But Cupid Says 'No' (GxG)

By sazurem

26.7K 1.3K 452

"Cupid kinda freaks me out." "Of all things, a diapered baby?" "As if a winged baby with a weapon, who sucks... More

Maybe It's Not Cupid
GrayxRou Book Is Out!
Epilogue - 1
Epilogue - 2


339 13 2
By sazurem



"Why are you doing this?"

Riva gives me a weirded look and shakes her head. "That monologue I gave you, was it for nothing? Do I need to hire someone to give you some language comprehension skills?"

When I keep looking at her, she chuckles.

"If I don't fuck you with all these experiments, Gracyn Shaurya surely will. So yeah, it's better to help me cause I'm family."

I look warily as a nurse walks towards me and injects something into my numb arm.

"Don't be drowsy now, Roubear, cause we're gonna see something real cool." Riva flicks her hand and a guard walks to my chair and turns it a total of 180°, making me face a large tinted panel.

I give her a look that says the fuck is this and she gives me a grin that says you'll see.

"Call them both," Riva orders, and a while later, Savanna and Trish walk into the room. Riva walks out and closes the door, shouting enjoy the show! I hear the door get locked.

"What's happening?" Trish asks, her voice tired.

"Some mindfuckery, I'm sure," Savanna replies.

The panels in front of us suddenly light up, and we could through it. A person sits on the floor on the other side of the glass, body slumped and head down.

"You were asking why you are our brand new subject, Ruhi, so here it is." Rivas voice booms from the intercom. "You see, when I said the mafias were after bioweaponry, I meant humans. Guns are powerful but humans got a brain. Humans are better."

We hear a breathy laugh. "You see that boy holed up there - our pretty, pretty Aman - he was the best test sub." I hear both Trish and Savanna suck in a breathe.

"But humans are also fragile. Aman took doses after doses after doses, and it led to a side effect.

"Aman Bagchi was supposed to turn into a reckless killer after we were done meddling with his brain, but the doses heightened some disorders."

"Fuck," says someone in the room. Maybe it's me, maybe it's Savanna or Trish.

"He was supposed to be sensory deficit. He has become that, to some extent."

A man walks towards Aman with a metal rod. As he raises it to hit him, I see Savanna turn and run to the door to open it. When the man hits Aman, I hear Trish let put a sob.

Aman stays as he was.

"But again, he has also developed sensory hypersensitive. He hates sounds. Watch."

We don't hear anything, but all of us see Aman scream soundlessly and put his hands to his ears. He curls and starts shaking.

"Stop. FUCKING STOP!" Savanna yells while banging the door. She then runs to the glass panel, her hands flat against the glass and forehead touching it.

"He has gone so weak, you see."

Laura walks near Aman and places her palm on his hair. "Don't fucking touch him," Savanna whispers.

Laura then retrieves a small device from her pocket and puts it on Aman's forehead.

"That's an amplifier. He is gonna do to himself what he was supposed to do to the enemy."

"Laura, fuck, no. Don't do this! That's you kid!" Trish has started sobbing now, voice barely making its way out of her throat.

"Laura, please," Savanna begs.

But Laura stands up and walks away.

Nothing happens for a second or two. Or maybe just milliseconds.

And then it starts.

Aman's body jerks up, looking rigid and controlled. He lets out a growl and we can hear it this time. His hands shake, he pants.

He looks across the room towards the panel and I see Savanna shake her head. Please, don't.

But Aman doesn't stop. He takes his palms and places them on opposite arms. His fingers start digging into his flesh, blood rushing out.

"Aman, please..."

He drags his fingers down and I feel everyone stop breathing in this side of the room. The flesh on Aman's body starts peeling off.

No no no.

And then I hear voices. From Trish and Savanna. From myself.

Screams. Begs.

But then Aman's eyes roll back, his hands find his neck. The fingers start digging into the sides, we hear his gargle blood.

His body goes rigid and shakes and goes rigid again. And it slumps.

We don't breathe. He doesn't either.

Seconds pass.

We breathe. He doesn't.

Blood starts pooling around his body. His head stays turned towards us, neck ripped apart and eyes lifeless.

Savanna slides down the glass. She cries and her body shakes vigorously.

Riva walks upto Aman's body and nudges it with her shoes. "Whoops," she says.

And then we hear sirens.

Riva looks around, barking orders.

A man runs into that room.

"They're here!" He yells and falls down, blood rushing out from back of his head where he's been shot.

They're here.



Well hello prev chap was boring so I killed off a character in this one


I wanna know how you feel that our pretty, pretty Aman is dead.

Personally I liked him tho

Hope you all are doing wonderful x

Stay safe and strong and HAPPY PRIDE!!! You're so so valid and I love you xx

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