The Hurt Reality (Fire Emblem...

By AgentMiaBaby

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A love to conquer all things. Maelys had woken up in a field, with no knowledge of who she once was. Her eyes... More

This Is Where It Begins
This Is Observations.
This is the Unexpected Difficulty Setting
This Is A Hostage Situation.
This Is The Case of Cannibals And An Unplanned Son.
This Is Confusion And Doubt
This Is A Heavy Load.
This Is Back On Track
This Is Insanity's Game
This Is A Promise.
This Is The Betrayal
This Is Judgement or Lack Thereof.
This is A Trap.
This Is The Lunatic Choice
This Is Family
This Is Oh... So Close!
This Is A Mother's Love
These Are Irreplaceable Bonds
This Is The Beginning of The End

This Is The Lost

364 16 9
By AgentMiaBaby

Morgan's POV.


Something isn't right here.

This isn't the camp, where am I?

It's as if a new world formed out of the clear blue. One minute I was enjoyably following my parent's commands, cutting down the enemy with my newfound dark magic abilities and the next this.. Empty space appears.

And when I say empty.. I mean empty.

No trees, no color. Not. A. Single. Thing.

Everything was white, and appeared to stretch onward forever. I read about descriptions of how when you die everything goes to white but I honestly don't believe I was dying - Or dead.

Frankly, because I would have felt the pain. That was obvious. No one dies without pain, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. I knew that from experience, everyone cries out right as they die.

Even mother.

I know she did.

I wasn't there.. But.

She must have.

I imagine her calling my name, calling dad's name, in agony over leaving us.. No one dies without sound. No one dies without knowing it.

So therefore, I am not dead.

I just happen to have stumbled across a loop-hole in the universe's existence, just like when I followed Lucina.

Though that was very deliberate.. This on the other hand was extremely not deliberate, in fact, it surprised me. And nothing rarely ever surprises me... Usually.

"Heellloooo?" I draw out the word, loudly, first things first. Find out if anyone else is here, maybe something invisible.

The only response is the echoing of my own voice, which is quite disheartening.

I didn't like being alone, that's why I followed Lucina. I prefer the company of others, MANY others.

"This is all too curious.." I mutter to myself, turning around and around, only to see the same white walls? Where those walls?

I drag my feet into action, walking in one direction and sticking to it. After I count five minutes in my head, I stop walking and start to turn around again, slower this time to see if I can catch any difference, but there is absolutely none. It's like I hadn't moved at all. Not a single inch.

There's no change in the white backdrop. There's no small dot to give me hope, no change in the coloring, no shadows to create dimension. It was like a neverending white box, a room that was painted the same shade of white, the ceiling, the floor, the walls.. Yet it wasn't a room, because there was no walls, there wasn't anything to touch but..

The ground.

So I frown and drop down onto the ground. At least that was something.

I could sense my curiosity start to change to fear with my unanswered questions, but I have to remind myself that even though mother got afraid, and overwhelmed, she was always able to think things through.

But I can't help but wonder.. Would mother be able to figure this one out?

There's nothing here to assume, nothing here to see, nothing here at all to use..

What had happened, where were the others and what could I do?

I lay my hands on the ground, feeling it. It felt like.. A cold glossy floor. At least this told me it was real, the coolness and the ability to feel and compare it to something. It was real.

This was real.

I wasn't dead.

I am alive.

Just.. Lost.

Chrom's POV.

The hour was almost up.

And no one has seen hide nor hair of Maelys's little protegee. I felt like I could only assume the worst by now. It was reported no footsteps leaving the camp from any area, other than the one's Maelys had left.

It was astonishing, there were twenty men searching, yet not a single clue.

It's like he'd just vanished. The thought terrified something deep down.

How did a person simply disappear? The only thing I could do now is question each and every single one of my troops. Surely there's one person in this camp that saw him leave.

At least we knew he wasn't among the dead on the battlefield.

All the dead had been idenified and searched through and I ordered a burial fire to be prepared for burning the Risen bodies, graves had been dug for the troops we had lost as well.. Which was a small blow to our forces, another nineteen dead.

