Chapter 24: Motive

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A few days after his surprise NXT appearance, Luke is set to address his motive to the SmackDown crowd of his attack on Grayson Waller on Miz TV as The Miz is brought over from Raw to host the segment.

Social media accounts reacted to the attack, but most of the comments were positive with some saying that Waller deserved the beat down and that karma has come to haunt him.

Luke smirked and threw up the middle fingers as he passed by Prichard and Laurinaitis before bumping into the Game himself.

Luke: what's up, boss?

Triple H: Shawn told me all about what happened at NXT this week. Fans loved the whole thing with your surprise appearance and attack on Grayson

Luke: just doing my job of giving the fans what they paid to see, in that case shutting up Grayson Waller for the time being

Triple H: if you don't mind me asking, why attack Grayson? Does it have to do of what he did last week?

Luke: you can say that, but I'll reveal all on Miz TV later

Triple H: I'll look forward to it, kid

The COO patted his shoulder and walked to the gorilla to overlook the show and production.

Luke walked to the catering to see his bouncy girlfriend eating. He smiled as he sat down next to her.

Luke: enjoying the sandwich there?

Liv giggled as her cheeks were like chubby squirrel cheeks.

Liv: hi Lukey

Luke: don't talk with your mouth full now

Liv giggled as she chewed and washed down her sandwich with a soda and finishes off with the classic Liv Morgan burp.

Luke: excuse you, Miss Morgan

Liv: I saw you on NXT, babe

Luke: man it felt good to beat up a world class a**hole like Waller

Liv: you showed up and made an appearance just to beat someone up. Why?

Luke: well I'll tell everything on Miz TV

Liv: aww, not even a hint?

Luke: alright fine, one hint babe. It has to do with Johnny

Liv: with Johnny?

Luke: watch me on Miz TV, babe

Liv playfully pouted.

Liv: stop stealing my catchphrase!

Luke chuckled and kissed Liv's cheek and forehead before he went to his locker room to change for the segment with another one of WWE's most hated Superstars, The Miz.

The Nomad draped the Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder and was ready for his queue.

(In the ring)

The Miz's theme played and the A-Lister made his entrance with his usual arrogant Hollywood like smirk on his face. Miz got in the ring and took a seat on his "director's chair."

Miz: when my hand goes up, your mouth goes shut!

The crowd booed.

Miz: welcome to the most must-see talk show in all of WWE, welcome to Miz TV! Now, my guest for tonight is somehow a rebel with a short fuse, who doesn't follow the rules around here, who has the guts to step up to our nice boss and is currently parading around with an old and ancient relic of the title that brought prestige-

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