Harmless Attraction

By Demonofthefridge18

28.1K 1K 3.3K

Hinata had an amazing one-night stand with a stranger she met at a bar. Thinking she'd never see him again, f... More

The Lies We Tell
Hidden Emotions
The Boy with Green Eyes
A Surprise Guest
Behind Closed Doors
Our Dirty Little Secret
You and Me
Happy Family
Mysterious Girl
Birds of a Feather
Sweet Kiss
Problem Solved?
Painter of the Night
Happy Birthday
Silent Night
Eye of the Storm
Shot in th Dark

Morning Dew

774 31 104
By Demonofthefridge18

It was over.

Her torture was finally over.

She could see the double doors slowly approach her as her father drawled on about something she really didn't care about. At this point, he was a broken record and all she could do was zero in on her escape. It was just a few feet away.

"Do you understand me Hinata?" He stopped in front of her making her internally scream.

"Yes, father. I will work on it. I'm trying my best." Her eyes settled on his but truly they were looking behind him.


Freedom until next month!

"I don't think you truly understand." He grumbled seeing as though she was not paying attention. "You say you do but then you further disappoint your family. You do not wish to be a burden do you?"

"No father. Of course not." Hinata was so excited to leave, his words did not affect her. It was the same old same old.

"So then from this moment forward I expect to see you put in more effort. More than what you are doing now. Can you do that for me?"

"Absolutely." Hinata nodded with a bow. Did that finish it?

"No. Enough with words Hinata. I need action. What is your action plan? What are you going to do to turn your life around."

Hinata wanted to huff and puff, he was making this so difficult. "Father... I will... look into going back to school. I will ask Hanabi what I need to do for the doctor's program."

Hiashi breathed deeply as if calculating how true those words were.

They were true. She would ask Hanabi about it- yet she knew that she wouldn't help. Why in the world would her sister ever want to help her? It was true... on her part.

"Since you are having a hard time I will speak to her for you."

Damn- that was not what she wanted him to say. Yet it was possibly the same outcome but extra steps. Hanabi will try to make it seem like she was helping her and when she fails she would blame it on Hinata's incompetencies rather than her shallow service.

"Very well. Thank you for having me, father."


That was the goodbye.

As Hinata walked out into the night light, she breathed a sigh, a huge smile gracing her lips. She picked up her kimono so she could walk faster, nearly scurrying over the pavement.



She was nearly out the gate- nearly- Hinata kept walking, not allowing any stutter to her step. She could pretend- pretend she didn't hear anything. Truthfully whoever was calling her possibly didn't need much. She didn't have important business with anyone.

Her ride was right out front, the vehicle nearly in her reach.

She nodded to the gentleman that held her door open as she slipped inside. Shutting the door she slid her phone out of her kimono, clicking on her messages.

Before the car took off the other side of the door opened and Neji slid in swiftly closing the door. He looked at her with indifference but there was a hint of anger in his eyes, the corners creasing ever so slightly.

Well, this was a load of-

"Did you not hear me?"

Hinata gasped in 'shock', "I'm sorry- did you call me?"

"Yes, I most certainly did but it seemed you had other important matters." Neji looked down at her phone as she slid it out of sight.

The cab started moving, and the compound drifted away, where Neji should have stayed. Her troubles would have been all left behind until next month.

Hinata wanted to die.


Why was Neji of all people in her car?

"I'm sorry Neji. What was it you wanted to speak about?" Her voice was void of any emotion, the happiness that she had when she walked out the doors was snatched away. Neji never wanted to talk to her and when he did it wasn't pleasant.

"Well, I have some wonderful news for you." Neji returned to his usual arrogant self.

Wonderful for who? She wanted to say but she bit her tongue. With her silence, he continued.

"I believe I found a perfect way for you to live the life you want and please the family."

Hinata's throat tightened, that was too good to be true. That sentence shouldn't even be spoken into existence.

"And... what might that be...?"