I can only imagine the stress this will put on Maelys when she returns and asks for the report. I hope for her sake that she's found Morgan, just so the stress of both problems does not eat away at her nerves. Her son...

Our son.

Gods, it was hard to grasp that fact..

But with every ounce of my being I knew that I knew it was true. Everything inside longed for her and everything outside of me craved her. It took not even a glance for me in her direction to know we were meant to be, there was no denying it and in that knowledge, I knew Morgan had to be our son.

In fact, not just knew - I needed him to be my son.

I couldn't stop myself from needing Maelys and Morgan as my family, this had opened my eyes to a new truth. Lucina was my daughter, Morgan was my son.

And Maelys was always meant to be my wife. To be the one I loved, cherished, greet the future with. She could be the only one. She was my inspiration, my help in times of trouble.

"Sir, you're needed in the infirmary, Frederick wishes to speak to you."

I reach my arm up and wipe the sweat from my forehead from the effort to help drag the dead bodies of the zombie-like beings to the fire.

Gods, what a time to be dreaming about a woman. It must be love.

"Thank you," I murmur, take a deep sigh to clear my thoughts and return them to the forthright problem.

I step away from the heat and glance towards camp.

Frederick must be done with his treatment. I was surprised that it was finished so quickly, and I hoped that meant good news.

Now I could just pray that Maelys came back with good news of her own as well.

Maelys's POV.

Darkness had fallen and I swear the moon was hiding behind the clouds just to taunt me.

Foolishly, I didn't think to bring a torch along, so I was forced to hold open a tome and quietly whisper the magical words to produce a small flame in the palm of my hand.

It did little to aid in my quest though, and I had come to terms that it was just way too dark for me to continue searching.

The small flame flickered out as I made my way back into the camp, guided by the larger bonfire that I saw through the trees. Chrom must have called for burning of the bodies, rather than burying all of them.

Though, the fire could bring unwanted attention.. The smoke rose high into the night sky and the smell of flesh burning would alert many beings with noses from miles away. I could smell it while I had been searching.

Foolish man.. He must not have been thinking. I couldn't blame him though, this had been a very devestating day and he didn't have Frederick or I there for him to consult.

"Maelys! Any news?" I'm greeted by Nah at the new entrance to camp. Her white hair was a mess, falling out of the usually very neat and tight twin braids and her eyes have a glint of moisture to them. She was so different than her parents..

"Ma'am?" her voice has a pleading tone to it.

"N-no, I'm sorry, Nah, I didn't find him." I found myself apoligizing to the dragonkin, for some unknown reason. She seemed more desperate than I did.

She shakes her head, "No, don't apoligize. We will find him..." She trails off, in thought.

This must mean he hadn't returned to camp yet and I feel my hope ebbing away.

"Excuse me.." I mumble, walking past the disheartened girl. Every ounce of my body feels defeated, like I could sink down to the ground in a puddle of melted muscles and tendons.

Even though I feel this way, the camp is still wide awake, constantly moving as if it was still daytime. I knew there were many repairs to be made, so I don't expect anyone to be settled down quite yet. I doubt a meal had even been thought of yet.

To try and keep myself going, that's where I head off to - the dining tent, to check and see if anyone was creating a substance for us to partake in. I notice the weapons that had been inside of the destroyed armory stand in the middle of the dimly lit campsite and make a mental note to deal with that next. We needed energy after a battle like this one, I couldn't have anyone passing out from not refueling.

As I walk in, I'm relieved to see a couple of the Shepherds inside, a great big pot over a fire in the middle of the group as they all sit on a couple of logs that they must have dragged in for seating.

"No luck?" Vaike asks as I walk up.

"Is is so evidently written on my face?" I ask with light sarcasm that is covered by a stressed twinge in my voice.

Sumia, Cordelia, and Laurent are also present. The girls offer me sad smiles, Laurent doesn't look up from an old book and Vaike sighs to show his condolences.

"I'm so sorry, Maelys. I couldn't imagine not knowing where Severa was.." Cordelia says. I shake my head in response, "Please, don't worry about it. Thank you all for thinking to put a meal together.. Though, Vaike.."

He peers over from shining his ax.

