently, patting my head and walking away.

Tadeo followed the twins excitedly, stomping his back feet slightly as he ran. I loved it when he stomped his feet when he was happy.

I sighed deeply, then the ground suddenly rushed up to greet me.

"He's waking up! Everybody give him space!" A loud voice yelled.

I cracked my eyes open groggily. I noticed something warm under me and looked up. I then came face to face with Tamaki. I gasped and jolted away from him.

"You okay? You accidentally knocked a tea set out of Haruhi's hands and a cup landed on your head," One of the twins said. I noticed his voice was a little bit harsher sounding than the other ones.

My head did hurt a little bit, but that was a given, otherwise, I felt fine.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break anything. I'm so sorry Fujioka-San, I didn't mean to bump into you!" I said apologetically, realizing what I did.

"It's fine," she sighed, picking up some glass pieces.

"The tea set cost us four million yen, can you pay for it?" Kyoya questioned coldly.

"I think so, I, I'm sorry for any trouble, do you take card?" I stammered.

Great, now I owe them money. Way to go, Mathieu, causing trouble since you were three.

"Of course, that won't be a problem," He smiled.

It felt like my eyes were going to start watering any second. I was doing my best not to cry. I hated causing people trouble. I bit down on my lip to keep it from quivering as I fished out my wallet.

I only had that much in my bank account. I had been saving up for a while since my father and uncle don't give me much of an allowance. So I was going to be broke for a while.

I took out my card. Kyoya handed out the small device and I slid my card. I grimaced when I heard the words 'transactions complete' leave the machine.

Money is such a material thing. But I worked really hard to get it and now it's all gone.

I left the room with Tadeo silently and went up to the school roof. My legs were so tired that I couldn't help but collapse against the fence. I took a deep breath and sniffled slightly as I willed myself not to cry. Tadeo laid by my side.

I wasted so much money on that tea set. What scared me most was what my Uncle would do to me if he found out I spent it. Both he and my dad check my bank statements religiously.

I've caused the host club so much trouble already and I've hardly even been in school for not even a full month.

"Mathieu? Are you up here?" I heard Tamaki ask. I hastily wiped my eyes and looked up to see him walk over.

"You okay?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

I only nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

"Hey, it's okay. Accidents happen, no one is mad at you for breaking the tea set," Tamaki reassured.

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but I think it's best that you stop trying to be nice to me, or whatever it is you're doing. I only seem to be causing you trouble. I don't want to be another burden you have to deal with," I said firmly, trying to keep my voice from wobbling.

"Hey," he started softly, grabbing my chin gently and making me look at him. I defiantly looked away, unable to maintain eye contact with those beautiful violet eyes of his.

"Mathieu, as much as you think you might be, you're not a burden. We might worry about you but that's okay. We won't like you any less just because of your Narcolepsy. Now, I came up here to ask if you wanted to join the host club?" He smiled, tilting his head slightly.

"I'm not good with women," I mumbled, hugging my knees to my chest.

"That's okay, I'd be more than happy to teach you my ways!" Tamaki chimed.

I'm supposed to join a club anyway so I guess I might as well.

I sighed deeply. "Sure why not," I said, standing up and dusting my pants off.

"Yay! Let's go let everyone know!" He cheered, grabbing my hand, making me let out a surprised gasp.

"Tadeo, Allons-y," I beckoned, patting my side as Tamaki led me to the door.

"Everyone! I have an announcement! Starting today, Mathieu is a new host! He'll be known as the puppy type!" Tamaki announced.

"Yeah! You're going to have so much fun here Mat-Chan!" Honey giggled, grabbing my arm.

"Mathieu-Senpai, he's not forcing you to join against your will, is he?" Haruhi asked seriously as Tamaki took offense.

"No, not at all," I chuckled, waving my hands in front of my chest.

Word count: 1,967

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