Modern Day Warships to Anothe...

By Horten141A

37.1K 390 557

(Rewrited Description!) As the war has ended 31 year ago, the world now peace... US began to make a good rela... More

Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Chap 1 - Wait! I'm in Another World!?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 2 (Rewrite I)
Chap 2 - Need to be Saved?... (Rewrite)
Chap 3 - So. There's a flashback, must meet the Queen, then a Tour?... (Rewrite)
Bio's 3 (Rewrite I)
Chap 4 - We got Free Time, But There's a Goddamn Storm! And a Distress Signal!
Chap 5 - Sakura Empire? New Guest? And Spies?...
Bio's 4 (Rewrite I)
Chap 6 - Time to Save Our Spies...
Chap 7 - What a Day...
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Jerry's Arc. Char. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 1 - We Just Arrive, and We got a New Problem
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 2 - Short Word: Just a Tour...
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 3 - Welcome to Iron Blood!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 4 - Test? Not a Problem....... Schwester?!!
Germans/Iron Blood Arc 5 - Maybe we From Different World, But not By the Blood
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 1 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 2 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 3 (Rewrite I)
Rusky Char. Arc. Bio 4 (Rewrite I)
Russian/Northerners Arc 1 - Hello New Worlds...
Russian/Northerners Arc 2 - WELCOME TO THE UNION!!! COMRADES!!!!
Russia/Northerners Arc 3 - Just a Morning Tour
Rusky Arc. Char. Bio 5
Russians/Northerners Arc 4 - A New Friends, and an Attack?!!
New Cover???
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 1
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 2
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 3
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 4
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 5
Chinese Arc. Char. Bio 6
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 1 - We've Arrive!!
Battle of Midway Anniversary
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 2 - Welcome to Our Base!...
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - Repairment? And Getting Upgradation! Even Refit!!!
Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - The Base is Under Attack!!!...
Dragonians New Upgrade and Refit
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 1
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 2
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 3
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 4
Baguettes Arc. Char. Bio 5
French/Orthodoxies Arc 1 - Bonjour, New World!...
Anniversary of United State of America Vlog!!!...
Battle of Britain Anniversary!!!...
New Book???? Already??????

D-Day/Normandy Landing Anniversary

138 2 8
By Horten141A

Me: "Hello!!! Today we celebrate the 78th Anniversary of D-Day landing!!!"

Mill: "That's right! We now will headed to the Normandy, now!"

Amelia: "Yep! Now we began to package our things now!!"

*From back*
Jackson: "Hey! Amelia! Where this this will be put!!"

*Walk to Jackson*
Amelia: "Oh! Put it there!"

*Just Arrive*
Karl: "Hey! I already order a place in the Normandy!"

Me: "Where?"

Karl: "At Omaha Beach."

Mill: "Omaha? That's great!! Beside, the Omaha beach is the first beach to be landed on D-Day!"

*Just Arrive*
Andrei: "Comrade! I already call our driver to bring our things to French!"

*Just Arrive and standing on side of Andrei*
Tokha: "And I already get a tickets to the French!"

Me: "Great!!!"

*Just Arrive*
Amelia: "Hey! I just get from US, UK, Canada. Even the French government! They said, they will bring the Vet's of D-Day to Normandy!"

Jackson: "They said, they too will bring some navy, marines, army, and air forces officers to attend the ceremony!"

Me: "Okay!! Every things has been set! We now need to go to French now! Let's go!!!"

All: "YEAAAHHHH!!!!!!"


6th June, 2022

In memory of the soldiers who fought in Normandy

We gather to remembered them

The hero who liberate the French and Europe







Friends and Foes

They who fought and die in the Normandy soil

With death toll:

4,414 Confirmed Death of Allies Soldiers

Estimate 1,000 Death of German Soldiers

And Estimate 3,000 Death of Local Civilians

Those who die in there

Let them Rest in Peace

To the Soldiers and Civilians who survive

Let them enjoy their life in peace and their family lives

Thank you to all men and women who fought in the War

To them who struggle till death to defend their nation, friends, and family

You deserve to earn title:

Hero of War

The D-Day Landing or Normandy Landing were the first step of Allies to retake the Europe

The day where the history will wrote

"We'll start the war from right here."

-Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt .Jr-

"If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt, it is mine alone."

-General Dwight Eisenhower-

"Hitler made only one big mistake when he built his Atlantic Wall. He forgot to put a roof on it."

-World War II U.S. paratrooper aphorism-

"They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate."

- President Franklin D. Roosevelt-

"So much of the progress that would define the 20th century, on both sides of the Atlantic, came down to the battle for a slice of beach only six miles long and two miles wide."

-President Barak Obama-

"The waiting for history to be made was the most difficult. I spent much time in prayer. Being cooped up made it worse. Like everyone else, I was seasick and the stench of vomit permeated our craft."

-Private Clair Galdonik-

"They're murdering us here. Let's move inland and get murdered."

--Colonel Charles D. Canham-

"I don't feel that I'm any kind of hero. To me, the work had to be done. I was asked to do it. So, I did. When I lecture kids, I tell them the same thing."

-Private First Class Joe Lesniewski​-

"You get your ass on the beach. I'll be there waiting for you and I'll tell you what to do. There ain't anything in this plan that is going to go right."

-Colonel Paul R. Goode-

"At the core, the American citizen soldiers knew the difference between right and wrong, and they didn't want to live in a world in which wrong prevailed. So, they fought, and won, and we, all of us, living and yet to be born, must be forever profoundly grateful."

-Author Stephen Ambrose-

"Today, when people thank me for my service, I figure three years of my time is a cheap price to pay for this country. Nobody owes me a thing."

-Lieutenant Buck Compton-

"The first time I saw a poster wanting men to sign up to be paratroopers and heard how hard it would be to make it in, I knew that was for me. I wanted an elite group of soldiers around me."

-Staff Sergeant Frank Soboleski-

"There is one great thing that you men will all be able to say after this war is over and you are home once again. ... When you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great World War II ... you can look him straight in the eye and say, 'Son, your granddaddy rode with the Great Third Army and a son-of-a-goddamned-bitch named Georgie Patton!' "

-General George S. Patton-

"I'm very disappointed, and I hate leaving the world feeling this way."

-Private Jack Port-

"It was a different world then. It was a world that required young men like myself to be prepared to die for a civilization that was worth living in."

-Harry Read-

"I cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me the other day when he said, 'Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?' Grandpa said, 'No, but I served in a company of heroes.'"

-Major Richard Winters-

"All I could see was water, miles and miles of water. But this was D-Day and nobody went back to England and a lot of infantry riding in open barges seasick to the low-tide beaches were depending on us to draw the Germans off the causeways and gun batteries, and so, as Porter hurled himself against me, I grabbed both sides of the door and threw myself at the water."

-Private David Kenyon Webster-

The Survivor will reveal the Truth

And the History wrote Itself

78th Anniversary of D-Day/Normandy Landings


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