
By 1-800-suck-my-P

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When a guy is forced into finding the next heir to his mafia by his dad, he impregnates a random girl he met... More



307 8 34
By 1-800-suck-my-P

It was around three days after "Wonderdick" —as Lori would've called it— and I try not to think of him but the way he fucked me was... alright, Alana. Focus. You have an essay to get started on.

Though, I can't focus. Not with the thought of him still vivid in my imagination. You know what? I need Lori. It's final when I call her seconds after the thought and she picks up immediately. "Were you hoping I was one of your booty calls?"

She snorted into the phone and replied. "Obviously, life isn't the same when you're writing an essay instead of being torn apart." Then she sighs. "How are you, AJ?"

"Not that nickname again. I thought we got rid of it five years ago." I'm cringing on the outside but I can't lie when I say— "Shut up. You missed it." Yup. She's right. "Sure. Whatever, LJ."

"Why are you calling?" But she knows why I'm calling. I can't focus on my essay because of certain people swarming my thoughts all day. "Is it Wonderdick again?"


She's quiet for a moment then gasps. "You know that girl who sucked Paterson Hacker's dick last semester?" I nod even thought she can't see me but she takes my silence as an answer. "She's hosting a fundraiser and it's today."


"Can we go? Please." She begs. I think about it for a moment. It'll help me refresh my mind so I could write the essay due Friday. I normally finish things like this the day it's assigned, I'm serious about my work. Right now I'm stooping to Lori level seriousness. I can't even remember the topic of the essay.

"Okay." I reluctantly continue, still not completely sure. "I'll go with you."

She's screaming into the mic and I instantly regret my decision. Hopefully it's worth it. Auntie Ariana yells at Lori to stop screaming and I chuckle. "Sorry, Ma!"

"When and where?" I ask. Her response takes a couple minutes and I hear typing from her side. "Uhhh... I'm waiting for Ethan to reply. You know, the kid who cried outside the men's washroom because the women kicked him out?"

"Of course I know who Ethan is. He's the closest thing we have to a friend." Ethan is transgender and his passion in life is equality. He wanted people to respect everyone no matter their race, sexuality, or beliefs. He's also very skilled in singing and enjoys writing songs. It's not the mainstream shit that you see on TikTok but it's poetry. I love his songs if I'm being honest.

Also, Ethan has an amazing sense of humour. We make fun of him for becoming a man and choosing "Ethan" as his name. Seriously, Ethan is literally an ass name. He could've chosen... Angelo. Not because I fucked an Angelo but because Angelo's tend to have massive eggplants and are really good in bed and could have an amazing personality if you took the time to find out. Maybe even cash lying around since he owns a club— right? Because all Angelo's own clubs. Not just one in particular.

Gosh, what's going on with me

"Oh!" Lori beams and I realize I'm still on a call with her. She goes on to tell me the address and details of the fundraiser. It's a fair to raise money for cancer patients who don't have enough for chemo. The girl who gave Patterson head is also very serious about med-school and helping people.

"Alright, LJ. I'll talk to you when you're on your way." I say once we're done our conversation. "Alright, AJ. I love you." She gives me a loud smooch and I return it. "I love you too."

We hang up and I find some motivation in me to start writing the essay on financial aid. Suddenly, I'd remembered the topic. Angelo didn't cross my mind once while writing and for the first time in three days, I felt like I was finally getting over the mind-blowing sexy time.

Now that the essay is done and I'm dressed up in a tight black mini dress, I wait for Lori to come and pick me up. She's late a lot but shouldn't take any longer because she called five minutes ago saying, "according to google maps, I think I'm seven minutes away— also, don't ask why I'm using google maps. I wanted to give you the exact time and I'm not good with estimations."

Says the girl who won a $25 gift card in fifth grade for guessing how much candy was in a jar and getting the exact number after staring at the jar for a total of two seconds. If not. Less.

