L I L A R H (The Exalted)

By haniyyerh-x

6.1K 1K 79

NOT YOUR EVERYDAY/AREWA LOVE STORY. "...... I'm leaving" I said which make him halt in his space and laugh hy... More

copyright and author's note
chap 1: preparations
chapter 2: the bomb
𝓡𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓪𝓷 𝓚𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓶🌙🌠
chap 3: The meeting
Chap 4:the other side
chap 5: trip to Mauritania
chapter 6:touring Mauritania 1
chap 8: touring Mauritania 2
chap 8: Returning back
chap 10: the wedding
chap 11:the wedding 2
chap: 12: The picture frame
chap 13: Dance in the rain
Chap 14: ten questions
Chap 15: I'm so scared
Chap 16 : Gala night
Chap 17: A visitor
Chap 18 : Tit for tat

chap 9: Visit and preparation

214 43 6
By haniyyerh-x

**Just for once I want someone to be afraid of loosing me.**



AHHh,the sun isn't friendly today.

I have been waiting for almost 30mins at the compound of this mansion and it's so annoying, though I wouldn't blame her it's all Ammiey's doing,inviting some one at a die minutes and asking me to come take her.even though I am mad but I can't refuse.she will chop my head like last time when she ask me if I have been calling her since she is already my fiancee,she force me to call her saying she traveled I have to call and ask her how is she.but I don't regret it the moment I hear the melidious voice of hers that melt away my heart in a second.

"Hey there"A lady around Aaliyah's age said

"Hi"I said shortly,they so much look alike.

"You must be Aryan I'm Amaya Lilarh's cousin"

"Nice to meet you"

"I have heard alot of things about you from lilarh"

" I hope they are all good "

"Ah no,it's good "
"Sorry we kept you waiting,she will be out in a minutes"


Just at that moment I heard some clicking sound of shoes and i raise up my head to look at.my breath hitch at the sight of her.her eyes never ceases to amaze me whenever I look at her they are so golden that they shine and twinkle like a star and when the sun reflect on it as the green look like a washed out emerald they are rimmed with the thickest lashes that fans her cheeks each time she blink them.

she has a very perfect body shape that compliment her tallness though she wasn't that tall but average.her skin glowing and dazzling,a very beautiful smile on a her face that makes her two sided dimples prominent.she is clad in elegant black Abaya that compliment her milky skin tone with a matching veil, Oh wow she's perfect.

You must be wondering why I'm here right and I haven't stop this from happening. I also asking myself this question.
Well the moment I look at my parent faces and see the happiness vividly showing on their face that have been long since I saw it, I feel proud of myself like if this alliance will make them this happy then why would I ruin it,If they believe this is the best for me why would I say no,if they love her to this extend why wouldn't I find something about her that will make me like her. So I decided to go for that since I never go beyond what my parent says and I never regret that. I'm always the obedient child so why would I ruin it now.

"Ah finally her royal highness grace us with her presence"the lady said

"Assalamualaikum, Good afternoon"

"Wa'alaikum Salam"

"Sorry I have kept you waiting for long"she apologize,I couldn't help but loosen my anger a little because of how her melidious voice sounded

"Never mind let gets going"

"Ohhhh match made in heaven, you two look Soo perfect Together I couldn't wait to see your kids , they would surely look so revashing."Amaya gushes, taking her phone to click some pictures.

"waqah : Shameless"lilarh said in anoyyance  her nose twitching

"What, I just stated the fact"

"Ikhrasiy...tammaki. : Shut up your mouth"

"Rajuluki Waseem jiddan: your man is very handsome" she whisper to her,she send a deadly glare toward her and get into the car,her face flush a little.
I smiled the fact that they doesn't know I speak Arabic.Arabic is my first language I speak it fluently more than English, Ammiey is shuwaArab and I spend more than six years in Saudi Arabia since when I'm five years old.

"Rihlat ameena, take a very good care of my sister"

"Okay you don't have to worry about her"

"Yeah I trust you"

For the rest of the drive,no one say a word she is busy with her phone while I am driving,we came to the estate and the house come to a veiw I horn at the first gate and the guards there open the gate after knowing it's me, they greeted and I nod at it.i enter the second gate into the house compound and park the car at the parking lot beside Asma's own,they were all at home waiting for us.

"Let get in"she hesitately nodded and open the car door.

I handed the key to one of the bulky men standing there.

We work together to the front door and I knock.the housekeeper open it and greeted us

"Good afternoon young master,miss"

"Afternoon"we said at once

"They are all waiting for you at the lounge" She said and went back to her post while I walk us to there.we enter the lounge Asma and Hanan shouted and proceed forward to engulf her in a tight hug.

