One True Liv (Liv Morgan x OC)

By alexrelatado

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Luke Ardiente, one of the biggest names in the Asian sports world signs with WWE and is a part of the SmackDo... More

OC Introduction
Chapter 1: Lone
Chapter 2: A Perfect Team?
Chapter 3: Opening Ardiente Origins
Chapter 4: Closer Than Ever
Chapter 5: Time Together
Chapter 6: An Opportunity
Chapter 7: Cute and Drunk
Chapter 8: Dr. Luke
Chapter 9: Buying a New House
Chapter 10: The Power of Ardiente
Chapter 11: The Rebellious Nomad
Chapter 12: Game Date
Chapter 13: Tall Task
Chapter 14: Fight Against Burial
Chapter 15: News and Farm
Chapter 16: Rise of the Brotherhood
Chapter 17: The Fight Continues
Chapter 18: Chaos Binding Contracts
Chapter 19: Backlash Screwjobs
Chapter 20: Hostile Show
Chapter 21: Cross Hairs
Chapter 22: Old Family Calls
Chapter 23: Surprise NXT Appearance
Chapter 24: Motive
Chapter 25: Spider-Man Movie Date
Chapter 26: Super Polymerization
Chapter 27: Homecoming Part 1
Chapter 28: Homecoming Part 2
Chapter 29: Rebellious Tour: NJPW
Chapter 30: All Elite Rebellious Tour
Chapter 31: Return of the Nomad
Chapter 32: Security Breach
Chapter 33: Hot Farm Shower
Chapter 34: Surprise Visitors
Chapter 35: Liv Tries Jollibee
Chapter 36: Nomad's Bushido
Chapter 37: Major League Rebel Tour
Chapter 38: One More For The Good Guy
Chapter 39: One Last Stop
Chapter 40: Multiverse Alliance
Chapter 41: TLC Part 1 - Unleash
Chapter 42: TLC Part 2 - Redemption
Chapter 43: TLC Part 3 - Corporate Beatdown
Chapter 44: Aftermath Night Off Celebration
Chapter 45: Proposal with Help
Chapter 46: Entertaining the Masses
Chapter 48: Philippine Adventure Part 2: Poblacion Homecoming
Chapter 49: A Wedding to Liv for

Chapter 47: Philippine Adventure Part 1: Luke Meets Ivana

625 13 27
By alexrelatado

Luke's TLC win has also reached his native home of Baguio City, and his parents want him to visit and talk about the match; Luke has already ordered two direct flight tickets in advance.

However, Liv had a surprise for her soon-to-be husband; recalling from last night, she mentioned Filipina YouTuber, actress and model Ivana Alawi. She managed to DM her through Instagram to arrange a surprise hangout for a video on Ivana's channel.

Over at the Philippines, Ivana looked through her Instagram account and saw Liv's message to her. The actress was star struck that the WWE Superstar has DM'ed her.

Ivana: si Liv Morgan to! Siya talaga! (It's Liv Morgan! It's really her!)

The blue verified check mark confirmed her statement and she clicked Liv's message and read it.

yaonlylivvonce ☑: hey Ivana! It's WWE Superstar Liv Morgan, I watched some of your YouTube videos, especially your Morning Routine and your Car Washing videos 😏 my fiancé and also WWE Superstar Luke Ardiente has a bit of a crush on you 😏 , so I want to ask and request if we can hang out with you for a video on your channel.

Ivana was already excited and she already had an idea for her next video. She responded to Liv's message.

ivanaalawi ☑: oh hey Liv! I would love to do a video with you and Luke; you two can come over to my house in Manila whenever you two are in town. And tell Luke that I'm looking forward to see him 😘

Liv smiled as she got a response back from Ivana.

yaonlylivvonce: great, we're leaving the U.S. to the Philippines in a few minutes, see you soon! 😁

Liv smirked and was ready to execute her plan and surprise for her love.

(A few minutes later)

Luke and Liv got their suitcases and are ready for another vacation at the Nomad's native country.

Luke: it's a long drive, Livvy

Liv: let's go!

The two put their suitcases in the car's trunk and drove to the airport.

(An hour later)

The couple got their tickets scanned and boarded the plane and can only sit and relax for the long direct flight to Manila.

A couple hours in, the two pass the time by watching whatever movies was available on the flight and eating some food.

(18 hours later)

The plane has touched down on Filipino soil, and Luke gently nudge Liv's shoulder.

Luke: babe... we're here

Liv: hmm?

Liv yawned and stretched her arms as she slowly woke up.

Liv: we're here?

