Chapter 42: TLC Part 2 - Redemption

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Following the WWE Championship Ladder match earlier, the next match on the card was one of the TLC matches as the Swiss Superman Cesaro looks for redemption from his Backlash screwjob as he gets another chance to dethrone the Head of the Table for the soon-to-be defunct Universal Championship and bring back the iconic, fan favorite "Big Gold" World Heavyweight Championship.

Cesaro was stretching and warming up for the match and was approached by Liv and Luke.

Luke: ready man?

Cesaro: definitely, time to shut down the doubters

Liv: you got this Swiss Tony!

Cesaro nodded and fist bumped his friends and went to the gorilla to wait for his queue.

(In the ring)

The blue strap Universal title was hanging above the ring as the Tribal Chief's theme played and Roman walked out with Heyman and The Usos flanking by his sides.

Reigns ordered the special counsel and the Bloodline to hang backstage and the three people left while Roman went down the ramp and got in the ring.

Then Cesaro's theme played and the Swiss Cyborg made his way down the ramp, looking and checking out all of the weaponry and hardware he can use to his advantage. Cesaro removed his jacket, ran in the ring and started to trade punches with Reigns as the bell rang. Cesaro went for the suplex, but Reigns escaped and hits an early Superman Punch, fazing the Swiss Cyborg. However, Cesaro fired back and connected with pop up uppercut on the champion, knocking Roman down and making the champion roll out of the ring to regroup.

Cesaro pursued Reigns for more offense, but Roman fired back with a chair shot to Cesaro's midsection before slamming the steel furniture on the Swissman's back.

Roman measured for chair shot to the head, but Cesaro fired back with a chair of his own to the Tribal Chief's midsection. The Swiss Cyborg attempted to Irish whip Reigns to the steel steps, but the champion reversed it, making Cesaro collide with the steps instead.

Roman got a ladder and slid in the ring; he then got the ladder standing and aligned with the title. Reigns began his ascend to reclaim what's his, but he was stopped by Cesaro; the Swissman got Reigns and slammed him down with a powerbomb.

The Cesaro Section in the crowd were cheering for the Swissman while the challenger got a table under the ring, much to the delight of the crowd. Cesaro slid in the table and set it up in the ring. To make sure, Cesaro landed some chair shots on Reigns to keep him down for a while, hoping enough time to climb and grab the title.

Cesaro climbed the ladder and he is fingertips away from grabbing the Universal title, however Reigns recovered and ascended the ladder to connect a midair Superman Punch, making the Swissman fall and land through the table.

(Fast forward)

Reigns has set up another table in the ring, and goes to climb the ladder again, however Cesaro recovered and pursued Roman to the top of the ladder to land some punches before slamming Roman's head on the ladder; he then saw the table and an idea flew in his head.

Cesaro got in position on top of the ladder and got Roman in the position for the Neutralizer. The crowd saw what was going on and was cheering loud. Cesaro held the champion and jumped to hit a high risk Neutralizer from the top of the ladder through the table.

Jim Ross or JR, one of the special guest commentators at ringside was on his feet doing his iconic commentator calls.

JR: that's it Cesaro! This is your moment!

Cesaro nodded and began his climb while JR yelled. 

JR: climb the ladder kid, make yourself famous!

The Swissman slowly make his climb on the ladder; he was fingertips away, but the Usos ran down, got in the ring and pulled Cesaro down to hit a Double Superkick.

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