"I really miss you lilarh look at how you're glowing,how are you and how is your trip"

" I missed you too, I'm fine Alhamdulillah and you"

"We are good,come with me we have alot to talk" Hanan said dragging her away

"Heyyy, where are you taking her I also wanted to have talk with her"

"Won't you at least leave her to greet her mother,as far as I know I'm the one that sent for her not you if you want to talk to her meet her at her house not here"Ammiey chirp in she have been sitted there looking at them

"Ah Ammiey" Hanan whined

"I'm sorry Ammiey,I haven't notice you Good afternoon" she try to Kneel but Ammiey stop her by hugging her

"Ah no my daughter you don't have to be sorry about that" she said and guided her to sit next to her

"How are you "

"Alhamdulillah am fine Ammiey"

"Good,you look beautiful"

"Thank you"she shyly said

"So you all forget about me"I can't help but ask,they just forget about me like I'm invisible,

"You finished your job here since you've already bring my daughter to me" I couldn't help but feel jeolous she stole the spotlight which I was always the one.

"How was you Trip from the look at you,you really enjoyed it" Ammiey questioned

"Yes Ammiey I really enjoyed it I have met up with my relatives"

"I'm glad you did"

"I have watch your trip vlog and it really amazing you really have a good videography skills"Asma said

"Thank you"

"Mauritania is really a beautiful country it's have many breathtaking places I instantly fall in love with it the moment I watch it"Hanan said

"Not to talk about the town of tergit and the desert they are so stunning,i hope you bring those fire flies and glistening insects home cause I really want that"Hanan said

"Don't worry I will share that with you"

"How did you learn to swim, your swimming skills where superb to say that you are able to swam in that water and even cought a fish it's really astounding"

"I learned how to swim since I was five my dad taught me"she answered smiling but I can see a hint of sadness through her eyes.

"Masha Allah may his soul continue to rest in peace"Ammiey said we all chorus Aameen.

"I really enjoyed watching your vlog wallah,where is Amira and Ama..." Asma trailed off

"Amaya, the are all at home they also send their regards"

"Extend ours too we are looking forward to see them."

"In Sha Allah"

"One will think that you were triplet from your looks oh my, you so much look like each other especially you and Amira and to your names that all started with 'A'" said Asma'u

"We're all cousins of the same age,we are known as the three musketeers when we are young some even think we are triplet and Amira's mother was my mum twin sister,they are identical twins with the same features except my mum was a bit taller"

she still explained with a hint of sadness  I figured maybe she doesn't want to talk about her parents. She gave them alots of gifts.they appreciate and thank her alot more especially Ammiey.

"I really like laffaya so much but the problem is I cannot tie it"Hanan said while looking at one of the beautify embroidery laffaya Aaliyah gifted them.

"You don't have to worry about that I can teach you if you want"lilarh offer

"Thank you,it's really shame on me that can't tie it even though Ammiey is shuwaArab"

"It's just that you don't bother to learn that why you never learn"Asma taunted

"So enough of all this let's move to dining to have lunch and then we can talk about the main point of the visit" Ammiey said

I can't hide the smile on my face when Ammiey say that, I have being starving for long since before I went to take her but Ammiey refused to serve me saying she all cook for her daughter so I have to wait.

How pathetic



I sat at right side of Ammiey facing Aaryan Hanan at my side.

"Let me serve my daughter by myself"Ammiey offer that.she started,there are alots of mouthwatering dishes on the table.

"Is okay Ammiey I can't finish it" she place alot of Basmati fried rice and some peppered chicken.

"No you have finish it all,I cook all of this for you"she poured beetroot and coconut juice in a tumbler and handed it to me

"Thank you" I said shyly and collect it

"Ammiey won't you serve me too,since we came you just forget about me" Aryan said pouting,I found him adorable,like a small boy I let out a small chortle he look up and glare at me,i immediately look down at my plate his gaze feel like a fire.

"Yaya stop whining like a small kid here even i the Auta I didn't complain"

"Tell him oo Hanan, though is all Ammiey she pamper him like a last born"

"Will you keep this your mouths shut or till I shut it down myself"he snap

"Ok enough of all this now,do you want me to feed you in you mouth" Ammiey said filling a
Spoon and taking it toward his mouth asking him to open his mouth.

We all burst in a fit Of guffaw he look like crying.i look at his face and burst up laughing again.he glare at me then his sisters.

"I better get going since I become a laughing matter to you all I will deal with you personally" he said and left the dining.

"I swear Ammiey you pamper him alot he always look like a small child to you" Asma'u said

"Yes Ammiey sometimes I feel jeolous of him instead of me to be pamper he steal that away from me " she sighed

"Sometimes I even think how is he so responsible outside even though he was spoiled but he never act like one,i hope Lilarh can bear with him" Asma point out

"Yesso" Hanan agreed

"Don't worry about that he is in a good hand,I trusted Lilarh for that" Ammiey said and I smile shyly.how can I ?