Anyways, right on cue, the door bell rings and I'm positive it's Lori. I rush downstairs and yell goodbye to the family so they know I'm leaving. Opening the door, I'm greeted by none other than Lori Mari Johnson.

"Hey, Lor." I kiss her cheek and jog to the car. After we're both in and buckled up, she begins to drive. "I finished the essay, luckily, and I got you-know-who out of my head, finally."

"That's great, obviously, and I'm saddened by it, literally." She copies my previous sentence and I roll my eyes. "Why are you saddened." I sigh. "Well, Wonderdick is the first time you had sexy time and it must've been good because you couldn't get him out of your head and it was nice seeing you not so focussed on school for once."

I hum and pull out my phone. I connect it to the car and start playing music. We recently started listening to Brent Faiyaz and let me tell you... he is getting me pregnant.

Rehab (Winter in Paris) literally my favorite thing to ever get to my ears. Don't get me started on Gravity with Tyler. Babe. I'm obsessed.

R&B has my soul

Our souls. Lori and me. Me and Lori. Us and Brent. Brent and us.

Anyway, we've arrived at the fair after a very long drive and now Lori is dragging me to the booth to get tickets. She's excited. I'm tired. After we have our tickets she looks to me and drops my wrist. "Where should we go first?"

"Umm." I look around. "What about.. that." I point to the spinning cups and Lori runs with me to them... actually she grinned at them then proceeded to grab my wrist— again— and drag me there.

The majority of the night went on like that until we decided to get some food. Me? still tired. Lori? Too fucking energized. "Stop being a Debby Downer and lets go get food." I brighten up at the mention of food and she rolls her eyes at me. "That's all you had to say, Lori."

Now I grab her wrist and lead her to the burger stand. Lori cringes and goes to the taco stand. I chuckle because if you've known Lori for a while, you'll find out how much she despises burgers. I shake my head at the look she gives me after we've both ordered our food. We're waiting for it to finish being made.

"Lori, why burgers? They're amazing. Trust me." I smile at Lori who looks like she's about to puke after one glance at the burger stand. "Burgers taste like grandma pussy."

"Who knows. Grandma pussy could be good." I shrug. She slowly turns her head at my direction and gives me a look that says, "you have to be joking."

I nudge her shoulder when they tell me my order is done. "I'll give you a bite and you could tell me if it's a grandma who doesn't take care of her pussy or a grandma that could've been a porn-star."

She reluctantly grabs my burger and takes a bite, chewing slowly. "It's definitely a grandma who had funky discharge growing up and had no bitches and also, doesn't take care of her puss." She then rushes to the nearest garbage and spits out the remaining burger that was swimming around her mouth.

I take a bite and furrow my eyes. She's dumb because this is for sure a porn-star grandma material burger.

There's a donating stand to give extra money for the fundraiser. I'm not the richest person but the monthly allowance from uncle Carter is really helping. After Lori gets her taco, we both go to donate some cash. All the money spent at the fair today is going to the fundraiser. I'm happy to be doing my part.

Lori gasps after swallowing a bit of her taco. "Photo booth!" She points at it and I grin as we both run to it. Nobody holding anyone's wrist this time.

We pay and place our big booties inside the small booth. "Okay, first. Silly." I go cross-eyed and stick a tongue out. Lori takes a bite of her taco with a string of lettuce sticking out then she makes a kissy face with one eye closed and brings out her index and pinky finger.

The thing comes with four photos so for our second one I swing an arm around her shoulder and smile at her. Lori isn't facing me though. Instead, she looks at the camera and laughs when a little ketchup falls on my t-shirt.

For the third photo, we choose to be serious. I'm taking a bite of my huge burger and Lori drops her taco right before the photo is taken... can't wait to see that one.

For the fourth, I have to force Lori to get over her taco. "Okay Lori, just hug me or something." She does. She drags my whole body into the corner of the booth with this hug and we're both snickering.