"I doubt you are here to help. You surely are not that weary with those muscles and that strength of yours. Why don't you put them to use and go help move the weapons to a safer location than the ungodly place they are now?"

"Where are they?" his voice is light, and too airy.

He must have been the one to put them there. The tone gave it away. "In the middle of camp, a huge line of them. I'm afraid someone might step on one not realizing it because they may be carrying a large load and unable to see the ground."

Sheepishly he raises from the log and walks past me, "There was nowhere else the Vaike could put them,"

"Then make someplace, either that or I might suggest you put them in your tent. I'm sure sleeping with some sharp swords would be pleasing, no?"

"You're so cruel, Maribelle would kill me with one of them." Vaike says with a grin, then walks through the opened tent flap.

I glance at the pot, now that I came to check on nourishment and took care of the weapons problem, I should probably go check on the wounded so I turn around to follow the blonde haired arrogant barbarian.


Sumia stands up from her seat on the log, a soft expression gracing her already sweet features. She walks towards me, so that there's only a book's distance between us.

Suddenly, I feel a little intimidated, like she's going to repremand me like I'm a child.

But instead, she takes one of my hands in both of hers, squeezing gently. "I know why Chrom chose you. You're much too strong for your own good. I'd be wringing my hands in worry but you're still going. You were out there searching yourself, and now checking up on us."

I can feel a blush creep up my neck, the heat rising to my face. Her compliment takes me off guard, especially coming from her.

"Please allow me to assist in any way you need me. I've heard Frederick's going to be healing for some time, I would be so appreciative if you'd consider letting me lead the knights for the time being."

"Sumia!" Cordelia gasps.

"Cordelia, I am a knight even though I fly above on a Pegasus, I am still aware of the duties. Frederick rode ontop of a horse and for the longest time manned both the knights and cavalry," she turns away from the pink haired woman and back to me, "I know this is bad timing to ask, but please-"

I pull my hand out of her clasped ones. It would take a load off of my back if I had someone to replace Frederick while he was recovering, but.. Sumia?

Could she handle all the troops? The majority of our help from Ylisse were knights. That's where our numbers were more than tripled, and Frederick surely had his hands full. Sumia was known to be somewhat clumsy, a bit slow but her loyalty and perseverance were true.

"Can you handle both?" I ask her.

Sumia nods, her soft look changing into a determined, bright one. "Just give me a chance and I'll prove it."

Somehow, I feel like it's only fair that I give this to her.. I feel as if I had taken her happiness away once with Morgan appearing and turning everything upside down.

"Well.. I shall speak to Chrom about this but I'm sure he'll agree with me. You can start caring for the knights tomorrow, if you feel up to it." I reply.

"I have spoken of it to him, he seemed less than enthused. I believe he thinks I'm not strong enough, but I can promise you. I've done nothing but train since I have so much time now."

Her words unintentionally feel like stabs, though I know they don't mean to be. "I believe you, don't worry about it."

She thanks me, I can tell she's thoroughly grateful as she smiles. I return the smile and continue on my way out of the dining tent. Vaike obediently is doing as I told, and it looks like he recruited some assistance, so I don't bother with him and try to force myself to not drag my tired feet towards the infirmary.

I catch many the sympathetic glances on the faces of my friends mingled in with the blank uninformed ones of the Ylissean troops as I walk through the hustle of clean up. It seems they dragged all the damage inside our camp walls where the firelight was, it was a smart move, but it made for cramped movement.

Many people were trying to salvage what they could from the carriages we had, just like with the weapons all the products were thrown around haphazardly where people could just stomp across if unaware.

After squeezing my way through and almost having been burned by a woman holding a torch trying to move as well, I'd finally had enough of the chaos. I stop infront of the first medical tent and raise my voice.

"Are you all a bunch of barbarians?"

Heads turns quickly, some with annoyance and others interested but all in obedience. "This is chaotic, you." I point to a brawly looking man, bigger muscles and a tall stance. "Take all the strong men and rebuild the carriage over towards the entrance, there's room there for the work."

He bows his head, takes charge of his given situation and starts gaining help.