We finished our lunch and offered our zuhr prayer and started talking about the reason of my visit.

"Aaliyah you should choose the ones you like don't shy around it's all yours so feel free to do so" Ammiey said handing a tab to me which alots of variety of clothes are there for me to choose the one I like for the Kayan lefe , Aryan's aunt was sent to Dubai to buy some of the cloths there, such as laces,Abayas,veils,shoes,bags,and many more.while the Atampa and Ankara and the rest ones are going to buy here.

"No Ammiey you can choose by your self anything you choose I would like it"

"Haven't we talked about that before, it's yours so you have to select those one you likes if you lets me do that for you I will choose the old edition ones to you and don't blame for that" she said sternly.
Is this woman for real any person who take a glimpse of her will get that she really have sense of style,from how she dress to how she talk,walk and eat.i admire her from the very first day they visited wallah

"Ammiey you have a very good sense of style parhaps I will love what you will select for me"

At the end I have to do as she said,from the colors and designs although Asma and Hanan help with that too.

A maid walk in with a tray full of delecaces of snacks and juice.soo mouthwatering and bewitching.

"Weldon ma,this are what you ask for"the maid said

"Thank you Halima you can go"

"Ammiey I am not going choose the ones I like too?"

"No are you the bride"

"But Ammiey you let Asma"

"Asma'u is also getting married"

"But Ammiey both my brother and sisters are getting married so I have to extraordinary look good"

"Extraordinary good, are you the bride" Asma scoff

"No I'm the only bride sister" I laugh at their bicker

"What will I do with you, select the ones you like and send it to your aunt"

"Yayyy" she beamed happily.

We all finished around four in the evening.we chitchat a little before I decided to go back home.

"Let me call Aaryan so he can take you back home" Ammiey said

"No Ammiey I can go by myself don't worry about that"

"No he will take you back home so you can have time to talk about your wedding preparations"
She called him he is out of the house I have to wait for him.

"Thank you so much Ammiey I really enjoyed coming here" I thank Ammiey when I will get going.i really appreciate her hospitality,she give me the ability to choose what I like and give my opinion on how I want my lefe to be.she went as far as selecting the best and high designer brands for me to choose among them,i'm really grateful for her.

"Bye lilarh sai munyi waya don't forget about the designs" Asma'u said hugging me

"In Sha Allah I will send them to you" she ask me to design her clothes for her wedding when she saw the ones I Design for my self so she can send them to her tailor.

I design my clothes myself,like what is the essence of being a fashion designer and can't design my wedding clothes. Nahhhh.even though there are those ones that have been designed by my mother since before she died but still I have to.

"Bye lilarh till we meet again" Hanan said waving at me,I waved back.

We get into the car and zoom off.

"Do you have any plan in mind for the wedding"

"Uhmm Just hennah day,mothers day,yinin biki,and Budan Kai"

"What of dinner"

"No I don't want that"

"Okay fine"

"You should let me know if you want anything"


We halt in front our house I invited him in but he refused.

"Thank you" I said

"Uhmmm" he hum,I hop down and he zoom off.

"So tell us how it went" that is the first things that welcome me the moment I step my foot Room.Amaya,Amira, Zainab and Tasnin are all there.Tasneem Is also my friend, they are our neighbor just a few block between us and she is my highschool friend.its just that we are not that close like I'm to Zainab.


"Goooodddd" they all said at once looking at me.

"Lilarh just explain every bit of it in a clear form "
I narrate all what happened,ah come see gulma.they listen attentively like there is no one in the room except me,no one utter a word.

"Ah what a beautiful beginning may it end beautiful as well"we muttered Aameen

"You know Lilarh you really have a nice in laws"

'May they continue like this'
I prayed.

We talked about the wedding preparations.Anything and everything.we already choose the aseobis and the bridesmaids.so we talked about the makeup artist, photographer and the videographer, decor, etc we talked about everything before Maghreb prayer,we have dinner together, chitchat a little and then retired for the day.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride this two weeks


Assalamualaikum #lovelies
I hope you like this chapter because I really do.

I won't update any time soon because I am writing an exam but the moment I finish I will try and update alot and even edit some chapters,I know there are alots of grammatical  and spelling errors on the previous chapters but I couldn't bring my self back to edit it,in Sha Allah I will.

For that enjoy reading it while munching on you Naman sallah and please pray for me.

Eid Mubarak to all Muslim readers

And get your aseobi ready because the next chapter is going to be the wedding.

Pls vote, comment your thought, share with your love ones.

Much love ❤️👋🏿



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