"I propose a proposition. If you marry Hidan you can be a teacher and serve as a link between our powerful families. A dutiful role if I must say."

Hinata paled," No, I do not wish to marry that man Neji I do not know him." What she had heard through the grapevine was that you do not cross Hidan. Ever. With his religious sway, he could prosecute anyone with ease.

Neji hissed at her obvious disdain towards his brilliant plan," It's not hard to get to know someone Hinata. Unless you are already comfortable with another suitor?" His gaze drifted to her phone.

"I had seen you smirking and giggling like a little school girl, is this man of any class to not introduce himself to us?"

Hinata felt like she was going to throw up, not like this. Why of all times. "N-Neji! I - I...found no one!"

Neji scoffed," Don't play coy. You were never a good liar. I assume this man has no social standing and therefore would ruin our family once again correct?"

"Neji! I do not wish to talk about this- certainly not with you! I will deal with my own relationships. Besides, we just met so it is nothing of importance. When it does become important father will be the first to know!" The cab slid to a stop as Hinata pushed the door open standing up she looked back at Neji with a glare. "Stay out of MY business-"

"Father agreed with me. We both saw how Hidan was gazing upon you tonight. If you got one thing going for you it's your beauty so I don't see why you can't do something as simple as marrying this man and lay with him. An easy task."

Hinata bit into her tongue, blood flooding her mouth. How dare he- the only man she would lay with was Naruto. She wouldn't dare let another man touch her. That was beyond her imagination and made her physically ill. "No." Hinata spoke sternly as she slammed the door shut strutting away from the car.

Neji was left in awe. Hinata never truly denied him in such a way. She had told him no before but she was always meek about things. This time it was firm- her eyes burning with fire as she finalized her stand.

Her attitude only made him more curious.

Who was this mysterious man or... woman?

Naruto sneezed loudly jolting awake, he groaned as he felt his soul leave his body, rubbing his nose in irritation. Was someone talking about him?

"Shut the fuck up Naruto~" Suigetsu mumbled on the other couch as he pulled the covers over his body.

Naruto rolled his eyes as he searched for his phone. Finding it in between the couch cushions he brought it up to his face.

Juicy Bunny: I'm so upset.

Juicy Bunny: My family makes me so angry!

Naruto sat up straight- shit he had fallen asleep he didn't see these messages.

Juicy Bunny: I'm sorry you must be sleeping. Goodnight I can't wait to see you. I'm just so happy it's over.

Naruto sighed leaning back on the couch, arm thrown over his forehead. The last message was sent at 1:28 am. It was two at the moment. She must have been pretty upset to not be sleeping. He was almost mad that she didn't call him.

Sexy Fox: I'm sorry babe, I'll kick all of their asses someday. :)

Staring at the screen for a moment he finally set his phone down on his chest. As soon as he did his phone had dinged.

He picked it up swiftly reading the text on the screen-

Juicy Bunny: I may have to join you :l

Naruto chuckled, what was she doing up still. Looking over at Suigetsu he climbed off the couch hitting the call button as he slipped into the backyard. It was cool out and the sky looked like a perfect painting. Sitting in a chair he waited for Hinata to answer.

He furrowed his brow as he listened to the ringing in his ear. She was surely up she just texted him. Right when he thought she wouldn't answer she picked up sounding weird.


Naruto raised a brow, "Hime?"

"Y-yes my fox?"

Naruto squinted his eyes as he leaned his head to the side. Something was off he could hear it.

"Bunny?" Naruto bit at his thumb trying to figure out what was going on.

Hinata giggled.. almost nervously?

"Everything is-is fine I promise what are you doing up?"

"I wanted to hear your voice..."

Hinata hummed, "It's nice to hear your voice too..." A tired yawn passed through the phone.

"Hime why are you up right now? You sound tired. Do you need me to sing you to sleep?" She must be hiding the fact that her family bothered her this much that she could barely sleep. That definitely seemed like a Hinata thing to do.