I scan over the rest of the onlookers, "I need smaller people to pick up and sort through all the items. Things are bound to be broken or smashed at this rate, put food in one pile, equipment in another, clothing and linens.. Ect. I trust you can figure that out. Put these piles as close to the tents as you can so a clear walkway is defined. After that is finished, bring the food and perishable items to the dining hall and then get yourselves something to eat. The rest of you need to haul out and burn whatever can't be saved."

"What about the armory?"

I search for the voice and make eye contact with Ricken, "If you want to lead a team to start building and finding empty boxes, I already have Vaike picking them up out of the way. Meet up with him near the dining tent, I was going to have him sleep with them tonight.. Maybe this will ease his mind." I reply and a couple of people who know Vaike personally chuckle.

Sensing their comfort now, I ease into a smile. "Thank you all for your cooperation. Those of you who are weary, don't worry about it and go rest. The rest will get done tomorrow at first light. Dismissed."

The crowd heads off in every other direction and I sigh. They're still chaotic, but at least there's some organization now. Some direction.

I lift the white tent flap and look inside, determined to finish my rounds before collapsing. As I suspected, most of the healers were here with the wounded minus Lissa who must be with Frederick.

"We could hear you coming from so far away, darling." Maribelle greets, barely looking up from the woman she places a patch on. I roll my eyes, "It was a disaster area out there," I reply.

"You woked the sleeping" Brady adds.

"Awoke son, awoke." Maribelle corrects and I choose to ignore the mother and son duo of healers to address Libra who sits down in a chair, looking tired to his bones. "Friend," I say to him quietly as I cross the dirt ground.

He glances up from his blonde bangs, "I was just resting my eyes and praying to the Gods to give me more strength."

I smile warmly at his devotion, "You are a good man, but just that. You are man. Go find some rest now, alright? Leave 'not needing sleep' to the Gods."

He chuckles, placing his clasped hands neatly in his lap and straightening up in his seat. "I suppose you are right again, madam."

"The dining tent is open, go get a bowl and turn in. You can take shifts in here," I speak to Mirabelle, "Are you fine with that?"

"The loss of my beauty sleep with come with a cost with my attitude later, I assure you."

"I think I'll manage." I grin at the prissy healer.

Brady groans, "Ma, you should git some sleep, I'll be fine on me own."

"Brady, dear, please pronounce your words properly.."

I take that as my cue to continue on. I go over to some of the awake patients and take it upon myself to ask them how they are doing. These were my troops after all.

Libra waits for me outside of the tent, and as I come out he glances up at the cloudy sky. "What time do you imagine it is right now?"

I follow his gaze, "I can't tell with the moon gone." I admit, usually I can keep time pretty well by watching the celestial stars, but the rest of the time I'm at a loss. Chrom can tell by just being outside.

Which reminds me.

"Have you by chance seen our commander anywhere?" I ask.

"He's most likely with Frederick in the third medical tent. Did you find-" he cuts off his question at the change of emotion on my face.

"No, but it's fine. I'm sure he'll turn up." I say hopefully, though thinking about it puts pressure back on my shoulders again.

Libra puts a hand on one of my heavy shoulders, "Maybe you should get some rest too, come on, let me escort you."

I smile at him faintly, "I should really report to Chrom,"

"He will come find you. Come, I can tell when a person is on the verge of collapse."

He has a point, and I know it's useless to fight against a healer. I really shouldn't find them so easy to be around, they'd find a fault in my health habits. "Alright, I'll accept. Let's just hope Miriel doesn't get too jealous," I tease.

"Oh, Maelys. That woman is simply impossible! I cannot get her to grasp the concept of our loving gods, it's a feat to even begin to explain the action of love to he-"

And so Libra talks of his 'impossible' object of affection as he leads me to dinner, all the while my mind swirls of thoughts of my lost son and how helpless I have become.

Mother.. Won't you find me?

Don't you OWE me that at least?

You left me. You left Lucina. You left father.

You ran away.

Why did you leave? Why won't you come back?

You left father to fight by himself.

Why weren't you strong enough.

I still love you.

I still need you.

Please.. Just come back. Or don't leave. Or don't. Just.


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