Chapter 29: Rebellious Tour: NJPW

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(A week later)

It was now back to work for Luke and Liv, the two left Baguio for Manila and got on two separate flights as the Nomad continues to provoke Vince and company by showing up at outside companies, as for Liv she is holding down the fort back home as she is booked for SmackDown.

(With Liv)

Liv was at catering and sat down to eat with Cesaro.

Cesaro: hey Liv, where's Luke?

Liv: oh Luke is on a rebellious tour

Cesaro: a rebellious tour?

Liv: he is making appearances outside of WWE to piss off Vince

Cesaro smirked.

Cesaro: I saw you two's appearance on that Philippine Wrestling Revolution

Liv: that is just part one of Luke's tour

Cesaro: what's part two?

Liv: well he is in Japan now

Cesaro: oohh, I guess we'll see if he is livestreaming via satellite

Liv: yeah, so do we have anything tonight?

Cesaro: well, the two of us are going to the ring because Vince, Laurinaitis and Prichard have a plan

Liv: well we can count on each other

Cesaro: yes

The two solidified their alliance with a fist bump.

(Meanwhile with Luke)

The coldhearted, rebellious Nomad was driving around Tokyo until he drove up the Tokyo Dome where New Japan is holding a live event. The Nomad hopes to confront the likes of Kazuchika Okada, Jay White, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Will Ospreay or the one guy who is on his list, Minoru Suzuki.

Luke got through security checkpoint and entered the Dome with his Intercontinental title on his shoulders. The NJPW young lions led Luke to the backstage interview area with the background showing the New Japan logo with their sponsors. The camera was set and connected to a computer so WWE can see it too.

(Back with Liv)

The show started and the three headed corporate dragon made their entrance while the live audience booed them. They got in the ring and Vince got on the mic.

Vince: alright alright alright, all of you people shut up so we can get to business

The people still kept on with the boos.

Vince: we are here to announce a blockbuster main event, but first I want to have a civil conversation with my TLC opponent Luke Ardiente, so Luke please get out here now

Luke's theme played, but there was no sign of the Intercontinental Champion, making Vince and his executive allies confused. The music stopped playing and Vince was starting to get irritated. The Chairman of the Board tried again.

Vince: Luke, get out here now and don't disrespect me

The Nomad's theme played again, but again there was no sign until Vince heard Luke's voice.

Luke: hey Vince! Vince up here!

McMahon was shocked to see Luke on the Titantron, but he was more shocked to see the background behind him.

Luke: you may wonder where I am, and you can tell because of your look on your face. That's right Vince, I'm here in Tokyo on New Japan Pro-Wrestling

The crowd reacted with oohhs while the Nomad smirked.

Vince: what the hell you think you're doing making appearances for other companies, you're supposed to stick to the WWE!

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