"You would sing to me?" Hinata laughed, "I would love for you to sing to me- b-but nothing that would make me fall asleep..."

Well, that was weird...

Naruto listened carefully for any background noise- there was a soft hum... "Hime...-"

Then it hit him.

"HIME! ARE YOU DRIVING?" He shouted sitting up swiftly as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"I-I Y-yes B-but-"

"And then you purposefully took me off your car speaker so I wouldn't hear it!"

"Naruto~ I'm sorry-"

"Hime! That is a long-ass drive what are you- are you out of your mind? Even after the long day, you had that is just too much you sound like you are falling asleep at the wheel!"

"I'm fine I'm fine I really am my Naruto!"

"Hina- hmm..." Naruto bit his lip looking around him as if someone was going to pop out of the bushes. He slid in his seat placing a hand on his throbbing head. "Baby... stay on the phone with me... how much longer do you have? Where are you?"

"Uh- I'm about an hour away... Naruto you need your sleep-"

"No- no I'm staying on this phone with you. You and me. You better keep talking so I know you are alright."

Hinata giggled. "Yes, dad."

"Don't make me spank your naughty ass when you get home. I demand no sass from you- you know damn well you are in the wrong."

Hinata laughed even more making Naruto sigh.

He stayed on the phone with her for half of the trip asking her random questions or playing silly games to keep her up. She even told him what happened but left a GREAT deal of details out.

She heard shuffling on his side of the line and then the grumbling of some man in the background.

"Hey, I'm leaving out."

She heard Naruto speak to the sleepy voice.

"Where the hell ya going man?" The voice she heard now reminded her of Suigetsu.

"Out- tell Nagato I'm still here though aight?"

Hinata scrunched her brows as she heard the other boy mutter a whatever. She then heard the door close and the shuffling of feet.

"Naruto- ah where are you going so early in the morning?" She questioned sleepily.

"To your house."

"Ex-excuse me?"

"Yup I'm walking now you better pick me up before some coyotes find me."


"Hurry up I'm on the side of the road- ah by seven-eleven before you get to your house."

"How are you so close where were you?"

"I was at Sasuke's." She heard his teeth clatter from the cold night.

"Naruto you cannot be serious... it's cold out there."

"I have a jacket on. Had to wear it until my hickey doesn't look like an infection."

Hinata cringed remembering her awful fail of a hickey.

"Joking Hina I'm joking."

"Must you bring up my failures..." Hinata sighed.

"Don't worry practice makes perfect."

"I'm never doing that again."

"Ah hime- but how else will I fend off the horny teenage girls in my school?"

"Naruto..." Her voice was warning making Naruto sweat.

"Ok ok I'm done I'm done... where are you it's cold out here."

"Oh my- Naruto I cannot believe you..."

A car pulled up next to him as he was walking, making him turn around with a bright smile on his face. Hinata rolled the window down fighting back a huge grin.

"Hey, there cutie." Naruto chuckled hanging up his phone.

Hinata rolled her sleepy eyes clicking her button so the doors unlocked. Yet to her surprise Naruto came around the car pulling her door open.


"Out. You had a long drive get your ass out."

Hinata sighed looking around before slipping out of the car. She was wearing fluffy pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt. It looked as if she got into bed- couldn't sleep and then decided to come home.

Unbeknownst to Naruto, that's exactly what happened.

The blonde swatted at her butt as she walked by, "Ai- What was that for?" She questioned rubbing her backside as she rounded her car. Climbing into the passenger seat she leaned comfortably in the seat as Naruto got himself situated.

"I can't believe you came home today. You were supposed to wait till tomorrow." He fixed the mirror and then pulled his black cap down over his head making sure his face could barely be seen, hoody up.

"W-well I did wait..." Hinata tapped upon her car's clock, reading 3:15 am. "Technically it's the next day..."

Naruto grabbed her thigh tickling her as she screeched with a giggle. "So you leave and come back sassier than ever huh?"