"Lori!" I scream. "I said hug me not kill me!"

Then I look around for my burger after realizing it isn't in my hand anymore. I see it on the floor, right next to Lori's taco. Great. "Aww, you made me drop the porn-star grandma material burger." She folds her arms. "We agreed it was funky discharge and untaken-care-of pussy."

I shake my head with a small smile and order two copies, stepping out of the booth. She follows after me and once our copies are done, I look at Lori to see her focussed on something to our left. When I look there, I see some sexy mother fucker.

"I'm going to go fuck him, bye!" She passes me her keys and I snort. Last time this happened, I met a certain someone with a name that begins with A.

But we're not thinking of him tonight.

Instead, I head to the Ferris wheel to look at the view from up there. I have to wait in line though so I go on my phone and scroll through notifications. Some involve school, others don't.

One is about a girl I'm doing a project with, her name is Camila Diaz. She emailed me for my phone number about an hour ago so we could discuss our small project. The project is about co-owners and business and shit.

I email her my number then look up to see I've made it to the front of the line and people were just getting off the Ferris wheel. I realize that two people have to be on a seat and look to my left to see a tall guy with pursed lips. "Hi." I wave.

We walk up the platform and sit next to each other. He smiles. "Hello." Then he sighs. "I've never been on a Ferris wheel and I'm afraid of heights. My friends dared me to do it."

"Okay then hold on to my hand and it'll pass by." Then I observe him for a moment. "Do I know you?" I ask and he blushes before nodding. "We we're partnered up last semester for a project. Bryson Polar."

"Oh. You look different." I wasn't joking. His height hadn't changed but he didn't have braces anymore and his acne had vanished. Last semester he was an ugly nerd with no style and now he's... fine. So fucking fine. "Alana Johnson."

"I know who you are." He chuckles. "Oh." Well no shit, Lana. You didn't have an extreme glow-up since the last time you saw him. "Right."

He was fine as fuck but still didn't reach Angelo's standards. Big dick? Not sure. Muscular as fuck? Again, not sure. Dimples? No. Height? Not even close to his. Also, Bryson Polar is a rich white kid. Angelo— whatever his last name is— is a rich mixed man. He looks black and Italian. Just like Lori, Marcus, and Aiden.

But it wouldn't hurt to have some fun with Polar... just for tonight.

He grips onto my hand and we start moving on the Ferris wheel. His eyes are practically glued shut but I won't tolerate him missing this gorgeous view. I lean up, a lot, just to reach his ear and whisper, "You have to see this. Open your eyes Polar." And he does.

He inhales. Deeply. And I think it's because of how high we are or maybe how close I am to him.

Men and their horny-ness

After the Ferris wheel, we went to a bunch of rides until Bryson said he needed to use the washroom. Though, that was thirty minutes ago and I don't want to walk into the washroom to find his big or small shalong pissing into a urnal.

Maybe he's one of those guys who take an hour or so to dump their stuff.

Whatever, I'm bored now. Maybe Lori's having a fun time with that potential model.


I was dancing with the family— as we normally do in our free time— and I tried not to think about Alana but she's all that's been on my mind lately.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that. While I'm signing contracts I'd find myself accidentally writing her name instead of mine. Thank God for backups. Not to mention, my dick stopped working. The girls I used to see and want to fuck don't get me going anymore. But when the slightest thought of Alana and that night and— yup. Hard as a rock now.

Fuck. This needs to stop.

The song ends and Mariah gets up to grab us all some bottles of water. Dom was staring... glaring. He was glaring at his phone over something I don't know. Romano on the other hand was stupidly smiling at his. Probably Viola. Mom was grinning at Adriana. Adriana flipping me off. I was—

Wait. What.

Adriana was flipping me off?

I furrow my eyebrows at her then try to figure out what it is. We were all in the ballroom and dad had just passed a video of something to Adriana on his phone and now she was flipping me off. Mom obviously knows what it is. I'm not sure if I want to know. The subject is unclear.

