Chapter 3: Opening Ardiente Origins

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(Next morning)

Luke woke up the next day feeling all refreshed; he got up and walked to the bed seeing Liv sleeping peacefully. He couldn't help but slightly smile at the adorable sight.

Luke: Liv is so cute when she's asleep

The Problem Child turned and she slowly started to wake up. She opened her eyes and saw Luke looking down at her; she gave a cute smile.

Liv: good morning, Lukey

Luke: I told you not to call me that

Liv: come on, it's cute

Luke: whatever, you want something to eat?

Liv's eyes widen and she immediately popped up, surprising Luke and she began to playfully bounce on the bed. The Nomad looked on with a smirk on his face.

Liv: I want a corned beef omelet

Luke: okay, a corn beef omelet it is

Liv: thank you so much, Lukey!

He nodded and went to the kitchen, as he turned around facing away from Liv, Luke had a small smile across his face. The Nomad started to cook the omelet while Liv waited on the couch and was on her phone as she receive text messages in the group chat from Bayley and Carmella.

Bayley: Liv, where were you?!

Carmella: Livvy, text us when you can!

The messages made Liv giggle; she then responded to both of them.

Liv: guys, I'm fine; I stayed at Luke's place last night

She sent the message to the girls and she looked at Luke who was cooking. She admired his toned body and muscular arms while her cheeks flushed red.

Liv's mind: Luke is so sweet, but I want to know why he's mean

She snapped out of her thought as the aroma of the omelet reached her nose.

Liv: oh my god, it smells so good!

Luke: take it easy Liv, it's almost done cooking

Liv: I can't wait, I'm so hungry!

Luke: and cute too

Liv: what was that, Luke?

Luke: uh nothing, here the omelet is done

He set two plates of the corned beef omelet for him and Liv. They sat down at the table and ate.

Luke: dig in

Liv: oh I will!

They began to eat and Liv was really enjoying her omelet; Luke watched Liv gobble down her omelet and he couldn't help but smile and giggle. Liv saw this and blushed a bit.

Liv: what's so funny, Lukey?

Luke: you, the way you eat though

Liv: I can't help it, especially if the food is so delicious!

Luke: slow down or you're gonna get a stomach ache

Liv stopped eating and she looked at Luke while she blushed lightly.

Liv: aww, are you concerned for me and my health?

She teased. Luke pulled the hem of his shirt while he cleared his throat.

Luke: no, I mean uh, I just don't you to get sick

Liv's cheeks started to flush a darker shade of red. Then they finished eating; Luke washed the dishes while Liv went to the couch and occupied herself with her phone.

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