"O-or I'm picking up bad habits from you-" Hinata reached over pinching his side as he began to laugh trying to block her attacks.

"I see that-" Naruto chuckled gathering both of her hands into one of his. "Now back I say- I must drive this car."

Plopping back in her seat Hinata smiled softly watching Naruto drive her car. Wait- "H-How many cars did you crash?" Hinata questioned nervously.

"H-Hinata! I am an excellent driver those times were a fluke! They hit me!"

Hinata hummed wondering if maybe she should have driven home even in her state. "Maybe I should drive."

"No way you must be exhausted."

"Actually..." Hinata smiled, "I'm not anymore..."

"Oh really? What changed?" Naruto had a taunting tone but he didn't receive an immediate sassy retort. He looked over and saw her glossy orbs looking at him.

He raised his brow as she shrugged lightly, "I guess... Seeing you... I want to stay up now..."

"Hime, how wild of you... okay, I know a place I want to take you. It'll be all romantic and shit."

"Can't wait to see..."

It didn't take long for Naruto to reach his destination, he parked the car at the park turning the car off as he leaned back.

"Okay... So I really wanted to take you up on the mountain but... uh the sun would have already risen by the time we get up there." Naruto pouted making Hinata snort.

"I like it-the lake... the sun looks pretty upon it..."

"Oh shit yeah, that works too completely planned..."

Naruto leaned his seat back, the radio playing silently in the background as white noise.

Hinata looked towards him, reaching for the handle on her seat as she leaned back too, enjoying the morning breeze from the cracked window and the scenic view.

It was perfect. Nothing crazy but... just right. She couldn't help how much she enjoyed something as simple as this.

"It truly is like one of my books..." She turned to him with a slight grin, "Is this the part where... you tell me you used to come here as a child... and this place holds some meaning to you?"

"PFFT!" Naruto busted up laughing holding onto his stomach, "Fuck- uh...a few years ago a group of us dumbass guys used to come here right... making stupid dares as boys do. And there-" Naruto points at a large tree across the lake. "We used to try to climb that tree, try to get to the top-and I. Me. Naruto. Uzumaki. Was able to get to the top... wrote my name in it with a knife and everything greatest moment ever."

"Wooow." Hinata nodded rather impressed. "That's a pretty big tree. Was anyone else able to get to the top?"

Naruto pouted, "Yeah... but that detail wouldn't be in the book!"

Hinata snorted, "Of course of course anything for the hero!"

"Aye? I'm a hero? I think I'm more of the anti-hero."

"Really?" Hinata raised a brow generally curious. "You think so? Why?"

Naruto hummed, staring off into the distance in thought. "I wouldn't consider myself... a hero." His eyes floated to hers, the dark blue seemingly serious. Yet the small smirk that pulled on the corner of his lip had her smiling.

"This is the part where you are supposed to be hella cheesy and say- Oh naruto Uzumaki you are my hero~ Take me~"

"HA!" The exaggerated way he threw his head back had Hinata wheezing with laughter.

"Wait what?- Hinata you are seriously killing this book!"

"Ha- I can't I can't with you-ha ha~"

Naruto snickered watching as Hinata wiped the tears out of her eyes. He couldn't help but smile- damn he loved hearing her laugh- any noises she made honestly- but especially when she laughed.

Their laughter died down as they leaned back to enjoy the moment.

Hinata didn't know when she got into bed- or even how she got in bed. Yet one moment she was with Naruto enjoying their time in the car and the next she's stumbling and giggling sleepily into her house. Her drowsy eyes peeled open and closed back contently after seeing the blond next to her snoring peacefully.

She sighed getting closer to him, hugging him tightly. She was honestly too tired to care- everything was perfect. Nothing could ruin this moment-


Her eyebrows creased together, who would be coming to her house at such an early time? Her eyes rolled around looking for a clock- it was in the afternoon. Goodness, she was exhausted. Hopefully whoever it was would go away. Yet they didn't.