I decide to ignore it and take a restroom break. I need to tend to my dick before I get blue balls.

After I'm done with the restroom, I run into Matteo. "Angelo, I was just looking for you." He grins. "I have information on that girl you might've gotten pregnant. She's going to the fair today and since their are threats who might know about her, we have to go to make sure she's safe."

I nod. "Okay, get Vince, Carlo, and Alessandro. I'll tell commander Emiliano to put together a crew and set up snipers." He gives me a thumbs up and walks past me. I go back to the ballroom to tell the family about my departure.

After we got back from Italy a while ago, we all decided we needed new scenery and moved to New York. That's how I met Alana. My dad's old underboss is taking care of things back in Italy until we move back because we don't plan on staying here forever.

Now all five of us are sat in the car discussing plans. "Okay, don't get too close to her and make sure to not get distracted." Then I give a pointed stare at Alessandro.

On a mission once he got distracted because a child was running across the street and he didn't want the child to get run over by a car so he left his position and "saved"— I use that term loosely— the child from being run over. The kid told his mom and the mom filled a police report on him.

Since Alessandro left his position, the mission failed and we lost a bunch of men... now that I think about it, why was a child running in an abandoned neighbourhood?

"It was one time and—" Alessandro gets cut off by Carlo when he sees a kid drawing chalk on a side walk in the distance. "Pull over and kidnap him, that child is adorable. I'll pay good money for it."

Vince face palms. "Carlo."

"What?" Carlo furrows his eyebrows confused and Alessandro snorts. "The kid will probably be seen getting kidnapped and we might have connections but something like that could go public and ruin the De Santis emp—"

"Alessandro?" I sigh. He looks at me from the back seat. "Shut up."

Matteo snorts and agrees. "Please do."

"You guys suck." Alessandro huffs and shifts in the back seat. Vince is to the right of him while Matteo sits on the left. "Why can't you get bigger seats." Matteo complains.

Carlo takes a glance at them squished in the back and replies. "They don't make bigger seats." Vince rolls his eyes. "You're telling me with all this money lying around, you can't get custom-made cars?"

"Why don't we just buy a seven-seat?" Alessandro suggests. "You'll be in the very back, thanks for volunteering." Carlo chuckles at Vince's comment and Alessandro folds his arms on his chest. "I'm just as big as all of you."

"Yeah, and it's annoying." Matteo nudges him. Then his eyes widen with a bright idea. "Why don't we just put him in the trunk?"

Vince grins at the idea. "Should've thought of it sooner."

Together, they throw Alessandro into the back and he lets out a groan feeling pain. It was a pretty loud thud so I know it hurt. "You've been shunned." Matt states and Vince and him high five at their accomplishment.

I roll my eyes and turn onto the street the fair is being held at. After parking, we all jump out of the car and buy tickets. I've been to a fair once in my life, I was around six years old. CJ— the underboss at the time— took me and two other girls there. It was fun but I'm older now and have no reason for being at a fair unless it's for something important. Like Alana.

After some walking around the park, we spot Alana with some guy at the top of a Ferris wheel. At first I wasn't sure it was her but then I looked more into her features. The same features I can't get out of my mind.

"Why are you looking at him like you want to gauge his eyes out?" Alessandro looks back and forth between me and him.

"Let's torture him." I tell them while glaring holes into the guys head.

We waited until the guy drifted off and went to the restrooms when we decided to attack.

He was covered in blood, pierced from our knives, and on the verge of passing out. I'd say we did good. "Alright, let's leave him here." I said while grinning at our work. I could be a little psychotic at times but who cares.


Chapter four? Complete.

I have just finished chapter 21

Wasteland dropped but I put my thoughts and everything in chap 21

PS: loved it



How are y'all my lovelies?

Have a juicy day/night 😘

Word count: 3349


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