Chapter 43: TLC Part 3 - Corporate Beatdown

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It was now the main event of the pay-per-view or what McMahon calls it, Premium Live Event as the Intercontinental Championship is on the line in an all stakes title versus career no holds barred match as Luke Ardiente puts his whole WWE career and his title on the line against the head of the corporate wyvern, Vince McMahon.

Luke has tapped into his dark alter ego, his cold and fearsome side known as The Supreme King, hope to bring fear to the corporate wyvern.

The Nomad had his gold eye contacts and his dark headdress on. Liv leaned her head on his shoulder and kissed him on his lips for good luck. She gave a silent nod to the Supreme King as a way to tell him to end McMahon, Prichard, Nick Khan and Laurinaitis. Supreme King Luke and Liv stared at each other for a few seconds while they touched their foreheads together before he left for the ring.

(In the ring)

The CEO's theme played and Vince walked to the stage with Nick Khan, Bruce Prichard and John Laurinaitis flanking by his sides. As McMahon power walked his way down the ramp, commentator JR narrated:

Jim Ross: for 76 years old and to look like that is amazing, but he is still one sick, perverse son of a bitch

McMahon got in the ring and was ready for a fight while he ordered the corporate team to stand at ringside.

The soundtrack of the Supreme King played as the stage filled with fog, McMahon watched from the ring as a figure came walking through, that figure was the current WWE Intercontinental Champion, "Supreme King" Luke Ardiente. With his cold hearted emotionless expression on his face, Luke walked down the ramp, not taking his eyes off his prime target. The Supreme King stopped and removed his headdress and title, and as he was about to get in the ring, he stopped an incoming chair shot from Prichard.

Luke swiped the chair and got Prichard on his shoulders while he stared daggers at McMahon before taking down the head of creative with a Super Polymerization, an early warning shot. 

Luke got in the ring and stared down at McMahon as the referee called for the bell to officially start the match.

McMahon held his hands up and called for someone from the back. A few seconds later, the theme of Austin Theory played.

Since Survivor Series 2021, McMahon has taken Theory as his personal protégé and the young star has taken his tutelage seriously. Theory ran down the ring and looks to impress the boss by neutralizing Luke.

As Theory got in the ring, Luke turned to face him, making the 24 year old wrestler think second thoughts, but Vince ordered him to hit the Supreme King. Theory went for a hit, but Luke ducked it and wrapped his arms around Theory to hit a German Suplex, taking him out.

Luke wasted no time and grabbed Vince by his top and started to connect punches and kicks to the corner. Each punch and kick represented every WWE Superstar who were victims to the so called budget cuts mass releases. Luke got Vince up and took the boss down with a belly-to-belly suplex.

Luke went for an early cover, but McMahon managed to kick out. The Supreme King picked Vince up, but the boss fought back by poking Luke's eyes and then grabbed a chair that was slid in by Nick Khan. Vince swung the chair to Luke's head, knocking the champion down. 

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