Leaning up she groaned rubbing her temple. It was too damn early for this.

Stumbling out of bed she reached for a t-shirt that she had pulled over her head and slipped on her pajama bottoms.

Who could be at her door?

Walking downstairs she was grumbling to herself, "Ruining my perfectly good Sunday-ah-" She gasped seeing through the peephole.

SUNDAY! She was supposed to tutor Gaara! Hinata slapped a hand over her mouth- no no no no! She cannot believe she had forgotten something so simple! How could she lose track of time like this sleeping in nearly till two she has never done that- oh good kami!

It's fine- It's fine- all she needed was for Naruto to just- stay upstairs perfect. Easy and simple!

Quickly she ran upstairs to tell Naruto what was happening.

"Naruto- Naruto hey~" Hinata climbed on top of him and patted his cheek.

"Hmm~" He mumbled grabbing a hold of her hips.

"So... um I have to tutor Gaara this morning can you please please stay upstairs and stay here until I come to get you?"

"Hmm sure~" He hummed rolling over seemingly going back to sleep.

Ok- good easy perfect.

Swiftly she got up and ran downstairs- throwing the door open just as the two were about to leave.

"H-Hey! goodmorning~" Hinata panted tucking some hair behind her ear.

Gaara stifled a laugh as Kankuro raised a brow.

"Um... Hinata?"

"Oh-" Hinata hissed smacking her lips, "After-afternoon... I-I'm so sorry- I had just got in from town from a family trip I'm so sorry..." Hinata sighed leaning against the door trying to seem put together.

"Cool let's cancel I barely had any sleep either."

"No-" Kankuro was swift but then he frowned, "Oh- I mean if it's you Hinata... if you need to cancel..."

"Oh so if I'm tired I can't cancel? Real sweet."

"I- uh." Hinata felt awkward at the moment not knowing what to say. "I-I mean if you are tired Gaara we can reschedule-"

"No, he's fine. He shouldn't have been out with his friends doing lord knows what."

"Ahuh. Let's just get this over with." Gaara rolled his eyes stepping into the house.

Hinata wanted to internally scream- why couldn't she just have said no!

Kankuro shook his head in such a defeated manner it made the poor girl's heart deflate. She felt as though he was truly trying to be a good brother to the redhead... she just wish it wasn't right now...

"Okay, well I'll get to it. I've already wasted some of our time as it is..." Hinata tried to usher the conversation to an end but she saw something catch the other man's eyes. He was looking at something- but before she could follow his eyes he had averted them. She wondered what it was he was looking at.

"Um... Hinata..." Kankuro was looking off at something else scratching his head awkwardly.

"Yes?" Hinata leaned her head to the side questioningly.

"Uh- n-never mind. Never mind I'll come back later okay- t-take care of him."

With that Hinata was left frowning at his departure. Well, that was strange. Hinata slowly closed the door, thinking to herself- wondering what he could have seen.

Her eyes bulged- SHE HAD A NOSEY ASS BOY IN HER HOUSE. Quickly she ran into the living room breathing a sigh as she saw the redhead curled up on her couch.

"Where's my pink fluffy blanket?" He mumbled, snapping his fingers in the air as if she were his butler.

"Oh, you- you should be glad I'm tired too!" Hinata grumbled grabbing just the blanket he asked for and throwing it on top of his head. A mumbled thank you underneath the covers.

Hinata rolled her eyes stomping into her kitchen. She ripped some tea out trying to calm her nerves. Throwing her honeybun in the microwave and slammed the thing shut.

"Hey, Hinata..." Gaara's voice halted her as she turned around to look at him, he was standing right before her making her gasp- holding her breath tightly in her chest. His eyes were lowered looking into her orbs as if he caught her doing something dirty.

He got low, in front of her face as he grinned with a devious shine in those green orbs.

"He's here isn't he?"

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