Luke: yeah

The couple and the other passengers waited the orders from the pilot and the plane properly parked in front of the gateway. The orders came and the two left the plane with their baggage in tow; the couple walked through the crowded Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

With the jetlag taking over, the two rented a car and drove to the nearest hotel to catch up on some sleep from the long trip. 

The two reached the hotel, checked in and as they went to their room, they immediately collapsed on the bed and slept until tomorrow.

(The next day)

The couple woke up and felt all refreshed. Luke woke up and made coffee for the two of them. A minute later, Liv woke up and stretched.

Liv: mmhh, morning Lukey

Luke: I made you a cup of coffee

Liv: aww thank you

Liv got up and drank her coffee. She also checked her phone to see that Ivana has texted her house address.

Liv: Lukey, when are we gonna go to Baguio to see your parents?

Luke: this Friday, they know and understand that we needed to rest from the long flight. Why? You have thought of any plans?

Liv: well first, I want some lumpia, fishie balls and kwek kwek

Luke chuckled and smiled.

Luke: fishie balls...

Liv: yeah!

Luke: alright, anything else?

Liv: and let's drive around the city and stop at this location, let me send the address to you

Luke: alright

Liv sent Ivana's address to Luke's phone. The Nomad was curious of the location.

Luke: first time I've seen this address, but okay

Liv: yay!

Luke: alright, let's go buy some street food

The two left the hotel and walked around to find some street vendors selling food. After some walking around, they found a vendor selling all the foods they wanted: lumpia, kwek kwek and fish balls. Liv got her big plastic Ziploc bag and put like 5 cups of lumpia, kwek kwek and fish balls, making Luke chuckle.

Liv: I love these, they're so good!

Luke: oh you

Liv giggled as she ate her big bag of Filipino staple snacks.

Liv: let's go to that location, Lukey. I promise it will be fun

Luke: I trust you babe, let's go for a drive

The two got in their rental car and drove to the location within the Philippine capital. As they drove, Liv texted Ivana telling her that they're on their way to her house.

Ivana replied and said that she is excited and told Liv that the video for her channel will be a mukbang or an eat and talk show. Then Liv responded saying she is excited to try out more Filipino food.

The Nomad drove around until Liv spotted a house.

Liv: there Lukey, park in front of that big mansion

Luke: are you sure babe? This is private property

Liv: trust me Lukey, this is the right place

Luke and Liv got out of the car and admired the mansion in front of them. The Jersey native signaled and texted Ivana on her phone.

yaonlylivvonce: we're here 🤭

Ivana then replied.

ivanaalawi: I'll be right there 🤭

Liv put her phone away and giggled quietly.

Luke: I wonder who owns this house

Liv: let's go knock on the door and introduce ourselves

Luke: alright

The couple went to the door and knocked; after a few seconds, the door opened and right in front of the couple is Ivana Alawi herself. Liv smiled while Luke's eyes widen and his mouth hung open at the presence of the Filipina vlogger, actress and model.

Ivana: hello po; you must be Liv Morgan, right?

Liv: that's me, and you're Ivana!

Ivana: yes, nice to meet you two

Liv smiled and giggled as she saw Luke frozen in position.

Liv: Ivana, this is my fiancé Luke Ardiente, he has a bit of a crush on you

Liv smirked while Luke's eyes widen and blushed as his future wife teased him.

Luke: L-Liv, I-I mean- uhh...

Liv: oh don't deny it, Lukey

She giggled while Ivana smiled.

Ivana: ang cute siya (he's so cute)

Luke: u-uh... s-salamat (t-thank you)

Ivana: come on in guys, we're about to shoot a video for my channel

Luke: w-what video?

Ivana continued to tease Luke while she smirked.

Ivana: it's not a car wash video or my morning routine...

Luke gasped and blushed while he pulled his collar as Liv giggled and took some candid shots of her lover on her phone.

Ivana:'s a mukbang video!

Ivana led the two WWE Superstars to the dining room of her mansion where it showed a table full of local Filipino food such as bulalo, a beef shank and vegetable soup, which is Ivana's favorite dish, lumpia, chopped tomatoes with boiled eggs, garlic rice, red hotdogs, barbecue chicken sticks and tortang talong or eggplant omelet.



Tomato Salad

Garlic Rice

Red Hot Dog

Barbeque Chicken Sticks

Tortang Talong (Eggplant Omelet)

Liv: wow, they all look so good and delicious!

Luke: oh I am back home, I miss eating these foods

Ivana: well take a seat guys, I'll get the camera ready

The couple took their seats, and Liv noticed something.

Liv: no spoons or forks, babe?

Luke: ah, Liv, it's time for you to experience the way we eat; we don't use any silverware, we use our hands

Liv: oooh, that sounds exciting

Ivana: ready guys?

Liv: we're ready

The camera rolled and Ivana went to do her introduction.

Ivana: hi guys, and welcome back to my channel; ang bagong (new) video today is classic Filipino staple food mukbang, and with me today are two special guests, WWE wrestlers Liv Morgan and Luke Ardiente!

Liv and Luke smiled and waved to the camera.

Liv: hi y'all!

Ivana: and as you can see we have our classic Filipino food: bulalo, lumpia, garlic rice, tomatoes and boiled eggs and much more. We'll talk with our guests while we eat

The model took her seat beside Luke, and the Nomad was feeling hot as he was in between two hot and sexy girls.

Liv took a piece of lumpia and ate it.

Ivana: so Liv, I want to ask; since you're a WWE Superstar, what's the most challenging part of the job?

Liv ate a hotdog and some garlic rice as she answered.

Liv: the hardest is the travel, we work nearly around the calendar 

Luke: 300 days for a year, only off on Christmas and New Year

Ivana: wow, parang mahirap yan (that sounds hard)

Luke: pero (but) we have a good boss that allows us to have some vacation leave whenever we want or whenever if we're not needed

Liv: that's right; mmhh, this is good rice

Ivana: ang sarap yan, it's with garlic. Oh sorry Liv, can you understand Tagalog a bit?

Liv: well I'm learning small words and sentences from my wonderful fiancée 

Luke smirked and blushed.

Luke: ako yan! (that's me!)

Liv: ikaw (you) babe

The three continued to eat and talk about their careers as they got to the main course, the bulalo.

Ivana: Liv, let me show you how I eat bulalo

Liv: ooh how?

Ivana seductively looked into Luke's eyes as she took a spoon and got some soup and slurped it, making a sound; making the Nomad gasp, blush and pull his shirt.

Luke: bakit biglang uminit? (why did it get so hot all of a sudden?)

Liv: ooh, let me try that trick

Liv smirked and took a spoon to get some soup and slurped it the same way Ivana did, making Luke blush even more.

Luke: saan ang banyo? (where's the bathroom?)

Liv: you're so cute when we make you fluster, Lukey

Ivana: nickname mo?

Luke: oo (yes), I have for Liv too; I call her Livvy

Ivana: ang cute nyong dalawa (aww, you two are so cute)

The three went to eat the bulalo.

Luke: the meat will be chewy, Liv. Be careful not to bite too hard

Liv: I will, and I want to try out this corn and... what vegetable is this, Ivana?

Ivana: oh, we call it pechay or Chinese cabbage

Luke: the pechay is good, Livvy

Liv: I'm gonna try it

The three had bowls of bulalo and they proceeded to eat. Liv got her corn and ate it all over.

Ivana: gusto niya ang bulalo, Luke (she likes the bulalo, Luke)

Luke: oo, I have something to cook now

(Minutes later)

The food was finished and Ivana wrapped up the video.

Ivana: alright guys, that's all for our mukbang today, thank you to Liv and Luke for joining me today. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe! Thank you!

She cut the camera.

Ivana: that's it, thank you guys

Liv: thank you for having us, Ivana. But you may need a good thumbnail for the video

She smirked, and Ivana knew what the idea of the thumbnail is.

Ivana: okay, I gave my cameraman my phone. Okay Luke, you stand here between us

Luke: okay

Ivana: now Liv, we kiss him

Luke: ano? (blushes)

The cameraman took a picture of Liv and Ivana giving Luke a kiss on both of his cheeks, making the Nomad blush heavily as he got kisses from both his fiancé and his celebrity crush.

Ivana checked the picture and smiled.

Ivana: yan ang thumbnail (that's the thumbnail)

Liv giggled and saw her flustering and blushing Luke and hugged him to calm him down. She then whispered something to Ivana and nodded at her; signaling permission from the Jersey native herself.

Ivana: thank you guys again for coming, that was really fun

Ivana hugged Liv and then smirked at each other as they nod. Then Ivana put her hands on Luke's cheek and gently pull him in for a friendly soft kiss on his lips.

Luke blushed heavily while Liv giggled and took pictures of the two.

Liv: enjoy the moment, Lukey

Ivana: so cute

She smiled and hugged Luke, giving Liv another photo shot.

Then the two said their goodbyes and drove off from Ivana's house and back to their hotel.

Liv: how was it hanging out with your future wifey and your celebrity crush

Luke: a day I will never forget; even though I have a crush on Ivana, you are still number one in my heart

Liv: aww, I love you so much Lukey

Luke: I love you too babe

The couple drove back their hotel and took a long rest as they're looking forward to visit Luke's parents at Baguio.

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